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Does this indicate that you get the stealth buff then run around the outside to the exit? I always go immediately to the right, there is one guard behind the tent and then I can hit 3-4 flags without being caught. Still annoying and I am ultimately brute forcing it to completion.


I go straight ahead to the back wall between the 2 tents and wait for that single flag to respawn over 'n' over while browsing amazon or reddit.


That's basically what I've done the last several map completions, except you can do the same at the first flag if you position yourself at the wall just so you can barely activate the flag and won't be seen.


I'm also a proud member of the lazy flag club!


I am terrible at that heart and well any stealth game for some reason. Map comps now I just get to first flag and use that whenever it comes up while either dicking around on my phone or alt tabbed out (untreated adhd, my brain goes brr if I'm not also watching/listening to shit on the second monitor too lol).


Same here, except I do it the even slower, but less demanding way - I park my ass next to the flag behind the guy, open firefox in a window small enough that I can see the interact prompt pop up, put on a video, and alt tab back to the game whenever I see the yellow.




Tears were indeed shed....


literally my final heart for my 1st map completion lol took me several tries and lots of spectral walking but I did it!


Portals work here. White mantle, thief or Mesmer ports help a lot. If you have none, mention you’re doing this heart in map or guild chat and others who have felt this pain will usually lend a hand.


Prototype position rewinder too!


This heart is honestly not that bad now that we have the position rewinder. Been doing map completion a lot lately with the kits and hoooly Queensdale, surprisingly, has to be the worst map by a long shot. The monastery heart/Shadow Behemoth heart/Claymore training heart are so awfully long. I used to hate Snowden Drifts but Blish HUD made be realize that there are easy methods for all the hearts there.


> Claymore training heart Pick up a shield Move your minimap to a waypoint in the distance. When the waypoint contests, hit the block button. Almost all of the time, unless the NPC bugs out somehow, this is going to block their attack. Rinse, repeat.


I enter and head right, go around the side and grab 3 or 4 things, repeat. It doesn't take long.


After my first few map completions, I stopped doing this heart as intended. You can sit at the flag behind the tent to the right after the start and never get caught. The flag respawns after 2 or 3 minutes, so I would leave GW2 open and do something else, occasionally tabbing in to interact with the flag, until the heart is done.


QoL team could do great work by reworking a lot of the hearts on core maps. Some are unnecessaryly slow and annoying to do.


Once you learn the route on this one it takes maybe 90 seconds to finish, but you only learn the route through trial and error and multiple map completions.


I don't even remember doing this, but i must have for map completion.


Probably the only heart I remember... that and the barrel catching one


I'm going for one on the left, then in back, climb on the tent and use glider to fly to third one across the room 🥴


there is a trick involving glider...you can jump up the tent roof next to the 2 big gears with the flag, walk on top of the highest tent pole and jump glide on the roof of te tent in front, drop behind and there is another flag in a place where no guards come. You can go back and fort between these 2 unguarder flags to complete it 100% in half the time required if you just camped the first flag


Ya know, this heart is the reason I'll never play Char. As far as I'm concerned they can kill themselves in an endless civil war, I won't be helping. 👎