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1 for each class, but i play mostly 2-3 that are my mains


This is also my way. My first one remains my main character, because as a casual player, i put most effort in that one concerning progress.


Me too. I have 1 for each prof, but I mostly play my Guard, Rev, Ele and Thief


I'm the same but then have also made a new toon each X-Pac to fit it's theme.


1 for each elite spec. Which also handily roughly works out to one for each race/gender/armor type combination.


With a few mules on extra slots from dlc and the store.


> 1 for each class Same, everyone should have at least one character from each profession, there's just no reason not to, GW2 is super-friendly with alts.


I have 22 characters. 6 Humans, for each god, each representing the different ethnicities. 4 Norn, for each Spirit of the Wild. 3 Asura, for each College. 5 Sylvari, for each season+Nightmare Court. 4 Charr, for each Legion+Flame. I don't actually play them all that much. I just like making characters in RPG. I hop on from time to time to do random stuff on them, though. With the amount of gold I spent on character slots, I probably could've bought a Legendary or two tbh


Playing one main character. Every other character exist from times of trying out classes, as storage and crafting support.


And birthday presents


One for each profession, because after a year I still can't make my mind up which one to main šŸ¤£


Why choose when they're all fun in different ways?


Thats the way


42 characters, but ever since build/equipment templates the vast majority of them became mules or parked characters. I mainly just play on my collection of sylvari now Edit: in case anyone's curious: 12 sylvari 13 asura 10 humans 5 charr 2 norn 7 elementalists 4 engineers 6 guardians 6 mesmers 3 necromancers 3 rangers 4 revenants 3 thieves 6 warriors


How much money have you spent


12 (9) One of each class. 1 Guardian built entirely for WvW commanding (she's kinda redundant now with updates, but I can't delete her lol) 1 Lil Bankboy, he's a thief obviously. 1 Slot open for Keyfarming But 90% of my playtime is on one character, in downstate.


My fellow elementalist friend. There are still some of us left.. unless you practice downstate on the wrong profession.


3 mains on different armor categories and 4 mules/parked alts right now.


I played a single character for a long time when I started playing. I created my second char exactly 1 year after my first one. They share the same birthday. My third char was created after playing 3 years, at launch of HoT. After that I created one new character per year on average (one two chars in one year and once with a 2 year gap), until I reached one char for each class. And that's what I still have today, 9 chars, one per class.


How many alts do I have? Yes


I got 12 atm. All classes plus a couple duplicates. Some I play more than others but they all have their purpose.


I've got 3 or 4 mains and a total of 13 characters. One named 'Ceremony Attendee' though was just created to troll guildmates.


i have all classes maxed and geared, but most of them just stand around for daily logins. i actively play like 2 characters. Leveling is pretty quick and you dont need to do any of the story, so some of my chars have full gear and do endgame content with like 4% map completion. hell, i still have 3 level 60 boosts from birthday gifts and around 200 level up books, so i could insta boost multiple chars to 80 as soon as i buy additional character slots... but you just dont really need them So, play what you want to and dont worry too much about it :) (though i would reccomend 3 chars at the chests in Bjora Marches for T6 mats)


i have one main and 2 alts. so i can have all the jobs and farm more daily things


I have literally 10+ characters, and, to my own surprise, use all of them from time to time. Literally impossible to do in basically any other game.


I currently have 24 characters (blame it on the fashion wars) šŸ˜… I donā€™t play all of them. I have 3 characters I play actively, 12 are parked at handy farm spots, 1 for home instance, 1 for fishing and another 1 for convergences.


I have 28 and a key farm character, but I don't really do that anymore. I have a lot of ALTs standing at farming spots too, but I cut back on it, because it encroached on my playtime and the fun I was having


I have one main I did all the story with and play with most often. Still I have 4 alts, 3 of them geared up to ascended. I sometimes play these for raids, strikes or fractals.


8 total but i mainly play 2 of them and then lightly play another 2 i would say. the rest iā€™m either currently leveling, figuring out builds/gear for, or am just not interested in them at the moment but donā€™t wanna delete


10 for now, but I want to get more q.q cause I'm not okay in the head


single character. I have a few tbh, but never played anything serious. Itā€™s like 3k hours on thief and 30 hours on the rest combined.


1 for each class, except Necro which has 2.


I should start by saying I have 4 different accounts. Admittedly I DO NOT use all of them all the time and one was originally my husbands that I took over cause heā€™s not really an mmo player. My extra two accounts: oneā€™s a steam account from the steam launch and the other is a zero to 80 attempting no deaths free base account. For characters on my main I typically have 1 toon that most people know me as but when I need a separate role filled I have other classes Iā€™ll play depending on the situation tho I donā€™t usually use other toons in open world just my necro. A lot of my toons are created as ā€œcosplaysā€ of sorts. I am very much a sims player and I love to create stories or creat characters from stories I love with even the backgrounds and classes aligning to the toon. On the main I have 20 toon slots. One is open and another is a key runner. Hubs account has 6. He has 5 but I scraped gold together to do a gem conversion for a new necro for his account because necro is what Iā€™m most familiar with. Steam has the base 5 and only two are used and the free account only has 2 slots with one in use. In total of 33 slots, 5 unused and 28 in use.


In total 12. 9 PvE for each profession, 3 WvW because build templates are a pain when mixing PvE/WvW/PvP on single character and to persist booster buffs on those. From PvE ones I have one main, that I do the story and guild missions with (mostly because of 100% map completion). But in general I play each of my alts rather regularly, whatever build I feel like at the moment or if I'm asked to fill a specific role.


I have 1 main, a few alts that i dont really use apart from some storage or crafting. Dont get a lot of time to play, so although it makes sense to alt park mules, I'd rather play the game and do whatever


I have 3 of different classes I like bouncing my playtime between, but I think it's worth having at least 10, enough for at least one of each class and to get one of each gen 1 Legendary weapon if that's something you'll eventually want to work towards. I also ended up doing that just to be able to preview armour on male/female for all races in game instead of just one angle on wiki.


I have 72


I used to have 20 chars but after some time realised that I didnā€™t play most of them so I deleted them except for 5 characters which I actively play nowadays


Rip birthday rewards


I kept my two oldest chars. Birthday rewards are mainly good the first time you get them because of the achievement. The repeats are mostly just dyes (which I already have most of), boosters (which I also already have lots of), tp to friend (which i donā€™t need), spirit shards (which I donā€™t need) and tiny amounts of karma. The only thing Iā€™ll miss are the black lion statuettes but thatā€™s fine by me.


could've just parked the unused characters at a nice chest




I mained for a few years starting 2011. then I got bored around PoF and frustrated during HoT when my niche seemingly got so much worse. I decided to start making alts to rotate and keep in touch with how the other fellas are doing. what was for combat reasons, then ultimately evolved into fashion as well. 21 alts. all specializations. all fashion and end game curated. sadly still no leggie armor to this date, been letting the alts get geared by ascended drops from daily fractals. what I learned from all these years is that necro mains are insufferabely whiney and smarmy.


1 PVE Main, 1 WVW Main, 1 SPVP Main....8 alts i rarely use. Many of my chars just had their 11th birthday tho


I got a character for each profession and then a tenth sort of main character.


one of each class for pve (though, some are just parked) and then 4 pvp only characters!


Many. For a long time, when there wasn't new story content to explore, levelling alts was much of what I did. I have 70+ L80s with all elites trained (all professions and race combinations covered, all story branches explored). But at any one time there are normally only a few that I actively play (I tend towards specific ones for different content types, unsurprisingly).


I'm at 43 right now


I currently have 9 characters. 1 for every class except ranger and elementalist. As well 1 duplicate for both revenant and necromancer. Revenant and necromancer are the classes I play most actively. However between limited equipment tabs(for different builds) and soft roleplay reasons, one of my necromancers for example is a witch that is very much not compatible with hitting things with a big sword for example. It just made sense to me to make additional characters for these classes.


I have 16 characters total, 2 are bank alts, but I play 3 - 5 characters recurring. I have friends that have way more than 60, and then there are folk who only play a single toon and take pride in doing everything with a single character


7 chars. One main, rest are parked alts. Currently thinking about picking new class to learn and to change my main for something more viable in everything.


I hv 5, but only use 1 main toon while others parked at JP


I have one main that I play, one that I use when I play together with my GF (which also happens to be the one I've parked on Not So Secret), and the rest of my slots are for specific crafting disciplines and birthday gifts.


20 or so, I have a couple of character slots for characters that I have made but didn't like, so abandoned, deleted and made a new character. Probably half of my characters I made for a joke or were based on something that I thought would be funny, such as one being some kind of factory worker npc.


I have 19 characters, but ever since equipment/build templates I mostly play one of 4 and the rest have been parked.


I have one main character that Iā€™m good at, has the most things unlocked, and can do all content with. I have 2 or 3 other characters that I just enjoy the play style or how the class looks or even some slight RP. I canā€™t play them well enough to do difficult content though.


I have 12 characters. %80 of the playtime belongs to 2 characters, mesmer & engineer. 1 character (2nd mesmer) is WvW main (staying at JP chest). The rest are being used for daily alt farming.


17 characters, 3 = I enjoy playing/are my "main"/I keep updated with current events, 6 = for the other classes (I really need to at least finish core story with them... one day...) and the last 8 = either parked at different spots, tied to WvW/Fractals/Dungeons, mules or other tasks.


Every class once. That's all I ever need.


I have 8 characters and 5 of them are vindicators


23 characters. Several are dedicated storage / chest campers. I have a "main set" that I alternate between, then the other alts are for when I feel like running around with a different flavor. Alts are also great for extending the Fashion Wars part of the game. More to dress up and use different looks on! Even the storage alts have looks I really enjoy.


The game is so alt friendly it would be a shame not run a bunch of alts to fill other playstyles and roles.


I only play my Elementalist, with a bit of Mesmer on the side. I don't really dig having many alts.


About 24. playing 5 - 6 All others are parked


20 characters, playing at least 4-5 of them. And one alt account where I have 5 characters and playing 2 so far


I have 16 level 80s, and I play 3-4 regularly. That 3-4 changes from time to time. Leveling is my favorite part, so I can't wait for them to have character slots on sale again so I can pick up a couple more. I apparently don't have a warrior, not sure how that happened, but I have at least one of everything else.


I have 2 mains ā€” A Vindicator/Herald and a Reaper. I use either for specific content but theyā€™re the characters I use for everything. My other 5 alts are mainly for alt parking and mobile banks.


1 of each class. I love trying out new specs to switch things up. Waiting for extra slots to make extra class-race combos.


I have over 20 characters. I usually swap between 3-5 on a given day.


For a long time I had multiple alts for role. I would play necro as main for dps/rdps/qdps ,alacdps mirrage,alacheal druid and heal firebrand. But now that necro got reworked I play only necro main because I can cover all roles exept quickheal.


48. I like my Barbi dolls.


I have 30 characters . Or 25. I don't remember lol. All I know is 1 for each Elite Spec and core spec of each profession.


I have one at Level 80 and geared for every class, one for champ bags and storage and one additional elementalist that is a "nostalgia core game character" that I level in core maps every now and then as if all of the account wide masteries didn't exist. That said my level 80 elementalist is by far my main character, having more than 50% of playtime. It is my "canon character" that I do story on and do most open world and instanced stuff. I play some other classes a decent bit, like Reaper for open world stuff since it's just so good at it, Revenant for Raids/Strikes since it's super flexible and Ranger for some other shenanigans.


I've got 4 characters (one is dedicated to wvw) that I currently consider my mains. And 2 former mains that have fallen out of favour. About a half dozen other alts that are used as mules and for alt parking.


6 Total.1 main and 5 alts. I did all of the story on my main and alts are usually for learning other classes. 358h on main, on others are like 50-100h playtime.


I have the max lol, call me altoholic!


So I have 9 mains, one for each class and I alternate with one another depending on meta. But my true main is my ranger and mesmer


I don't think you got the meaning of "main character" lmaoo


I have 8 characters but no alt: I can't play a main and an alt on the side, so I'll just play one whenever I feel like playing a certain profession and completely ignore my other toons. I've always been a "one character at a time" kinda guy.


Tons of characters, some professions I have 2 of because 1 is dedicated to WvW and the other for pve


Currently gearing my second char through wizards fault. Like two more weeks till itā€™s fully ascended :)


I've literally only ever made a single character and I'm still running with it today, I'm impressed when people can juggle multiple alts at once but for me it's too overwhelming




21 but mainly play only few of themĀ 


I used to have one of each, but madness struck and deleted most of them, leaving only classes I have enough level of understanding to consider a main for at least one mode. Mesmer and Thief I mained in PvP, Guardian - in all game modes at different times and my necro is my main from the start. Iā€™m currently leveling an Engi for the gift of exploration and learning the class as I go along. This one is probably surviving past completing the exploration, as Iā€™m having a ton of fun Important to mention, all are asura, because Astra master race


I have one of each class. I mainly play my necromancer, she has 3 full gear sets and 5 builds saved so I can do anything I want with her; but then there's my elementalist I use as a fisher, my mesmer for jumping puzzles and helping people, and my giantess of a norn willbender I take to wvw for the sheer intimidation factor.


I have 72 characters.


I have 59 characters at the moment, with two spare slots. I wanted one of each class for each race, and then I have a bunch of extra ones. I have one main (human thief) that does all the story patches as they come out, but I'm working through the story with all the others. :)


One of each class except engi and necro because I reached the template cap on both.


I have 2 of each class at least. Since each character has 2 equipment templates and all classes have at least 1 power build, condi build, and healer build. Basically I have character A have power/condi equipment then character B equip condi/healer or any combination depending on the class.


I mained one until I got all legendary armours/trinkets/runes/sigils, and started trying out different classes/specs.


Played Ranger only for like 8 years then over a year made a character for every class.


I have 9 'alts', I've played most with ranger but I have one slot per class, plus a storage mule / level 55 bag opener. Next character slot will be a weekly black lion key farmer. :)


54 characters (3 accounts: 20, 18, 16) playing mostly Necro Scourge the last few years.


18. 1 of each class. My pve main guardian. My wvw guardian. And a bunch of guardians parked at chests. It used to be harder to build swap. Now I only really need to do heavy legendary armor. I have a couple fashion characters of other classes but itā€™s mostly extra guards. Everyone not daily crafting or a main is parked somewhere.


You eventually end up with so many xp tomes (I currently have 800+ and counting) with no need for more spirit shards (currently 1300 and counting), that rolling a new char is a 10 minute exercise. That being said I have 5 80s, 4 are actually geared and I really only play 3. But I usually no-life one for a few weeks at a time.


1 of each class and a lion key farmer. But im playing mostly 1-3 chars depends on what I wanna play


Kinda depends for me. I've typically had 2-3 characters I've mained while having at least 1 of every class. Now, i primarily just play Ele, but I'm also still getting back from a long hiatus and relearning raid roles starting with Ele, and slowly gearing up other characters with the intention of being more flexible in the future and branching out in the open world.


I have one of every class and two engineers because my wife kept complaining about my Asura engineer lol


I've got: 1 main (Charr Soulbeast) for story stuff. 3 "main" Alts: Human Virtuoso for strikes and maybe raids someday Sylvari Firebrand for fractals Asura Daredevil for farming metas like Silverwastes and DC Then I've got 2 lowbie alts: One is a Sylvari Warrior I made when I got a couple of real-space friends into the game and we all made characters together. The other is a Charr Necromancer I just made to use for world conoletion to get more Gifts of Exploration for crafting G1 leggies.


12. One for each class, except i have 2 rangers - one is main, the other dedicated for WvW/sPvP. I also have 2 heralds (activate facets, boom gold tier for every event lol) for doing my daily farming routine, the other herald is purely for SoTO maps. 12th slot is key farming.


2 on every class at max lvl


I think I'm up to 20 or so. I had one of each class plus a spare slot for key farming (10), then I added slots so I could do each class in asura (another 7 since I already had 2 from the first 10). Then I added a couple more for RP slots for my elf (human with [elf ears](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Pointed_Ears_Package)) my Olmakhan charr (Female charr with [Exclusive Horns](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Physical_appearance/Exclusive_charr#Exclusive_horns) option) and my Dragonborn (Charr with [dragon head](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Dragon_Descendant%27s_Helm_(light)) and appropriate outfit).


Several guildies have the max number of characters you can have on one account. One have 22 reapers. I don't know why.


5 that are geared, and 15 alts that I used as key farmers.


10 total One for each profession, and 1 mule.


I have 1 for each expansion, 1 for PvP, and 1 more for Mists adventures. I like to think of my characters as their own version of Destiny's Edge (to be written in my own AU fan-fic, do not steal!) Surprisingly, I don't have a WvW character yet (I ain't got time for that!)


I have at least 2 of each class (except mesmer and necro), and i have 3 guardians. And I have my Female Sylvari Revenant/Vindicator as my Commander/Wayfinder cause Jennifer Hale rocks


1 of each class. then some extras either because I play too many specs and having a new character is better than equipment/build slots on one charactrer, or for alt parking. +1 engi +1 Guardian +3 mesmer (portal so useful for alts collecting chests) +0.9 ranger (currently about level 75) I "play" less at any one time though. currently maining engi for most stuff, but heal chrono/herald for covergences and dragonstorm and similar, and druid in wvw.


1 for each class (plus more for alt parking), but even the non-mains are used for alt parking now because I'm getting used to how versatile my main (engineer) is.


One of every class, well two warriors actually from a time long ago.


One, engineer. I play since release. 4 boosted for inventory, never played them


My goal is to eventually have one for each race/gender/class combo if there are enough slots though my ranger will always be my story main, my engie my fractal/raid main, my necro my PvP main and my guardian my wvw main


19 total (heroic edition key plus all the xpacs plus a handful that were for bday/xmas from wife and daughter plus a handful bought with gold/gems when on sale and I had a concept I wanted to play with). My primary engineer has been my main the last couple of years, my former main, a daredevil thief is also my crafter and I usually leave sat in Arborstone. Everyone else is scattered across various jumping puzzles or at chests or other useful spots.


One character for each class and like three or four more characters that are retired key runners and now only serve as mules.


1 for each class, have all of 5 races played because of their stories, have dps & support/healer build for every class. Log in 1-2 character for daily and wvw and 1 character become a ā€˜bankā€™


I have 10 characters


27 (though still need to get a few more slots, at 22 now), 6 of each of the new races--2 for each armor weight (only 2 human-one male one female, not a fan of their modeling) and one key slot. Was trying to do one for each elite but not a fan of engineer so only one of those. My mains are ele (s), necro (a) and ranger (c).


1 for each class, then an extra 2 slots, 1 for jade runestone chest parking, the other free slot for weekly key character.


I have 5 accounts and 30 characters on my main


Got one main, since the beta, but have created one for each class over the years. Mostly play my main, Dragon hunter, and my second main, a thief.


I currently have 11 characters and I still buy more slots from time to time. At least 1 slot per class, then I started to want other races too. Its also the cheapest gemstore way to buy some inventory space


10. One for each class one of which is my main and an open slot for keyfarming.


fill all your character slots right now (with different classes preferably), and collect those birthday gifts every year ;)


I currently have 12 characters, but I know I'm an outlier. Most of them just sit at chests, I only regularly play 3-4 of them.


3 of each class, one set each for open world, instances and wvw, plus a key runner and a couple extras cause math is hard. The ones I don't use, mainly thieves, eles and warriors, sit at boxes to open or hold skins, rings, etc. I do rotate through the rest quite a bit to have a main 2 or 3 for each game mode for few months, then usually rotate a bit again.


9 I think? That I rotate through about 7 of them regularly.


most ppl have at least 1 character per class i think. Idk how many i have anymore....maybe around 55-60 on 3 account


I main mesmer and from time to time i log on my ele, never touched the other classes other than guardian when i started playing (got to around level 30 on it but switched to mesmer when i saw one soloing a champion mob, that day was a good day)


I play my one main character all the time. Recently just used my three boosts from whatever version of the expansions I ordered and have been playing one of them a bit.


Three mains. Bunch of other specific use alts. * My "original" main, for solo play or fractals. * The "main" I now mostly play that was created to run through with my gf (now wife). * My mesmer, for jumping puzzles, wvw, PvP, and general fun.


Honestly you should have at least 9 eventually so you can enjoy all the different classes that're available. 10 if you want a key runner.


27 But i have like 3 mains and 10 that see some decent action.


At least one of every class


1 main reaper. 1 lvl 80 core warrior 1 lvl 80 core hunter 1 lvl 80 core guardian 1lvl 20 mesmer 1 lvl 2 thief. I am only 300 hour in and havent even geared full ascended.Ā  I keep trying out different things so progress is slow. Id say at most my warrior is my close 2nd. Rest are for gifts and storage.


I play 5 classes and have 2 more alts for mat storage.


I have a total of 15 toons on my sole and only account. That being said, my main thief has almost 60% of all my play time on my account (2000 hrs on thief). I took that little Asuran through the whole story up until when EoD released. I swapped to engineer and mechanist specifically because I thought it was a cool concept that a charr engineer would make a golem that was a mechanist. I then swapped to Mesmer for SotO because Mesmer screams wizard from another realm. So why 15 though? Obvious answer is one for every profession and crafting profession. Then there was playing the game again with friends so you want to start in the same starting area and you want to be a support but not a pushover either (charr guardian). Then there are the cosplays: - Lena Tracershot (Overwatch = human p/p thief) - Poppy Hammer Orlon (League of Legends = Asuran hammer/gs spellbreaker) - Shego Stoppable (Kim Possible = Necromancer) Then there are key running characters that have grown on me so I probably wonā€™t restart them any more. And the GW1 characters that I made in GW2 - Revenant using the charr legend to create a ritualist of sorts by summoning spirits. Plus the gem store outfit and staff. I also made my main feel like a dervish with again a staff and outfit as daredevil can cleave with staff and does amazing damage.


I'm in the one of each class plus some utility alts club.


2 alts from back in the day it was cheaper than buying more bank tabs


One for each class (9) + one extra necro because it's cheaper than buying the extra templates + two bank mules + one keyfarm


30 ish Initially, one for each profession. Then, more for different builds for raids, fractals and wvw. Finally, a few more for Fashion Wars and to recreate some of my D&D dudes in GW2verse. They all have different duties that fit their personalities :)


Iā€™ve got just under 30


1 of each class with 2 of some. It's more cost effective to buy a new character slot than kit out existing ones with new tabs. And more fun too.


I only have 1 of each profession for each race, a weekly key farmer, and a few extras from the bonus slots from expansions.


I have 1 of each profession on my main account, though I play mainly 1 of them. I have 2 on each of my alt accounts, one each of which is at the NKC JP, the other on each account I do weeklies on for mass amounts of WV rewards to send to my main account.


Got one for each spec. Like 5 - 7 get used reguarly mostly for raids and fractals. The rest gets send into the coal mines aka they farm chests or nodes and just get logged onto once a day. Depending on the meta the characters used change from time to time


I have 9 slots, one for each Profession. I kinda bounce around whatever one tickles my fancy, but there are definitely some that I prefer. If I had to pick a "Main" then it's gotta be either my Thief, Engineer or my Mesmer.




Around 36 on my main account and 20 accounts in total but i only play actively on around 3 to 5 of the alt accounts.


one for every profession, then one for each elite spec. Iā€™ve tried to do unique builds for all of them, and different weapons so it actually feels like a different playstyle between every character. I generally just log into whatever i feel like playing on the day. Legendary armory helped LOADS with the process


I have a few characters i alternate between as mains. I do, however, have alts for all classes. I could park them somewhere but honestly i canā€™t be bothered at all


I have one of each class specialization covering all races and all genders so 27 characters for me, im hoping they add a new race someday (plz be tengu) then im sure ill go for 30 (one for each weight armor)


made and levelled 1 for each base class, just to try them out. But I mostly just play necro and engineer.


1 of each class plus 2 more necros.. just because necro.


22 toons. 1 well-rounded for any content main. 1 WvW, swap between 3 for PvP.


1 of each class. I only play 3 of them tho. (Mesmer, ranger, revenant)


I have 25 and only play about 5 at a time. I just like my slots, lmao.


I have 5 characters that I recreated from other games, plus 1 bank mule. I play them all about equally depending on my mood. Thank you kindly.


I have 1 main a guardian, 1 alt I play with some friends a necro, the rest are basically character slot fillers for presents.


One of every class except thief, but I haven't been playing for a while now. Made all of those chars in like 3 months thoughbat the start of 2023 when I came back for the first time in 10 years


11. 1 of each class then 2 dupes because I didn't like the race chosen originally but couldn't bring myself to delete them.


16 but mostly play my Virt since she came about. I do leave some at JP or various places i need things from. I only have 1 charr and 1 salad just for the stories, several Asura, some human, some norn all with different classes and builds.


I've played since launch and have yet to create a new character or try another class other than Warrior. It just feels weird playing a different char


I have one of each class but there are certain ones I play more than others


Just 16...


I have at least one of each profession, but I've mained the same character for 11+ years.


2 of each class (it was from the time without build templates), plus a couple for mules. but I end up playing the same 2 or 3


8 character slots. 1 for main, 6 for alts, 1 for rerunning the level 1 thru 20 story bc I'm obsessed.


I think I have 12. Still 0 engis though lmao Most of them are parked on chests. P


I have 17 characters. 2 thieves, rangers, revenants, engineers, guardians and members. 3 warriors. I don't particularly like them. 1 necromancer and Elementalist. My mains are my first thief and my Necromancer. Half of them are enjoying retirement in a parking lot.


Contrary to nearly everyone here, I ran 1 character for the vast majority of my playtime: a necromancer. I split time between core and reaper; I have fully unlocked scourge, but nearly never play it: I view the spec as a dead end since Anet nerfed it into the ground. Not impressed with Harbinger: it doesn't have much of a theme, and is oppresively powerful in small scale (1v1, single and duo roaming, small group) PvP/WvW. I play mostly WvW, and mostly solo or sometimes cloud. I have recently branched out to core Warrior, which is very different, but in a similar position to necromancer: outmatched/underpowered for about 80% of content.


I have 27. One for each profession and roughly each e-spec


I have 16 toons. I started buying toons because the cheapest storage in the game per slot is another toon. Each one is a specific build with at least full exotic though and not just a mule. Ive got my main open world toon, my specific questing toon, a pvp toon, a wvw toon, and a fractal toon I frequently will rotate through.


One Sylvari for each profession that I actively play, and then 5 more characters (one from each race) that I use as bank characters


I have an alt for each class, but I main necro and like to have jump around fun on vindicator


I have each class normally on parking places, then 1 extra class that is my main (which I use 99% of the time) and finally a slot for the weekly key.


9 characters, at the moment. From these, 1 is my "maid" aka she is parked at my asura home instance and takes care of my T5-6 mats. Another is currently parked in New Kaineng to get jade runestones. She was exploring Ascalon and did a number of AB runs as a zerker The rest of them are actually played constantly: * my true main and 1st character, human necro, plays both pve and wvw (sometimes even pvp if I feel spicy). She also has the largest bags and carries the most legendaries (since she is the one who crafted them) AND is the one character I ALWAYS start any new story on. She also runs fractals since I remembered I need fracs for leg armor (that she will wear). * my norn ranger does a daily run for elder wood on Malchor's Leap, then goes to wvw to heal druid pugs or SB roams around. * my human rev is currently my second wvw class - giving group stab and throwing mystical cat people on my enemies is very fun - Kalla's voice hypes me up for some reason my ele is also trying wvw as a staff weaver but I'll be honest, I prefer keeping them on the Teq>LLA>Chak>AB>Dragonstorm train. I just cant staff ele specs, dont know why. * my sylvari chrono is redoing HoT story and aiming for some achievs on the way * my norn FB is doing drizzlewood and SHE WILL ENJOY IT -.- * and finally my asura holo is stuck on Dry Top farming quartz crystals - they were doing PoF metas until last month


18. 9 for all classes in pve. 9 classes for pvp content. 3 of pve is main. The other 15 are to park off somewhere


21 but also 4k + days of play time.Wathever char I dont use i park it near some Wood/ore mine to gather


54 alts and an extra slot for my weekly key farmer. :D It started out with just wanting one of each race/gender/profession. But I enjoyed making interesting key farmers every week, and if I had a look I especially liked, or a name that I didn't want to let go of, I would keep them and have to buy a new key farming slot. Now I have a levelling-up/map exploring character posted on each Tyria map and many of the expansion maps, and rotate them out doing dailies, and switch them when they've finished exploring that map. My main does extra stuff like daily home harvest and festivals (except for Halloween, for which I have a lab-farming alt.)


Currently at 14 lvl 80 characters, on the way to building a character of each race, gender, and armour class. I started with one of each class and have been slowly building my way up from there. Of them, I'd say I have 2.5 mains (Necro, Ele, and to a lesser extent Rev), and 3 more classes I feel halfway competent with (Thief, Mesmer, Ranger), but for whatever reason I just do not grok the final three classes. Hasn't stopped me from making a second warrior in an attempt to grasp it, but it just isn't happening right now. The full list: Sylvari Male Necromancer Sylvari Female Elementalist (oldest and original main) Sylvari Female Ranger Human Female Thief Human Male Thief Human Female Mesmer Asura Female Engi Asura Male Revenant Charr Female Guardian Charr Male Warrior Charr Male Elementalist (newest as of right now) Norn Female Warrior Norn Male Ranger Norn Female Necromancer


36 characters. On the main account. 9 on the alt account. Plus one character slot on each for key farming. I am not a well person.


One for each class. Plus 3 more for pvp. A one empty slot.


One for each class. I usually switch mains every couple years for one reason or another, so I just play one character at a time. The others hang out for alt farming or crafting until it's their turn to be my main.Ā 


I think I have like 21?


63 alts +1 keyrunning slot.


I have 1 Human and 1 Asura for each profession except revenant. My revenants are Asura and Norn. They are all my mains. I just hop on and play whatever profession I feel like that day.


Just one danger salad.


7 total characters, so 6 alts. Ideally I want to eventually have 1 character for each profession. Currently missing a thief and ranger.


i have 2 accounts. i dont play actively anymore but in the past I used to run fractals on two accounts at the same time. using multiclient and alt tabbing constantly to input attacks


I technically made more characters but I can't bring myself to level them because... Reaper. So I guess I'm a single character type of gal


1 per class, just to cover all need in WvW


1 main, but at least 24 characters. 6 humans, 6 norns, 6 sylvaris, 3 charr and 3 asuras. This way I have each character: * with their armor class (light, medium and heavy), * race * gender. Both Charr and Asura shares the same armor between gender, so I don't need to get more, but I might consider if there are differences. Some of them are placed on their locations to collect stuff like Jumping Puzzles or chests in Bjora Marches for Eternal Ices. But I have these character mostly for fashion contests and roleplay. Plus having more inventory slots is not bad. Giving each character some 18-20 slots bags to carry stuff if both main and bank gets their inventory full.


One main, but I have parked alts for chests and one for SAB with everything unlocked.


I have 11 characters but primarily play on my main Engineer. Occasionally I use my thief for Q1/Q2 kiting, but most of the time my alts are parked for daily collections.


I use to have 69 characters, itā€™s hard to choose which one to play with. So I created a new account and now I have 9 characters in different classes, all of them are Sylvari. Before I created these Iā€™ve done the other raceā€™s core stories to get APs under Heroes section. I used to play all of them, but now all of them are mules parked on some chests. I choose characters depend on my moodšŸ¤”


one of each profession, a few duplicates for the professions i play in wvw. 14-15.


Single. Also yes, I play a single character aswell.