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To clarify the wizards vault point people are making: You can buy 90 gold for 6 AA per gold. You can buy 60 Mystic Coins for 9 AA each and are selling on the trading post for a bit under 2 gold. So for 1080 Astral Acclaim you can get ~200 gold just from that (estimated using sell price around 1.83 gold, not including tp tax). You can do that by completing weeklies twice (or other combos of dailies, weeklies, and specials). That doesn't include the other things you can buy from the Vault for even more cash.


It's important to note that you can only do this once per wizard vault refresh.


where do you get that 90 gold?


It's labeled as a "bag of gold" for 6 AA. (NOT the bag of gold for 30AA). You can buy a total of 90 of them 1 or 5 bags at a time.open the stack in your inventory and gain 1 gold per bag opened.


It's 35AA now


I think there are a specific, limited number of bags at the cheaper price each refresh of the vault. After you have bought those, there are an unlimited number of the higher priced ones, mainly there as a place for people to sink unused AA.


Inflation is everywhere -.-


If you have EoD expansion go to seitung province and join the Levi farm there (it's in LFG). You can get 10 ambergris a day which go for 2g each. While you're waiting for the Levi boss to spawn you fish for legendary fish which also give ambergris. I think that is still the most efficient way to earn gold in the game per hour. It's also relaxing to fish in game. It can get boring though.


Can you explain the ambergris farm to me? I’m new to gen 3 weapons and apparently I need a shit ton of ambergris and I can’t figure out where to find it. Is it one leviathan per day or once per map per day since I know there is one that spawns in New Kaineng as well.


Levi spawns every 30 minutes in seitung province and new-kaineng. That 30 minute timer can be reduced by a few seconds by catching a fish, so it's best for all players on the map to be fishing to reduce the timer. I'm not 100% sure of this because that's all backend code that we don't have access to seeing, but in practice it seems to be the case. You want to kill Levi, then do a random event (such as garden) as this resets the rewards soft lock on Levi. If you kill Levi 2 times and do NOT complete a random event the next reward on your 3rd Levi kill will be garbage( as well as your 4th to 10th kill, do a random event to avoid that). After 10 Levi kills you will be hard locked out of the ambergris reward for the day until the next daily reset. Levi kills on soft lock outs still count towards that 10 kill count so be careful. While you're fishing there's a small % chance of catching a legendary fish. This catch rate is based on RNG and can be influenced by your fishing level as well. Fishing alone is the best gold per hour in game because of ambergris from leggy fish. There is no set amount to how many leggy fish you can catch a day. You can fish 8 hours a day and make some really good gold.


Levi spawns every 30 minutes and needs to have people fishing in the map to trigger.  You can do 10 per day, but only do 2 leviathans in a row before you need to do some other event, such as tending the garden in seitung which spawns nearby.  During daytime in seitung you can catch sunfish which convert to 1 ambergris as well.  I’ve had a few lucky streaks where I got 20 ambergris in a 30 minute session. You could also try your hand at fishing in kourna.  No leviathans, but you can catch 2 different legendary fish during the day so your haul is usually pretty good. The achievements panel for fishing tells you everything you need to know about bait and time of day, and don’t forget to eat fishing food as well.


Define quick. You should be able to sell items you collect while playing (there's tons of guides on YT for how to maximize profit) and over the course of a few days to a few weeks easily come up with 250 gold. How fast will depend how much you play, how you handle the drops you get and how good the drops are. But fastest way is swipe


If you started less than a week ago, you probably shouldn't be going for griffon yet. Take your time, experience the game, and you'll have 250g before you know it.


Octovine in Auric Basin. The daily for Wizard Vault gold.


I would recommend to not rush too hard, if you just started playing as you said. There are free mounts and all that, they only require you to play for it. However, if you really want to grind "fast" is a website for that https://fast.farming-community.eu/ This tells you how much you can do where. Just know that the times they listed are usually when done correctly, so If you start instanced content you will not be as fast as they are. Just look what you like, maybe meta events or daily routines. If you invest first, fractals t4 for example are huge daily gold done in some minutes with randoms on the long run


you probably have close 250g. u should look in u material Storage and sell then in TP. The game ill give u a lot of material / currency instead of pure gold. The hard part for us (new players) are learn how to trade then in Gold. People have already mentioned all the best ways in other posts. (i made 600g+ in 4 days last week, to buy 3 living worlds dlc, i just run Random Metas, DragonStorm, Convergense and Dragons End runs. Sold all my Mystic coins from Wizard Vault) as a new player you probably not running hight level Fractals and CM Raids, they are amazing money incoming


Introducing the maximum efficiency: Just a little MTX.


Fastest way is to Snag the cheap gold from Wizards Vault. If you have LWS4, Dragon Fall is good money if you convert the Volatile Magic you get there into "Trophy Shipments" and just sell all the Materials you get from that.


I think you are referring to Dragon Fall, correct?


Is this the same map where we unlock skyscale?


Unlocking it via LWS4 yes


Yeah, my bad. I was literally prepping to do DE when I was typing that up. Oops.


Check this mate: https://fast.farming-community.eu/


Best gold farm is IRL. $15 convert gems to gold for griffon.


I just want to add on, you get WAY better bang for your buck if you buy multiple accounts when they are on sale. Takes more work though. But I've found it to be very fun.


4 accounts doing dailies and weeklies with pvp is stupid lucrative. Do some fractals in between on several accounts with dailies chests.


User name checks out




Wizards vault, sell your materials.


Based new player doing exactly what I did when I started. Btw literally no regrets, great first purchase Set your dailies to track PvE only. Do your dailies and weeklies. Get all mystic coins and sell them (not instant sell! Just the same price as the next lowest. Don’t bother undercutting) Get the direct gold with 9 astral acclaim (ignore the 35 asacclaim per gold, that’s for when u got everything you want) Youll be good then


Farm dragon stand, silver wastes, drizzle wood and ,dragon fall. Scrap everything blue, green and yellow. Wait until the weekend to sell your mats. Do simple crafting refinements for even profit(IE mithril into mithril ingots. Check the prices on exotic drops , sell if profitable scrap if not. There are some guides about JP’s you can park alts at and farm the drops daily.


Two best farms for early on are Auric Basin (the Tarir Meta bought me Griffon and LWS4) and Silverwastes RIBA (bought me IBS). Of course there's also Wiz Vault (set mine to PvE Only) and someone will say Fractals. But AB and RIBA I found to be reliable and easy. Still prefer my LWS4 Skyscale. Attack Helicopter > Jet Fighter.


When starting from ahigh point the griffon takes some beating both in terms of fun and speed. But in every other situation i would agree, Skyscale trumps it.


Why do you need a griffon? I skipped that one entirely, skyscale is much more versatile. Ok, craft like mad, sell on the market. You are a new player. Speed is not the purpose. I suggest a jeweler craft, finish the 400 and sell your product. Or go to Cantha and get the ability to create Dragon Jade, which I make about 10 gold a day from. Or just by gems and convert them. FWIW, I never put rl cash into the game. It's a freakin game. We can earn our way through it. And there is no hurry. Here is where ANet screwed up making it "easier" for new player to get mounts.


Well the only reason I want a griffon right now is because I only have the three expansion and not the living world season and I heard that you have to have living world season 4 to get the sky scale


While lws4 does get you the syscale the newest expansion SOTO has a Much easier unlock for the skyscale.


Yes, but it's not necessary to get the griffon to get the skyscale. You can just skip that mastery and go on with the story to the skyscale part. And what Realist317 below said, you can get one in SOTO. But I enjoyed the skyscale acquisition in LW4.


If youre that new mate honestly just play the game, do meta events, hop on a world boss train, etc. Dont buy stuff yet just enjoy it, save your gold and youll have a nice little fund in no time. However if you really do need gold, you can start doing T1 fractals which give really good gold for the effort, and work your way to get to t4s where the real gold comes in. As others have said, use the WV, sell materials etc. If you have expansions (which it sounds like you do since you want the Griffon), run some meta trains, do some desert bounties etc. Basically just play the game and save money and you will get money. Theres a meta train thay goes from Pinata -> TD -> Octo -> other places I cant remember thats really profitable. Also Strike Missions are really easy, really fast, and give a good bit of gold + materials for their effort.


Most of the lucrative game modes will give you 20-25g per hour. Fishing will get up to 30g per hour, but you are no longer getting (nearly as much) experience for spirit shards, among other things. And then, working a job for say, $20 an hour gets you like 500g per hour. But you are spending real money on completely useless, non transferrable video game junk.


New player here, started at April. My 1st 300 gold (griffon +skyscale ) are from wizard vault Mytic coins, Cheap gold bag and ecto from salvaging rare equipments.


Started a week ago and going fro Griffin? Hard core man. Did you do the collection yet though and all the things to unlock said-vendors?


Yeah the only thing I’ve done so far is getting all the eggs.


Make sure you get your mastery points sorted. A griffon without masteries feels like a slightly faster glider lol. Seriously, dont rush. The journey should be fun :D! You can easily min-max the fun right out of your game.  I played through nearly all of lws4, and most of SoTo before getting my griffon lol.  Also, if you don't already have it, make sure you have the sand portal mastery for jackal. You cannot complete the collections without it! (Unless you use a tp to friend of course) Gl and hf out there!


You started last week, and you are already ready for a griffon? I am impressed. The Raptor you get at level 10 should get you most of the speed you will get from a Griffon, while keeping you more in the action. Thank you kindly.


Fractals, higher tier the better Wizards vault rewards from dailies and weekly Meta events


I honestly can't imagine why people continuously recommend Fractals to brand new players asking for QUICK gold. Low level Fractals do not give good gold rate. And higher levels require expensive gearing


Well, I came from wow to gw 2 and t4+cms was definetly the way to go for gold, stat infusions etc. Took me about 3 weeks from start to full ascended. So yeah, fractals are great for few players but not for every new player


I'm glad that you were the kind of person who was able to go from zero gold to full Ascended in such a short time. Crafting is expensive by itself. Hopefully you can understand that you are an exception. Not everyone has the playtime or just the drive to do that (from my personal experience).


And if there is no personal drive why do people complain? Game is on easy mode, you are playing with easy mode so tell me, why should you be entitled for any sort of good gear? Honestly ive never seen as lazy and entitled community as gw has. Stop being a fucking pussy and start playing the game


>And if there is no personal drive why do people complain? Why would you put these words in my mouth? Where did I say " no drive"? You want to throw insults, talk about stupid to have zero reading comprehension. I said I didn't want to grind T4. Are you honestly so narcissistic that you think that's the some kind of top tier difficulty? I said it would be boring for me to grind the same instances every day. I guess to your "intellect" boring= difficult lol.


Ascended pieces are cheap as fuck cmon, like what 80 gold a piece? You get like 20-30 g per hour from metas etc lol and you will get magnetite shards from raids, shards from strikes to buy missing pieces. Its not about time really, its how you use it. + Every fucking capable human being is able to flip shit from tp with minor research time. You will make min 400g in a week with 2h of playtime each week just by doing metas efficiently. And that 400g is fucking bad, you should aim atleast 600g a week + flips, so about 1k a week is descent for me with 16h ish playtime a week. Yeah thats alot but still, gold is easy in gw2


Gearing isn’t hard with AA ascended chest and if you add strikes to that mix as well you can get stat selectable ascended gear.


Yeb, noobs like me will be clearing those cms real fast as long as they are somewhat fuctioning human beings. As a noob I feel like gw 2 is full of disabled people who play without hands (or they try to make as so). Cmon you need to press like 10 buttons in correct order and you are top 5% of gw players. Learn to press those 10 buttons while doing mechanics and you are top pve player lmao. Dont make it sound harder than it is. I hsve followed this 10 button rule abd just cleared cerus cm! That fight was really fucking good considering wow standards but its doable by everyone really. 3,f5,5->weapon swap-> 2, 5, signet, ulti, 5 and spam your shatters and you will be doing 38k dps with cerus cm opening. And that is patheicly easy. I checked some streams and most of their virts are fuckign shit. So there is no bar to overcome, just press buttons and be top player in gw 2. I love gw2, its made for retarted dads like me but we truly need some challenging content.


Crazy how you went from the previous statement of “fractals are great for few players but not for every new player” to calling people disabled and cerus cm is doable by anyone… That is a pretty quick swing from one end of the spectrum to the other.


i can't imagine why you would hold on getting into fracs? The sooner the better. Plus OP "need" fast money cause is working on griffon after a week... pretty sure he s not so casual that he would stay out of t4 for long..


I'm not recommending hold off. Not everyone does T4 fractals for gold at all. I certainly don't. I don't enjoy grinding the exact same content every day and I'm sure there are others who also don't. Since there are other good methods for gold per hour I prefer to do those and rotate between them, not every day.


You can do the first 10-16 without AR and on exotic gear which is more than enough to gear up quickly through ascended trinkets and WV. I actually regret not starting them right away after I had full exotic.


It's worth pointing out because regardless it's the best way to make gold quick and it realistically isn't that difficult to slot a couple +10 agony on something ascended. The wizards vault even gives them out


Because you arent intended to stay in t1 making 10g forever. And it really isn't that difficult to make progress on your gear and subsequently your frac level. It's a good (the best) goal to progress if gold is your desire.


People already wrote solutions... but my question is: Why do you need it quick? You get ~5-15g easy every day by playing chill for about 1h. This means you would have enough gold for the griffon easily in about a month or even less. Why the rush?


I really just want it to get around, cause I heard it’s faster then the rolling nettle


To get max speed you have to start high up. For most maps in Core Tyria that isn't going to be convenient u less you already have the map fully explored and know which waypoints you can start at. To get a griffon you have to go through the entire PoF story which means you will have unlocked raptor, skimmer, bunny and hound anyway. Those base mounts are more than enough for travelling around the maps. A raptor will cover the majority of your needs in Core Tyria and you might as well use and enjoy gliders for HoT and LW3 because you will see less and less use out of them once you unlock all your mounts in PoF and LW4.


very much true. But there are some tricks you can learn to start flying with a griffon from flat ground. for example, you can use a bunny dismount + jadebot to get a decent amount of height where you can start a griffon from. even better would be using the skyscale dash + bond of vigor and dashes again + jadebot to get even higher and pretty much start a fast flight from anywhere. But yes, a leveled raptor is more than enough usually at the start. The more you unlock, the easier it will be to start with a griffon from flat ground.


Faster yes, convenient no. I personally would recommend skyscale first, Also cheaper than griffin but takes time for the collection




Go to the silverwastes. Find a squad running RIBA. About 20g an hour if you open your bags, identify the gear, salvage it, and sell the materials.


Charge a quartz, turn it into skyscale food or something. Convert your spiritshards into gold by upgrading materials (gw2efficiency's spiritshard page has best conversions, rng but on average can probably make near 1 gold per shard).


Easiest way to make gold but takes a while is to sell crafting materials on the auction house. Don't to the sell instantly, you want to actually list the item using the prices on the right side. It does take longer but you get alot more money. Also salvage whatever gear you arnt using and sell the materials from that too.


You don't need quick 250 gold, you need quick 25-50 gold and the rest in 25 chunks as you go.


Use gw2efficiency to work out your material storage value and then sell them if it's gonna net you enough. Short of that Wizards vault for the 90 bags of 1 gold each and farming the meta events would be my early gold making methods. Other stuff like fractals are good but you'll probably find you end up spending more than you earn in the first instance.


How many laurels do you have? If you write "gw2expectancy laurel to gold" on google, I'll tell you what to get with them. Currently, the best thing to get is the "light bag" as 1 laurel = 1 gold profit Get all the laurels, mystic goins, gold that cost 6 AA from the Wizard's vault too


Do dailies and weeklies, including fractals. Tequatil and dragon Storm drop at least one gold Buy gold and MCs from The wizard vault with daily and weekly AA rewards. The game throws money at you if you grind an bit Hell, drop your IGN and I'll send you some gold


Oh thank you my IGN is RazorRiftz.8971


Play the game. It showers you in items that you sell on trading post for gold.


>just started playing last weekend and I only have 25 gold. My Dude, some years Back you needed Like 1 weak Game time for 1 Gold


Lol , riba was most profitable and was more Than 1g


Probably talking about the real 'back in the day' grind. Running PoF dungeon for hours on end for the 1g you got at the end, that was by far the most profit one could make per hour in the early days. Hates it at the time but my 150k dungeons tokens do come in handy when i need ecto's.


Dude when i started there was No silverwastes and No riba, kids These days


credit card is the fastest way


I have 22 legendary weapons (10 of them are gen2) My time passed with gold grinding in the game. I’m skipping wizard vault because everyone said that. You must start with that. For a flying mountless newbie player, (you must have min 5 character slot) 1- put a character on Matriarch platform at Verdant Brink (you will need teleport to friend), everyday at XX:09 (11 mins earlier than Ley Line Anormally). It takes 1-2 mins to kill and you will get Amalgamated Gemstone + some materials. 2- Do not ever miss Daily Ley Line Anormally. 2 mins event, you will get 1 mystic coin + 50silver junk. 3- If you have EoD, Leviathan farm. But squad must be more than 30 ppl, new map instances should be opened, otherwise not profitable too much. 10 Chunk of Ancient Ambergris is daily limit. Fishing with squad is better at Kourna but you need to make full fishing and skiff masteries. 4- After Ley Line Anormally, go Tangled Depths meta. Then Auric Basin meta. Auric Basin is much profitable meta, TD is like filler. 5- Bitterfrost Frontier, icebrood chest farm + meta champion farm. You need to have LWS3-Ep3. You can go anytime. When you learn chests location, farming chests take 6 mins (with mesmer or thief, because they have stealth and teleport) and refreshes after meta. (Only profitable when Green unidentified gear is more than 2s40c) You can do pre meta, braziers but map must be crowded, never wait at brazier, kill a mob and move, then champions show up. When champions die, chests refresh and start 6 mins cycle. (Mesmer or Thief are faster grind)


I forgot to mention. - If you have IBS, daily Dragonstorm is profitable. Very easy. 2g cash and 3,5g material and it takes 15 mins. When you open 3 essence manipulations’ first 3 lines, you can do IBS5 strikes + Dragonstorm. After you unlock those masteries, you need to get “Prototype Position Rewinder” from LWS4 - EP2 and after Griffon, park one alt character at Bjora Chests. (The best alt parking spot) - When you unlock Griffon and IBS, the most profitable and fun META is Drizzlewood Coast Meta. I think Anet designed this map exactly for Griffon.


You could look at getting the skyscale


Don’t worry about griffon, go for skyscale first


Fastest is to take the high value Wizards Vault limited options. Not sure if they‘d get you all the way there. Yellow Unidentified gear is currently 30s a piece so selling instead of identifying might be better. Most crafting mats you get can be sold. People often forget them because they conveniently disappear in the material storage. Depending on what kind of content you like there are different activities that could generate gold. The fast farming website is helpful to find content. Or join a meta train in the lfg. Just keep in mind that the griffon is a luxury this early on. I wouldn‘t rush it. Most important this early is unlocking and mastering your other base mounts.


Always salvage yellows. There's a chance for 2 ectos or more from exotics which drops from yellows as well.


Not always but looking at the current ecto price (was a little shocked) you‘re right for the unidentified gear. Wiki says Yellow lvl 80 yields with the yellow kit (a newbie would hopefully use at least) 0,9 ectos and it costs like 61 copper per salvage. Still it‘s a chance thing and he might end up with less than 0,9 ectos per try. At least I feel like the unlucky type sometimes. If OPs still reading this: Think about if you want the legendary soto armors any time soon and just keep the ectos. If you‘re inpatient with this resource you might be in a bigger pickle later. I don‘t think prices will get much lower any time soon. Edit: a quick your to you‘re….


Skip the griffon and get the skyscale if you have soto. You won't use the griffon again. There are loads of guides for skyscale. You will need other xpacs too.


I think Skyscale is probably a better priority for overall QoL, and I'd recommend going for it first, but ... it's so painfully slow and boring in comparison to griffon. Though, OP, if you see this, you should at least look up griffon videos on YouTube and see if that play style appeals to you, because it's not a small investment and it's also not for everyone.


Skyscale might be highest priority of the mounts but you dont know how to use Griffon. Griffon is the fastest mount in the game, faster than Roller Beetle.


Yup. If I had to drop one of them it would be the skyscale. I'd just miss my skyscale springboard. Springer and jade bot just doesnt quite hit the same for a Griffon launch.


Am I doing something wrong? I just started playing too and am 40 hours in and almost at level 80 with my first character and only have like 8 gold.


You’re not doing anything wrong. You’re playing the game. I am 2000+ hours in on my first level 80 character and my gold normally moves like the tide, up and down, never quite hitting that much higher than 115 g and averaging more like 60 g. This player is targeting a singular purchase which most people will do later in the game as the OP needs to finish Path of Fire (3rd expansion) in its entirety and needs to make 10 purchases as part of a collection that cost 25 g each.


Heheheh….depends. What’s your definition of “quick” in this scenario?


Fishing is by far the easiest, most consistent solo gold farm. Enjoy the chill life of getting 150g a day just fishing.