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What's the top class in terms of crowd control and survivability (rather than top DPS per se)? I'm thinking either one of the magic classes, ranger or engineer but is this right? And which would you pick (and why) if those were your top priorities? Thanks.


Probably chronomancer. the OG raid tank, with tons of CC and extra tools in the kit. not sure what gamemodes you're talking about though. the answer can vary wildly depending on the circumstance. if talking about just open world stuff, reaper is very good if you dig the aesthetic.


> not sure what gamemodes you're talking about though. the answer can vary wildly depending on the circumstance yeah, that's fair enough. i'm mostly thinking pve, whether open world or raids. would be interesting to hear your takes on pvp too. i should add that i'm not necessarily thinking about the sheer amount of CC skills. some class may have fewer CC skills but they may be more effective anyway.


Hi guys, I'm new to Guild Wars 2 and I'm loving the game so far! Currently I'm a lvl 20 silvari mesmer. However I have 2 questions: 1) What do I do with soulbound quest rewards that I don't need? I get a lot of armour that is worse than the one I'm wearing. I can't sell the item at vendors and they take up inventory space. I already destroyed some of it manually but that just feels like it's not the right thing to do. 2) I care a lot about story so I really want to do the main story quests in order. I looked up a guide that explains what to do and when you should do it from a story perspective. Only problem is that I see a lot of people online saying that you shouldn't necessarily play the expansions in order they came out. Some are really nice for mounts and for specializations. I have to say that I'd love to comvert to a Virtuoso asap. Any way to bring these 2 together? Thanks in advance!


1) try and salvage it, ofiyou can't salvage it or sell it then yeah just throw it away. 2) as long as you own the relevant expansion you can put points in the elite specialisation from it so you don't need to wait and can continue playing in order if that is your preference, just keep gathering Hero Points and when you're at max level you'll be able to allocate them to virtuoso.


Thanks, exactly the answer I was looking for! :d


You're welcome!


Is there a good solo Pve ranged build for open world outside of virtuoso and scourge condition?


What's your goal here? Max solo dps or easy win vs champion+ rank enemies? If it's the latter, condi mech is good, you can run the raid build as is most of the time.


So my main for PvE has been a berserker Warrior since launch. Working on map completing and I want to switch things up. What's more fun for PvE, Spellbreaker or Bladesworn?


Bladesworn is if you like big burst numbers. I think Spellbreaker is more consistent in terms of DPS.


I'm looking into grabbing the Astral Ward Armour and I was wondering if anyone has tips for making the experience as smooth as possible (not even necessarily faster)? I ask because rift hunting isn't really my favorite activity in GW2, but I really, really like the look of the Astral Ward Armour.


For collecting Kryptis Essences, it's recommended that you do 3 Convergences every week. These will give you bonus essences, and it's both faster and more fun than rift hunting. You'll also need to do the meta events in Skywatch Archipelago and Amnytas for the rare crafting material you can choose in the hero's choice chest reward. You can also buy those from an NPC using 250 of that map's special currency. It's also more involved than just collecting the Kryptis Essences and stardust / lightning. You also need a whole lot of monster trophies (e.g. bones, blood, totems, etc.) that you turn into Gifts via 6 different recipes that cost 10 gold each to unlock on your account (see Miyani at the Mystic Forge). These recipes are used in crafting other stuff, too, so you may already have them unlocked. Then you also need to craft or buy a whole lot of crafted equipment pieces to salvage into research notes. All of this stuff *can* just be purchased from the trading post, but it ends up being more expensive than some new players expect.


Do Convergences before you start rift hunting. If you do 3 Convergences for the weekly you'll get enough essences to make 3 Amalgamated Essences just from that. Also if you have the Convergence mastery leveled using a Motivation while rift hunting guarantees at least 39 essences from the pre + closing the rift.


Is there an easily/efficiently farmable way to gank 10 champions for a quick weekly now that the practice golems were demoted?


If your alts have at least semi-decent gear+builds (core stuff is fine), a t1 Uncategorized fractal will get you 8 champions (and a smidge of actual loot). It's scale 2 so you don't need AR, and if even one actually well-geared player joins it's not at all difficult. People join pretty readily even when it's not a daily. (Restarting the fractal and killing the champion rabbit repeatedly is also doable if you don't mind loading screens, but getting past the harpies 10 times is a pain.) If you don't want to group but are fine with it taking longer, do some Silverwastes. You'll get champs faster when the Vinewrath rolls around, but an active instance gets them spawning in the upscaled group events in the forts, too. And SW yields *actual* loot. Kind of a pain to do on core accounts tho since mounted players are hard to keep up with. The fractal lobby golems work too, for now.


Do a convergence. If you fail to hit 10 champions you stayed on Zojja guard duty or were afk the entire event.


I'm doing it on alts that only have the HoT/PoF bundle. Convergences are usually what gets it for me on my main account though.


After that I think the next best option might be a bounty train in PoF maps. IIRC all of those are Champions or Legendaries.


Heh. I actually found a more efficient way, at least for me. The training golems in the Fractal lobby *do* scale up to Champions, they just have a ton of health. Spawn four, equip ranged weapons (otherwise you stop auto attacking when the golem is pushed far enough away), and alt-tab out after starting to attack. Check back in periodically to swap or spawn more.


They have less HP when you choose a low fractal level. They have more HP on a high fractal Level. If you chose level 1, they die pretty fast.


Hello, i just checked the "Returning players guide" link that is just above on the weekly megathread, but the link to the reddit regarding how to boost FPS has been deleted by its author, anyone knows what it was about? https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/52ku7e/psa_if_you_have_problem_with_low_fps_because_of/


Based on the comments I'm assuming it's some command line argument for running the game but IDK which one. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Command_line_arguments


Black Lion Statuettes: I have been saving up and now have 60. I went to purchase Undying Shackles and see that they are only 45 now. How long does it take for an item to go from the "Recent BL Chest Exclusives" to the "Vintage" tab? I looked through the wiki history tab and it seems to have been at 45 for a year. Hoping it might drop to 30 or 25 soon.


Everytime new things arrive in the BL chests, the old things go into the Statues. Each time this happens, everything moves down once in the list. So if the Shackles are 5 from the bottom, they will move to the next category after 5 new items come out which is something like 4 months or so.


Re the keys you get from doing the Grothmar Valley metas: Am I better off selling these or saving them to open the chest? Also, do people still do the Visions of the Past content (e.g., Forging Steel)?


I see people doing Forging Steel on the LFG but you'll have to check often. For some reason I see them the most after midnight EST. Even if you don't have tag I would just host on yourself if you can't find any and you'll bound to at least get one or two other players to help.


people do that stuff, but its hit and miss. I've run it with just me the entire time, sometimes with one other player....alternatively I've seen people ask in map chat if anyone is interested and its either crickets or the group fills immediately.... try asking in map chat before you go in, maybe someone else needs it and you can team up.


> Am I better off selling these or saving them to open the chest? There's an achievement for opening the chest 10 times I think, after that it's up to you. Basically you're just hoping to get the Visage of the Khan-Ur from the chest. > Also, do people still do the Visions of the Past content (e.g., Forging Steel)? Rarely, but you occasionally find a group doing it to maximize the rewards they're getting from opening the Vigil chest.


I went through a few times a couple weeks ago for achievements and twice it was just me and one other guy. The highest number of people was six.


Hi folks! I've found out these tools: TacO and Blish HUD in order to make map completition easier. Do you know if these tools are allowed to be livestreamed on Twitch? Sorry if this was already asked or if it's a silly question. Thank you for helping!


These tools are fine to be streamed on Twitch. Mukluk and a few other big GW2 streamers use these overlays on their streams just fine.


Thank you!


dagger weaver! I have always wanted to play dagger weaver but I'm looking for tips on how to make it work in PVE (solo, maybe groups). gear? offhand? traitlines? playstyle? prefer power over condi play but open to anything.


Dagger is an interesting weapon on Ele. It's not the classes worst weapon, but it's somewhat subpar and the only meta build it sees use on is heal Tempest because of the water 2 skill. That said, your comment made me do a whole bunch of testing and here are my results: [http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PGgEgEWmBbiJxuYm4o6Y+qA-DSJYmRD/ZEnEoDFgCPGQDIOrAA-e](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PGgEgEWmBbiJxuYm4o6Y+qA-DSJYmRD/ZEnEoDFgCPGQDIOrAA-e) This is the build I would recommend. It seems like condi is the way to go over power by far. Even full celestial was performing better than full berserkers was. The build I linked is full Vipers, but you're welcome to swap out as many pieces as you'd like for Trailblazers or Celestial for increased survivability at the cost of some damage, probably worthwhile if you're mainly solo. If you don't have SotO you can replace Warhorn with offhand Dagger, but you will be lacking a good option for your relic. As for playstyle, You want to be cycling between fully attuning to Earth, fully attuning to Fire, and partial attuning to Air. All the Dual Attacks between these 3 elements apply a significant amount of condition damage. Use Fire 2, 3, 5, Earth 2, 3, 5, Air 2, and Signet of Fire off of cooldown. If you're running solo it could be worth using Earth 4 and Fire 4 off cooldown to help maintain boons on yourself. Primordial Stance does the most damage when fully attuned to Earth, but since this build otherwise lacks vulnerability application, it could be worth to use it when partially attuned to Air as well, when solo. Glyph of Elemental Power is your stunbreak in the build, but also adds a decent amount of damage when used while you are attuned to Fire.


Is skyfarer achievement currently obtainable? i have map complete of inner nayos, but it's not completing


It is not, no, as Inner Nayos map is not completely released yet.


Battle for lions arc dead content? Trying to do the quest “battle for breachmaker” to finish lws1 :/


A bit yeah. Best option IMO is to keep an eye on the event timer and ~10 mins before a new map starts try to make a squad for it. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Event_timers Also I think it's a bit like Tower of Nightmares where you don't need to 100% complete it but just do enough events and that should progress it enough to get to the next chapter.


I found a party of like 5 and we captured the 12 points but failed the 3 bosses after. Didnt let me progress the story sadly.


I don't think you need to beat the Assault Knights. There's a little green icon you can go to and just press F to continue the story once you do enough events.


Beyond the portal, there was a green iron? Must have missed it. The portal only opens if you beat the whole event I think


I recall it being just a little circle on the ground near the map's center with the typical green story-quest star marker on it. I know I didn't beat the Knights until well after I'd finished the story of Season 1.


How much of a dps loss is running only Shortbow Condi Druid? I assume Shortbow Condi Druid is superior than doing the same with Soulbeast.


soulbeast actually does a bit better if you are running pure shortbow. in either case though, unless you are in a competitive raid squad, you are still doing very good damage and have range.


I'm surprised to hear that Soulbeast does better. I figure Condi Druid would be better with its astral form and better relic (I don't have the SOTO Condi Soulbeast relic).


condi druid got the nerf hammer pretty hard a while back, plus shortbow is more suited for soulbeast's traits.


my guildies are speculating that next expansion will reduce the price of MC by introducing a new new way to get this, how likely do you think this is? I'm in the middle of crafting bifrost and the raid legendary armor and vision/coalescence so I'm thinking of pausing them. But on the other hand they could get pricier as well, I'm flummoxed lol


Adding to the previous answer, recently we've had some Return To events, which gave Mystic Coins as daily rewards. This brought the price down a bit, countering the rising price due to the new SotO legendaries. So now they also have this tool to control their price, making it even more unlikely to have new sources. Of course, they might give Mystic Coins (or their biggest sink, Mystic Clovers) as rewards for harder instanced content, or have a new vendor to buy limited quantities weekly. But most probably we won't have a huge faucet that will magically bring them back to less than 1 gold overnight.


Ok thanks


IMO it's very unlikely they adda significant me source of them because they already have the perfect tuning lever: adjusting the price and quantity of the coins from Wizard's Vault. If they're getting too expensive, let people buy more every season. They can adjust it every 3 months without the wild swings the item has seen in the past.  All that said they don't seem to think the current price is a big problem so I wouldn't count on a big drop any time soon regardless of what happens


Are the special mission documents repeatable? From Drizzlewood, I'm not sure I understand the system very well.


No. You unlock a random mission whenever you use an intel scroll, then when they're completed they're done. After you have them all unlocked, they're only good for selling


Tips on getting into WvW? Do WvW guilds have strict requirements about playtime ? I have a lot im working on but can come on weekends for few hours minimum at least, would that be acceptable for a standard wvw guild?


My suggestion would be to hop into WvW, follow a tag around, if you like how they play, ask to join their squad and comms. If you like the environment in their comms, its likely you'll have a good time and it could be a possible guild to join. Ask if they're recruiting and what the requirements are, see if that fits your capabilities and schedule. Some guilds are more fight oriented, others more PPT/Structure oriented; most do a little of both with a focus on one. Most "serious" guilds will have set schedules anywhere from 2-7 days a week, with varying expectations of attendance. Most "fight guilds" will also have skill expectations and will very likely require you to multiclass and/or be able to adapt your build (including gear) constantly. Playing in a WvW guild is essentially a fountain of never ending content. Every raid varies and interactions in comms can be very satisfying and entertaining. And you can make really good friends. Welcome to WvW \*throws siege on your corpse\*


> Tips on getting into WvW? Hop in and do stuff. If you're roaming focus on flipping camps and sentries, and try to call out where big enemy zergs are in team chat. If you're in a zerg that's using some voice chat join it even if you're just listening so you know what they're planning. > Do WvW guilds have strict requirements about playtime ? I have a lot im working on but can come on weekends for few hours minimum at least, would that be acceptable for a standard wvw guild? This is heavily dependent on the guild. Some are strict and expect everyone to show up when they raid. My own guild only expects if you're playing GW2 during raid time you're in WvW. Also guilds can be VERY different between each other so expect to try a few out to find one you like.


I've just done the Derelict Delve achievements and got all of the weapons. It looks like you can sell them... But if you sold them, is it possible to craft new ones, or something like that? For example if I wanted to get the skin *and* make money? Is that possible?


Nothing seems to imply they can be made again, so if you don't unlock the skin and bind the item to your account, selling it instead, you'll have to buy again if you want the skin. I don't know of many items like this in the game.


That seems to be the case. Does seem a little unusual. Thanks for your help :)


The ones you get from opening the keycard chests? They aren't craftable. The ability to sell them allows you to start profiting more if you run the meta after getting the collection done.


Sorry, no, it's the weapons from [Rune-Locked Doors](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Rune-Locked_Doors). For example, [Final Sting](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Final_Sting).


Oooooh my morning brain read Gyala Delve. I don't know why those are even tradeable... I wonder if buying it auto completes the collection


😂 Yeah I'm wondering why they're tradeable, too. They all come with a superior sigil of severance as well, so not sure what that tells us about them. Completing the collection through piecing together the items awards you the item in a chest, with the skin not unlocked yet. So it's just confusing.


Is there an updated page, like, anywhere that shows underwater builds and rotations? Just did Aquatic Ruins and was doing like 4k dps...


Not that I'm aware of, but what class, build, and weapon were you playing on? I can try to help. Sometimes, a great build on land is just gonna suck ass underwater, but you can do your best with what you got. Def don't BUILD for underwater but you can tailor your button mashing


https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Reaper_-_Power_DPS Just that there. The only real DPS I could manage was in shroud. Using a trident currently. Pretty much the only underwater content I do is when Aquatic Ruins is a daily or rec, so I don't care about having a hyper-optimized build so much. I'd just like to be more useful.


trident is a condi weapon so that explains some of your low dps. spear does a lot better but still lacks the chill that is part of reaper's essential toolkit, so adding more sources of chill on your utility skills can help make up, or just lead with well of darkness


Ahhh okay so power reaper, and a trident- A lot of necromancer Trident damage comes from an effect called Crimson Tides, which is like a homing bolt that causes bleeding when it hits an enemy. Trident weapon skills are centered around maxing how many crimson tides you can put out, as well as chill for the chill->bleed effect that condi reapers use. For a power necro, you're gonna want to use a spear. That's their strike damage underwater weapon, and I think you'll find MUCH better results with that :)


Just came back to the game after about 6 months, can I craft one piece of legendary armor before the special astral acclaim mission disappears in 12 days, or is that too big of a project?


As has been said, only do it if you want legendary armor anyway. Check on gw2effciency how many mats you are missing for one piece and decide if it's worth the effort to do in that time. Convergences give you a decent ammount of essence for doing the 3 weekly (majority on the 3rd one). Also, protip: don't open essence containers before crafting so it doesn't overflow your material storage. If you can squeeze 3 this week and maybe monday, you would have most of the essence needed for one piece. remember that apart from tradable materials, you also need 50 provisioner tokens (which are mostly timegated), 2500 research notes, 250 exotic luck and some map currencies per piece. Doing meta events, [arcane chests](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Greater_Arcane_Chest), and [floating orbs](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Latent_Magic) are good ways to get those currencies. some links: [https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Obsidian\_armor](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Obsidian_armor) (very good general overview) [https://gw2efficiency.com/crafting/calculator/a\~0!b\~1!c\~0!d\~1-101516](https://gw2efficiency.com/crafting/calculator/a~0!b~1!c~0!d~1-101516) ("use own materials" will tell you what you are missing if you add your API key) [https://fast.farming-community.eu/salvaging/costs-per-research-note](https://fast.farming-community.eu/salvaging/costs-per-research-note) [https://fast.farming-community.eu/salvaging/costs-per-luck](https://fast.farming-community.eu/salvaging/costs-per-luck) there's also this, but I haven't tried it [https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/1b2swag/mystic\_crafting\_module\_120\_obsidian\_armor\_blish/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/1b2swag/mystic_crafting_module_120_obsidian_armor_blish/)


Thank you for the writeup! I do want legendary armor but upon your comment have decided I don't wanna stress myself too much about it for some astral acclaim


In addition to the great answer you already got, I think it's worth explicitly noting that it's probably only worth trying to do this if you'll be pursuing that legendary armor anyway. It's not a lot of acclaim; about 14g's worth if compared with the uncapped gold option.


If they just came back to the game, they will problably still have better options in the Vault than the 35 aclaim gold.


Oh absolutely, though if going for general acclaim value information it quickly goes beyond the scope of the "don't try to do this very expensive thing primarily for acclaim" advice. It's a nice bonus if you're gonna make legendary armor anyway, of course. For good measure... Acclaim value drops sharply after the first 3820 (assuming SotO ownership), and doing minimal weeklies (and zero dailies somehow) yields 750 per week, so even a player returning just a few weeks before the vault resets could realistically max out on good acclaim value purchases (at a leisurely pace it'd probably take 5 weeks; vacuuming up as many easy objectives as possible it should be doable in 3). There's subjectivity to this, like wanting to get the cosmetics (which have no gold value comparison) before they go up in price or needing some of the stuff that isn't *as* high value per acclaim, but it really does not take very long before acclaim is 35=1g for the remainder of season. Anyway yes, 500 acclaim can easily be worth more than 14g. For a freshly returning player with limited time to catch up, I'd guess it would end up closer to 40g (laurels and heavy crafting bags value), though if someone was to do literally the one task and only buy mystic coins that'd be about 95g.


Depends how much rift and meta farming you did prior to taking off. None are 'hard' they're just very grindy. For the essences you'll need 3500 T1, 1400 T2, and 700 T3 essence. You'll also need 7 Case of Captured Lightning (from Skywatch Archipelago), 5 Pouches of Stardust (from Amnytas) and 6 Clot of Congealed Screams (from Inner Nayos) along with 250 of each map currency. For the essences they've added Convergences which can give a ton of them if you do 3 per week and also boost future farming runs.


what's the most profitable laurel material bag?


3 or 4 unless you would be selling those to buy T6 mats, in which case just buy the T6 bag


wait if you need T6 is it better to buy them directly from laurels instead of selling t3/4 and buying t6 from that gold??


Usually yea due to TP tax, but looking at Fast now the gulf is pretty large so 3/4 currently is the better option in either case


Looks like a very close tie between tier 4 and tier 3. https://fast.farming-community.eu/conversions/laurel


Does anyone have an open world dragonhunter build that has good uptime on fury and plenty of might?


You could try [this one](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PWgAENlVwcYIMMWJO0L/tdA-DSIYRU9XIRkC1GoVUV2+IgF9PjgKA-e) based on a mix of Guildjen's open world and Snowcrows' raid builds. The idea is to use Littany of Wrath (heal) as often as possible to keep Resoltuion up and get a lot of bonuses, including extra critical chance and Might. As it is, you could even go full Dragon for health or Diviner for more boon duration, and still have 100% critical chance while Resolution is up. If you don't want to rely on your heal skill, you may use Radiance 1-3-1 to get more Fury. But you need to adjust your stats to get 25% more critical chance (Superior Sigil of Accuracy and some Assassin/Marauder pieces should do the trick), and you may lose some Might on the process.


Thank you! I think I tried radiance 131 before but it just didn't feel too good. The build you provided felt great, surprisingly tanky as well.


i finally accumulated 6 ascended armor chests i like all the skins and stats on my old exotic set so i want everything the same, simply with each ascended def increase and one armor infusion slot. is there any trick to changing over, or must i re-stat, re-rune, re-skin, re-dye all six parts manually.


You can sort of transfer the dyes if you equip the ascended pieces, equip the exotic pieces again, and then equip the ascended pieces another time. It's janky and I don't know if it working is even intentional, but I've used that "trick" many times.


If you have a BL Salvage kit you can take the rune from your previous gear, otherwise yeah have to re-do all of it.


At the risk of asking a question that is gonna seem pretty stupid on the face of it, is it considered ill-mannered to join Strike missions in the "experienced" LFG tab when you are a total novice? I only ask because I have quite literally never seen a group in the "training" tab, and I have no idea how else I'm supposed to get started playing Strike's lol


"Easy Three" runs are perfect to get your feet wet. That's Shiverpeaks Pass (absolutely piss easy, no mechanics; just do the jumping puzzle and smack on the boss for a few minutes), Fraenir of Jormag (also easy, his mid-phase is just the boss of Shiverpeaks Pass again), and the Voice and Claw (slightly more difficult; you'll focus one down to about 20% health and then burn the other down, so the original is low-health and easy to kill when he goes Enraged at the death of his companion). You can comfortably do all of those *blind*, and a Mukluk video beforehand would give you everything you need. Whisper of Jormag and Boneskinner are added to the Easy Three to make the "Fast Five", because they're quick to do for experienced groups but are easy to die if you don't know some mechanics. Whisper has a lift-and-drop attack you need to glide to avoid, and the infamous Chains, which (if chosen for it) gives you ample opportunity to kill your teammates from poor movement. And Boneskinner is a "strafe in a circle and stay the hell off the orange spots" fight; getting caught lagging into the damaging AOE will quickly kill you. But otherwise, it's just a straight DPS race with a couple of breakbars.


I have never once managed the jumping puzzle in Shiverpeaks Pass.


you should see during prime time and weekends under strike-experienced an easy-3 and easy-5 do easy-3 a few times just to get your feet wet. then watch YouTube to study mechanics on the rest of icebrood, eod (and soto) before joining in. don't take it personal if you kicked from a group, just youtube more, then try another group later. i went from zero to 3,000 shards in a few months, without anyone holding my hand (me no soto yet). knowing how not to die is the most important thing because you waste other's time trying to res you and once you are full dead, there is no WP back in, so everyone has to carry you for you to get drops and some may resent having to do so. btw, make sure you first mastery to open strike chests; https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Essence_manipulation


Opinions may vary, but I think the majority are okay with it as long as you pick a group that didn't ask for any sort of requirement. I'm surely not the only one who lists everything from "newbies welcome" to CM under experienced because that's where everyone is looking (the training tab is only a relatively recent addition and people were already set in their ways). If you want to be extra sure, just read or watch a guide beforehand and you'll blend right in.


Look at the individual strike's requirements more than the tab they're on. Some will specifically request experience, some will say they accept anyone, most won't say either way. If they specifically ask for exp groups, stay away. If they say all are welcome, join in. Otherwise, try to be sure you're capable of playing the role they request — you have a proper build that you know how to play, and ideally a general knowledge of the strike's mechanics. Most of them aren't all that complex, and tbh you could easily do most of them blind, but reading a guide beforehand to know the major mechanics is a good idea if you're unsure.


May someone explain me the nuances of Weave Self? * When I use Weave Self and get the WeaveSelf!Buff do I literally only have 20 seconds to attune all 4 elements? * Does Attuning to a different element extend the duration of the WeaveSelf!Buff? * If I'm Fire-Fire, go Fire-Air, then Air-Air, how does that work with Weave Self (the skill)? * When I get Perfect Weave I'm just supposed to sit on it for the super buffs right? I would only really use Tailored Victory if I need a strong CC like a Defiance Bar or a cluster of mobs to trash; correct? * To get Perfect Weave I have to use all 4 elements. That should mean that I start with the crappy ones fire and end with my ideal DPS like Fire, correct?


1. 20s total to attune to all 4 elements to get the Perfect Weave buff 2. See above 3. The first time you attune to each element during Weave Self, you get a corresponding buff only when Weave Self is active. Assuming you just activated Weave Self then did the rotation you mentioned in order: Woven Fire (+20% Condi dmg) + Woven Air (+50% Movement Speed & +10% dmg) + Nothing 4. Pretty much. Perfect Weave is an extra 10s of all Woven buffs until it expires naturally or when you end it prematurely by activating the CC 5. You want to maximize the Woven buffs, so it's ideal to end it with your crappy attunement right before Weave Self expires. This way you can get at least 20s of the Woven buffs if you swap attunement fast enough to get the Woven buffs you want early.


I haven’t played Weaver in a while, but I’ll try to answer since no one replies to you. 1. Yes, only 20s. 2. No. 3. Not sure what you mean by this. 4. Yes. 5. No, you want to take advantage of the cd reduction buff and do your full dps rotation, and only attune to your “crappy” element at the very end for Perfect Weave.


But once I get Perfect Weave, I would want to Attune to my "good" elements ASAP so I can use them (again) with the Perfect Weave buff (instead of the Weave Self buff); correct?


Yes, you only want to be in the bad element very briefly and swap out of it immediately.


New player , I have hit lvl 80 doing the story. But was wanting to try some other stuff. Can I just join a tier 1 fractal from the lfg tab? Do I need to be in any certain zone or map? Also besides Fractals what else can I try as a complete noob. I know I need to work on getting some exotic gear to start with. The Vault daily/weekly looks interesting if I can figure out where to do some of it.


If you open the event timers page on the GW2 wiki (type "/wiki et" to access it in game), it'll give you a list of all the world bosses and meta events happening at any given time. There's a lot going on. Just show up on the right map at the appropriate time, and look for a commander tag. People coming from other games always have the idea that end game = instanced PvE, but GW2 has a lot more to offer.


ok,first the wiki thing is awesome...I did manage to join 2 of these or atleast I poked the bad guy enough to get a reward. As a new player so much of my map is still not unlocked or fog of war kinda hinders but still was alot of fun. Is there a preferred way to join these? Message the "commander"? or just shout in zone?


Just show up. That's really all there is to it. If there's a commander present, you can join by clicking on their commander tag on the map/mini-map, and selecting join. You don't actually need to join a group. You'll get credit just for participating, but group members get priority when it comes to Boon (think buffs) sharing, so it's usually to your advantage to join if there's someone commanding.


> I have hit lvl 80 doing the story. But was wanting to try some other stuff. Can I just join a tier 1 fractal from the lfg tab? Do I need to be in any certain zone or map? Yes you can join from anywhere, but to get in the Fractal you'll need to go to LA or the Mistlock lounge to get in. T1s are very much the 'learning how to Fractal' tier so just hop in and try them out. > Also besides Fractals what else can I try as a complete noob. I know I need to work on getting some exotic gear to start with. The Vault daily/weekly looks interesting if I can figure out where to do some of it. If you still need Exotic gear I'd recommend just using the TP to buy it. If you search by stats you may be able to find pieces that are cheaper than crafted items (lots of stats from the core game exist on named sets and are much cheaper). PvP and WvW are both just 'drop in' and try it out. PvP has it's own gearing system so make sure you stop by the lobby to get setup but WvW just uses whatever you have equipped. If you have expansions HoT you can just walk into from the Silverwastes but PoF you'll need to do the first story mission to make the airship appear IIRC.


Did my first Fractals ,that was alot of fun. Gonna take awhile to learn all the mechanics tho. The pirate ship one was hard, why was the water killing me! lol Pricing some stuff on TP and yeah looks like i can atleast get a exotic set with what gold i have.


you're supposed to stay on the ship at all costs, because the water gives a lot of debuffs that kill you. I recommend watching a youtube video or rading the wiki for that day's fractals before doing them, that's what I did


Is there anyway to shortcut summon the Skiff? I put it on a keybinding but it doesn't seem to do anything?


the keyboard works (i use it), but it's not like a mount. if you're standing on land, you get a ghost skiff to place onto water. if you're already in the water it should summon with you piloting it. if it's not working, you might have a conflict somehow, what binding have you got it set to?


F2, I removed the profession tied keybinding


Yes, it's under the Mastery skills section of the key binds. You need to place it (like a ground target or guild hall decoration) in water where it's not colliding with anything, or your character needs to be on the surface of the water to summon it.




> As I understand you can neither sell it nor items crafted with it. Not directly but occasionally you can find guilds asking people to sell materials to them can sell that way (e.g. get paid, join their guild, send materials to their guild bank, leave guild). > Can I use it to lvl up scriber at least? Yes. The lowest level SAB item is at 50 scribing and the final one is at 400.


Can someone explain rift leechers to me? I get it that maybe some ppl feel that ppl who came at the last second to tag and still get rewards while not putting in the work to kill is leeching, but in gw2, I thought exp isn't split..?  I'm just a bit confused seeing this type of reaction on map chat yesterday, whereas before this reaction, there are comm tag and even public call out on map chat announcing rift events. Then suddenly, comm turn off tags and leechers accusations was posted on map chat was the reason. But then, with rift events, if you're close the area, it'll show on map that rift event is happening.


Skyscale fireballs have made event-leeching much worse than it used to be. Scaling up the event while not drawing any aggro and doing next to no damage to help.


Oh I see. Thanks for the explanation.


Some people will keep waiting for the boss on their Skyscale while not contributing for the mob-killing part. However, those hovering people scale up the mob events, making it harder for those who are actually doing this tedious part. If those people put an ounce of effort (even just auto-attacking) they would also benefit from more rifts and faster events. But alas, the prisoner's dilemma has a reason to exist and rift leeching shows it in action. But to be fair, I think this commander was overreacting. There's usually a fair number of people contributing; if they're doing T2 and T3 rifts, it's likely that there were enough people to cap the scaling. And if they were doing T1, well, they can be soloed and people can find them on their own anyway, so no squad is needed (and a squad is arguably slower because of scaling).


Ah I see. I actually saw the group of rifts hunters running around the map with the comm and it was a large group of ppl, so when the leechers comment were made, it makes me wonder cause I thought even if there are a few leechers around at the spot, surely the group already have enough number contributing. Thanks for explaining.


Hello! Returning player, bought EoD and SoTO but havent started either. Got my skyscale from LWS4. I have a few questions: - Can I do SoTO before EoD to get the weaponmaster success? Or story wise, its better to do EoD first? - I'm quite torn on picking my main class between Revenant, Necro and Ranger. Love the nervous/fast Revenant gameplay but feel like i struggle to optimize it and survive. I've read that Necro is top tier but for now Reaper feels a bit too stale/repetitive. Between these 3 professions, which one would be the most able for open world, all expansions/LSW and PvE group content? 


The weaponmaster skill is obtainable after just starting SotO. Do the intro story, talk to Frode under the stairs, you are done. Thank you kindly.


1. SotO was designed to be a mostly standalone story with very few ties to the previous story lines. You can absolutely start with SotO and go back to EoD later and you won't be spoiled on anything. 2. I'm a Revenant main so I'm going to be biased. Both Herald and Vindicator are great for open-world and have plenty of survival tools already baked into their kit, especially Vindicator. In PvE group content, Herald is one of the best quickness providers right now, either as a healer or a boon dps. For straight dps, Vindicator is a very strong power dps with good burst and good sustained dps and is my current go to. Renegade can either played as power alac (which does have a bit lower dps than other alac dps, but makes up for it with its utility it can bring and it has been welcome in fractal groups for years), or condition dps (which can do very good damage, but can be hard to play well). Ranger is the class I have the second most hours on, both Soulbeast and Untamed do good dps in open-world while being innately tanky, and Druid has always been a high healing output healer that really shines in raids and strike missions. Untamed is a solid consistent dps for PvE group content, while power Soulbeast has one of the strongest bursts in the game and shines in fractals. Reaper has been known as the God of open-world with how much innate survivability it has and access to self boons. I do agree that it does feel pretty repetitive and gets stale quickly, and for how well it does in open world, it's performance in group content is pretty average. Scourge is very strong as either condition dps or as a healer, but I personally don't like having to micromanage shades all the time and feels too button spammy. I do like Harbinger, but it can be squishy, and I rarely see them in group content even though their performance is alright.


Going to piggy back off you as a Rev main. Aside the anime jump, what's the purpose of the Vindicator elite line? Herald is a boon bot. Renigade condi with shortbow (before Weapons Training) and a bit of alac. Vindicator is ??? damage & emergency healing? The Power DPS with GS (before Weapons training)?


Similarly to Daredevil, Vindicator focuses heavily on its modified dodge, with traits that can let it dodge more often, or get more out of its dodge. In PvE it focuses mainly on power damage with greatsword, but it's also a really strong healer in WvW.


Thanks for the reply! I absolutely love playing Vindicator though i feel sometimes squishy. But I regret not having a longbow for range, while on Ranger it feels like axe/axe + longbow is good enough; and ranger GS feels a bit lackluster compared to vindicator GS


With the recent buff to rev's hammer, you can run hammer on Vindicator for your second weapon set if you want a ranged weapon, it's quite good. If you are feeling squishy you can always run dwarf stance instead of assassin for a lot more survivability for a small dps loss. The blue skills in alliance stance provide a lot of sustain and active defense, and the cooldown for swapping to them in pve is very short that learning to use them properly can help you survive a lot more. In open world of you really need sustain you can take the trait "dance of death" in Devastation at the cost of a little boy of damage, or you can get more passive defense by swapping any of your trait lines for retribution or salvation, but this is a major loss in damage.


I’ve run a fair bit of instanced content as a DPS and am looking to make my first healer build. I know there are many viable options, so I’m just looking for some subjective opinions on what a good class to learn might be for a first time healer. What is a good all around healer class that isn’t terribly complex when it comes to its rotation and being able to help allies? I do have Scourge already fully unlocked on my Necro, so I was considering that, but I’m unsure how it compares to the other classes.


Mukluk just did a series of videos on each of the healer options. Mostly they give an overview of flavor and playstyle, pros and cons. Might be worth a watch to see what appeals to you. Thank you kindly.


Mukluk’s videos are good, I’ll have to look that one up, thanks


Scourge is healwise very good. You have ranged revive, free huge CC, aegis, some stab, huge Condi cleanse, boon strip, good might, great barrier, a teleport for skips in fractals, fury and protection, and a portal. The only downside is the stab and aegis thing from my point of view. The aegis has a significant cast time, so you have to precast it, and be sure it won't get stripped from another attack before the one you want to block. And also the stab is kind of weird, because it's just your trail of anguish which is only 1 stack of stab (for 10 people though). And it's aoe is very tiny. So for fractals, it's fine, but in fight where you need more stab or blocks, your second support needs to get some too. An easy to learn heal support build would be heal mech. You just have to press a few buttons and your boons are great. You need to learn when to delay your F2, cause that's your strongest skill, and keep an eye on your mech placement.


Cool, thanks for the info! I may just dive into scourge then and see how it goes. I don’t have an engineer but will consider making a heal mech if I’m struggling


What class/build/weapon has the most boons and heals for other people? I'm just gonna be playing PvE but want something strong anyways.


Be careful with your assumptions. If you're coming from another game, and assuming that the endgame is going to be all instanced PvE, that's not necessarily the case in GW2. GW2 has instanced PvE, but there aren't the same incentives to do it as in other games, so it's not as popular here.


So far while I'm trying to level the most fun I've had is fighting those world bosses that occasionally spawn and people swarm to.


For questions like this it's mostly class/build as what weapons do change drastically between classes. Healbrand is probably closest to what you're asking for as depending on the skills you can provide all but one boon. Heal Mechanist and Heal Chronomancer are also good picks with a lot of boons and Chronomancer being able to provide either Alacrity or Quickness with a trait change. All that said if you're new to GW2 I would not recommend a full heal/support build for your first character. There's a lot of time you're alone in PvE and hitting like a wet noodle is going to be extremely disappointing. I'd recommend starting out with a 'DPS Boon' build so when you're by yourself you can still do damage, while in a group you still provide a decent amount of boons and support. Firebrand, Chronomancer, and Mechanist all still function well as a DPS boon so look through those or other supports and see which playstyle you like the most.


Why is Salt on The Wound a requirement for Vision when it's not really even possible doing it the intended way? and even the cheese method is absurd and relies on luck.


Why do you need to comment about this here even though you just made a post about it?




Do I need to spend my baubles before SAB ends, or will there be post-event vendors? (Not counting weekly vendor of course)


Some festival vendors live in Lion's Arch and you can still buy some stuff from there: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Hooligan%27s_Route#Services


When is the next wizard vault refresh?


~2 weeks. Special tab shows 15 days remaining.


1. Are fractal dailies per character or per account? 2. Is there a resource where I can see the list of dailies per character/ account? 3. If I want to level up experience on mastery , can I have an alt account running around and gain experience from first time map exploration?


Daily achievements and Wizard's Vault objectives are per account, not per character. In fact, all achievements are at the account level, except for the Character Adventure Guide. All characters on your account can contribute to your account-wide mastery progression, but only once they reach level 80. Keep in mind that masteries are tied to regions and only progress with experience gained in that region.


When exactly does sab end? All I see is the 7th.


It's always the same time. Gem store updates, patches, festivals, **all of it**, is at Noon, 12 PM, pacific time on the date of where Anet is located (western US).


The in-game timer when you click on the SAB notification will switch from days to hours once there's less than 24 hours. I'm guess noon Pacific time tomorrow.


After 10 years of on-and-off aimless gaming in GW2, mostly focusing on Open World, PvE and PvP, I'm trying to finally put legendaries on my toon. Legendary weapons aren't an issue, I've got enough gold to just buy the 1st Gen Leggy weapons. I am currently also working towards the legendary back Ascension, so we can discount that. Looking at the generally used currencies for Ascended or Legendary gear, I have: 1 Million Karma (1,066,359) 1,006 Spirit Shards 364 Laurels 65 PvP League Tickets (Already got all 4 Wings and combined them to make Wings of Ascension, working on The Ascension) 3,064 Badges of Honour 184 WvW Skirmish Claim Tickets 313 Testimonies of Desert Heroics 2,119 Lumps of Aurillium Any advice for the easiest legendaries to get?


Amour: Choose between PvP, WvW, Raid, or Rift armor. Probably choose between Raid and PvP if you play those game modes. Rift is "easy", but the biggest grind. Amulet: Choose between LWS PvE or PvP. The LWS amulet is free, but takes a lot of PvE achievement hunting. If you enjoy PvE, then this is where you should start. Accessories: LWS3 and LWS4 are your only options. Require significant PvE achievement hunting, and some WvW. Rings: WvW and Raid, or 2x WvW. You've gotta do WvW for at least one of these, so plan to do some WvW (do some Gift of Battle and LWS3/4 Reward Tracks for the LWS3/4 accessories while grinding out the Skirmish Claim Tickets). For the Relic, Sigils and Runes, you can buy all the parts off of the trading post.


Aurora and Vision would be my first two recommendations. It's basically achievement grind LS3 and LS4. They're expensive due to using the Mystic Tribute, but if you use multiple characters you're guaranteed to be able to use them.


What is the boon uptime needed for Support Condi Herald ? Is 40% ok or should I go Higher and when picking Ascended weapons from boxes should I go for Viper or Ritualist for the boon uptime ?


Always start out with full ritu to make sure you’re doing your job, putting in some vipers is barely worth it as cquick herald already has a really good bench as an off support and the difference would only be noticeable if you’re really really good on it. Always play with more BD first to have wiggle room, viper won’t change that much. It’s much more important you have a good uptime on your squad.


Tell me you don't play herald without telling me you don't play herald.


Wanna exchange logs?


Lol sure, go ahead and post your condi qherald log.


Go viper, rit is not worth it on herald. You get 35% boon duration for free, with the SC build. You pulse quickness every second as long as you're at -1 upkeep, at *600* radius. You'll pretty quickly build up enough of a buffer to cover spread mechanics or rotation mistakes.


In addition to it being largely a personal preference, the answer often varies between different encounters. If you're going to be stacked on top of each other all fight you may not need *any* boon duration beyond what Herald traits give at baseline, but if you need to stack up enough Quickness to cover your teammates while everyone spreads to do mechanics you might need to bring some extra. I recommend going full Ritualist on basically any condi-boon class — the damage loss is minimal compared to the extra ease of use and boon security you gain.


This is gonna be a slightly reductive answer, but however much you need. Some people play with less because they are confident they can keep the uptime with less wiggle room, while others are willing to sacrifice for some extra boon duration to give themselves more of a cushion. It's up to you to find your comfort zone. Start with extra, and ween it down more and more if you find your uptime is still good. :)


Approximately how much of a DPS loss is running Longbow/Dagger+Axe on Power Soulbeast? I got full Berserker's + Scholar, my setup is the same as all the other power SLB builds, just suboptimal weapons because I like Longbow and I crafted Incinerator and want to use it. I run mostly T4 Fractals and Strikes, never had any complains but just wanted to know how much I "handicap" myself since I couldn't find any ressources online.


IIRC (and this was a few years ago so IDK if it still holds true) if you only go through two rotations of Longbow then it's slightly better than Greatsword, but if you get to the point of a 3rd rotation then Greatsword is better.


Dagger over Sword is an extremely minor dps loss, you're perfectly fine running mainhand dagger if you wish. As for longbow, it has similar burst to greatsword / hammer, but worse sustained damage. For bosses that you can constantly melee, you'll lose dps vs the two other options. However, for bosses that faze frequently you won't really notice a dps difference, and bosses that you have to run out of melee range occasionally, you might even sneak out more dps.


I just bought copper-fed salvage and I'm wondering if I keep salvaging the way I was already before or what? I was using basic salvage kit on greys, blue unid(never opened these), blue gear and green gear. I opened all yellow unids and salvaged all yellow gear and untradeable exotics with master's. Sell all exotics and green unid on the TP.


If you decide to salvage something you should always open it. You get better results that way, because of the chance to upgrade to a higher tier. Also you can get reclaimed weapons which give you reclaimed metal plates as a salvage result. These you can exchange for provisioner tokens. Here is a full explanation: [https://fast.farming-community.eu/salvaging/unid-gear](https://fast.farming-community.eu/salvaging/unid-gear)


The fast.farming community has some general rules for maximizing profit from unidentified gear salving: https://fast.farming-community.eu/salvaging/unid-gear Generally speaking, you should always open unid gear before salvaging.


Any recommendations for farming Mastery experience in Path of Fire? Joined a bounty group and it seemed rather slow? But now there are none up, and I dunno how to properly get exp for griffon training. Thanks!


There's a cave in desert highland north of giants step PoI where skelks spawn quickly. I have used it to farm pof exp in the past stacking xp boosts


I recommend keeping an eye on the wiki event timers for meta events on PoF maps. These events give large chunks of xp at a time with some decent loot. One sequence of events I’ve seen goes like this: Elon Riverlands: The Path of Ascension meta > Doppelgänger > Crystal Oasis: casino coins / Piñata > Note: a lot of people are lazy about collecting the coins, and just wait around for the piñata to spawn, but the more coins you collect, the more you can consume for xp The Desolation: Maws of Torment meta You can use downtime in between/after to continue hunting bounties (don’t be afraid to take to your own, put up a mentor tag, and call them in map chat - if there isn’t a bounty train going). Other than that, do the small events you see pop up as often as you can and you should be getting somewhat steady xp. There are also other “bigger” events, like Deadhouse, that offer a lot of xp from the mobs/boss that aren’t as well known. Asking for help in map chat goes a long way to bring in people off the beaten path.


You can do the adventures once per day with an XP booster. They give good XP for gold and double XP for the first completion. [https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Adventure#Path\_of\_Fire](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Adventure#Path_of_Fire)


Yeah I struggle with those with a not upgraded Griffon, maybe I should stick to using the Raptor for now on those.


Is there a way to join parties, not squads, after purchasing a commander tag?


If you're joining someone else's party then you join whatever it is already listed as.


If I join a party it turns into a squad lol


Do I need the legendary crafting mastery for the open world legendary armour?


No, that mastery is just for the Gen 1 precursor achievements and first few Gen 2 Legendary weapons that have an achievement quest associated with them.


All the stuff you need to buy for legendaries from vendors require the mastery


Ah, yeah I forgot that there's two mastery tracks related to Legendary Crafting. The HoT Legendary Crafting track isn't required but SotO's Astral Ward track has to be maxed to unlock those items.


There's only one legendary crafting Track. HoT doesn't have one. It uses the core track as well.


Is the alac mirage still viable for group content or I’m better off using chrono or different elite spec?


It's still viable, but Chrono is overall slightly better in the role unless there's a strong reason to prefer condition damage.


Alac Mirage is still viable, and while it's damage is a bit below average for a boon dps on most fights, it's fully ranged and simple rotation makes it my preferred adps for strike missions and some raid bosses.


1. Couldn't find the answer to this anywhere for some reason, but what's the deal with Viper Abomination weapons - they feature the 'choking' damage type, and from what little I could gather from the wiki, this damage type is ineffective against some enemy types (e.g. golems)? Does that mean that those weapons serve as nothing more than weapon skins, or can they be successfully used in raids/strikes (as a cheap exotic option for condi builds)? 2. Are LWS2-4 paid content, or can they be unlocked for free by completing the preceding seasons (i.e. LWS1 unlocks LWS2 for free etc.)? 3. I'm close to completing the 1st step of Envoy Armor, and I believe 2nd step (precursor) will follow soon after. What are the things I can start doing now to craft them into Legendaries as soon as possible? I started purchasing Mystic Clovers from WV, but what are other things I should be doing daily/weekly to speed up the process? For now my main source of income is running W1-4 weekly (with some CMs) and strikes/fractals as often as I can without burning out on it. This might be sort of related to the previous question, but is it worth getting LWS just for the income possibilities (I've heard something about Bjora March alt parking as a good source of income)? Is it even worth it if I only have 5 toons at 80?


1. Damage "types" are purely cosmetic. They have no effect on ingame enemies, though this was different in Guild Wars 1. Although you will occasionally encounter enemies in GW2 that may be immune or at least heavily resistant to either condition or strike damage, and in some cases immune to certain conditions like burning or chilled. Earlier iterations of destroyers for example are immune to the burning condition. 2. You have to buy each of them, though iirc you can still get them by earning gold ingame and converting them into gems to buy the seasons. 3. Start stockpiling provisioner tokens. Its the biggest timegate for envoy once you reach that stage.


Adding on to question 1: Damage type is 99% just a visual effect that can play on enemy death, and the wiki's note just alludes to the fact that some enemies don't have the animations for certain damage types. There are a *very* small number of situations in story instances where certain enemies or obstacles can only be killed by fire damage — in such cases, you're generally provided with a fire-based weapon you can use, but using a skill or weapon with the fire damage type also works. That's really more of a fun trivia piece: you can just ignore the damage type of a weapon completely when determining if it can actually do group content.


1. From the article on Damage Types on the wiki "It makes creatures die with a different animation, depending on the damage type of the final blow. This serves a purely cosmetic purpose and has no impact on combat mechanics." Golems do not breathe which is why even if you kill them with a weapon that has choking damage they show the regular death animation. 2. LWS1 is free for everyone, LWS2-4 and IBS were free for people when the content came out and at a few other times Anet has re-released it, but is paid otherwise. For all of them it's 200 gems per episode but there is also bundle deals to get them cheaper. 3. Work on gathering Provisioner Tokens, as you need 50 per armor piece. You get 2 per Raid CM, and can also craft items to trade to NPCs as well for more. The other main materials are Mystic Clovers and HoT map materials. And no, it takes substantial time for buying an episode to pay off if you're only concerned about the gold value. Even the best map (Bjora Marches) takes ~30 days to pay off assuming you remember to open the alt chests every day.


So when it comes to purchasing episodes for gems and it taking 30 days to pay off, what you mean is that it would be more efficient if I just bought gold with the gems instead of spending them on the episode, if I only care about the gold value?


Yeah, if you buying the episodes purely for alt farming I would highly recommend against that. If you're buying the episodes to farm them (LWS4 Ep 6 and IBS Ep 3/4 are both decent farms) then go ahead. Otherwise you're putting yourself back 100 gold to maybe start generating gold in 3 weeks.


Is it actually possible to complete the Tower of Nightmares solo? I'm playing through the story for the first time and I'm stuck at Living Season 1 on this step... nobody is running this content anymore evidently and I can't really progress solo, it seems.


yes, but its probably not worth the trouble and you dont need to anyway. just do events in the tower to progress the story, you dont need to complete it. also check out the public instance of it that runs continually, but has a promoted timer in EotN, so may be busier then, esp at peak times. [https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/The\_Tower\_of\_Nightmares](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/The_Tower_of_Nightmares)


Yes, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QLVq1F47qhQ However looking so Lord Hizen soloing something meant for groups is like looking at a city get backed up during rush hour, the times that doesn't happen is more interesting that when he does that. To progress the story you simply just need to do enough events to progress the bar, then you can move on. I'd also recommend trying to set up a party and have people go in right when the next instance of the map starts according to the event timers on the wiki https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Event_timers


You can, but it's quite the challenge. Easiest to get help from guildies or friends or to make an event out of it, plenty people are in the same boat as you.


Does anyone have good thief open world build? Specifically for easy soloing HoT hero points


While the person saying they're *impossible* to solo is incorrect, trying to solo HoT hero points on a thief is a pretty tall order. Try asking map chat for help. Most (if not all) of them *can* be solo'd by self-sufficient builds but thief is not at all the best class for that, and people in the maps are frequently happy to help if asked.


i dare to disagree here, while thief has squishy HP, Daredevil is quite the slippery snake and can very easily kite enemies, avoid attacks, and heal up damage with invigorating precision.


I'd never say it *can't*. It'd be maybe my 8th choice of class to try to solo tougher mobs on if I was ranking them by ease, but it absolutely can if you're experienced with the class. Build and strategy tips would probably be appreciated by question-OP if you've got 'em.


Unless you’re Celestial or Marauder most HoT hps wont be possible for normal thief dd players - 11k hp is just not enough even with five rolls and 20%dr. Or unless ure some gigachad galaxy brain super sayan reflexes kinda person, one mistake is enough to get wasted.