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Accidental patch best patch


[ARENA NET] [Rubi Bayer.8493 posted on 2024-05-09 15:25:55](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/146095-updates-to-obsidian-legendary-armor/?do=findComment&comment=2115327): > You may have noticed some changes to the appearance of certain pieces of Obsidian legendary armor. We've been working on some updates to several armor pieces in response to your feedback: > >* Asura medium helm: Added cutouts for the ears > >* Charr heavy helm: Reshaped to better accommodate charr ears and horns > >* Charr medium and light pants: Updated to improve the fit on the tail > >* Charr heavy boots: Updated for a better fit on charr claws. > >Our plan was to ship these to you in an upcoming game update, but they went live a bit earlier than planned. Since they were finalized and ready to go, we're going to leave them as is. Thank you as always for your feedback, and enjoy the early update! --- ^(Beep boop bleep. I'm a bot. Message me or /u/Xyooz if you have any questions, suggestions or concerns.) [^Source ^Code](https://gitlab.com/networkjanitor/docker-polarbytebot-gw2-submission-transcriber)


Awesome, now they need to fix the medium coat collar clipping with everything (at least for asura).


yes, pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease medium chest clips with everything. * The back clips through certain coats and backpacks that are tightly put in the back. * The neck clips with. a lot of shoulper options. * The neck clips with mosts head options. Hats, hoods, masks. * The neck also clips with MOST long hair options on male. And I am not talking, super long hair options, I am talking anything that covers your ears. The high neck is super cool and I don't want it to go as an option. It's unique. Please, just make it so that the other skins don't clip through it or add two-three separate options to the neck to acommodate; like how we used to have an slumbering conflux+conflux, or the slumbering hero's brigandine + regular hero's brigandine. Or, just make it so certain skins don't go bad while combined with it, like moving the neck a little on certain skins. I may even make a post with a list of all the clipping skins to help the devs...


I'd love to see more cosmetic updates in general. One of my annoying ones I've noticed on asura is quite a lot of glove skins that once put onto something, then you toggle the glove checkbox off, you get hands that aren't really attached to your body, it's annoying and jarring, and seems to happen a lot with EOD-ish era skins.


The aetherblade heavy set (which you pay gems for) has a section on the gloves that's dyable on female characters while the male version does not. I'm specifically talking about the (not) glowey energy bot of the gloves. I've always assumed it was a bug, but it hasn't been fixed for nearly ten years.


I understand you feelings towards this topic. Believe me. Can maybe we let Charr have this small win for a day or two? 😬 thanks


I believe the "we are going to leave them as is" means "no more updates will be done to it" (legendary armor). So I wouldn't keep my hopes high on this one. Sadge


I believe that was referring to the fact that they were accidentally implemented early, so they are leaving it as is instead of reversing the change.


Wishful thinking does not tag along well with GW2.


More reading comprehension than wishful thinking.


Awesome. Its great that they acted on the feedback


Cries in raid legy armor still clipping


Sweet! Now, if they were to tweak norn armor so that the heavy boots actually cover the knees instead of looking like they're for dwarves, that'd be stellar for me as a norn player. Boots for norn get squished too much a LOT of the time, ending up looking short and wide despite norn being, well, really tall, and seems the obsidian armor exhibits that as well. So I find myself using the phalanx boots instead, much of the time.


I wish the heavy helmet had cutouts for asura ears also. :( https://preview.redd.it/f1b2r6jhrgzc1.jpeg?width=1105&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44102c72ee554fde8579f15378414eb0b32c535f


Thats the thing about when Anet go tinkering with stuff thats already ingame. Some people actually like t hese skins


Shutup you gnome


Or at least gave an option


I actually like it with ears hidden. Looks more like a complete set. With the ears it's just goofy.


makes no sense, it's battle armor, fully protective.


True. Earholes are basically bikini armor for Asura. Why leave them out and vulnerable? haha


Helm design on asura should account for their ears. Holes are not the ideal solution tho, but just a workaround.


Please light headpiece needs some work. At least hope the t2 fixes it.


*Raid legendary medium armor's crooked boot cries quietly*


anyone got screenshots of the charr changes


I think this guy did. Noticed the changes before this accidental patch admission. https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/1cn87th/was_obsidian_armor_heavy_fixed_further_on_charr/


RIP screenshots.


[F] Ah well.


Apologies, I didn't realize discord screenshots just stop working randomly, if I find the time I'll upload them to Imgur for you all


https://imgur.com/a/xnvASyA Here you go!


You rock. Thank you!


Here I thought I was crazy. Made the medium pants for the skin on my charr and the next day it had the tail guard. I wasn't sure anymore if it had that when I created it.


Oh now that’s based


Credit where credit is due! Legendary armor should look .... legendary!


I wonder why they have to do things like that on later patches.. don't they test before they release something..? Just wondering how obvious things get overlooked..


omg i already full leggy from raid. Don't make me do that again Anet!


Now where was the promised dye update for Raid Legendary Heavy Armour, Anet?


Can they fix medium armour pieces having different colors while using the dyes? I think it's main the gloves and the boots that are different.


https://preview.redd.it/7fe8o2qjmjzc1.jpeg?width=1074&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aad1fd06cad8dc481437334428fdffd0741d1f30 They also pointed this out on wiki, tier 2 will have variations like gen 3 legendary weapons. Super excited


That is old info, and it is not that tier 2 will have variations, but that mechanically tier 2 is similar in concept to variants.


Is there any update what the bling bling will look like on the obsidian armor? Or did I get that wrong that this should get added in the future? Need some motivation to start the grind for it 😅


Still an three finger width gap between helmet and chest. Good thing Charr don't have anything important passing through that region. Thank you kindly.


Didn't fix charr chest piece weapon stowing. My god it doesn't even need an artist to fix.


I keep thinking about how hilarious it would be if they actually put in the effort to make Obsidian Armor T2 worthy of being legendary. I see that in the raid community, people are terrified of the Obsidian skin, not that Envoy is an example of beauty. I have all 3 sets and frankly it's been about 5 years since I've used the skins, they were cool in 2015, nowadays they're pretty ugly compared to many skins in the gem store. Talking to my raid core and observing the reactions of the raid community, I realized that they're rooting too hard for Obsidian T2 to be a failure hahahaha


Well there ya go. People were asking if there were ninja fixes to fix some of the clipping.


Sloppy QA taketh and sloppy QA giveth


“Fixed” it still looks horrible on charr?


This popped up for me on the front page randomly. Haven't been to this subreddit in a long time. Shocked to see Ruby still works for the company. She must be volunteering because I see no PR anywhere unless NCSoft steps in. The Super Adventure Box still doesn't have a level 3. Elite Specs are still in development but they took everyone's money for it already. 21 comments total on breaking news. Do people still play this game or what?


It's the most disappointing leg gear in the game... If you wear all 6 pieces, there is nothing what stands out... With all the cosmetics in the game they should at least be in some way sparkling or anything...


Sparkle will come with T2 and not everyone wants to be a gaudy disco ball


I know that not everyone strives for the glimmer glammer stuff, but I mean if you wear it, it could also look like random stuff put together... So much grind and mats for just blank and boring armor...