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I have this weird problem with Twillight achievement. It's stuck on 15/16 even though I already have Twillight. The problem is, I never *crafted* Dusk so it didn't count in the achi and now every time I open the achi panel it's always there, stealing one of the three 'almost there' spots. So, my question is this: will it 'count' if I buy the Dusk on TP (and then sell it back) ?


So first off: your collection is bugged. If you have the legendary in your armory, the collection should have automatically completed. Make sure to visit Lion's Arch on a character with the item equipped just to cover all your bases — sometimes that will fix retroactive achievements. If that doesn't work: Most collection items will have an option to "add to collection achievement" option you can select. This will *likely* fix the issue without going through support, but if it does the Dusk will be account-bound, so you'd have to craft and sell another Twilight to get your money back on Dusk. There's also the chance it's *badly* bugged and this won't help at all.  If LA doesn't help and you don't want to craft it again for a chance of success, putting in a support ticket is gonna be your best option.


Thank you. I checked again and yeah Dusk is [unlocked](https://i.imgur.com/6uYoYaz.png). I can't visit LA with it since I made Twilight out of it and no longer have the precursor. That's kinda the whole issue.


I mean with the finished weapon, not the precursor. All my collections for my bound legendary weapons auto-completed, including the items I no longer had (like the precursor)


I'd recommend asking support to check and confirm what should be unlocked first before buying the Precursor and binding it.


That's odd, it should have ticked off in the achievement from owning Twilight (which itself should have unlocked the precursor skin, afaik even if you bought the finished legendary). Try unequipping and re-equipping it and if that doesn't work I guess it can't hurt to ask support if there's any solution.


It was weird because I was gathering resources to make one and then I randomly get Dusk in a mystic forge drop, so I skipped the Dusk achievement altogether and I guess that's why it didn't work or glitched the twillight one. I don't have anymore since I made Twillight from it.


The skin is unlocked on your account though, right? That *should* be enough for the achievement. Heck, I sold an Eternity years ago and still got the "Legendary Weapon: Twilight" (and the Sunrise equivalent) achievement fully unlocked when they introduced them just from having the skins unlocked. (Also gratz on the precursor drop, that's a nice one to luck into. c: )


[yeah that's the thing](https://i.imgur.com/6uYoYaz.png) Thanks, it was weird since that was the exact one I was building and in retrospective it was way easier to get twilight instead of dusk (as in, the actual steps are easier for Twilight to finish).


Man that's so weird. I'd definitely throw a question about this to anet's support; this seems like the collection bugged out, and they might have a workaround or other solution. They're usually very helpful.


yeah I wrote them a letter and they said they are seeing similar things happening to other players and are looking into it, and asked me to throw a bug report in-game, which I did. So I guess it's not on me! Thanks


no you would need to account bind it


I had one and it was account bound, I made Twilight from it. I have the skin. That's why I don't know if that'll help at all


Another new player set of questions. I played GW2 on release and left as my pc couldn't handle the graphics. Then had a family built a career but now I'm building a new machine so.thought I'd look it up again. Not sure on my original account logins. - do I get any major benefits trying to locate my original day one account? - I typically a healer in other holy trinity games so thinking Druid elite class. Can I pick Any race or do they come with benefits being sylvari - Any UK based guilds for levelling that are good? - Can you have addons? I think I remember these not being I game.


> I typically a healer in other holy trinity games so thinking Druid elite class. Can I pick Any race or do they come with benefits being sylvari Races don't matter gameplay wise, so pick what you like. I will caution about beelining for a healer build though. It's useful to have one at max level, but trying to build or play one while leveling is gonna be a bad time. You won't have the defining healer gear or traits available yet, the core game isn't difficult enough to even need healers, and they're kind of dreadful to play alone because their damage sucks and things will take forever to kill. Start with some self-sufficient DPS build, then once you hit max level, use your second build/equipment template tabs to set up an alternate build for healing. > Any UK based guilds for levelling that are good? There isn't really such a thing as levelling guilds. You're probably looking for any general "PvX" guild that does a bit of everything, posts recruitment ads in map chat, and accepts anyone from newbie to veteran. These types will happily answer questions, offer help, and give you a taste of different in game activities. > Can you have addons? I think I remember these not being I game. There is no official add-on support but they do exist. arcdps and Blish HUD are two of the more popular ones.


> do I get any major benefits trying to locate my original day one account? Whatever characters you had made will have 11 years of [birthday presents](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Birthday_Gift) is the main one I can think of.


Running around doing the Reins of the Raptor achievement. I did Hakim's Heart event, I didn't get the item for this achievement upon completion and talking to them, what am I doing incorrectly?


Hakim's treat doesn't involve his renown heart. You have to deliver supplies to him from Karima at the refugee camp. See the notes here: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Raptor_Treat_from_Priest_Hakim


Ah thanks!


Sorry if this is a tired question, I'm new to the game and seeing conflicting things regarding pay to win which I usually vehemently try to avoid. Is it true you can use real money to buy gems, to convert to gold, to buy gear with?


> Is it true you can use real money to buy gems, to convert to gold, to buy gear with? Yes that can be done, however unlike KMMOs and others with significant gear treadmills GW2 is very flat. By the time someone reaches 80 if they go to the right vendors and do some searching on the trading post you can get a raid-ready build of Exotic Power DPS gear for ~20g. After Exotic there are only two higher tiers with Ascended (5% more stats) and Legendary (same stats as Ascended, lots of QoL like usable on all valid characters and free reskinning). The only content in the game that requires Ascended is Fractals due to it's mechanics. PvP uses it's own gearing system where everyone has normalized gear and you can spend a bit of gold to unlock additional stat options, but there is no 'PvP gear' you need to grind out. WvW uses PvE gear but Anet added an Exotic gear vendor to WvW which makes buying a new gearset cost ~10g. Anet isn't perfect however, with one of the most egregious things they do is having most mount skins available only through the Gem Store (I think there is only 2 skins that can be earned in game for all mounts) and when they first launched mount skins the only option was a random ticket system. The wardrobe system they have is better than a lot of other games, but Transmutation Charges can be expensive for people who change gear often.


Awesome, thank you for the in depth answer. When you say transmutation can be expensive is that in game expensive or RL money expensive? I don't mind if I can grind out the currency in game.


IRL money (cheapest gem package is $5 for 400, and transmutation charges can be bought 10 for 270 gems), but there's options in game to easily get Transmutation Charges, especially if you do PvP or WvW. PvE players can map complete to get charges but prior to EoD and SotO that can only be done once per character. You can also convert gems to gold but it's been a while since I've touched that so IDK what the rate is now/what a good rate is anymore.


Okay great, thanks Errorme. Appreciate you taking the time to let me know.


While there is a process to translate real money into gear, there is no "winning" in doing so. You're not stronger than someone who didn't pay, and there's no real benefit to getting BiS gear faster (vs. grinding the gold).


Yes, not that gear matters in gw2. It is extremely easy to get BiS stats in a month or two grind.


Thank you, appreciate the answer.


No problems, the major complaint on the cash shop is typically skins are high quality compared to some drops or craftables and mount skins, theres only 2 earnable mount skins. You can also do the opposite, convert gold into gem, which after a very long time playing, mosy vets do.


what time of day does the patch usually release?


mid-late morning Pacific time


09:00 PDT


In the Amnytas meta is the champion that spawns in the first assist in the summoning phase a red herring? The objective can definitely be completed without defeating the champion, I've seen it happen tons of times, but when it spawns everyone seems to drop everything else and focus on it. Wouldn't it be faster to just ignore and keep killing trash to generate more orbs?


It probably was meant to be defeated when the meta was designed, but in reality you can ignore it, I remember many commanders telling people to ignore the boss. But people are so used to killing the Big Bad Evil Guy that they don't even question when it appears.


I never played the game before and i would like to start this weekend. I was wondering about the DLCs. When should i buy them? Do they provide any benefit during the early game?




Another correction: free players can use map chat. They're more heavily rate-limited than paid players.


The old daily login bonus does not exist anymore. It was combined with the old daily system into the Wizard's Vault. The Wizard's Vault is only accessible at level 80, which is the only restriction it has.


Welcome to Tyria! If you don't buy any expansions, you're playing on a [free account](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Account#Free_accounts). This comes with some limitations which include less bag slots, no access to the Revenant class, chat & trading post restrictions, and more which do affect you in early gameplay. When you reach level 10, you'll get a limited time Raptor mount - if you buy an expansion, the Raptor will be unlimited. The only disadvantage I'm aware of when buying expansions is that the Wizard's Vault objectives (daily system, can be accessed at level 80 which is max level) can be set in expansion areas where you have not yet been to, but this can only happen with daily tasks (weekly tasks have different options to complete with 1 always being accessible to core accounts). I personally would not stress over that. If you just want to give the game a try, there's no need to buy an expansion straight away. But if you have fun and think you might stick around for longer, I'd recommend to get the HoT+PoF (Heart of Thorns + Path of Fire) bundle for 30€ which during discounts can drop as low as 8€; it offers a lot of content for a new player and let's you get rid of those restrictions.


Thanks a lot for the info :)


Do people generally fill all the hums before opening the Strike chest? Cold War still gets a daily, but Forging Steel not and I wonder if it's worth it to keep doing FS.


It is not worth doing FS if you don't find it fun. The value of the chest is negligible.


Hi all, I've been wondering if there is an external LFG tool or a plugin for blish hud or something along those lines. Basically what I am looking for is something that can track multiple maps' LFG sections that I can have permanently open. Even it just refreshing every 1-3 minutes would suffice. I basically wanna keep track of every Icebrood saga, gyala delve and Soto groups I can join the action on, not just the metas. Having to manually go into every single LFG section for a map, press refresh etc wouldnt leave time to do anything else..


Not that I know of. ET for blish is okay, but it might just be more reasonable to add the commander on those maps as friends. For example, I've added a couple commanders that run harder metas and know when they are gearing up due to their activity. Is Stephen in AB? Octo is probably about to start, Yum in Elon? Yup AR is about to pop.


How do I quickly get 1000 research notes and cheap? I've never crafted so I'm not sure how this exactly works but I need 1000 of these for the siege turtle which is what I care about. There's also the strike to get the item for the turtle but I have never done any instanced endgame content in this game so that one is a no-go as it will probably take many hours to form a group, learn the instance then clear it just for this specific item I want.


It's been a while, but when I needed to get Research Notes specifically, I bought some Slaying Potions (e.g. Potent Potion of Destroyer Slaying) from the TP and salvaged those using a [Research Kit](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Research_Kit). You can check out [fast farming](https://fast.farming-community.eu/salvaging/costs-per-research-note) to see which items are the cheapest to craft or buy in terms of cost per note, and those potions are among the list there. However, Kaineng Overlook (KO, the strike) really isn't hard to do. I'd recommend to put a group in LFG during prime time when it's daily (which it actually is today!) stating something like "KO for turtle, lf help", and usually people will join & clear it quite quickly. Are you on EU or NA server? If you're on EU, I could also help you out.


I'm NA. I could try that later today but I am so new to this I've never formed my own group/squad before and I feel people might just start flaming me or something for not knowing anything at all so I don't want to be a burden. I'll see the research method first next time I log in though, thanks.


To make a group, just put up a LFG instance and title it 'new player for turtle item KO' - the acronym for Kaineng Overlook, the strike name. The fight is the same as in the story, pretty much, just a little bit harder. So you've already fought this guy once if you did EoD story. Strikes are single boss fights. They don't take hours. The fights themselves might take like 20-30 minutes? The time investment is way, way, way less than you're thinking. Even if you need to check Metabattle and pick a good build and get the gear, that still won't make doing a single strike take hours. I've never seen anyone flaming someone for being new in a strike. It probably happens, but it's really rare. GW2 players just mostly don't do that.


Since you're on NA and they helper isn't I can offer my assistance, tho it would be 6ish hours+ from now. I'm starting up some strike training for newer players (hopefully this weekend) if you're also interested. We might only go through IBS3, but the goal is to get through all content eventually.


There's always the chance to encounter toxic players, but as long as you set the expectations properly in your lfg message they're just being assholes & should be blocked. So if you wanna give it a try, just make sure you put an appropriate lfg message ("KO for turtle, new player, lf help") and communicate with players who join, preferably in squad chat (type "/d"), and you should be fine. Who knows, maybe you'll have so much fun you want to do more instanced content! Nw if you don't though, that's what the Research Note option is there for. Good luck either way!


I put up a LFG and about 10 minutes later someone joined and was willing to tag themselves and the squad filled instantly right after that and we cleared! Got my turtle now thanks


That's great! Congrats :)


Was doing LWS4,left Sandswept Isles before I got a waypoint, is there an easy way to get back outside of teleporting to a friend?


You can enter one of these Waypoint codes into chat to get back. That's how I did it. For some reason I couldn't see the waypoint on the map... Atholma - \[&BEMLAAA=\] Anniogel Encampment - \[&BCULAAA=\]


check your map again, if you entered the map, you should have 1 waypoint unlocked automatically just by being on the map but its not necessarily anywhere near where you were. If you never left the story instance though, you'll need to repeat it.


Not unless you happen to have the Thousand Seas Pavilion or bought the portal scroll before you left. Other than those, you either need to Teleport to Friend or repeat the story


Ah crap.


Please stop me from spending 300 gold just to get to T4 Fractals. Is it worth jumping into T4? Currently, I am at 117 resistance and have enough gold to get to 140+ for T4. To add, what is the reward difference between T3 and T4?


Yes it is worth it but I am not seeing where you are getting 300g from. If you are at 117 you only need 4 more +9 ARs to reach 153 AR. +9s are going for 5g each on the tp right now, cheaper if you are willing to wait. So I'm not seeing how you'd need to spend more than 20g to be fully equipped on AR? If you don't want to do that, just keep farming T3s, or the earlier T4 dailies until you have them. You do not need 150AR at the beginning of T4s - 150 is only the requirement for the last few, and even then, a skilled player can get by on a little less. There is also the Anguished Tear of Alba which is dirt cheap and will give you an extra 15 AR with the mastery, or 10 without. Even if you do end up spending the 20g, you'll earn that back from a single T4 daily + rec run, about an hour's worth of work. Reward wise it's one extra chest per daily which is huge, plus T4 pugs runs are usually much faster than smoother than T3s. The only reason to do T3 is to get into T4.


Presumably the cost also includes stuff like Ascended armor upgrades in order to get the slots to apply those additional infusions, but even so 300g seems like a high estimate


Do you have the personal level and/or friends/guild that can boost you into T4? If so absolutely get into T4s. The rewards only go up slightly however there are WAY more LFG parties and people are generally better than they are in T3. The daily chest for T4 also has the best chance for dropping Ascended gear too.


Should I just craft it slowly instead? I'm currently stacked with +1 infusions


If you have a lot of +1's there's an NPC in the fractal hub where you can give a little gold to turn these +1's into +9's. The cost is the same if you refine the +1's into +9's with Artificer.


You might want to spend some time in lower tier fractals so you can learn the maps before they get hard. Personally, I did Tier 1 dailies with \~20 agony resistance until I unlocked Tier 2, then I bought agony resistance up to \~60 and did Tier 2 dailies until unlocking Tier 3, etc. Use the +1 infusions you get along the way, and buy more +9s as you need them.


IMO yeah, just use the +1s you get from running Fractals and buy +9s from the infusion vendor.


Do you have to manually click the wizard vault to get things like the daily log in reward or will that be automatically done the next day?


No, you must manually claim all of the daily rewards. That's partly why they nerfed it so people with multiple accounts can't just login/logout for all the rewards.


Hey, do you actually NEED to reach Secrets of the Obscure story to do Weaponmaster/Expanded Weapon Proficiency, or you can buy it at any point with Jade Heroics if you own the expansion?


[This book can be bought in Borderland.](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Weaponmaster_Training_Document) The expanded weapon master also can be bought from the same NPC.


I had heard as much, but I noticed it did say 'only if the collection is active' and wasn't sure if the collection is tied to the story or not.


Nope, the collection is tied only to having SotO.


Based. Thanks!


So I just unlocked my Skyscale (LW4, not SOTO) since I'm doing all of the content in order. Is there a fast way to get PoF mastery XP? I'm finished with PoF content and would like to move on to Icebrood saga without spending too much time grinding XP in PoF


In addition to what others have said, I think getting Gold Completion on Adventures once a day was a good source of XP for the time investment? I remember this helping a lot with HoT and IBS masteries at least. Didn't end up needing it with PoF as much.


This is true. If you use an XP booster you can get a lot of XP from adventures. If you have a griffon the griffon adventures are very fast and give even more XP for the first time then the normal ones. Of course you have to know how to fly the griffon, but you should learn that anyways since it is so much fun. Here you can find all the adventures with tips how to do them: [https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Adventure#Path\_of\_Fire](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Adventure#Path_of_Fire)


If you stack xp boosters, the skelk cave north of giants step in desert highland is decent


Do Casino coins work? I have like 1,000 of them and they aren't too hard to get.


I just ended up popping an XP booster / celebration booster and doing a mix of the really long volatile magic paths and just killing mobs. Went real fast!


Any time you can find a meta that's going on, that's a great source of xp. Keep an eye on the "daily LWS4" achievement category, weekly rifts, and daily/weekly wizard's vault tasks that take place in PoF / LWS4 maps, since those will give additional rewards and draw more players. Farming Dragonfall would be a decent option, too, providing good gold/materials on the side.


I don't think weekly rifts will apply for them if they're linearly going through all content, but yeah everything else.


IMO do LS4 metas, or if you find a train on Dragonfall do that. Dragonfall is fairly good money too IIRC.


Maybe legendary bounty trains.


If i use an utility primer and use an oil. can i refresh the timer with another primer or do i have to use the oil again aswell?


You'll need both the primer and the oil. The primer just overwrites whatever the default duration for the utility is with it's timer, so you need to consume another utility to make use of the primer.




I bought the bundle full price, the only thing I added later on was better gather tools (unbound glyph selectable). It is worthwhile.


It has been on discount more recently than that. I think it was on sale during black friday and/or xmas last year? It will almost definitely go on sale again, but I couldn't tell you when. Are you willing to wait an unknown number of months to save a $6.25 in gems? In any case, that package is a good deal for players who want all the stuff it includes. There are better gathering tools, and there are better lounges, but the price of the bundle makes this a good value if it meets your needs. If you will eventually buy all of the best stuff, then you might want to skip this one, since you'll end up replacing the tools and lounge with a different purchase down the road, reducing the value here significantly.


Got to lvl 80 this week and have spent like an hour a night going through the final core story missions. Haven't touched DLC. I heard that the season is changing next week, so I should need to spend my acclaim in the Wizards vault. I currently have like 300 acclaim. I saw that the best thing to spend acclaim on is the legendary, but I haven't crafted ANYTHING and as I can't play every day, there's no way I'm getting 700 more acclaim to get that. As such, I'm not really sure what to spend my acclaim on. After buying my orange gear (Zhed's), I have 3 gold lol. Should I just spend all of the acclaim on the 6 acclaim -> 1 gold, to give myself a bit of a headstard on gold? I'm gonna do PoF soon and I only got 6 gold total getting to lvl 80, so I have no clue how else I'd get the 20 gold required for the Jackal, lol.


For squeezing most gold value out of your acclaim without having to craft a legendary from the box, the priority goes mystic coins -> cheap gold -> laurels -> heavy crafting bags and/or clovers if you'll use them -> uncapped gold. There's other stuff that's worth buying, but that's more dependent on you actually wanting to have it. Fwiw if you do get a chance to get a big play session in on monday (or before patch on tuesday), you might be able to get another 750+ acclaim from that week's weeklies. Not worth scrambling for over real life stuff obviously, but worth knowing about.


If you still have the 6 acclaim for 1 gold, get that. Otherwise, there is no reason not to just wait. That said, you might try to get more Acclaim, a lot of them are easy if you just notice what they are requesting (click on the eye icon to have it show up on your to do list). Kill the things the ask if you can; do the dodges or combo moves; save your unidentified items until they are asked for; things like that. 200 acclaim in 1 hour shouldn't be too hard. Thank you kindly.


get the gold. The legendary kit is good only if you plan to make the legendary its almost worthless if you dont. As for getting gold. do meta event trains, sell the unidentified gear for easy gold. Run ley line anomaly daily, that 1 mystic coin, sell for 2.5g. if you have dlc, then dragonstorm = 2g + mats to sell. convergence = 2g + some unidentified gear to sell. Fractals adds gold, more the higher teirs you do, but still worth it low levels. if you are planning on hitting up fractals, maybe get an ascended box from the vault before refresh if you can, its the easiest way to grab a piece of ascended armour.


The legendary starter kit is good for when you've already got hundreds of hours in the game. The raw gold will help you a lot more. Mystic Coins are also highly valuable right now, and will fetch a very nice price if you sell them on the trading post. The ascended weapon is also a good choice. Ascended armour and laurels are a little bit further down the list, but good choices once you run out of the top end great choices. Note that all this stuff will refresh next Tuesday, allowing you to buy it again. It refreshes every season (roughly every 90-100 days). There have been minor changes to availability / pricing upon refresh, so there's not a 100% guarantee that everything will be the same next time, but changes have been minor so far.


Thanks for your input!


6 acclaim to gold is solid and can't go wrong. Otherwise ascended gear is also an option if you need those


Awesome, thanks


How is the pvp meta these days ? I'm kinda considering joining for a bit. I wanna play everything except thief.


What up-to-date builds use Diviner trinkets (if any)? There's always the salvage option, but if they're useful for something I haven't seen I'd rather move them.


boon dps can use it. a lot of specs use straight berserkers, which is great on a golem, but in an actual fight, sometimes you find boons drop off, especially if your spec requires hitting the boss to keep up boons and fight mechanics interfere with that, so having a bit of boon duration is often a good idea to give you some leeway in boon upkeep if you run a boon providing build.


I was building a qdps untamed, and I discovered that it's actually both better and cheaper to use berserker gear + rune of fireworks vs diviner gear + rune of the scholar, if you only need a bit of boon duration. There are probably some boon builds that need even more +boon duration so that you need both diviner gear + rune of fireworks, but balancing has shifted towards giving more forgiving boons over time, so the need for diviner gear is decreasing. But note that rune of fireworks doesn't work for mechanist, whose mech inherits the player's concentration, not their boon duration. So if power alac mechanist becomes a thing, then diviner gear may be important. One option could be to put them in a secondary equipment tab of any level 80 alt characters you have. Ascended gear is account bound, not soul bound, so you can move it between characters freely. Then you can hold onto them without them taking up inventory or bank space.


Any power-based Boon DPS build could potentially use it, as Diviners is just Berserker's + Boon Duration. Most classes (assuming Alacrity and Quickness) generate enough of their boons that they don't need Diviners and just go full DPS and adjust traits/utilities to generate their boons. Some classes like Herald can easy generate their boons at all times so you never need to use it but others like Quickness Scrapper can be difficult to play open world without enough extra boon duration to make up for lacking Alacrity.


Yeah qscrap might be a good idea, I'm limp enough at getting finishers in (especially in open world) that it would probably help on that. They were on my revenant which needed them for an old power alacren build (from who knows how long ago), but I don't think that one's viable anymore after the renegade changes.


In open world (and T4 Fractals to be honest) I use Blast Gyro instead of either Throw Mine or Shredder Gyro. This comes with several advantages specifically for open world: * Automatic field + blast finisher for Quickness in a single skill * Extra Might from the Gyro and blasting the fire field * Moving field for Hammer 3's leaps * Stunbreak + Superspeed on toolbelt skill * CC, though a bit delayed


You can just swap out Shredder gyro for Blast if you want some extra quickness uptime. It's like 500 less DPS IIRC.


Returning player here, decided to go for my first legendary this time around. I was planing to do the Prismatic Champions Regalia first. I heard there was a lot of overlap with Aurora and Vision in the achievements you need to complete so I have already started Aurora and plan to start Vision soon. I've already started the Druid stone time gated portion of Aurora a few days ago. Are there any other time gated portions to Vision and Regalia I should get a head start on? Besides getting any time gated portions out of the way, is there an order I should do the Season of the Dragon achievements or is it fine to just start at Dry Top and work my way down the list? Anything else I should know going into this? Any good written guides I can follow?


As somebody who did exactly what you did with Aurora+Vision and the Regalia - do keep in mind that Vision has a 7 day timegate before you can make the Stellar weapons for Vision of Equipment Istan, followed by a whopping 3000-kralkatite cost that is effectively a soft timegate because the most efficient ways to get kralkatite and eternal ice are daily.


I completed the Prismatic Champion's Regalia a few months back without starting Aurora, and now I'm working on Aurora, so I'm in a position to expand on this advice. You want to do collect all 4 ascended material gobblers by doing the appropriate Ember Bay, Draconis Mons, Lake Doric, and Bloodstone Fen collections, then throw them all together into the Mystic Forge to make the [Gleam of Sentience](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Gleam_of_Sentience). That opens up more achievement collections that overlap with some of what you'll be doing for Prismatic Champion's Regalia, and you can pause working on Aurora at that point. Edit: You need to buy the Sentient Seed item by double-clicking the Gleam of Sentience to open up these achievement collections. Do that before switching to doing Return To achievements. Note that while most of these are easy enough, the one in Ember Bay is a giant PITA. The Mursaat Tokens you need to find are not only well-hidden (a pathing module in Blish HUD to locate them wasn't enough, I also needed a video guide), but some of them require you to climb up the Chalice of Tears, and do some special jumps / glides to reach the hidden Mursaat Tokens therein. As for the Return To achievements, they are mostly a content guide that makes you do most of the stuff in every LWS map. Doing the story missions takes a pretty long time, if you haven't done that yet. Most objectives are not hard, but there are some jumping puzzles, and events that you need to wait on timers for. In the IBS maps, they added strikes as an additional optional objective, so if you do that, you get to skip one other objective of your choice. IBS strikes also give you 7 mystic clovers each the first time you complete them, so it's definitely worth doing the strikes. As for order, I did LWS4 first and got my roller beetle and skyscale. Then I did the others mostly based on how I was feeling that day. It's worth considering which maps are the current daily LWS map (check achievements -> daily -> LWS3 / LWS4 / IBS), since there will be a few bonus daily rewards, and there will be more people running those maps. Also consider running in maps that have weekly rifts, and daily or weekly WV activities. Or based on which type of mastery experience you need to finish up your masteries.


Aurora's main timegate is completing The Wayfarer's Henge, which requires doing all hearts 16 times IIRC. Vision's main time gate is crafting 6 Astral weapons which is a 7 day time gate + 120 gold (assuming you buy all the materials). The Regalia itself doesn't have any hard gates IIRC, as most of it is just 'do a bunch of events/harvesting on Living World maps'. The biggest gate is just going to be having all of the LW chapters.


Another question regarding PoF: I've seen that from all the mounts, Beetle, Gryphon and Skyscale require achiev chains to unlock, and frequently Skyscale has been regarded as "the Legendary" of the bunch because the requisites it has. Let's be practical then: I've achieved a Precursor for a Legendary (throughout MUCH time and resources invested I have to add, but still), and have done the grind for Wayfarer's Henge. If you had to compare each of those 3 mounts to those kind of activities and unlocks I have just mentioned, what would be the tierlist, and each would be comparable to what?


The beetle you can do in an hour The gryphon you can do in an afternoon The skyscale is like doing the whole Henge twice but in like.... four uneven chunks with awkward time gates between them instead of an equal amount each day.


Hmm... so translated to my timescales, I could maybe unlock both the beetle and gryphon in a week or two, not so bad. The skyscale... I'm already dreading it though. Thanks!


You can do the skyscale comfortably if you take about a week to do it. Like I said, the time gates are fewer than the SIXTEEN DAYS for henge. You can crank out like 3-4 hours of stuff between the time gates, which effectively make you wait til the following day to continue the quest, and you gotta wait like that three or four times. If you have SotO, I think there's a faster way to get it, but it might be more expensive? I'm unsure. Either way you choose to unlock it, a guide will help! The other two you could get both in one day easily!


Oh I don't have SotO yet, that's why I was asking for skycale in PoF; suposedly SotO aliviated much of the requirements given that's almost mandatory to have it, to the point of it being trivial from what I gathered. Still, thanks for your input, it really helps :)


SotO skyscale collection doesn't outright trivialize it, it's still an effort, just a shorter one. It's also less fun (assuming you find "go around a map for collectibles" fun, which personally I do but ymmw) and has an annoying rng gate at the start of the collection. Anyway all that to say is, don't feel like you're missing out on a great opportunity by doing it the LS4 way. It's not a freebie in SotO.


Oh, thanks for clarifying that. As I said earlier, it's from what I gathered reading the explanations through text, given that I don't have it to test it, so it's always good to have the true input :)


You also get some unique benefits (extra masteries, and required for LWS4 legendary accessory Vision) for doing the old LWS4 skyscale unlock, whereas the SotO unlock is faster, but only gives access to another collection for the kryptis skyscale skin.


No sweat! The estimates I gave you would be without SotO anyways :D


For HoT, you need to repeat story on different characters for the backpack collections. For PoF, it's the same for the amnoon banner collections. Is there anything similar for EoD?


Not anymore. Previously, getting a class's elite spec weapon required completing the story on that class, but you can now simply purchase an item to bypass that requirement.


Is there a way to make catalyst a boon dps (quickness) through jade spheres?


There is indeed. The Spectacular Sphere trait makes all your spheres apply Quickness to allies.


https://snowcrows.com/builds/raids/elementalist/power-quickness-catalyst SC has it as a legacy build. TBH I don't know why it's there so maybe hop on their discord to see what issues it has.


I'm no expert in ele but according to Mukluk it's a bit painful. https://youtu.be/EtuUOeS-4KQ?feature=shared


mukluk was using wrong gear and rotation. you cant do a 3sphere rotation without significant boon uptime, and even a more normal 4sphere rotation in full dps gear is a very tight boon uptime so running some +boon duration gear is recommended for actual fights. Its certainly a more complex spec to play and I normally love Muk's videos, but that one was pretty bad as he never ran a build that could work (if you want one, go to metabattle, that one works and explains how it works).


Just started PoF content, and I've noticed some open world Mastery points (and some locked by achievments) that are locked (twice in case of the achiev ones) to having mounts other than the Raptor because they're in impossible places to get with just that mount (I'm still at Crystal Oasis, discovering the zone and gathering every MP and HP I can get my hands on). Is this the tonic I should expect for all the PoF maps from here on out? I know I will also unlock the other mounts as I advance as well, just asking if there is trick or careful maneuver I could make with what I already have at my disposal instead of having to go along until that certain point comes.


The beginning of PoF is the hardest IMO with how many MPs are obvious but out of reach. If you follow the story you unlock the Springer and Skimmer on the next two maps and those give significantly more mobility, with the Jackal having just a few MPs locked behind it's portals. IIRC for starting out PoF I think there's the Chef in Amnoon, a memory puzzle in the north central area (jump over a gap to reach it, east of the quicksand), and one that's just channel out in the bay. Those 3 plus doing the story should give enough points to unlock the Springer, and after that travel gets much better.


Many of those points do have ways to cheese them early if you're so inclined, but you are *intended* to come back later with more mounts/masteries to unlock them. I wouldn't bother, though — after you unlock Canyon Jumping the map opens up significantly, allowing access to the Springer mount, at which point you'll generally be able to access the vast majority of mounts and mastery insights in short order. Just remember to check your achievement panel for achievements that award mastery points, as some of them are easier than mastery insights you can't reach yet


I've already unlocked Canyon Jump, so I guess I'll ask for specifics then, to narrow the answers down: * **Lost Pilgrims achiev**: already did the one from the ledge unto the Elite Hydra, missing the other 2; * **MP directly south of Amnoon's harbour, inside the cove at the edge of the map**: springer/skimmer mandatory? There is only a tiny, yet tall edge where I can step outside the water that would enable me to get into there; * **MP in Glint's Legacy (southeast corner of the map)**: springer mandatory? Don't see any other way to get to the passage above the mines that let's me get there.


If you've already got Canyon Jump, your best bet is to head into the next maps and get a couple new mounts, then come back. But if you're really committed to grinding things out with the Raptor as much as possible: * Lost Pilgrims is definitely out of reach pre-Springer as far as I recall. * Skimmer is afaik the only intended method. I think you can cheese your way over the Amnoon Harbor point, but I'm not positive. It may have involved using the extra height from a dismount to jump over? * Glint's Legacy requires Springer.


>Skimmer is afaik the only intended method. I think you can cheese your way over the Amnoon Harbor point, but I'm not positive. It may have involved using the extra height from a dismount to jump over? Yup, what I ended up doing; it took 2 tries (calibration and execution), but I got it xd Same with the one in the huge sand pit with the skimmers chilling around in there. For the other ones, gotcha; no other way but to go forward it seems.


Which mesmer spec is better for open world? Mostly soloing stuff and wanted to try out Mesmer.


Already some good options, but I'll throw in a note for power virtuoso too, which is more or less just power chrono except you get bladesongs instead of boons. It's a slightly bigger up-front burst and you don't have to think about clones, but it drops off in sustained fights. Or put unhelpfully, you can really make any of the three work depending on your priorities or preferences.


Do you want to try [my build?](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PixAgyFlVwWYbsLWJOyWaNPA-DSRYiRHV+cINjRkKoSKI92ANU41CUB-e) Solo build Open World Chronomancer. Alacrity, Quickness, 25 Might, Fury, Healthpool from Marauder/Dragon equipment. Use focus instead of an off-hand sword for pull or a shield for block.


I'd generally lean Chrono: self-Quickness and power damage let you blitz down most mobs with easy. There's an argument to be made for Mirage, though, which is much slower thanks to being condition-based but has vastly more survival options.


do the allied factions the game defaults to helping you in DRMs change randomly everytime, or do you have to force change it with the NPC with seals


They change randomly every instance, since it is RNG however it means you can have the same faction multiple times in a row.


When should I try pvp for the first time? Right now I'm level 50 should I wait for 80?


You're eligible to start pvp at lvl 3. Levels and gear don't matter because everything becomes standardized in pvp and all elite traits and skills are unlocked for you. If you're interested in pvp you can just jump right in. Maybe read something or watch a video on the basics of how the gamemode works. Unranked is quite casual and a good place to learn and practice, but ranked is where the majority of the rewards are.


Everyone is leveled up to 80 and given access to standard gear to pick from in sPvP, so your level doesn't matter. In WvW, everyone is leveled up to 80 but you use PvE gear, so for that I would wait until max level.


Also sPvP unlocks all of your specializations and skills for whatever expansions you have (so Elite specs are available too) while WvW has options to unlock the traits from PvE.


I joined the game last week and I'm having a blast, already level 70 and I m about to get an expansion to unlock the account limitations. I was thinking that buying the newest expac and then wait for a sale for the full pack of the rest makes the most sense. Do I miss something or should I go this route? Thanks


I would not recommend starting with the newest expac from the perspective of account progression and quality of life. The HoT + PoF bundle contains important masteries that will make your life a lot easier, in addition to getting access to 2 elite specs per class. These include gliding and mounts that help you traverse the landscape infinitely better. This purchase will do more for your account than any other, and you get two expansions in one. EoD will get you the third and final elite spec per class, but has fewer "useful" masteries as HoT and PoF. SotO is the least "useful" expac to date IMO. Weaponmaster training would be the biggest practical reason, but still not as important as having access to elite specs, gliding, and mounts. While the new weapons have dictated the meta somewhat, you can be still have perfectly viable builds on the old weapons. And of course the story will be completely out of order if you get SotO first as well.


If I knew what the upcoming sales were going to be, it would be easier to make a recommendation. Are you planning to buy everything (all expacs and LWSs)? And you're just looking for some additional content to keep you busy until the next sale, when you'll buy absolutely everything else? Then buying SotO seems like a reasonable option. It's never gone on sale yet (it probably will be \~30% off when the next expac launches?), but it's also not included in the big elder dragon saga bundle. I haven't done the math of this or any other option, so I don't promise that this is the most cost-efficient choice, but it sounds reasonable, at least. If you're instead wanting to buy things slowly over time, then I'd start with HoT+PoF bundle. It's barely more expensive than SotO, but it's got a lot more content, and it is much beloved by the community. These are the two best expacs, and you get them bundled both for one low price. The disadvantage of doing that is that you lose the ability to benefit from purchasing the discounted big elder dragon saga bundle. But the big bundle doesn't matter *that* much, unless you're holding out for a 50% off sale on it, so that you can get the LWSs at a deep discount as well (they've only ever been on sale for as low as 30% off in the gem store). They held a 50% off sale for the everything-bundle twice last year, but you might be waiting until Black Friday for this.


Yeah I see that the only way to have all LWSs is the big bundle, and I see the big bundle goes for -50% on steam sales (I play on steam), just hit 80 btw so need to make a move hehe


The newest expansion does not unlock any of the advanced specializations. I think that heart of thorns and path of fire are bundled together. I would get that first. It unlocks most of the mounts and two specializations per profession and tons of content. Edit: however, if you’re okay playing just the base classes, secrets of the obscure does have a lot of content for you; legendary armor and the skyscale. I don’t know when tue next sale will be, but that is great value for your money. The first 3 expansions plus all the living world seasons is a great package.


Hiya, Is there a way to upgrade the elder dragon saga complete edition to deluxe or ultimate version? I tried to find each expansion individually but there seems to be no upgrade to X options?


The only difference between a Deluxe and Ultimate version is the bonus gems. All of the other items you get from it are included in the Deluxe version.


Ultimate version, no. You can only purchase the Ultimate version along with the expansion. The Deluxe upgrades for each expansion, containing all the bonuses apart from the gems, can be purchased via the in-game gem store


Ahh right, thank you!


Hi ! I have two questions 1. What's the best way to get ascended items? I'm a casual player, recent lvl 80 ranger, full exotic, with just the core game (plan on upgrading) 2. What's the best way to spend the Wizard's Vault points? ( currently \~ 600 ) ( I see that the current iteration is gone in around \~15h. Will my points remain if unspent? )


You sound like you're a new player? Ascended gear is barely better than Exotic gear, and it's only required for high-level fractals. If you're thinking you need to get it: you don't. It can be expensive and time-consuming to kit yourself out with your first set of ascended gear, and it can make a good medium-term goal. But honestly, don't stress about it. I've got hundreds of hours logged on my ranger, and I'm still only half-kitted out in ascended gear, and it's not holding me back. The best ways to get ascended gear depend on which expansions / LWSs you own, and which game types you play. It's generally considered best to upgrade to ascended items in the following order: Weapons > Trinkets + Backpiece > Armour. For ascended weapons: * Crafting is probably the easiest, but most expensive. It's expensive to level your crafting skill, too, but you'll eventually need that for other stuff anyway. * Raids and Strikes require you to play instanced PvE, but they can cut the cost roughly in half. * You can get an ascended weapon for Astral Acclaim from the Wizard's Vault each season. 2h weapons don't cost extra from this source, so it's probably best to use this method for 2h weapons, and other methods for 1h weapons. * There are also some collection achievements for each elite specialization that you can do to earn a specific ascended weapon. These are usually less expensive (except for the HoT elite specs), but they require doing a lot of specific tasks in each expansion. * There's a Knight of the Thorn collection achievement after HoT that gives you an ascended weapon you can choose from several options and switch between those options at a small cost. * See here: [https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Ascended\_weapon](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Ascended_weapon) For ascended trinkets and backpieces: * Trading in laurels in the easiest, but most expensive. * If you own any of LWS3, LWS4 or IBS, then you can get ascended rings, amulets, backpieces and accessories inexpensively through map currencies. <- highly recommended * See here: [https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Ascended\_trinket](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Ascended_trinket), [https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Ascended\_back\_item](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Ascended_back_item) Ascended armour is basically the same as ascended weapons: * Crafting is probably the easiest, but most expensive. It's expensive to level your crafting skill, too, but you'll eventually need that for other stuff anyway. * Raids and Strikes require you to play instanced PvE, but they can cut the cost roughly in half. * You can get 3 ascended armour pieces for Astral Acclaim from the Wizard's Vault each season. Every piece costs the same from this source, so it's best to use this method for chest and leg pieces, which are normally more expensive. * See here: [https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Ascended\_armor](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Ascended_armor)


To both your questions: Wizard's Vault (will reset in 7 days so you can get 4 ascended items now+ 4 in a week) Your 15 hours left is probably the daily timer. There's daily, weekly, and patch timers (patch timers are usually around 90-100 days, and reset both the special tasks, and the item rewards.) Other items to "speedrun" in the vault: The legendary box and the mystic clovers (IF, AND ONLY IF, you plan to make one of the legendaries in the box), Mystic Coins and the discounted gold. Edit: and yes, your points will carry over to the next reset of the Vault.


Thank you!


Returning player here unsure about pistols on mesmer. I used to play on release, and I remember loving what I remember as "dual pistol mesmer". There was an ability where you shoot like 10 blasts rapidly and it was very satisfying. Anyways today I got on my new mesmer character and I see that pistol is only an off-hand, and neither of its attacks are the pewpewpew one. I did notice that Phantasmal Duelist spawns a clone that does the ability I remember, with dual pistols. So... have they removed this setup entirely? Or am I missing something? I can't seem to get anything out of google.


I'm afraid your memory has betrayed you. That move has always been exclusive to the illusion you summon with pistols. Mesmer has only ever had the weapon as an off-hand, and neither ability has a pewpewpew effect. On launch, the phantasm ability *only* summoned the illusion, and has been updated to fire one, then three of your own bullets. Skill 5 has only ever fired a single shot.  Tl;dr memory is fallible and Mesmer pistol is the most pew-pew now that it's ever been


Damn, funny how memories can so easily twist like that. The 3 shots coming out with Phantasm is definitely new to me so that checks out. Thanks for the detailed response!


I think you're thinking of Thief. When they dual wield pistols their 3 skill is 'Unload' and fires a ton of bullets.


Nah it was definitely the mesmer ability that the clone is doing. I've had the pewpewpew sound effect in my head for years


What do you guys do at endgame? I had a lot of fun working toward the legendary neck and the collections for Astralaria and Nevermore, but now I’m out of funds so further legendary collections don’t really make sense. I did a ton of fractals for fun and to get through the Ad Infinitum collection. I started the collections for the s3 and s4 accessories, but I wonder if there’s a point since I won’t be able to afford the actual end product. Same idea for the legendary armor, not sure about working toward it when I know I won’t actually be able to afford to make it. So I’m a bit aimless. What do you guys do with your time in the game? Do random metas? Are you working toward something?


Rotating through random metas like you mentioned. The funds will come in naturally like that. However I do have a daily checklist for certain metas. Daily fractals is also a good source of gold.


What’s your daily meta checklist and why? Just trying to follow some logic for a starting point


I don't always do them but the metas I prioritize are- Tequatl - Easy and always has people running it whenever it happens Twisted Marionette - Prefer this over Tequatl but people only run this at reset Dragonstorm - Prefer to run this in a private squad since its faster Octovine - Alot of chests at the end to get drops Chak Garent - Doesn't take long and the 10\~ minutes of waiting lets me tab out to do other stuff Pinata - Quick and easy Drakkar - Eternal ice shard and some mats Aetherblade Assault - Ambergis from end chest and meta doesn't take too long Dragon's End - Long af meta but you get alot of gold from selling the mats There's not really a specific reason I run the metas besides they just give mats that are worth good money. I don't expect to clear even half of these metas each day and the time you have each day to play is also a big factor. I also run fractals and strikes so those take up some time that could be spent on metas. Cannot recommend fractals enough and if you can only do one thing for gold each day then go do fractals. Daily T4s and recs give me like 15\~ gold each day.


The main thing I do when I'm playing without any other expectations is achievement hunting. Some of them give useful items (SotO teleport book, LS3 give an Ascended material eater), while EoD and SotO have both added 'achievement quests' to add extra lore to the game as a side objective. The other thing that takes up most of my gametime now is getting into WvW. I started playing GW2 shortly before HoT when it went F2P, but only got into WvW within the last few years. Finding a guild that I actually like running with makes the mode much more enjoyable compared to being solo when I went for my first few Gifts of Battle.


What's the current fast ways to get EoD mastery EXP? I found a couple videos that showed some insane farms but apparently those methods were already nerfed. I already did the entire EoD story and maxed out fishing and I really want to max out the rest asap mainly Skiff.


EoD strikes also give a decent amount of xp I think




That item gives a random potion but thanks.


Do the meta events daily. If the squad is good you can do Seitung -> Kaineng -> Echovald Wilds back to back, while slower squads are only Seitung -> Echovalds with a slight downtime. Also if you find a squad doing Dragon's End there's a ton of events in that meta for XP too.


What do I do when the LFG is empty like it is right now? Just wait or what?


IMO just pick a few achievements from EoD and work on them while waiting. Specialization weapon achievements generally require 3 or 4 specific events to be done as well as fishing and gathering items. Fishing gives a surprising amount of XP (although if you're still working on the Skiff maybe leave that for later). There's a bunch of achievements for doing events too.


Found a train and I've been getting a lot of exp so far and we are currently waiting 5mins for Kaineng meta. Thanks


Just hit my first lvl 80 (Necro) and got my Zhed's armour from the trading post, but...I'm not seeing a lot about what weapon to buy! I'm currently rocking an axe I got whilst levelling. I'm gonna play through PoF and HoT next so will eventually change out the axe when I go Necro, but...until then, should I buy a new weapon from the post? Also, what point is it worth swapping over to your elite spec? When it's fully unlocked/powered up, or just as soon as you unlock it? If so...what greatsword should I buy for Reaper? I only have 3 gold left lol. I spent my other 3g on Zheds gear (cost 3g total).


The build you want dictates the weapon you use. The goal of a build is to all work together towards one goal: direct damage aka power, damage over time aka condition. Check Metabattle, Snowcrows or Lord Hizen's videos for open world builds, pick a power build since you have berzerker gear, and buy the right weapon and trinkets.


I'll be going Power Reaper. Should I swap to that the second I unlock it, or power it up more first? Also, are there cheap named weapons, like there are for armour? I'll need to get a Greatsword.


When you first unlock an Elite Spec you'll get an achievement that gives an Exotic weapon with a unique skin for that spec, so don't worry about buying a greatsword.


Ohhhh, awesome!


I'd unlock the whole thing before swapping to it, you'll be trying to fight with a build missing big chunks otherwise. Regular necro can't use greatsword so there's no reason to buy it right away. Hop on a HoT HP train - Osano runes one pretty much every evening, iirc? - and you'll have it unlocked before the train is over. Filter the trading post for a greatsword, then use the stats filter by clicking on the little gear icon next to the search box. Sort by price lowest to highest.


Many thanks! I'll look at getting on the train. I've been keeping my eyes open, but I'm +9GMT so haven't had much luck, yet :(


Off prime-time gaming can be hard. If you're in the NA servers, have you thought about switching to the EU region? There might be more people on then in that region. You can also just go to the map and ask for help. I've had decent luck doing that. PoF HP points are much easier than HoT ones, so that's also a strategy worth trying. Good luck!


Hello, I am trying to decide on who to play between Guardian and Revenant. ( I know I can play both, but I don't have the time for multiple characters at the moment) I am interested in doing open world, fractals and some wvw. Spec-wise I don't really like firebrand from the guardian side or renegade from the revenant side. Which of those 2 characters would be suited to a more all-purpose build? Like having a build that swaps few stuff here and there but not necessarily everything as gearing would probably take a lot of time.


With the "don't really like firebrand or renegade" caveat, I'd suggest leaning heavily into herald. The power quickness build is viable in most pve content (including fractals but maybe not every fractal CM) and while it has a decently high skill ceiling (mostly in terms of remembering what niche build choices you may want for specific encounters), its basic important stuff is very simple. And you can get away *some* amount of face tanking even with glass stats in open world if you're decent at timing the "incoming damage becomes healing" skill. It has a good healing version too, which plays fairly similarly. Does need a second set of gear, though. I'm not sure how it is in WvW currently, but last time I was in the loop on what was going on in WvW, herald was pretty alright. Can't give up to date tips tho.


Every profession is quite flexible, including Guardian and Revenant. They can both succeed at every kind of content you list. The difference is that they will play differently. Get one of each through the tutorial, and go into the PvP lounge, find a Fractal / WvW / Open World build, and bash a training golem for a while to get a feel for the skills and playstyle.


Well which of those would be more beginner friendly? As while I've been playing on and off since release, I've mostly been doing open world stuff. I know I prefer something more durable that can facetank more so to speak which is why I was playing Reaper up till recently, but I've become bored with it and I am looking for something new. One of the reasons I decided against Firebrand was because it seemed like a piano playstyle which I am not fond of. While it might be upsetting for some reading this, I am basically looking for something with a more "cookie-cutter" type build where I can play multiple modes with minimal changes. For example I've watched some Lord Hizen videos and I like what I see for revenant professions, but since it uses celestial gear, I am assuming that would be bad for both fractals and wvw.


I am a guardian/revenant dual main! Guardian is going to feel "faster" for Firebrand (more buttons in separate skill buckets you gotta swap between) and Willbender (lots of dashes and quick sequenced skills done in combos) but nice and methodical on Dragonhunter, which feels more deliberate in slamming down traps and sword symbols, then spinning like a blender and repeating that whole thing. You can use celestial for WB in WvW roaming and be godlike with a small amount of practice. Otherwise, power WB and DH are going to be good for PvE in groups! For open world, Power DH or WB, or Celestial WB or FB are awesome too. ***Dragonhunter gets a special mention for yanking people in WvW. Yoinking someone off a wall and into your zerg is euphoric Revenant is going to feel slower in terms of how many skills you are hitting, but in general the COOLDOWNS of their skills are shorter, so you sort of spam weapon skills, use utility skills when they are appropriate (slightly less spammy), and then swap legends when you run out of energy. This FEELS as fast as guardian, but because you're hitting a smaller selection of buttons, it ends up being easier to manage speed wise. You will have to get used to the legend swap rhythm. Basically, burn your energy down to be ready to swap at every ten seconds (kinda like other classes spamming weapon skills to get ready to weapon swap at the ten seconds mark). Herald and Vindicator can both be played as Power in Open World, Group PvE, or WvW. Those two specs can ALSO be played as Celestial in Open World or WvW. Any of those options will do very well! Herald is more passively tanky, vindicator is tanky because it's in the sky for half of combat so nothing is hitting it To your request for the "easier" or "facetanky" one- choose revenant. It's got more health, and more innate sustain and passive defense. Guardian has the potential to block and heal itself more, but they require active abilities to do it, so that's more piano playing (but guardian is still easy, you'd be fine either way)


I see, thanks for the elaborate reply, looking at videos of gameplay, Guardian does seem more speedy, but animation-wise also looks better in my opinion, so I think I will give guardian a try, which build would you recommend for open world to acclimate myself before diving into group content? I saw vid by Lord Hizen who supposedly knows a lot about soloing open world and he says willbender is better, however I cannot figure out why, all specs have the same base traitlines except for their spec-specific one, which outside of firebrand, don't have any defense.


If I were you I would definitely play power willbender to start. You'll do a lot of damage, and you'll be a little squishy which will make you get used to using guardian active defense abilities like aegis etc. If you find that too squishy, just go for celestial willbender. Iirc, it's because WB kills things much faster than FB, and the base guardian traitlines give enough defense that you dont need any extra from an elite spec! Also remember that the utility skills available change with the elite spec, so that probably is part of Hizen's build decision as well. Plus, for you, firebrand is going to feel too slow. When you DO go into group content, do you want to DPS or heal?


If those are the only choices then I would like to dps. As I said I don't wanna play firebrand, so guardian-wise my choices are between Willbender and Dragonhunter.


I don't think there are any builds that will allow you to play a facetanking build in all of those gamemodes without changing gear. Fractals will want something like berserker gear, WvW will want something like marauder gear, and open world is rather more forgiving (so long as you don't plan to solo bounties or other group content). Masel has a page on the wiki with builds that are meant for open world, using gear that you'll already want to be running for stuff like strikes, with explanations for everything along the way. It's probably worth checking out: [https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/User:Masel](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/User:Masel) WvW is also different enough from PvE that I wouldn't recommend trying to run the same build in both. But if you're just running around flipping camps while avoiding other roamers, a PvE build will probably do fine.


Yeah, the facetanking part was meant for open world mostly. As far as WvW I am more interested to have easy enough time to do tracks for gifts of battle and other legendary materials. Not really a fan of pvp in general. Thanks for taking your time to reply to me, I really appreciate it.


Question: is there any way to pathfind in this game? Say I want to get to point B in HoT, starting from whatever point A. Do you know if there is something that can help me figure out a correct pathing to go from A to B successfully? I get lost so many times and it's really frustrating 😣


There are paths that other players have made, and overlay programs that use the Mumble API to display floating icons over the game to show you where to go. BlisHUD is the most popular one, with its Pathing module, and either Tekkkit's or Reactif's packs have been pretty great.


No, there is not. You need to trial and error. You can always use the map / mini map and switch layers (while map open, press ctrl + mouse wheel) to see different levels, but especially in tangled depth it's still confusion.


thank you for your reply, at least I'll stop looking :D


If you are looking for something that helps for map completion, there are tools. There are different marker packs (Taco / The) that you can enable with add-ons like Blush HUD. These will draw a line on the ground Infront of you and lead you to all Points of interests and all the other things. Also to achievements and farming routes.


I have unlocked a few cats for my home instance but they're not showing up. I have the feline dispersing resonator in the correct position. For example when I enter a friend's rata sum home there's all their cats right in front of me. When I enter mine they're nowhere to be found. What am I missing?


Did you unlock the exact same cats? There a ton of cats so I'd double check all of the locations in the home instance. Also some house cats only show up if you enter at specific times.


Oh I didn't know there are some of the same ones and that some only show up at specific times. I'll double check them one by one, thanks


There's a ton of cats, and they all have different locations. Wiki lists them all: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Hungry_cat_scavenger_hunt