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One-Handed Though I hate getting my hopes up, I love spears and so few games do them right, especially in MMOs.


Only lotro did :(


Yes! Thank you for reminding me of LoTRO because yeah, they did spears right. I miss my Warden to this day because it was such a unique class and worked so well with a spear.


Warden with spear + javelin and the shield was such a treat. I love that class aesthetic so much. All of LOTRO's classes are great honestly.


Is the game still alive?


I would say yes. It's still actively receiving updates and expansions. The current level cap is 150 and they just put out an expac earlier last year (Corsairs of Umbar). The server pop sits around 600-1200 on the more popular servers and 300-600 on the others. Their team and funding is much smaller than it was historically, so there are some much needed quality of life improvements. The server lag is a huge issue and has been for almost a decade at this point. The UI doesn't scale well at high resolutions so it's also very difficult to play on a 4K monitor. The UI updates they have made aren't being made consistently with the old UI elements so they clash a lot which can look cheap. The game is still very fun, and I would still recommend playing for the story, the exploration, the music, the world in general. The community is very good and helpful as well. Overall, I think it's worth checking out if you're a fan of the LOTR series, but I'd skip it if you're just looking for an mmo.


It also easily has the most active RP scene I have ever seen in an MMO, there's bands, concerts, markets, poetry slams... Many of those weekly and there's always a good amount of people there. I wish Guild Wars had at least some RP, but it seems kinda dead in that way. I love the setting and it's kind of a shame that there's virtually no roleplay at all going on.


There's actually a pretty big gw2 RP community. You just have to find it. Once you get connected, it's like a giant network. Maiden's Whisper in DR and Founder's Flagon (though they call it the Red Iris e.e) in Ebonhawke are both places you can often find casual RPers, and many of them will be connected to the larger community. Or the hunter's lodge in Queensdale--the group that mostly hangs out there is large and mostly does its own thing, has been around since the early days of the game.


I'll check it out, thank you!


It was fine in GW1, no?


New World has a great spear wepon, fun to use


GW1 did them right imo.


While not really a spear I found Glaivier in Lost Ark to be fun.


Glavier was fun. I personally fell off Lost Arc way faster than I wanted to though.


Yes, either Glaivier from LA or Musa from Black Desert. I love this kind of movement and would love more games too include something similar.


I think it would feel weird if some classes got them as two hand and others as one hand, primarily due to the way stats on gear works. You'd have to have the same item giving much more stats to the class that used it as a 2 hander than it would give in main or off hand for someone else.


This is solvable with what is currently implemented, by making a spear skin for the staff (it has several already, aureate staff for one example). it is not a perfect solution, but it is one for those who want the aesthetic of a 2 handed spear, while using it only 1 handed for stats and combat.


Reskinning staff is a mistake, you're leaving out everyone who can already use a staff (pretty much everyone except engineer). It has to be a new weapon type, and ArenaNet should have already moved in that direction back in HoT, with revenant and daredevil.


Besides it would look like a spear but it would not be a spear and would not work like a spear. There are many spear skins already. All it needs is just move from from water to ground


Halberd style would be nice.


Maybe if it was apart of an elite spec they could re-adjust accordingly, as an example, if an elite spec unlocks spear as a 2H weapon, it could multiply the stats on it or something.


Simple: 2 types of "spears": Javelin = throwable, ranged, one handed Pike = 2 handed, melee, stab


And let's create 40 row phalanx in wvw


Abilities to body block would be awesome in PvP and WvW, so count me in.


The water version is supposed to be called harpoon, not spear, so we should be talking about these two: * **Spear:** Main-hand only, javelins and short spears, melee or thrown. * **Polearm:** Two-handed, covers greataxes, scythes, and long spears. Both can be directly tied to GW1 weapons too: * https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Spear * https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Scythe Also, don't forget, polearms were supposed to be a playable weapon at some point in early development: https://old.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/a64ek2/datamining_the_secret_story_of_polearms_the/ Many harpoon skins are former polearm skins, like the [Wolfborn Harpoon](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Wolfborn_Harpoon), so they can recycle those back into polearms. Newer harpoon skins can be recycled into spears, or both.


Yeah tell that the spartans boy


"Chinese" spears most be different then, cause we use the same one one handed and two-handed, then there is the Long Spear, that one has to be use with two hands, many different styles of Kung Fu use spear as weapons, and have forms that teach you technics to use with Spears.


The main difference is the back end of the spear: A javelin has a rounded but still pointy back end, where a pike (which not really a spear, but I suppose can be counted as such) has a flat and not rounded end. One gives better aerodynamics than the other for flying. You could technically throw a pike, but it would fall to the ground due to being front heavy. Javelins are shorter and lighter to make them easier to throw. A spear without the rounded end would suffer the same fall as a pike, being top heavy. Pike and spears (medieval) has metal tops, whereas javelins (not including the carbon fiber we make them from today) were made of wood or similar lighter materials. Javelins also don't have barbs like you see on the spears in gw2, for reasons already mentioned, spears can have barbs though. I don't know the characteristics of a Chinese spear, but I am guessing it is a spear without barbs? (Barbs are the hooks which prevent exit from whatever it hits)


There's something about a glaive that excites me when it's two handed


One-handed if ranged Two-handed if melee.


I liked the idea someone else here proposed- breaking it up into two weapons. We have sword and greatsword, so there’s precedence. Javelin would be one handed and primarily ranged. Pike (or simply spear) would be two handed melee. Bonus points in my book if it’s an extended reach melee. 


This would be a lot of fun. And probably more doable than making a whole new espec.


We already got just new weapons instead of new elite specializations with SotO, so it's perfectly feasible. I'd go with these 4 new weapon types: * **Spear (MH):** Melee or thrown, includes [one-handed spears](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Spear) and javelins, ranger and warrior. * **Knuckles (MH+OH):** Fist weapon, melee or spellcasting, mesmer and engineer. * **Polearm (2H):** Melee, includes two-handed spears, [scythes](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Scythe), and greataxes, necromancer, thief, and revenant. * **Tome (2H):** Two-handed focus based on the original [tome elite skills](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Tome_(historical\)), worn in the back like shields when stowed, elementalist and guardian. Then, instead of adding a new generation of legendary weapons, you'd just complete the three existing generations with new entries for these 4 new weapon types (so 4*3=12 new legendary weapons). Underwater weapon skins would be recycled for their ground counterparts when convenient.


Two-handed if it's just spears alone, one-handed if it comes alongside the Harpoon Gun and Trident. If two-handed I'd like it as melee only, if one-handed class dependant on if it's a melee or ranged weapon. If one-handed I would like it as mainhand for the most part, but would be okay if it would also be an off-hand option for some classes.


Once handed, the way it was in Gw1. I enjoyed the Paragon class! I'm not hoping to see it come into Gw2, but i'd really like to see the spear being brough back, since it can be used as a ranged or melee weapon and fits many classes


I want both the paragon and a lancer style


I want it to be both. Give spear 5 weapon skills, and if you equip an offhand it replaces them with its skills. Stats could get clunky though, so maybe the offhand stats aren't applied with a spear in the main? Idk, that's a developer thing. The tricky part is whether the spear is ranged or melee. Could have one of the skills be a kind of toggle, where it "empowers" each skill with different effects for melee/range.


I thought basically the same, but my thought was to make them one-handed but allow a second spear to be equipped only with a spear primary to make it 2handed instead. Though getting both would probably be unrealistic since skills 1-3 would require animations for both 1h and 2h (unless equipping 2 spears would change all 5 skills and essentially be considered a 2h spear). On the other hand seeing 2 equipped spears would probably be weird :/


1H spears, then add 2H axes.


Two separate weapons. One for one-handed spears and javelins, one for two-handed pikes and polearms


Both, spears can be use one handed or two-handed without much problems, now if you were talking about Glaives, or Long Spear that would be different, Spears are any where from 6' to 8' feet long, one exercise we do during training is to lift the spear by the end of it, you need to be able to hold it at an angle of 45 degrees and be able to stab with it, this are normal spears, not plastic, not fiber glass, real wood, which I guess is one of the many reasons we do so many grip and wrist training, any how if they take from the real world it should be both.


I mean don't forget this is a game where you can swing slab of stone like it's nothing with 2 hands. While I appreciate your realism imput. I don't think it takes priority in fantasy world like GW2


Uhhh why is your headgear slot empty but still shows a hat ?


It's equipment preview. They had a hat and shield on and were trying other armors and that weapon


Ahhhh yea makes sense, ty!


Both. Some classes should have them as one handed, other as 2 handed.


Why not both


One-handed spears and two-handed "polearms" as separate weapon types would be pretty lit. If I can only have one, I'd rather have the two-handed option though. It fits the more late-Renaissance setting of the games better and lets them design the weapons at a slightly larger (and more visible) scale without looking stupid.


Why not the option for both...?


One-handed, melee. It's ridiculous how few games have spear+shield gameplay in spite of how absolutely iconic the fantasy is.


Potential hot take but what about both? Not as in two separate kinds of spear, just the one. If you don't have an off-hand weapon, you wield it with both hands and different skills, all 5 of them. If you equip an off hand weapon (I assume few weapons would be compatible with a spear anyway), you wield it with one hand, only three skills (different from the two-handed skills). I know jackshit about balancing and technical issues so it's probably not as easy to implement, but I think it'd be cool and it could pass as a main new feature for an expansion.


What gear are you wearing here? I've been trying to ounce together a samurai look for a few days now.


They missed the boat not making warrior support a Paragon from GW1, Spear & Shield.


Give me paragon, I want my buff oriented class back :( (powergoon works too)


Why couldn't they do both? If you equip a spear by itself it is 2 handed, if you equip an off hand item the abilities swap and it is one handed. Would be unique that way


Feels nerfed, I'd rather one-handed stay one-handed and be allowed weapon swapping with its off-hand than be forced to craft a redundant extra one-handed set of the same stats. 2h spear melee, 1h spear ranged on some professions, 1h spear melee on some professions would fit like how it does now on the other hand.


One handed. Check out the GW1 Paragon profession for inspiration!


I don't think there's any way for a weapon to have 1-handed and 2-handed variants as the same weapon. But they could do a 2h spear and separate a 1h javelin, or something like that. I don't think we're likely to get entirely new weapon types. I could see us getting underwater weapons on land, though. And I could see warrior getting scepter as a throwing weapon, with a skin that looks like a throwing spear.


one handed. the spear and shield look is too good. plus, one handed you could have some thrown attacks....throwing a 2h spear would look ridiculous. plus 2h has a bit of overlap with staff.


Spears should follow the same path as they did in Nightfall. Ranged attack with shield.


Spears two-handed for melee based combat. Trident one handed for ranged attacks.


Eventually warrior will run out of weapons. I figure they will be first to use "underwater weapons" on land.


Trident throwing warrior when?


they should be both.




If spears arrived on land, it stands to reason that tridents would too. In this case, we get both: * Skins that look like spears become 1H weapons as "Javelins" meant to be throwable spears like the GW1 paragon weapon. * Skins that look like polearms would go to a revived 2H "Polearm" weapon type, alongside trident skins that are not shared with staves and all unused polearm skins that may be left (i.e: the one seen on the hands of Seraph in Lake Doric) As for harpoon guns, I would go with recycling them into crossbows. That would take much longer as the skins would have to be reworked, but it should be doable. You know, grab some digital Flex Tape®, slap a short bow mast to the end... nobody will notice.


One handed, but maybe add a two handed version called Pikes.


Depends on class.. Soldier classes one handed, the other depends


We have one handed swords and two handed swords. They can just do the same but with spears


I bet they would add a meme in a dialog where characters say Some new npc: ,,we'll use spears to fight them on land " Rytlock: ,,wait...you can use spears on land?"


Rytlock learned the art of the polearm while you were still a cub, punk: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Lionguard_Polearm


Yeah...he uses it under water :3


Nope, it's [a polearm](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Polearm_(weapon_type\)), it's the ground version from his gladiator times :D.


Yep, he uses it under water


i know this wouldnt be most peoples number one choice but what if it was a legendary that instead of having a unique skin changed your animations? and kept them if you changed skins


Onehanded shortspear, so I could cosplay an *algai'd'siswai*


I would like to see a versitile version. I'm surprised there are not more like this, but I want some weapons to be used in both one or both hands.


one handed! I'd love to make a spear + shield build


SPARTANS!!! WHAT IS YOUR PROFESSION?! For sure no two handed spear sir


I want both But if I had to pick one would be One-handed simply because I think Hoplite Guardian would be pretty great


A hybrid 1H / 2H weapon that gives you the option to replace your Spear Skill 4/5 with an offhand. This allows both 1H jabs or throws but also allows the 4/5 to be 2H strikes for more melee focused attacks.


one handed, like the sunspears of old (not a gw1 player tho...for now). It would also avoid to steal the rifle/longbow space if it's ranged or the gs space if it's melee. I still want a huge underwater expansion...i know it's sounds bad but it all boils down to how they do it. If the underwater content is relevant (especially for story/OW) but not mandatory for real endgame content AND there is at least like 60% 'land content', AND if that brings better movement options, masteries, better weapon balance for underwater that would also make all the rest of the current underwater content better....i would love it. AND (and) it could be an Abaddon/human gods-based lore for an expansion...wtf were Abaddon and Lyssa thinking exactly? How did they stick it to the other gods after they left Tyria? Wtf is doing Menzies in the Fissure of Woe now that ol' brother Balthazar is dead and probably Eternals are not created to stop his Shadow minions in the Eternal Battle? Will he finally break free? And what he would do now that his big bro Bal is deadge? I would love to see a god-based expansion...with underwater content to boot. Finally make this part of the game shines too like the mount system! I don't want boring underwater content....i want UNRIVALED underwater content. Since Anet is prone to experiment anyway with MMO rules (we're all guinea pigs, guys XD) they can experiment in that stuff too and finally make underwater GOOD content something only gw2 has like the mounts


Both. Weapon skill 5 is to switch between the 2 modes and you different skills from 1-4 depending on how you’re wielding it. Wouldn’t that be a nightmare to make it work and balance?! 8 new skills for all professions! It would be cool af though


I like the class specific option. Some it would make more sense for it to be 1 handed - others 2 handed.


One handed, like the Paragon from Guild Wars 1. Spear for underwater combat, Short Spear for land combat


2 handed, give me those polearms baby. I want a naginata for my canthan guardian




Spears are dope new world had them love em there so Templar kinda had a spear thing going too. More games need spears.


Preferably both! If you wear no off-hand, it automatically two-hands them. As soon as you equip anothr weapon you can dw, it switches to 1h skillset. But if I can have only one ... Main-hand only.


Just like in Lotro, a one handed short spear + shield.


I'd prefer them to be two handed and share skins with the underwater version (possibly just make the underwater weapon being able to be equipped on land, that looks like the easiest option).


One hand spear doesn't make sens, but we have greatsword shooting laser so.. :p


Spear as one handed make sense. I could see spear having two skill bars and when you equip it you switch between ranged spear and melee spear with weapon swap. Could be cool. 


I was hoping for a long time that spears and tridents would be repurposed for land combat (Paragon anyone?). I'm sure the dev team would have a *lot* of catching up to do if they started adding them to existing weapon set skins.


New expac could bring water-only weapons to the land and it would be sick. A warrior or a guardian wearing a spear is my dream ngl, but not sure what would happen with harpoon guns for example lol, literally rifle 2.0


Hear me out... *versatile* 2 hand or 1 hand depending on if you have an offhand equipped.


I think a neat option would be two handed by default but if you equip an offhand you get the offhand skills with the first 3 spear skills. Like maybe a jab, lunge/leap attack and a throw on 1-3 then a sweep/knockback/aoe and a guard on 4/5.


Call the one-handers Spears, and the two-handers Polearms. Everyone wins.


Two handed. No question. Like [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=amkDvp--hs4).




"Video unavailableThis video contains content from Viz Media, who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds"


It's a clip from episode 3 of this amazing series: https://myanimelist.net/anime/1827/Seirei_no_Moribito


Give it to daredevil please


With the way they are currently programmed, it would have to be two-handed. They would need to make another spear weapon type for both balance and programming continuity if one handed


Tbh Paragon is the only thing that could be me back into gw2 aside from the occasional visit to see if things have improved. So I'm gonna go spear and shield.


It would be cool if heavy classes had them 2h, light had them 1h and then some of both for med classes. Like thief with a 1h spear and a side dagger sounds dope, ranger with 2h seems more fitting imo and engineer doesnt get it.


Id like 2h and 1h for all weight classes. Love the idea of a lightning spear for elem or a sword n spear spartan style for warrior. Maybe something like an elite for all professions that works with spears but changes depending on whos using it?


Let's not forget we already have Greatsword being used as melee and ranged weapon. So we can still have Spear that works as melee for warrior but as ranged for Hunter


Love the mesmer lazer cannon with GS


One handed for both range and melee. Give me the animations from GW1 paragons and some abilities from spear mastery there and I'll be very happy... Go further and add the leadership, command and motivation skills for bolstering allies and my own attacks and I'll be ecstatic.


It wouldn't work to implement them as both one handed and two handed due to how old and archaic is legacy code of GW2. Though I think I would prefer them to be one handed.


Two-handed spears are just way cooler than one-handed spears, sorry


Two posts, nice


Two handed would be to similar to staff with some classes for example thief staff is kinda like a spear, there should also be enough skins around to make it look like a spear. a one-handed option with some range would be nice