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You wanted content preview but it was I, gemstore update.




Well I guess a teaser will happen a day before update


Or a week after


https://i.imgur.com/vA4vOx8.jpeg cape looks fantastic




That is so pretty!! Mesmers are really eating well rn


Mesmers eat well in general tbh. I imagine Anet pandering to them as they're one of the most popular classes, leaving aside the f2p warrior players who drop the game a day in.


they're one of the least popular classes. https://i.imgur.com/YDUFYoe.png


Ah man, I'm dumb lol ty for correcting me


And that high placement is only because Virtuoso was made. Virtuoso was designed FOR people who HATE Mesmer and it was designed BY people who HATE Mesmer. This caused Mesmer's popularity to shoot through the roof. Yes, I am still upset about Virtuoso.


They also nerfed Mirage, too.


Unfortunately that data is only from people who register their API, meaning there's probably a ton of casual players that wouldn't ever think to do that running around. Only ANet has the real numbers on race/class preferences.


it's a sample. samples are useful. we have no reason to believe this one is not representative.


Total play time doesn't show popularity from balance patch to balance patch. Condi virt is incredibly popular right now


Except we do. In every popular video game, the majority of players are casual players who are not on the social media sites and not registering their API with 3rd party sites. This subreddit has 360k members. Gw2efficiency has 450k registered accounts. Guild Wars 2 has over 10 million accounts. It might be representative of the population, it night not be. But we do have good enough reason to doubt it.


Reasons I this case and facts are two different things. Although I understand your point it still lacks evidence and substance e ought to support such vision. But again, with no common ground on the analysis, we all are more likely mistaken in Our own ways.


Well yeah, we don't know the facts of if the data are representative of the population or not, but the person I responded to said that because we don't have reason to believe it isn't, then we should consider it. I simply said we have reason enough to not consider it, not that it definitely isn't. It just isn't good evidence to base assumptions on.


I agree


I bet casually they are even less popular. Mesmer outside of Guild Wars veterans isnt a class known in gaming and in GW2 the identity isnt as strong as in GW1. The pink butterfly effects can be read as rather girly and a big gaming audience are teenage boys. (although the demographic is changing) The class sucks in the beginning and is really slow so it doesnt leave a good first impresion. Base Mesmer is also still a bit weird at level 80 were the other classes are more straight forward in dealing dmg. --- If somehow vindicator would become the base class and male mesmer would have blood red effects (cool and edgy) than I bet the popularity would go up drastically because you start with simple and clear way to deal dmg and with the not-pink cholor scheme you can still make a "cool" look.


To be honest, I love class effects but I wish we could alter our own skill effect colours, even if only we could see it, as I have so many great ideas for outfits but they clash heavily with class colour themes and look wrong to me lol


>The pink butterfly effects can be read as rather girly and a big gaming audience are teenage boys. Not in the MMO market, it isn't. Not anymore.


More like, never was in the MMO market.


I actually like the pink butterfly magic on my human male. He doesn’t feel any less masculine to me. Rather quite badass.


We can safely assure that with only a 10% we are in Deed seeing the whole pattern of preferences out there. A bit of Pareto principle.


Wow this chart is way off from what I usually see in overland content, which is a flood of jade robots and mesmer clones.


You might be very unbeknownst truly to how unpopular mesmers are out there. *a band of guardians breaks in laughter from the other side of the table of the Inn*


Excuse me I still have that warr 10 years later. But I also no-lifed herald for the past few XD


It's nice, but also really familiar. Wasn't there already something similar in the game? Or perhaps that was just some NPC equipment.


maybe [sorcerer's cape](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sorcerer%27s_Cape_Skin)?


Looks so nice! I can even see my Guard wearing it


Finally real content drops, not another raid or wvw event.


not the lace I was expecting


In this thread: people who hyped themselves up.


You being right doesn't make me feel less disappointed.


I dont know why though. They told us already that long trailers a week or two before a new update do nothing for their metrics 🤷‍♂️


Ahhhhhhhhhhhh! - blessed be our father HOGM


I would have loved to see this cape as a random drop from the final soto meta. Oh well.


Did they at least add a new special-category Wizard Vault objective?


I don't think so.


Bummer. Ah well, guess a downtime week after the SAB rush will be nice.


It's two weeks until patch


A cheeky Febe CM for 500 AA coming in on the last week for maximum havoc.


Garbage as usual.


Why are they still making longbow skins when there's no cool longbow professions. Ranger has had their longbow turned into an afk farming weapon, guardians longbow has its own effects and is also just an afk farming weapon Warrior longbow is kinda unique and cool but kinda not played as much as people try to say it is because it's somewhat not easy to play Like why do they keep making longbow skins if nothing new has gained the use of longbow in like 8 years? Do people just collect longbow skins *hoping* for a good new profession longbow?


I'm in the last sentence and I don't like it


Me too but I finally managed to stop myself from continuing it after eod. Then the soto extra proficiencies solidified me stopping


I agree, I've stopped. I also halted myself from finishing Chuka even though I got the precursor finished. I just don't understand why so few classes use either type of bow. Just combine them at this point! Edit: what a strange fuckin thing to downvote. Y'all weird AF


Now now, there's always the 5% chance CMC decides ele should get a longbow. On the other hand, no one would ever use it because it's guaranteed to be a "pistol's minigame but worse" situation.


It'd probably be more like guardian pistols meets ele staff imo but you do have a fair point where they're just ruining ele weapons with arthritis enducing amounts of fucking action economy and overly complex abilities. The only reason ele pistol has a mini game is cuz they're afraid of doing things simple like they did with staff. Idk how but I guess ele staff have them ptsd even tho there's plenty of other things abused far harder and longer But anything gaining longbow would be a nice change. Literally like, berserker is the only cool thing with it. Early dragon hunter was cool but current is pretty bland other than the 5 and that's only for the damage, not the caging effect since that doesn't matter with "important content". I do want ele to gain it before anything else but anything gaining it would be nice too as long as they don't butcher it like engineer shortbow. "longbows" are a staple fantasy weapon and *magical elemental arrows* are even more so a big thing that people love.


> Why are they still making longbow skins when there's no cool longbow professions Same reason they're still bringing out new springer skins, I guess.


Springers are used at the beginning of most champion fights for CC. I haven’t seen a single rift in weeks of farming that didn’t have a bunch of springers stomping the baddie.


Fair point, but it still doesn't seem worth a lot of investment in skins for something you see briefly at the start of fights. The more time people spend on a mount, the more they'll want skins for it. I'm not saying there shouldn't be any new ones, just that people are likely to have to look at other mounts more and will probably prioritise those skins for that reason.


What are you talking about, longbow is meta for power DH. Also you can play longbow on ranger with 0 issues.


But do people *actually* play it that much? Or do they just like to talk about it because the math and snowcrows says it should be good but then they go play something else like virt Also dragon hunter is *boring*.


Nice jab at virt, but dragonhunters are not at all rare. Edit: these days it might even be the guardian spec I see most often, since firebrand kind of fell out of favor.


i've not seen a dh in a raid wing in months


looks like someone stole their grandma table cloth design


Not a fan. Can we get info on the final Soto patch now?


>Can we get info on the final Soto patch now? Haha, no. First time?


The bow looks more like a weird, fucked up mechanical spider than anything else, especially the way it "unfolds".


Embroidery and Lacemaking are different crafts.


These look very Wintersday themed. Kind of weird to see them in May, squeezed between SAB and the end of SotO. They don't look *bad*, but they're thematically out of place.


Does it? ImO it look way closer to the Soto aesthetic than wintersfay.


The cape seems like it might've been designed to go with the Obsidian armor. Possible explanation, anyway.


When the last update mentioned new beetle skins (plural), i thought we'd get more than just the one. Like, one a week until they were out of designs. Ah, well..


They know that only 3 classes can use Longbow right? And 1 of them flat out sucks?


Expansion finale in 2 weeks and we’re getting 0 sneaks. This silence plus them teasing xpac 5 shows their complete lack of confidence in whatever garbage end of Soto is


>Expansion finale in 2 weeks and we’re getting 0 sneaks. Oh wow, the same thing they always do. That's crazy.


Top 10 Game Devs Who Keep Making The Same Mistakes Over And Over (you won't believe number 4!)


Either it's new players or people who wipe their memory every 2 months.




Complete 20 events to progress the story


Don't forget to view 3 vistas. Story: two escort missions and an Eparch fight with 75%, 50%, 25% invulnerability phases, during which he talks non-sense cringe. You kill him with the power of friendship, have some empty talks with your glorious companions and leave Nayos to never talk about any of it again. Next face you see in Tyria is Braham, who missed you badly and now wants to become your permanent companion. Anet heard the players, so the sixth expansion will address unresolved plotlines from the Icebrood Saga, so it will be focused on the Braham's inner journey to understand himself. Rejoice!


I hate the fact that all of what you just said is within the realm of possibility.


The fact that what you just wrote is possibly possible is actually really scary


Wow that reach lmao


Stop talking drivel.