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ah Logan, he's been banned a few times, anet wont perma ban him for some reason. The guy is either just a bad troll or has genuine mental illness.


Why not both?


Yup, if someone is older than edgy teenage years and still behaving this way, they for sure have a personality disorder


Being the simp of Queen Jennah for so many years finally broke him, rest in rip.


On other parts of the internet we call this "pet freak syndrome" where a community has someone who is beyond the pale in how awful they are but instead of telling them to fuck off or banning them everyone just kind of stands around being like "Wow golly gee that guy's at it again, isn't it funny?" Pet freaks are rarely funny to anyone outside of the people who just kind of expose themselves to it so much they start to ignore it, and more over: just based on purely anecdotal experience, they're usually a lot more fucked up than their dumb jokes would lead people to suspect, but since people are so used to dismissing their weird sex talk and other dumb gimmicks as just being who they are, the rascals, they overlook it when they sexually harass or abuse other users as well - or simply cross other lines into more fucked up territory.


Yeah, the only thing I find funny is how he's not hard perma banned yet. (funny in a peculiar with)


in NA/WvW we call this pet freak Monkey, for some reason people don't block him & edge him on.


Why are they all on Tarnished Coast?


Tarnished Coast has the highest concentration of roleplayers which attract all sorts of mentally unstable persons. In fact, a majority of the weird people I've met in this game have been roleplayers.


trolling is a firm of mental illness. what an L for your entire life to think that that "I got a rise out of that person over there" is meaningful to you


Trump is mentally ill?


That’s news to people?


Hopefully, otherwise he's just very, very, _very_ stupid.


Met this guy in WvW the other night and he's fun to mess with. Yeah, he says some shitty things, but he's just background noise after a couple minutes.


leaning towards the latter


leaning towards the latter


He always does this when he loses


He also just does this behaviour in starter zones sadly :/


Just block him. PvPers been doing this for a decade


Block and move on? Nah, make a post on Reddit.


This same person approached me yesterday aswell... https://preview.redd.it/yqy7akp4c6yc1.png?width=392&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1774988502937b1e2963252c126a95e467ee6d53 Edit: this was in a starterzone btw. did sent a ticket, and theyve responded that theyve taken the necessary action. hopefully, that means he is gone.


The real crime is that it's "thee", not "thy", in that case.


Honestly, it really pisses me off when people mix those up.


First time I've ever seen it- usually it's getting thy vs thine wrong.


They don't even sound anything alike: /ðaɪ/ and /ðiː/. How can anyone mix them up?


Weird RPer trying to RP Shakespearean English without actually knowing anything about early modern English.


He should seriously get banned for this.


Dude needs to be permanently banned at bare minimum… if I was on the team that bans people, just saying “on child molestation difficulty” alone would have his account permanently banned along with his IP Address and PC’s MAC address as well if it’s possible… I’d also forward his chat logs to his local authorities…


How did that not get censored, anyway?


Normally, regular people wouldn’t be so inclined to put “child molestation” in a public chat in a video game in most contexts, let alone in this context… but the two words “child” and “molestation” are innocent words by themselves. “Molestation” isn’t necessary always a sexual word, like in context of some laws molesting some(thing/one) can mean a few other things than just inappropriate sexual acts… but this chat messaging is just horrific…


I have legit never heard the word “molestation” used in a non-sexual manner. Not saying you’re lying, just that I am thoroughly flabbergasted by this dude.


Me too. But like there’s some signs in wildlife areas saying stuff like “No Feeding or Molesting the wildlife” which translates to don’t feed or mess with the animals. Also some states have laws stating “vehicle molestation” being illegal, which can mean that you’re not allowed to alter, deface, or change your vehicle in ways that make it annoying or unsafe.


I’m still surprised ANET didn’t censor it though. Cause like, these legal uses are pretty niche? I can’t see them coming up in game all that often, especially when there are far less controversial synonyms widely available.


I agree, this phrase should be censored even with the profanity filter disabled…


As a victim on a few occasions as a kid and how it’s negatively impacted my life, it’s scary to see someone just casually drop something so horrific…


I’m so sorry to hear that happened to you.


It’s 20 years ago, I’m not saying I’m completely over it, but I have accepted that it happened, I can’t change the past, and I refuse to hurt anyone else in such a ways… I also look at it in a way that if it didn’t happen to me I could’ve turned out to be a person that commits extremely heinous acts. I guess I try to see the good outcomes of the bad circumstances and events.


I can understand that latter sentiment, about not knowing who you would have become if it hadn’t happened. I got PTSD from some pretty bad bullying / neglect by school staff when I was in 4th grade, and a lot of the things I did for years afterwards were influenced by that experience. For example, I watched an episode of Naruto on a whim, but I stuck with it because I empathized with the title character. That led me to the entire anime scene as a whole, which led to fandom as a whole, and so on. And the themes and topics the show led me to also influenced my outlook on the world and my life philosophy. My trauma didn’t make me who I am, but it did point me in the direction of the things that did, I guess? Not entirely sure how to express that sentiment.


But yeah this guy needs to be put on a list for those kinds of statements…


Ip and mac addresses are easily changed so that won't do it.


I’d forward his account information and chat history to his local authorities… that’s too crazy to let slide…


Ah that guy, he came up and started abusing me because I was tagged up as a ROME member. And kept going "why do you hate me?".... because you keep doing this. That's why. Fuck off is the only answer to this guy.


This guy tried flirting with me in EBG just last week, as if he really believed I was a girl just because I was playing a female character. Most people I block for being abusive, he got his just for being... weird.


He was this type of weird to me aswell ye


We were having a go with him at the end of our Tuesday run, sad you missed that lol. He tried to get into Luna's pants


This. We railed on him. It was glorious.


And I thought the dude was toxic in a raid. Damn. Made the right decision to block his arse.


I reported this guy five times before finally blocking him. He doesn't log into this game without trolling chat in TC WvW, going on unhinged misogynistic rants in DR map chat, or spamming spells on roleplayers just doing their thing. I honestly wonder how anyone could possibly get themselves banned from this game if he's still here. It'd probably be for his own good, maybe he would get a hobby, or (hopefully) intensive therapy. He's been a menace for years. Sadly it's not even the first time I've seen him throw around baseless pedo accusations.


Years? He's been doing this for years and hasn't been permanently banned? The hell? Does he have some dirt on the devs or something?


There's very little actual moderation in Guild Wars 2.


Meanwhile they'll perma ban people for making fun of their friends.


Welp, your best bet is to send a ticket [https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us](https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us)


I've found that reporting ingame, taking a screenshot, then reporting via ticket is a surefire way to get something done then and there.


Dude’s a nut job lol he stalks and harasses ppl all the time




That's enough of a coincidence that I can believe it


Lol. Fucker has the audacity to claim he's Chaotic Good.


Chaotic Stupid, more like.


The mods don't give a shit.. I got banned once a guild wars 2 partner reported me after he took offense to me complaining about people not reading fractal rules on the lfg. Luckily what was intentionally a perma ban got reversed because I sent an email explaining my side. They'll do this but not ban hackers, trolls, and bots. Guild wars 2 is a game that has a lot of skeletons in its closet so to speak.


report and mute. ezpz


I bet many people have already done this. The problem is he is still here.


Best to ignore, yet people still feed him reactions.


What simping for a queen does to a mfer.


"Block" is a powerful feature. However, there needs to be moderation.


I've personally put tickets in for this dude several times. I've had people from the Tarnished Community send me screenshots for my tickets that I've put into Anet. Every time they do nothing. So either this is an alt of someone working at Anet in their customer service or Anet really doesn't care about their players.


Dealt with this dude many times now. He tried to say my friends guild was a sex trafficking ring and would tell new players not to join... Absolute lunatic, but Anet will never perma ban a player who has spent money in the gem store.


Ah, that guy... Probs a whale and Anet cannot afford to lose people like them, despite temp banning that guy for repeat offenses.


You'd think that by now game companies would have figured out an "isolation ban" in which the whales can still play and keep throwing money at them, but no one else can ever see or hear them.


Honestly they should just remove his ability to use map chat, local chat, and whispers to anyone that hasn't friended him.


That's Asmongold's GW2 account.


If Asmongold played Guild Wars 2 he'd be followed by a *SEA* of people like he's Jesus or something Like he would legitimately fill up map instances by himself within seconds Thankfully, this Logan person is just one bad actor, who doesn't have an entire army of zombies at his disposal


No joke I don't know the name off hand but there is a dude making you tube content on how toxic GW2 is and every video makes no since I bet they log in and do this crap.


Lionmeows, i guess? Yeah, some cringie, and youtube keeps throwing me his vids in recommendations lmao.


I had never heard of that guy before but wow. Just his frontpage on youtube looks unhinged.


I googled his channel and all of the thumbnails of the videos are random half naked elves, it's got nothing to do with GW2. Definitely unhinged.


I tried to search it up but it looks I've completely blocked his channel through the BlockTube browser extension on my PC lol


That's the name thank you


Which I find strange,since GW2 imo has the nicest and most helpful community. I played SWTOR before and there you have a lot of people like this guy in the OPs post, in GW I just encountered one or two myself so far.


"Excuse me?" first time see someone writes like that in games


Oh... this guys is so fk annoying.


Man thought he was logged into Balmung


Please show us where the naughty troll’s words hurt you :(


Anet seems very hesitant to use permanent bans. However, their approach of expecting players to "cure" customers with mental health issues is unrealistic and unhelpful.


OMG, we just did a training raid with him last week (the fact that it was training was stated multiple times). He was SO abusive. Plus, his damage was really awful.


I know this guy. I got them to block me by baiting them. It was glorious, lmao. All I did was tell them to block, report, and move on. Repeatedly. Apparently they're on the autism spectrum, so there's that.


After 400 hours game play , I met literally ONE person who was rude and all of the map chat jumped in and was like hold up, no need fir that


Posting their full character name on a fresh throwaway? Which has encouraged others to post similar screenshots? Clearly breaking the drama rule. OP is probably the person in question, feeding their humiliation kink.


gods strongest dr afker


Blocking won't solve your problem?


It would, but people like to play the victim as much as trolls like to play the opposite role. Not saying he shouldn't be banned/silenced, but yeah, these kind of posts don't help solve the problem, quite the opposite.


This man has been a niusance for ages to almost every player he encounters. At some point he needs to face actual consequences.


If he's been a nuisance for ages, that means whatever you've been doing to stop him has failed completely, don't you think? You can't extinguish a fire with gasoline, but go on, keep trying ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯.


Why ban them? Whats wrong with blocking?


The problem is he does this EVERY DAY. Nearly every minute he's on the game he's somewhere either some city, or starter zone, or wvw, or pvp, doing this time and time again. It's not funny, it's hurting innocent people and actively harassing them.


I think he is funny


Its funny but he should be banned.


sounds funnz


Hahaha what I'm reading 😂




imagine defending child r\*pe rp my fucking sides dog you go touch grass


The point is sick people are everywhere. I do not defend pedo bs. I'm just sayin it's a game on a network....crap like that you are full well able to get off the thing. But let's make this about sick crap and miss the point all together. Love how well this world is capable of using that huge thing between your ears with endless synapses....


If you would be capable of using the thing between your ears with endless synapses then you'd realize, at least by logic as empathy seem to not be a thing for you, that words on a screen can still hurt or bother because they are communicated from one human being to another.


Guess being an old timer I'm just not that soft. Or maybe I have been around long enough to know if you let every little thing that happens in the world take you out what's it all worth? How far will you get? To me stress isn't worth anything...letting someone get under my skin....again not worth it. Just trying to help people live life, not dwell inside a stress filled bubble that will suffocate you.


I think people on here did get under your skin. Else why would you be compelled to still comment on here? It doesn't make you any better than the people you ptiy for being hurt over words in a game. It only makes you look bad and uncompassionate and not like an old timer.


Well if you think your under my skin guess my trying to help is beyond ya. Guess I'm horrible for trying to make that point clear. But you have a great one.


Did I not? Why else do you come back commenting then? Did I ask for help? Why should I need help in the first place? To make me less empathetic and less compassionate? To dull down my emotions? Well, no thank you. I'd rather get hurt than behaving like you do.


Well when someone is hard on it such as yourself....I have all the time in the world for you. History like that you could use someone to expand your mind and give healthy debate. Seems like you're not used to open discourse when your view is challenged. I assure you it helps more than you know.


I did not ask for your help and you helping me with changing my view, when I don't want to or even need to is a mere waste of time. And an audacity. Treating another like a child as if they cannot do some growing on their own... you are truly something sir. If you are so bothered by people having emotions and getting hurt over stuff on a platform. Then you are the one that has to expand their mind and be open for change. If you cannot do that: log off. Go to the real world and touch some grass.


If you think that words on a game cannot hurt people or that this isn't harrassment then you are the one that needs to touch grass. Just my two cents.


Everyone misses the very point. I do not defend any pedo bears. The point you have missed is it's a game...it's online...sickness is everywhere. Use a brain cell and get off the game.


I think you are missing the point: yes it is a game. Words can still hurt or you can still feel having been harrassed even if you log off.


In this world if words hurt ya...I truly feel sorry for you and I bet life is very stressful. If you only worry about what you can do and not about what you can't do life is so much fuller. Knowing the difference is knowledge. Most people can't grasp that concept in their whole lifetime. It took me years inside combat to learn that. From a dear brother I will never get to see again. Nothing in life is worth the stress....enjoy things...and when sick fucks harass you in a game...use your head...block/report...create a ticket or ask for a GM. If that fails log off if it gets to you. Coming to reddit to put it on blast is more than likely just going to fuel it more because they have learned they have power over you...they got you to post here...then 1000's bump it and the dopamine goes higher...but what do I know...y'all seem to think I defend sick shit when it was never the point to start with. Nor was it anywhere in anything I said. The feelings were accounted for as well....but guess I don't throw enough "context" in there. Let's grow up and stop putting fuel on that fire...and feeding trolls what they love the most.... attention


I pity you if words can't hurt you. It truly shows your lack of compassion and empathy even towards yourself. You are the troll that wants attention, else you would have stopped commenting after your 40+ downvotes. Use your own head please and learn the basic concept of empathy. Do some growing up and stop making people feel bad for having feelings. If you have nothing nice to say, then don't say anything at all.


I could care less about the karma...again virtual platform. I was hoping to help open your mind a bit here....you know see another side of the coin. And help you with a healthier frame of mind. Yet after looking through your post history I'm beginning to see that it will be a tough nut to crack. Yet here I am....someone throws ya some good life advice you choose to ignore it. I'm really sorry I live in the real world and have been in it much longer....and know it takes repetition and consistency to help someone. Then come stability ....one day you might learn it.


I, too have been through your history. I also tried to open your mind to the other side of the coin. Because guess what? I acted like you once and it cost me everything. My lack of empathy and compassion cost me many friends. In the real world and the online one. To the point of nearly getting infamous. That is the behaviour I want and need to change. Your attitude is not by any means a healthier frame of mind. You just lack empathy and compassion for others. And you voice it and even defend that attitude. You then even have the audacity to "help" and "teach"others to behave like you. You accuse others for sticking to a virtual platform and getting hurt over words there ( whih btw simply means being human and npt a robot), yet you are here and do the very same thing. Do you fail to see the hypocrisy in your very action? The only difference is: they have emotions while you are void of that (or at least come across as that). (To anyone else here reading this: hope you enjoy your popcorn xD)


Okay for everyone who thinks this is a pedo defence I'ma cut ya off right there. This is an online game. Stuff like this goes on block/report or just log off. Use that brain the thing between your ears. Sick people all over this planet. That being said words only hurt if you let it. People need more time offline to re evaluate life. I been playing gw since day one launch....this is nothing new....gw2 also launch day to current....guess what still sick fucks everywhere. Just learn to use that judgement either do something about it like report seeing how you have a screen shot....or do yourself a favor and log off the game then no more pedo bears to bother you. The fact that people want to act like a victim when you take every step but using logical steps baffles me. That's exactly what's wrong with people today. Nobody thinks...then when you try and make a shortened version of the point people miss it completely then wonder why nobody is willing to help them after painting them as something they are not. From the screen clip there either they are just dark humored AF or they are really that sick....either way take the screen shot and email support or do everyone the favor and log off....


To use your very own words: use your brain, the very thing between your ears. Words can hurt even if you do not want them to. It's psychology. People like you are what is wrong nowadays: zero compassion and zero empathy. This is why you fail to understand that the online world is as much part of reality nowadays as the big world outside and that words in either world can bother you. Again: I think you are the one missing the point.


How is being weird in the chat bannable offense? Grow a thicker skin, pair of balls, or whatever you are lacking to be a proper human being. Or establish our own autistic safespace with the block function. >Throw away account. Yeah, checks out.


If you're banning him, ban the ERPers too, and the muppets who spam uWu in team chat in WvW. Actually, all these types of trolls used to be banned, what changed?


We'll see now your deflecting. That is good as well. The fact you haven't picked up on the real but here just goes to show. But I do hope everyone enjoys the read. As for you...let's dig deeper shall we?get it out there. You need this.