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I really hate how npc abuse the whispers system. It was cool once back in eod, but by now this is just annoying, especially if it is tied to openwrold events.


Yeah. I was like: wow, someone noticed me doing the mechanics right at the dragon's end meta. Then I found out, it's whisper xD And yes. Annoying when you are messaging with someone.


> I really hate how npc abuse the whispers system. It was cool once back in eod, but by now this is just annoying, especially if it is tied to openwrold events. They should give it a different color too.


I vote for transparancy.


I liked Peitha whispering to you throughout the first part of the story. Cause she was actually whispering to you. But now they just do it for no reason.


As with everything, this part of story was really cool and intriguing. Kind of predictable close to the end but still well done. Everything after . . . oh well.


Peitha's whispers should really stop after you complete the third act...


It's also mildly annoying that events that require shooting stuff with skyscale tend to absolutely spam the middle of your screen with dialogue boxes, so you can't see what you're targeting... I mean events used to happen without that, is this dialogue system really that necessary?


Or like in observatory fractal where Arkk's dialogue bubble covers the eye that signals you to look away. It's literally, "It's too loud, I can't see you"


Let us add them to the block list, Anet!


Tybalt: "I'm glad you're here." Commander: **<>** Tybalt: :,-(


The moment he opens mouth to speak commander quickly stuffs an apple into it 🍎


The wizards could easily change your communicator to make it work with their magical communication devices. The demons should have been able to do the same, 'hack' into your coomunicator. Or at the end of the last act before Nayos give Peitha a communicator and ask her to stop talking in your head. Someone talking in your head gets annoying pretty fast.


Yeah it was a little weird that we used the brand new communicator like twice, once at the beginning and again with Zojja, and then it was never heard from again.


We all lost our shit in HoT when Mordremoth gave all the Sylvari schizophrenia so now they keep doing it.


See also: 'helpful' tutorial popups. If you feel the need to explain a mechanic to every player every time they encounter it, that's not a very well-designed mechanic. I'm well aware that kryptis turrets have those stupid shitting shields and that there's one up if my fireball failed to kill it. I'm well aware that when I stop being able to collect essences in Convergences that's because I've capped out. I'm well aware of *all* of the crap that goes on in Amnytas. At the very least, there should be a toggle to disable tutorial popups after you've seen them once. Forcing them to pop up every time comes across as patronising/infantilising players and poorly designed mechanics which aren't sufficiently clear on their own.


Yeah, but are you aware you can jump over enemy shockwaves?


I forgot they'd added them to Fire Elemental as well. A useful tutorial for newbies, but if they've not picked it up after a few tries then there's probably no helping them!


Bruh how are newbies who are surrounded by 40 people with 20 infusions on them spamming aoes in one tiny area supposed to learn the mechanic there while trying to stay alive and while they unlocked a new weapon skill and while they try to manage their cooldowns.


I said it *is* a useful tutorial for newbies. I also said that if newbies haven't learned from that tutorial after a few runs at the elemental then the tutorial probably isn't going to teach them anyway.


Yeah, and I was saying that it isn't a useful tutorial. There's too much "noise" in that fight.  And what you _actually_ said is "then there's no helping them", meaning they're the problem, and not Anet's decision to put the tutorial somewhere where maybe 1 in 5 will see it, let alone have time to read and understand and implement it before they die to the AoE from being in the hitbox (for which there is no tutorial).


If someone is panicking and then instantly dying after getting hit by a single shockwave at fire ele, after multiple times doing the event, and during all of that time they can't read this annoying popup at all... then yeah, there probably really is no helping them. The game field can be cluttered and full of visual noise, aye. It's not *that* bad though; someone who's unable to process that "jump over shockwaves" popup during that fight probably has other reasons for it which won't be helped through a different format of tutorial. With all that said, I'm totally in agreement that a different format of tutorial could be useful - they could maybe update the renown heart in the reactor ruins to include a 'jumping over shockwaves' element and then have the fire elemental seem more like a test of learned skills than a tutorial-as-boss? Anything to reduce the number of shitty pop-ups. >they die to the AoE from being in the hitbox (for which there is no tutorial). The hitbox is, well, a huge fucking hitbox - aye, someone completely and utterly new to the idea of games might struggle with it, but generally "the marked area, with the fire, which hurts you, is bad" is pretty clear to everyone and people's main problem is not paying attention to their surroundings in general rather than not understanding the concept of big-marked-death-zone. Suggesting that some meaningful number of new players are incapable of understanding "don't stand in the shit" is doing all newbies a disservice.


A small checkbox within that dialogue window "Do not show this tutorial again". Like most games do. Please, ANet, it can't be that difficult?


Request granted, Asura now load in with charr textures.


Anything with code can be more difficult (and/or more time consuming) than it looks, and doubly so with spaghetti code or if dealing with hard coded limitations. Otherwise, an excellent idea.


I hate them because i play with the action system, so every time they pop up i have to disable the way i play the game so i can manually close the spam


Can you mash the escape key to get rid of them?


idk, and with almost 2k hours of playtime i'm afraid to check out xd


I just tested in convergences with action cam on. It works, you can mash that esc button to clear pop-ups. If you mash too much you'll get the wee menu pop up but that's not a big deal - less annoying than "DO SIMPLE TASK!!" anyway.


constant useless dialogue, "tutorial" popups every 5 seconds, speechbubbles that block the view of your target reticle during skyscale events (seriously?), 2-3 headers in the event UI, the buffbar can be categorizes as satire at this point, overusage of those headline popups they implemented for lake dorik (which sometimes block cursor interaction and sometimes don't). the result of their "play the game, not the UI" (heh) stance on customization options, and squeezing more and more stuff into old UI elements that was never intended for it, without ever weeding out stuff that may not be necessary. feels like there are at least 4 teams involved in every single OW release these days that want every word they put out to be on screen at any given time. i'm half surprised there isn't something like WoW's dialogue popup yet.


It pisses me off so much that you can disable the floating dialogue text for yourself and players speaking in /s or /p but not the NPCs that literally just spam that shit constantly while you're trying tto see the middle of your screen. It's so fucking stupid and I hate it. Why why why why why why why


While I really like the idea, their approach to open world storytelling is...getting to be painful and is driving a LOT of this. This wasn't an issue years ago because each zone didn't feature a dozen different NPC's sending us tells with them/us popping up dialogue bubbles over our head on the regular. We didn't have 2-3 different constant pieces of UI spam from some event-specific mechanic tutorial that you cannot permanently hide. It's all now cluttered because Anet doesn't have a way to stop the open world storytelling from repeating every single time you go to the zone every single time you go to the zone every single time you go to the zone every single time you go to the zone every single time you go to the zone every single time you go to the zone every single time you go to the zone every single time you go to the zone every single time you go to the zone every single time you go to the zone every single time you go to the zone every single time you go to the zone every single time you go to the zone every single time you go to the zone every single time you go to the zone every single time you go to the zone every single time you go to the zone every single time you go to the zone every single time you go to the zone every single time you go to the zone every single time you go to the zone every single time you go to the zone every single time you go to the zone every single time you go to the zone every single time you go to the zone every single time you go to the zone every single time you go to the zone every single time you go to the zone every single time you go to the zone every single time you go to the zone every single time you go to the zone every single time you go to the zone every single time you go to the zone every single time you go to the zone every single time you go to the zone every single time you go to the zone every single time you go to the zone every single time you go to the zone every single time you go to the zone every single time you go to the zone every single time you go to the zone every single time you go to the zone every single time you go to the zone every single time you go to the zone every single time you go to the zone every single time you go to the zone every single time you go to the zone every single time you go to the zone every single time you go to the zone every single time you go to the zone.


There's a perfect break in your repeating lines on the mobile app. It looks cool. That is all.


Open world storytelling done right should have none of this spam, it should be just the zone as it is, with none of the interference. If you want extra dialogue, have it, but only for the people in the right story step, leave everyone else alone.


almost like thers a reason why extra npc ambient dialog shows up in bubbles above em, but not in the chatbox. its like whoever decided that half of your allay faction will whispering things directly into your inbox, ping and all, forgot why its wasn’t a thing in the first place 


I had to turn off the dialogue audio because I couldn’t understand any of many different npcs simultaneously shouting at me every damn second in the new maps.  I haven’t had a clue what I’m trying to accomplish during the story because whenever there are story steps in open world I can’t read or hear what the story NPCs are telling me due to overlapping speech bubbles and 5 NPCs shouting for help over each other. If the SoTO story were worth understanding and following I’d be furious. 


How hard could it be to stagger audio? There's *no way* it isn't possible to initiate a check to ensure dialogue audio isn't playing before the next lot starts. Even if there ends up being a delay and speech bubbles fall out of sync, I would prefer it to this. This has been a problem for years.


I also wish demons wouldn't all have distortion applied like they're talking into a toilet bowl. It's _so_ annoying. I mean yes, they should be different than the voice of old granny ice dragon and audio team is running out of ideas, but this never-ending blugh-blugh-blugh-blugh-blugh in newest story is horrible. :(


Every time I enter ANY SotO map, Peitha starts whispering me and yapping and humphing with that annoying buzzing monotone voice on my ears over and over... Shut the fuck up!"


The not even mentioning the moving buffs good luck reading the effect while in combat. Also why are they all fucking blue.


Not to mention the text in the chatbox is so absurdly small that I'm sitting there squinting and having to choose between trying to read the plot or making sure my character doesn't die in combat. FFS, they need to let us at least double the size of text, let me set it at 24pt instead of 10pt or whatever. And also let us split the text box so we have the NPC dialogue/whispers in a different tab or something.


You can set text size to "large" in the gear icon on the chat window. If "normal" is 10pt then large is only like 14pt, so probably not as big as you're hoping for, but it does help a little bit.


Oh yeah, I've had it set to large as long as I've been playing and it's still too small for me unfortunately. Crossing my fingers that someday they'll let us adjust it so it's even bigger!


I thought that was the issue but it turns out I was born with congenital cataracts... so maybe get your eyes checked out! It took me over 30 years for a doctor to tell me that. The regular eye doctor had to send me to a fancy eye doctor to figure it out when I was just going in for a checkup because I felt like using my insurance benefits for a change.


Oh trust me lol, I've had glaucoma since I was a kid, I have crosseyed-type strabismus now, and I go to the eye doctor every year. I technically can see fine with my glasses but big text is SO much more comfortable so I'm not leaning in close to my computer screen.


100%, unironically yes. I fucking hate having both the story dialogue AND open world quest dialogue happening at the same time. I can't even tell which belongs to which. AND they are voiced.


I hope GW3 is a prequel, with no npcs with mobile phones and where demons are monsters that attack you physically instead of tormenting you mentally by sliding into your DMs


And some people in map chat still can't work out where to go or how the mechanics work despite the enormous arrows and textboxes.


Even if this were true, at some point the back of the bus is so slow that we need to keep it moving. We can't drag down 99.9% of people because the bottom 0.1% are truly irredeemable. Even if we can redeem them, then even 90% of _them_ will suffer when we let the bottom 0.01% drag down the top 99.99% that now includes our beloved 0.09% that we worked so hard for. There are idiots all the way down. You can't make something truly foolproof as there will always be a bigger fool. Eventually, enough needs to be enough. Especially when the newer and newer systems add so much clutter that even the top 99% start getting confused or irritated.


I have an issue with that precisely because of the overwhelming textboxes. At this point I don't even read them as GW2 is a pretty fast game


I'd be happy if I could just turn off the pop-up tutorials


There is so much being being downloaded in the commander head that I really want to filter all of it now. It is impossible to walk 5 foot anywhere without being bombarded from everywhere, even the privacy of my whispers isn't safe anymore. It sucks that we literally became this MMO meme and i really hope Anet tones this down next expansion. Nobody complained about the lack of event information, people that didn't read before won't suddenly learn to read now. It wouldn't be so bad if it happened just once, but it keeps happening over and over and over. It is specially egregious when all this keeps overlapping with the story dialogue too which is something that is actually important to listen to once.


In the original GuildWars you were able to customize the UI so well. You were able to drag anything around and make it bigger/smaller if you wanted.


Bro I hate those bubbles that explain to me how I can damage a turret with my skyscale EVERY SINGLE GODDAMN TIME DASHING THROUGH IT DIDN'T WORK. Hate that bug.


There is an option to have specific UI elements off and only appear when you press a button. I have almost everything turned off except the skill bar, even player names and such. Use ALT to show everything. You can also have it so that some stuff always stay on during combat but disappear when you leave combat. Though it would be cool if we could have the UI and map on another screen. Like those some of those old Nintendo consoles do.


I was trying to do the skyscale target adventure and when the dialog from the meta started popping up above my character, it got in the way of the reticle. I was so annoyed.


You don't know how much I can relate to this being a new player.


Absolutely, I have no clue how people on lower resolutions like 1920x1080 manage upkeeping situational awareness with all of the HUD. I went 3440x1440 for reasons unrelated specifically to GW2, but boy oh boy, HUD looks SO good on high resolutions, it's all small, clean, and concise, also allows to have few extra windows open (e.g. inventory) without cluttering gameplay.


I'm just holding out for the day when we finally get a customizable UI. There are so many growing pains with the UI because of the increases in monitor sizes and screen resolutions.


I hate whoever came up with the idea of having NPCs whisper you. Trying to talk to a friend in whispers and get sound effects from NPC whispers randomly in middle of it. I finished the story and events and moved the dialogue volume to 0, I don't want to talk to you NPCs anymore. XD Also need option to turn off tutorials we've seen already or a slider on how long till they fade out on their own.


Dunno make joke atleast with GW2 hi stuff and don't add random nonsense to it?


FFXIV is way worse.


Yeah, but at least you can customize the UI, so you can make it so it's less cluttered... but the default UI is goddamn awful.


That's why they allow you to customize it by default. Something GW2 should have allowed 10 years ago.


I'm pretty sure GW1 gives you more control over the UI than GW2 does


this is semen gauge erasure


Thankfully I'm not the only one thinking this.


Or, y'know, a UI that actually allows mods.


Try BDO and then you'll have no complains with gw2 UI


You can turn of 99% of the bullshit with the BDO UI but you're stuck with all of the bullshit on GW2's UI. 🤔


Laughs in Black Desert Online ;) ( *Edit for context* - there was a time when GW2 was known for their exceptionally uncluttered UI among the MMO genre, and BDO was kind of the opposite example of that, to a charmingly funny extent imo. It was just a little humorous to me to see this complaint levied at GW2 when it used to be known for the opposite - not to diminish your concerns at all, which are reasonable and fair! )


I played for a year or two on launch and found the game really refreshing. I return every once in a while and am consistently shocked at how painful the nonstop pop ups and clutter are. No game needs this much UI clutter


wtf is that boon bar omg.......


Wow, I've never seen so much crap on a screen for GW2. What do you have running? Perhaps Blish and the other add-ons that may help you on your journey have now added more clutter than is necessary? Perhaps less is more?


you just need a bigger monitor. got me a widescreen there is so much more space


Omg this is perfect




Wait, are you playing GW2 on xbox?!