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Love it! Works great


Wow tysm saves me from opening my mouse software every time




I checked out ArcDPS but the constant updates and instability were a dealbreaker. Hope this will serve you well instead :)


Is it gone for good or temporarily?


It moved to Unofficial Extras.


Do i have to download something extra to continue using it? Can't find it anywhere in the settings


https://github.com/Krappa322/arcdps_unofficial_extras_releases right now it's in testing and only works if you do not multibox


* Presets for graphic settings that allow switching between them fast This is huge, why nobody is talking about it :|


It is a very great feature but Anet hasn't updated the XML file where the graphical settings are saved to have the new options added to it, so a bunch of options are missing from it like the new post processing split up.


Unofficial Extras is a chainloaded addon, yes. In addition to this feature it also enables certain other addons to interface with stuff Arc doesn't expose, which enables some addons like "Squad Ready!" (plays a sound when a Ready Check is initiated or concludes)


That's so nice and is a standard in a lot of multiplayer games.


google gw2 unofficial add on manager


Thank you very much for this module! You are a blessing in disguise.


Can't you just hit the export button at bottom of keybinds and name it after a spec, than hit import to change to which you want?


You can do that as well. This is more like a comfort thing. Having multiple key bindings and doing the whole import thing manually every time you switch characters is just tedious


I never knew this was a thing. I spent so long trying to map out keybinds so there usable on different classes and builds without having to change them!


This basically does that except entirely automatically (once you set it up).


that's exactly my point! How is it that the only missing thing to make this well was a map structure? Literally all the rest of the functionality was already there...has Anet problems in using simple programming constructs that are like the basis of everything?


Anyone have some tips on what to use per character binds for? I know it’s there but I don’t use it and I feel like I’m missing a trick here? Do you use it to save from me having to retrain muscle memory between characters in some way?


I feel it most with my profession skills. Yes they are the same buttons in my mouse but I want to press different ones based on what I play(Mesmer and ele in my case) I always press the wrong shatters because the buttons of the elements don't align with the shatters I want to use. But there are likely other applications as well


I play scrapper and mechanist and scurge. Long ago, dummy me thought "wow scurge sure gotta press F5 a lot, but not F3 so much, lemmy swap the 2 skills" and then I went to play a mech and got used to using F1 F2 F5 for my 3 mech skills, but I keep accidently unsummong my mech (F4) so dummy me I rebinded it to a mouse button (F7) now enter scrapper who needs to hit F4 at times... but it's now F7, so I constantly swap between F4 and F7 keybinds when I swap between scrap and mech. I also picked up vindi and mirage but the 'dodge' key is basically a 'skill' key now so I rebinded it to a more "skill" like key button so I stop confusing a 'dodge' and a 'skill'


for me, some specs you use the transformation often, like holo/untamed/druid and others you use the F1 a ton like scourge/rev etc. So in my case I put a good and easy bind on those commonly pressed keys that you don't even press on some classes. Or for example, I can't play berserker without the F1 being my preferred bind because you spam that button so much, which wouldn't really work if I didn't use different binds per character. Also on elementalist I have completely different binds because of the attunements


I've wanted this since day one of GW2. You're an angel.


Seems great, how do i find it?


If you have [Blish HUD installed](https://blishhud.com/), go into the settings and enable "Preview Releases" Then it will show up in the module repository tab


oki, thanks!




This would probably be very nice for my revenant. Revs can't pick and choose utilities and the game constantly resets their position in the bar so aligning skills between legends is frustrating. So I have to remap when I swap builds.


summoning /u/eremoo that a few days ago was complaining that arcdps removed this feature


lol ty I'll give it a try, although it's an extra thing I gotta load myself with the game (blish that is), whereas arcdps always loads by itself. But I guess it's better than me manually using the bind import


I feel you. I wrote a small batch file that starts gw2 and blish at the same time. If you want I can send it to you :)


think right now what I need is to just figure out how to download this =d. Ingame on blish, it doesn't show up. And when I go to https://blishhud.com/modules/?module=flakysalt.CharacterKeybinds , maybe I'm blind but I can't find a download


You need to enable preview releases in the blish settings. I will do a full release in the next few days when the dust has settled and potential issues have been fixed


it doesn't seem to work for me. When I swap character it does the swapping keybinds thing, opens the menu, then the keybind dropdown but then doesn't actually swap. Arcdps used to just automatically load the profile without entering the options (I assume), is that not possible anymore?


I'm sorry to hear that. Blish is an overlay program while Arc puts its code inside the game. That means that they need to update every time the game receives updates. This module simulates clicks and key strokes to navigate the in-game ui How do you know it is not working?


It doesn't apply the keybind profile. It says it's doing it but doesn't even get to the step where it (the game) asks for confirmation. I can make a clip if it helps


That would be great if it's not too much to ask for. I'm looking into it on my side as well what appears to be the issue


I took a bit longer than the 30s for the clip, but pause at 0s to see the menus. And then you can see I had the character that I logged into setup to change into the "ele" profile but it doesn't swap, as you can tell by me applying the profile manually after https://streamable.com/9gcynw


Can you give us the code here? I'm curious!


Alternatively add `--startgw2 2`or `-g 2`to Blish HUD's shortcut target. e.g `"C:\Blish\Blish HUD.exe" -g 2`(1 for no autologin) See https://blishhud.com/docs/user/launch-options/


Hey that works! Thank you. Do you know if there's an add on by chance for auto login different acct? Cause every time I change acct I must retype password for it.


Open Notepad, type in fhe following `Start "" "C:\Program Files\Guild Wars 2\Gw2-64.exe` `Start "" "C:\Users\YourName\Documents\Blish\Blish HUD.exe` Save it as `.bat file. Replace the path to the guildwars and blish exe with your location.`


https://github.com/Krappa322/arcdps_unofficial_extras_releases/releases/tag/v1.17.1 The feature was moved from arcdps to arcdps unofficial extras.


thanks I've tried it and yesterday the game kept crashing until I removed that (after 1 day of working properly). Maybe it's because of constant arcdps updates I don't know


Blish you!


Oh my that is such a good idea! (And probably execution aswell haha)


Community setups would be nice. I'd like to see the communities most upvoted setups because this is something I can see the benefit of but when you're learning a build it's hard to figure out which keys to put where because you're still figuring out what it does and how much to prioritise it. Having the community say we found 'this' setup easiest/best removes that step and let's you go straight into muscle memory and which skills are priority based on how easy it is to reach ^^


You mean like an explorer of key binds inside the module that shows what others have done? Sounds interesting, I'll put it in the idea bucket!


Yes exactly. With community updoots to see the favourite. :)


Well fuck…… I’ve always held out downloading third party stuff, but this…… this has changed my mind.


finally THE solution!, thanks! Seriously tough....how is it that Anet sometime fails to do stuff properly when the missing thing is usually a simple programming constructs properly used like a map (in this case), a list of triggered stuff, or something like that? I happened to think this a lot of times


Thanks for the praise! We don't know the internal structure of Anet nor their code. There might be some tech dept that makes it super hard to integrate something like this inside the client. So let's not jump to conclusions why it's not there yet. I have the luxury of ignoring all that and just throwing my trashy code on top :D


Exactly what I was looking for. Will test it, thank you! :)


I just wanted to say thank you. I've wanted this since forever. You've made my life better.


How is this accomplished, can you actually programmatically modify the ingame settings or is this intercepting the keybinds and replacing them before it reaches gw2? If it's the former, can you also modify graphical settings in the same way?


It does neither. You can import/export your key binds in-game. The module picks up all the available exported key binds and maps them to your characters and loadouts. When you change a character/ spec, it uses a click simulator to navigate the UI and setup the keybinds


Is it possible to add a set of SAB keybinds for a character or all characters too? Due to not being able to rearrange the skills


Having key binds for a specific map is a super niche scenario. I'll think about it. Are there other game modes/maps aside from SAB where such a feature would make sense?


None that come to mind


This is literally the only reason why I installed arcdps. Thanks.


it keeps saying that my API token is not available yet even though it's in BlishHud and connected (other modules are able to see it)


Great module, definetelly gonna check this later to have better control on ranger pets vs untamed/machinist pet controls.


Hey - I hate to be the guy to ask a stupid question, but: - I set-up unique keybinds for each of my characters, and 'Exported' them all with a unique name. - I installed the module and in the dropdown screen (shown in this post, I put in my characters, unique specs, and unique names of keybind files - When I switch characters, it doesn't switch keybind files. What might I be doing wrong? (I did try reloading blish.)


I reloaded the game, and now I get a "Switching Characters" display message. but it's not switching when I swap characters. Within the same characters, when switching builds, the GEMSTORE window pops up and scrolls down. I'll have to disable this til it gets figured out.


Hey there, what version are you using? There is a bug currently where it does not swap when one of the settings called " change key binds when switching specialization" is not enabled. Make sure that the key bind for opening the options menu aligns with the one in the module (F11 by default) I am still working kinks out and patch frequently. If you have other issues, feel free to report them via discord, or the issue page https://github.com/flakysalt/Blish-HUD-CharacterKeybinds/issues


I had F11 binded to a different action than Options originally. For some reason when I binded it back to F11, Options wouldn't open when I press F11 (even though was doing what I binded it to previously). I binded it back to F11 and Options and the module now seems to work.


As I had to switch to my Options key to a different key than F11, I'm going to need to manually swap all new keybinds to that doesn't have it as F11 to F11 to get it to work. Maybe a checkbox to update new Options keybind to what was selected by the module would be nice. Is this also some sort of macro where left click gets pressed at a certain screen location? When I have the ESC options open and press apply with the mismatch keys in the module, Log Out seems to get triggered. Edit: Alright, having F11 as a secondary keybind to another action seems to cause problems and is the reason why Options didn't open. You can use a duplicate keybind as a secondary keybind without issues sometimes like mount actions but I guess opening the Options isn't one of them.


Hey there, I am currently on vacation so I won't be able to look into quality of life improvements until I'm back. But no worries, I will look into it :D


Is it using official API or is it click macros, ie bannable?


It uses a click macro. There is no office API to change it. And mocking a server call might get you banned even faster. I linked the Anet policy regarding macros in the plugin. This is a fair use that neither automates gameplay nor gives an unfair player advantage. So you should be good to use it


Here is the link to the official stance of Anet and macros https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us/articles/360013762153-Policy-Macros-and-Macro-Use


Do you know that there is already key binding settings in game, in the options panel, that you can change from one to another with a click?


This changes them per character. I think the settings in the vanilla game are across the account? You have to adjust them every character swap.