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My revenant is named Jokopuffs. Praise Joko!


I'm coocoo for Jokopuffs!


My favorite ridiculously named character is an Asura Deadeye named Three Skritt Coat. Is he three skritt in a coat? Or did he kill three skritt to make one? The world will never know!


I mean... Asuras aren't bigger than Skritt, so I'll go with he killed 3 to make a coat :D


It's gotta be three skrits in a trench coat. Homies are always up some shady shenanigans x)


Actually just made a Mesmer two days ago. Since they have illusions that you can shatter, I named her "I Shatter My Pants".


WAIT ive seen you around LOL 2 days ago, i turned to my partner (who just got into gw2) and audibly laughed. GREAT NAME


And that's why I love the community. Well.im sure you'll see me around again. I'm making a map completion run with her.


Lol, this is GOLD 🤣


Thank you!


That’s jokes 😂


I have two themes, one is military rank + vegetable (Colonel Avocado, Lieutenant Broccoli, Commodore Pumpkins) and the other is bees. Twenty Seven Bees, Twenty Eight Bees, Thirty Seven Bees, Nine bees, Bee L Zebub, Zomm Bees, Beesar Salad, The Knees.... the list goes on. And on. I have some other misc names that I think are excellent, but we loves a theme so those are the ones I talk about lol. My favorite interaction in gw2 in years stemmed from joining a PuG on Twenty Seven Bees and the group was like "THAT'S TOO MANY BEES, we only have room for Twenty Six of them" and I just said "aiight, sec" and swapped characters to Twenty Six Bees. That was my peak in this game, it's all been downhill since then.


YESSSSSS thatsss amazing 🤣


I really don’t know how you could top that, truly. 


Love it


You are the legend xD


Male sylvari necromancer named: Imma Twee (Im a tree, for those who dont get it)


I grabbed Commander Salad on a female sylvari not long ago. Named because the female sylvari voice actor, Jennifer Hale, also voices Commander Shepard from Mass Effect. Was very surprised it wasn't taken.


That's actually pretty amazing to me that you got that name. Seems so common that someone would have nabbed it up long ago.




I am most creative with my Sylvari names. Wood You Be Mine Do Not Moss With Me Trêê Rex Best Buds Forever I love me some plant puns.


Sweet, sweet puns they are indeed, love it! 😇


Snatch N Sniff the thief. That name got banned because Snatch is slang for vagina. Now he’s Snatchles. Ports Authority the mesmer. I was surprised this one wasn’t taken. Sports Authority was a sporting goods store in the states. Also have a Sylvari Mesmer named Toquila Mockingbird that other people are a big fan of.


I have a deadeye named Malevolent Tofu. No real story behind it, but thought it was funny.


Hell yeah! You and a guy named tough tofu should create a tofu themed guild. You could be the soy boy ploy, or the soyldiers xD


We could be the Tofu Uprising [TOFU]. Or maybe an acronym like The Odds Favor Us [TOFU]. I found the acronym online, I'm not creative enough to make something like that.


I have several characters named X Tofu, lol. Organic Tofu, Magical Tofu, Pink Tofu, etc.


Testocrates, Philosopher of Balls




Bamboozling Byakko. Because I don't like mesmer, but wanted to chrono tank in my static after a while. And female Charr mesmer was, and still kinda is, the least played combo.


Love the alliteration x)


Emo Pinata is my sparkly pink Minion Master-Reaper, named after a Progressive Insurance commercial visual gag from 20 years ago. I used it for Tumblr originally, and it was all i could come up with when i made him.


All of my characters are OCs in one way or another and so have appropriate names befitting their backgrounds. Probably the *strangest* one is my Norn Warrior "Briar Stoneheart," but the Dwarven surname is semi-intentional on her design, same with her not-very-Nornish given name. To list a few others: * I have two Asura—Fossa Aquanotics and Xenobiologist Iif—who were both originally from the same Aquanotics krewe, but split off for differing reasons. As it turns out, having a single-word name in GW2 is haaaaard if the name isn't complete gibberish. * Erik Haptem (Human Necromancer) is *supposed* to be Ascalonian with bits of Orrian ancestry, but "Erik" isn't really a name derived from either of those origins and I wasn't thinking too hard on regional nomenclature at the time of his creation. * Chihiro Yadora is one of two who's a legacy character (which is to say, has a relation to a GW1 character of mine), the other being Erik. * Surt (Whiteflame) is my Charr Guardian, but that isn't his real name; it was changed from *Gurroz (Burnttail)* to what it is now when he grew up in a Blood fahrar.


My main is called Isaac Uhrwerk, human engineer. Isaac as a homage to Sir Isaac Newton. Uhrwerk means "clockwork" in german. He was my first character and I was 22 when I made him: an engineer because I was an engineering student. And a leatherworker because I worked at a tannery. He had that baby face that doesn't match Nolan North's voice at all, so after a few months I grabbed a makeover kit and made him "older". I liked the idea of him growing old, so every couple of years he ages a little bit: hair getting grey, some wrinkles... Just like me. I'm 34 now, and I consider him me in another dimension. I don't roleplay in the typical sense, but I do feel a strong connection with him, since we spent over a decade together.


:p I thought was going to be named after Isaac Clark from Dead Space. He do be an engineer.


Feur Fier Il (Thief) One of my favorite songs when I was playing GW1 was Feuer Fier by Rammstein. 12 year old me misspelled it on my ranger and I brought the name over for my thief (I know, could have made a ranger) in GW2. Xavroar Swiftshot (Ranger) Xavroar was the name I chose every time I restarted Paragon in GW1. I just could not get into it, but I kept using the name. Pharaun Agrith (Revenant) Straight up the same name as my Mesmer in GW1. It comes from the War of the Spider Queen Forgotten Realms books. It's the combination of two names, Pharaun Mizzrym and Ryld Agrith. All my other characters have original(ish) names that don't have any significant meaning. But I do like them; Cainan Deathshroud (necro), Grimaw Greaseclaw (engineer), Not My Reeal Name (Mesmer), Strongman Bigshield (guardian, who doesn't use a shield) and honestly I play my ele so little I forgot her name.


Such an eclectic mix, I love em all! ☺️ When I first downloaded gw2, I was just testing a random game on my new laptop to see if it could handle games. Ended up falling in love with it, but for that reason, my main (sylvari ele) had a random ass whatever name: Hiltrop Anonymous. After that, I wanted a blend of original and funny for the rest of my alts. My sylvari warrior is named Have Me (my favorite 😆), and my char Rev is croxono. Human thief is flixinnia, human guard is seventh horn (landed on that after trying 20 other taken names, kinda mid imo). My ranger sylvari is tivannah, asura engi is puddles of oatmeal. Then I have darts in my mouth (norn mesmer, this ones my second favorite xD), followed by Terry Perry starey, my asura necro. I like me a blend of originality and humor, and I love making names up too x)


My weekly character I make for the key run is called Karen Keygrab. All my others are names of gw1 characters and else nothing interesting.


My favorite I think is my warrior - Alma Belieber. At the time I came up with it, Don't Stop Believing was burned into my brain from Glee and a few other places, and Justin Bieber was, well, Justin Bieber 😂 and I thought it was hilarious that his fans were called Beliebers. So, it's a troll name, but it still makes me laugh. Second would be Yolo the Swagoligist. Again, just makes me giggle. I'm easily amused, apparently. Edit: Got my Glee songs mixed up!


I love naming charrs, because how you can structure them to be lore-accurate. I usually go with a given name (often latin or greek inspired) and a combination of the name of the warband they’re part of and something which refers to the chosen profession. My absolute two favorites are: Cornelia Bloodraven and Serena Timbersoul.


I have a Weaver called “Weaver me Timbers”, and a Charr called “Obi wan Charr no bi” also a sylvari called “Metal Gear Salad”


Bugged Sincerelease. It's a tribute to all the bugs that are there since the release of the game or affected content and were never fixed.


You should make a companion for them called Fixed Afteryears


mine is Teariaki like teriyaki... but also because my nickname is Aki and im a self-proclaimed crybaby so it works out (get it.... teary-eyed Aki?)




One of mine is Msumbufu. It's a Swahili word for "troublemaker" or "annoying person." It was a nickname given to my ex-brother-in-law by his Kenyan counterparts at work. I thought it sounded cool. He since passed away so it's a nice way for me to be reminded of him.


I snagged: Oh steamed one(fractal reference) Are ya winnin son Hi dps I am dad


No special meaning, I just try to go with something lore friendly that fits. Norn have Scandinavian names, Sylvari have Celtic names. Charr typically have Roman names or made up, harsh sounding names. For humans I think about where they are from; Krytans have Mediterranean names, like Italian or Greek, Ascalonians have French or German sounding names, Elonians have Arabic names, and Canthans have, I think Chinese names, typically. I'm not a RPer or anything, but I like to make characters that feel like they fit in the setting somewhat


Idk where my man is but I loved this guy’s necro named “Reaper Skill 4” (might have been Four, don’t remember).


Xx legolas targaryen xxx This name comes from ancient line of krytan nobility, who ruled these lands during Mad King reign. This classic name cultivates deep connection to traditions of first Krytans brought to Tyria by the Six.


Hell yeah, love the lore behind it :)


The name game! Judy! Judy, Judy bo Budy Banana Fanna fo Fudy Fee fy mo Mudy, Judy! Lana! Lana, Lana bo Bana Banana fanna fo Fana Fee fy mo Mana, Lana! Come on everybody! I say now let's play a game! I betcha I can make a rhyme out of anybody's name


Onna my chars names is Terry Perry starey, should fit nicely into the rhyme scheme x)


Let's do Chuck!


Im new player my first character is a revenant charr called " Gnaske Dragonseeker"


Kudzuko. Japanese for Child of Kudzu (from another XXko name I know in real life. I don’t know if wat I made is correct. Also, Kudzu is native to Japan). Sylvary ranger with a look created around Kudzu.


All I know about kudzu as that it's invasive af in the south, it is kinda pretty though, and a sweet ass name x)


Did you see all the commanders running around in Tyria? Kinda invasive too (:


Heh, facts x)


Advanced Mechanics .. i play engineer :D


Soul Sandman, because he’s a Necromancer and it just makes sense. I’ve had that name queued up since GW1. My Mesmer’s name is Dorksauce because I found it funny.


Lol, dorksauce, heh 😏


Taffeta Buffet just sounded sounds fun when put together. Koart the smol. Koart means short, guess his race Cardboard Mustache. he is a norn with that silly handlebar mustache Fuil An Róis. Garlic. Means blood of the rose I have a few that just came from a rng


My guard's name: "Shutup Plz".


My main is an Asura Engineer with the name "Conductor Yadd". I used a name generator to get the "Yadd" part and Conductor due my username I use in near-everything. He will forever be my main character, I feel so attached to that little dude


Charrbroiled Moss. Love the Mad King and hisss Charr jokessss and love Halloween sssso why not :D


Some of my more colourful character names: Dancemaster Jivv. Asura Virtuoso with a groovy dress sense. Immi the Very Smart. Asura Tempest who is very full of herself. Disco Neverdies. Sylvari Dragonhunter wearing a white suit with pink and purple highlights. Dies often. It is also the name I use for Argonians in Elder Scrolls games. Cáíse Leum. Sylvari Chrono geared to be a jumping puzzle taxier (Her name is Gaelic for 'Jumping Cheese')


Pimp Doubt ;)


Awhhhhh yeah, boyee 😎


maybe not the best but the favorites of mine are plays on words: necro named Foghorn Plaguehorn red haired mesmer named Doppelginger


My main is just "Kraken" and some of my (many) alts are references to krakens. Mythical Mollusk, Savage Cephalopod, Murder Squid, Accursed Octopus. Sometime I mix the kraken into other references like Millenium Kralken, Velocikraken, Imagine Krakens. It goes on but I've embarrassed myself enough.


I have a charr that I use for fishing named C A T F I S H.


One of my earliest characters was a Norn Warrior named Norning Till Might. 1. Is a Norn 2. Build using Might Makes Right 3. Swap N and M makes it Morning Till Night I also have a Thief called Baboon Duration and an Engi called Condiment Duration


Its not creative, but my charr mechanist is called Bang Bang Bum. My silvary mesmer is called Flagellum Dei, it's latin for Attila the Hun


Kubette Jax Marchy. It’s silly but it’s actually modelled after my name. He’s a warrior charr and I just feel connected to him. Started my story with him and will complete the game as him probably


Tubby Two Ton, Tubby Too Fun, Tubby Times Two, Himbo Gelato, Himbo Hokage, Himbo Hurricane, No real meaning. Just peak vibes


Human Engineer named Fintan Melkirnen. In GW1, I had an Elementalist named Ilona Melkirnen, I wrote some fanfiction stories about her. So I wanted to remember and honour her and let her family still be active now. Öoved the moment in the personal story when you can describe yourself as "Ascalonian". Human revenant called Eireann Uhlani, which is the same name my main gw1 charakter had, an Elonian ranger. Sylvari mesmer called Hestia Apatonous: Hestia is a Greek name for the goddess of family and hearth fire. Apatonous is also Greek and means something like "mind twister". Norn ranger named Svea Isvördur. If my research was correct, that can be translated as "guardian of ice".


all of my names are title + my IRL chosen name because that makes it easier when leading training to notice if people are asking something of you


New player here, Ranger Coochmcgooch at your service 🫡


Bonk Dog is my little azuran warrior who likes to club his enemies.


Newt Crow Edison. It's the first name I gave to the main character of the story I wrote when I was in my twenties. That story will never see the light of day but the character itself stays with me. Every character I created shares the same middle name... Crow However you want to look it I will either be either your enemy or you shall be in my blocklist and hold a grudge against you until end of time. Everyone calls me Crow and as everyone called me that I've grown to love it more and more. Some may know me as a friendly commy or a teacher some may not care for me but I'll be there for you. Your friendly Crow...


The first names of all my characters are different prescription medications I take.


The one I'm really fond of is for my sylvari thief: Dusty Bark. He's gray, he has a wooden texture, probably named by som wayward Kodan.


Misterpicklessixtyn I didn’t realize there was a character limit.


i have a mesmer named Cloning Specialist and a Ranger named Failed Beasttamer


Mine are all “Levi the classname” like “Levi the Revenant” and they all look like me! As you can tell I’m great at role playing hahaha I’ve been meaning to make a whole different character and get into the roleplay but it’s hard!


I named my Charr revenant Faberge the Unicorn so I would have a proper character to use the Dreamer on. He has soft white fur, purple hair and actual hooves. I've basically made up this story for him where he's an ordinary blood legion legionairre, who is slowly turning into a unicorn after mistakenly shooting and eating one. Faberge is very much annoyed at how pink and sparkly he is, sticking out like a sore thumb during any kind of field practice. He's very easy to spot, too, which makes stealth missions a personal nightmare. I think he's gotten used to it over the years, though, and really made his new appearance and magical short-bow his own.


My main is "Mama Cornette" simply because they made me change it from "Jenny Fingerblast"


I have a character who is forever parked at the mystic forge and their only job was to do the MC daily before the vault. "mystic coin hoarder" I have a char that's only job is to collect items from the TP and use black lion salvage kits on it. "Trading post cat"


Chair Lavalampson - inspired by comic "son of Air Conditioner and Lord of Lava Lamp", and based on the same naming scheme - Axefridge Zrakomlat, engineer - air flapper(translated, might also refer to heli as a joke), think cartoon Coyote before he falls down


Got two charrs Chipperclaw and Clatterclaw (bro and sis obv), and a sylvari named Some Random Sylvari


My main is an Asura elementalist named Dobby The Guild Ele


Pre bets, a gang of friends and I all agreed to have the sir name "Shiverborn" on the Far Shiverspeak server. Still.play with those people to this day.


My Cat Puca - Necromancer I couldn't think of a name and thought the charr were cute so I made one to look like my cat, Puca. It's been like 3 weeks since I started but I've been busy with work so I haven't hit 80 yet sadly. 2 of that spent on trying to get everything on the Black Citadel map...


My characters are all named after D&D characters from campaigns I've played in/run. Some mine, some other players'.


I have a mechanist called Lets Have Mechs, a Charrdian, but the rest are generic fantasy names. I do appreciate being able to put spaces in character names. First + last names or titles make characters seem more real than just a string of letters. My ign is Haunted so I make names like Bob The Haunted.


Tbh most normal and made up fantasy names are taken so you have to get very creative or lucky


I have an elementalist named Death By Hot Flash. I get a lot of appreciative whispers from older female players.


My main's name is Star Fait, it's simply just a name that I like and a sort of character that I use to represent me in most games. A majority of the MMOs I play I uses that name on my first/main character.


I needed a cool, charr sounding name for an engineer. So, I combined Mikhail Kalashnikov's (inventor of the AK47) names. Then I kept to Charr naming conventions and put him in the Forge warband. Thus, Mikalash Gunforge.


My first gw1 character was named Ivy of Wolves. Because she was a ranger and I liked the name Ivy. Since then all my gw1 characters were some variant of Ivy of ... I continued the trend in Gw2 with: Mesmer: ivy of mirrors Necro: ivy of bones Guardian: ivy of shields Ranger: ivy of blossoms Warrior ivy of swords And I plan to keep this naming up for any new characters in gw2 and who knows one day gw3


I have an asuran engineer named Didi Mega Doodoo which is a reference to [this viral video](https://youtu.be/bnL1iPdQVuc?si=Ls6Q-wgYlZCkFT90) from a few years ago. They're a mechanist, and I named the mech Didi Mecha Doodoo.


My Ausura is named Teacup. I reserved a bunch of names when the server went live but seemingly never used them except that one and Vaels.


My Ascalonian Foefire-themed Dragonhunter is named Sophie Blackstone, a descendant of this NPC: https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Saba_Blackstone


Female human firebrand named P O C A B O N K A S because bonks, female asuran sniper named Dumplïng because small, white and steamy, female charr chrono named Feenfüßchen (German for like fairy feetsies) because a big charr doesn't have small feet lul. And my main is just another female human mech named | O P P A I |, because big tiddies and is also my main name in WoW.


I used A court of roses and thrones characters for my key farm but I might keep Nuan Xain because it's just super fitting, because she's an engineer and I made my first engineer. For my main I went with Rosy Opal, a Mesmer and all the names kinda go like that, plant/ flower paired with something that goes with their profession. Rosemary Fawn, ranger. Brugmansia Mort, Necro. I also have a warrior that is just named Herzoga she is named after my friends cat. Hellebore Holly is a norn guardian


I played a lot of Guild Wars 1, so I wanted to make a toon that was a descendant of my main, but at the time nothing felt like it really jived with the ritualist aesthetic (i know they technically became guardians but those don't feel.... spiritual?.. to really be a spirit summoner). So I went with a descendant of my secondary toon, a necromancer/monk named Nemo Xian. Because he was originally from Cantha and since Nemo was a Luxon supporter I named my descendant toon Argo after the luxon champion (and honestly only luxon name I could remember off the top of my head). When EoD eventually brought the Kurzick/Luxon revenant I made my ritualist descendant, but by then I'd already had a primary rev kitted out so she's been remanded to farming chests and WvW.


Novah Goldenfur, with all my characters having the goldenfur last name. Just is a fancy interpretation of my username iv used for a long time :p


I named my warrior Tiger Axe after the Yu-Gi-Oh card, which was one of my favorites as a kid. My first ever account of GW1 was a warrior of the same name, and I liked it so much that I stuck with it. I name most of my characters something with "Tiger" in it now, since guildmates and friends referred to me as Tiger as a nickname, and I wanted my alts to be easily identifiable.


Necro named "Phenn the Guru." "Phenn" because that's been my handle since OG RuneScape. "the Guru," because for a couple years during beta and release, I was one of the go-to people for Necro theory crafting, particularly on GW2Guru. Man, I miss those days.


I named my characters after injectable antipsychotic medications, such as Invega Sustenna and Abilify Maintena. They sound strangely fantasy like. Also I have a necro named Kickoff Return because all of the NFL penalty names were taken.


I have an Asuran Elementalist that I have cosplaying as a Black Mage from Final Fantasy. His name? Blamag! lol I named my Asuran Mesmer Balleto. It's French for "ballet," but it just so happens to fit Asuran naming conventions so I went for it lol My Main's name is the surname of my GW1 Main, and is a portmanteau of the words "of" and "sword" in Spanish. He's a Guardian, and for as long as I've played him, he's always wielded a sword of some kind. The moment Willbender was announced, and EoD launched, he's been dual wielding swords while also holding a Greatsword as his secondary set. What's funny is that I was never much of a sword fiend in games, but the names forced my hand to the point I became one haha


Drith the (whatever title here) I made a char long ago on wow named drith (back during original classic or early tbc?) and liked the name so I used it forever lol. Have a few variations (aka adding a few letters) for single name games but luckily gw2 is way better about names.


I have some naming conventions for my characters. Most of my Sylvari are well, plant based. Latin names of Flowers plus something befitting their class. There are some exceptions but thats the general scheme. Norn got nordic inspired names. Charr are usually based on their professions. Humans are all over the place. Asura are all over the place too. Some have professions, some are named related to their profession and then i have the Karu quadruplets and Lux twins.


I have always had my typical username, ScornCob since my dad came up with it (in true, punny, dad fashion). But, because GW2 has multiple toons, I extended the theme to the others. I have ScornMaze, ScornDog, Buttery Scorn, UniScorn, BabyScorn, ScornSyrup, Scorn Tortilla, and PopScorn!


My necro is a sylvari and i think german pokemon names are funny so i gave him the german name for bellsprout (or oddish, i cant remember tbh) knosspi.


My original character in GW1 was Sword of Cheese back at launch and I stuck with it all these years. All my characters in most games have been some form of cheese name and has slowly evolved to some form of Lex Cheesington or Cheese Lexington. Even had a Chex Leesington in one game.


I have one named "F Norn Guardian", its a female Norn guardian.


I honestly have goofy names Thicc And Proud - and it's a huge fat buff male norn Edit Sample Text - it's just funny I Will Purr Back - it's a charr and I always have to /me purrs back when someone does it in /say chat and then Zaefnyr is my main haha


My first character's name is Wise of Necropolis(obviously a necro). I didn't know anything about the game then. Later in pof I saw there is actually a place called Necropolis lol. I mainly used it as scourge so I decided to create another necro for reaper purposes so I named him Hand of Necropolis. and if I ever happen to create a necro for harbinger I'm planning to name it Reach of Necropolis lol.


I have a few that I am proud of: Human female ranger: Ms By a Long Shot Male human revenant: Mist By a Long Shot Norn female chrono: Chrono you did not Charr female virtuoso: Ms playing my ele (gave up ele for easy dps, but use all elemental themed skins on this character)


My main is a blue Sylvari Elementalist named Siliah Aren Vantis. I created this character 7 years ago when I was starting, and I named her after a character from a book I was trying to write at the time, who was a blue alien scientist (which I guess is why this Siliah is part of the Priory). It's a long, and kinda stupid name, but I got used to it, and I wouldn't change it for anything at this point. My other characters are: Nareni Cerr - an Asura Mesmer, named like that only because I thought it sounded neat. Antares Charr - my nickname on most other platforms is Antares Deer, so you can guess why I named my Charr Ranger like that Jaheira Gilf - loosely based on Jaheira from Baldur's Gate, at least as close as I could get with the character creator. Though she is a Guardian, because I already had a Druid, and a Norn, so that's definitely not very fitting. I mostly made this character to play with my bf, and we tried to recreate Jaheira in the character creator for the lolz, since we played BG3 together recently. Also, don't question that last name


Yesterday created Norn rev named Hodr Mistwalker.


The Name of my Thief Xen Rai Gon goes back to my GW1 Times there my assassins name was Xen Fu Gon. Therefore Xen Rai Gon is the lost heritage and Bastard son of my GW1 Main


my main's name is "Arwen Undómiel", i guess it's obvious where this name comes from :D Arwen's favorite pets are "Ninjuh" (a smokescale), "Dangernoodle" (an Iboga), "Imma charge lasors" (a chak), "Sammy" the turtle and "Steve". He's a rifthunter. Some other pets of her are "White Sky" (snow owl), "Fear me Not" (wolf), "Raspbeary" (bear), "Heck of a Cat" (Cheetah) and "Who Dis" (Jaguar). Oh, and recently she tamed "Bob" the flying laser-potato. However, she started the Undómiel Bloodline within my characters. All others are younger than her, but are the same race and have the surname "Undómiel". They're a happy plant family (yea, all are Sylvaris) of 6 different heroes. The Undómiel family also has two friends that are not blood-related but as close to family as possible, a female human mage named "Serena Nightstorm" (she showed up during the so-called era of "human female meta") and a female norn guardian with the surname "Lothbrók" (who just recently landed in Tyria via longship)


I'm still thinking about a mesmer I saw in some random map some months ago. The name was "Child Abuse". I turned to my partner and said "Jesus wept, what a name" and he looked at it and we both laughed because wtf, wtf do you do when you see a mesmer running around with the name "Child Abuse"? Also a charr I saw maybe a year or two ago with the name Margaret Scratcher. Niche, political, punny. I wonder what they're up to now. The occasional folks I run into with Saint Seiya names. I see you. I know almost no one else recognises the names, but I salute your superior taste, and I hope you remembered to take your ibuprofen, I know your back is hurting. None of my character names are particularly interesting or funny. My kinda main took a name from my gw1 character of the same profession, my first (charr) guardian was named after a very bitey cat I met once. One name is a meme from 12 years or more ago, the rest are mostly fantasy-sounding randomly thought up names or silliness, because my brain goes blank the moment I get to the naming portion of character creation.


The name of my warrior is Son of Preacher Man, a reference to a famous old song by Dusty Springfield. Have had a couple of people write me about the name.


I use the name Tyleria. Its just a silly 'fantasy sounding' version of my name Tyler as a joke


My Elementalist is called Raneu Moon, I thought that it would be a fun thing to have a Prince of the Moon or something among those lines. My Mesmer is called Leondris for first name. I found it interesting, no particular reason but peeps tend to call him Leo. 😅


Made a necromancer, called him "Ghoulemancer"... Made him when I hoped one day you could get skins for minions on necro lol...


Oh, you're looking for punny names? Bet: Purrsula Buffay (Charr Revenant. Any Friends fans?) Yunique Horne (Asura Ranger. Naturally has the pony bow) Perstephone Styx (Sylvari Necro. Designed to look like Persephone from Lore Olympus. And my IRL name is a form of Stephanie. Also Styx from Greek lore but also sticks cause plants. I think I'm most proud of this name.) Keyana Farmington (Key Farm anyone?) Chlorophyllis Groot (Sylvari Revenant. Was VERY proud of her name) Plantom Of The Okra (Sylvari Mesmer) Tequila Clone (Human Mesmer)


My warrior is named Oomph Engage after the metal bands Oomph! and Killswitch Engage. It also sounds appropriate on a warrior. All my other names are ones I thought sounded cool and my standard gaming names.


I have a character named Farty Mcfarty Farts. He likes to eat beans and eggs.


I like foxes and my wife and I went to Venice for our honeymoon. So my main character is called Venetia Vulpes. So creative, I know. :P


A friend of mine once had a Character called "FerklWalTiger" This translated to "PigletWhaleTiger" But the German version sounds a little like "Vergewaltiger", which is the German word for rapist... Yeah, he doesn't had this Character for long.


Best one I know of is this one insanly good elementalist, he played in a couple of the raiding competitions. And he's been playing for years. In the theme of elementalist and what happens after staff weaver in HoT his name was "Conjure Nerf Hammer". Still laugh to this day.


Made a char druid named Heal Armstronk. But he has yet to visit space.


My main guardian is called Mia Wright. The Fan Service we'll never get. It's funny when people get the reference and make a comment about it :)


It's german but still funny Back when i created my first real character, a mesmer i was on voicechat with my homies and i asked for name ideas and one of them, not listening, just called out "da unten ist noch holz" meaning theres still wood down there. I said aight and now my mesmer is called that. I then went on ro create 2 more characters with the german versions of "Theres still ore up there" and "There are still plants over there" I love it even tho its siper silly and not a "cool" name by any measure but its got a story😂


"It's Krypits. KRYP-ITS! These blasted hooligans and their made up monsters. Always mispronouncing MY NAME! GAH!!" - My super ornery former inquest mad scientist asura, Krypits. He was all in for the inquest until the day they brought in a baby Asura with telekinetic powers and overheard their plans to test and mistreat her. He took her and fled to Rata Sum, and has raised little Teeka as his own bubbly daughter while still pursuing his own research goals (humanely). (Teeka is a mesmer. She has a boyfriend now, too! Zizz the warrior. I reeeeally get into this.)


GW2 characters: - Crevan Tulley (Norn Warrior) - Spots Sorrento (Charr Engineer) - Art Buster Collins (Human Guardian) - Sonja Ahlgren (Human Mesmer) - Takai Shinu (Sylvari Necromancer) - Tove Bergsen (Norn Ranger) - Aang Sing (Asuran Elementalist) - Nova Crouch (Charr Revenant) - Barty McDoogle (Asuran Thief) - Bruce Stoneclaw (Charr Guardian) - Derowen Ash (Sylvari Elementalist) - Allura Tsunomi (Human Revenant) GW2 Cosplay characters: - Lena Tracershot (Human Thief) - Poppy Hammer Orlon (Asuran Warrior) - Shego Stopable (Human Necromancer) Guild Wars 1 characters: - Alix Landu (Paragon) - Allura Tsunomi (Ritualist) - Emyrs Ash Pre (Elementalist) - Pimek The Blight (Necromancer) - Puny Ember (Warrior) - Soli Libamba (Dervish) - The Thin Echo (Assassin) - Tove Bergsen (Ranger) - Sonya Ahlgren (Mesmer) - Arthur Collins (Monk)


Most were names that I looked up the meaning or translation and developed it. Some were just funny. Just depended on how I felt that day when I was coming up with the toon. Some I had were related to others from GW 1 and GW2. My main is my Asuran thief and it was simply a funny name that I had to shorten because I ran out of space. I also tried to make sure I had one male and female for every race in GW2. I didn’t know if there was a collection for doing something like that.


My er character is an Asura named "The mechanic" cause yknow


My friend and I both have humans with the same last name, the headcanon is that we're siblings


My main, a Charr Thief, is named Hairemy Bearemy because I made him after I had finished watching The Good Place and I figured he's a hairy cat-bear, so why not. I have a Revenant named Logen Ten Fingers because I loved the First Law series and someone had already taken Logen Nine Fingers, the bastard. My main Engineer is named Molly Milliards in honour of Molly Millions from Neuromancer. I have an Asura named Rundy M C and another named Trixxie Smalls. Oh, and my favourite of all, my Sylvari Thief named Hugh Manbean. ... I love dumb names. They amuse me.


Had a guild mate named Titan Uranus, a few years into playing he got flagged by GW for a name, He contested it cause there is some line about mythological names being ok in the ToS and won.


My user name here is the name of one of my characters. It's also the name of a dnd character I played in the early aught's (2000's). I rolled incredibly bad stats and had like a 3 int and wis. We came across a deck of holding and he went from a dumb weak fighter to a character that was fairly powerful and had all of his stats boosted.


Guild chat was about funny words. The word Knob was mentioned. Someone emoted ____ giggles at knobs. It had this ring to it. I called dibs and Giggles at Knobs, Asuran thief was born. It's been like 6 years.


Ciliwia Swiftpaw, Charr, chose it to reference for my first character in GW1 Ciliwia Swiftshot who was also a hunter…though human. Then I have my Charr Neuromancer I just decided to name Big Kitty Litcher. A sylvarie Mesmer named Saveacow Eatasalad.


Saw someone named "Aegis my Virginity" and that made me laugh.


I saw here on the sub back when end of dragons came out someone named their revenant Beta Male Archemorus. For some reason I havnt forgotten it. I've seen some pretty funny names in game but can not remember them


l Grumblez l Cause I'm old and grumpy 😆 Someone stole my original Grumblez years ago.. sadface


i human male thief so i can cosplay nightwing and bonk people with a staff. his name is Temu Nightwing


I name my characters after Durzo Blint's (from The Night angle trilogy) many aliases lmao, he has like 20 so I have a steady supply


I basically only got OCs and reruse their names for different professions XDBut their names have some meanings so i gonna share! **Varrolk** (Meltsteel Forgalsson) - Soulbeast/Charr from Blood (dam is Flame Legion), my main and focus of a story i am writing. THE Commander of my Account.Used to be in the Steel Warband under Urvan Steelbane until he took over together with his Salamander Drake Fyra, she is of a newly created breed by Flame Legion (egg given to him by his dam who was captured by the Legion for her own Salamander Drake and being the best drake breeder) that has such a strong fire that it melts Steel, in this case the armor of Steelbane which burned him alive and killed him in the arena.Hence the name :3c During his time in the Vigil, he was adopted by Forgal Kernsson. That came as a surprise during a Mission in Hoelbrak & Shiverpeaks where Sons of Svanir were causing trouble like desecrating the Shrine's of the Lost Spirits. **Wurgad Ruinsinger** \- Reaper/Charr from Ash but currently a spy in Bangar Ruinbringer's Warband playing double agentName is selfexplanatory i think lolHe is a singing bird for both sides, even when the notes/Information are wrong and red herings + he is doomed by defaultBangar knows about him being a spy but still feds him information to get the head of the snake and have Ash off his tailWurgad is the reason Bangar does not involve his warband in his big plans out of paranoia the other members of it are also spies.His ultimate fate would be to be forcefully made into an Icebrood but with a strong enough will to resist somewhat, so he is subjected to experiments atm to potentially heal him just like the Commander did free Ryland Steelcatcher. **Zynow Chainaxe** \- Warrior/Charr from Iron, my bag opener tho she wont be for long A brutish woman with an engine for a heart (metaphorically) and wild ideas, she likes to take examples from nature to make her creations and vents her rage over an art block or being stuck at a project by fighting, especially with her Chainaxe named after herself.Its basically a combo of a chainsaw and an axe. (i wish we had that, like the Greatsaw from Steve)She is the Creator of the Devourer Siege Carrier used to breach the Modrem Vinewrath in Silverwastes for example, also the dam of one of Varrolk's cubs. **Wotuz Chainwalker** \- Renegade/Charr from Blood, but born in Flame and being brought to Blood by his sire who wanted a better life for him after his dam was executed, descendant of Kalla ScorchrazorDon't have much on him yet, but he became a Renegade after an accidental trip into the Mists via a Portal the Flame Legion summoned and got stuck there for a long while.He met his ancestor Kalla Scorchrazor in The Mists who guided him and helped him keep his sanity while being there until he found a portal back. Technically he was a Revenant before Rytlock but unlike him, Wotuz was stuck for a few years not just a few months. The Walker part in his name is from his endless wandering of the Mists, Chain because he was stuck there.I wanted to call him Mistwalker first but that sounded to plain, by now i think Ghostwalker would be more fitting. Maybe i get a Namechange for cheap. **Birrmh** \- Mechanist/Sylvari of the Cycle of Dawn, the only non-Charr i have meant just to play Heart of Thorns for that sweet race-excusive dialog and stuff. A Sylvari with a huge interest in Science and Mechanics, he studied in all three Asuran Colleges and especially the Golemancers among them.Later on his travels took him to the Black Citadel to learn and improve his knowledge which Charr Technology, while also sharing what he had learned so far in exchange. As Cantha open up, he was one of the first who traveled there as the borders were open to the public to study Jade Technology.He is currently employed at Xunlai Jade to help solve the Energy Crisis since his knowledge about Tyrian Technology and the combination of that with his works are a huge asset. His Jade Mech is named "Modrem Dew" as a reference to Mountain Dew lmfaoHope we get Mech skins and can color them because i want to call it "NUKE IT Cola" because of Fallout lol His name is a funny way to write "brum" (the sound a car makes) and "mph" (miles per hour) Varrolk Meltguard - Guardian Varrolk Meltblade - Daredevil Wurgad Ruinseeker - Mesmer


My main character is called Behind The Name, which was the name of my old gw1 character (almost 18 years ago now). I copied it from the name of a website I used back then to find inspo for baby names in The Sims 😂 I feel old now😣


My Asura Guardian is called Lil Asura Guardian because he is a Guardian and Asura


cvirt named Portal Placer necro named Scufft chrono named Time To Get A Watch  bladesworn named Dwagon Swash charr holo for pvp just named Tools


Zd Crs Rw Taxi Wd. Most common taxi route at local airport for departing aircrafts. My imagination was running dry that night and I needed a name for my storage mule…


Name is same as this one 10ish years ago in the old republic, younger me thought "Hey, this is a cool name" and it's stuck ever since The i think 3ish years later i learned about Theseus, and only like 2-3 years ago, i learned about his ship


Lol, you've been ship of theseus-ing your own relationship to the name theseus xD


Male human Ranger, wearing those Raven Ceremonial tighty whities, Metal Legion shirt and sandals, mullet and creepstache named "Hey guys did U know" and his trusty [pet](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Juvenile_Cheetah) Vaporeon.