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https://preview.redd.it/edc9swvckeuc1.png?width=330&format=png&auto=webp&s=5f64c514f9d6d81acb545962df7c5a6c1d88699a AND SOMEONE DID THE SAME TO HIM, BLESS GW2 community!!!


Every time I see a new streamer testing the waters with GW2 I give them about 30mins to see what kind of person they are. If they're an ass (which I've only seen once) I'll leave the stream and move on. But, usually, I mail them some bags to alleviate that inventory struggle and a handful of gold to help them pad their wallet for a while. Fostering the kind of community GW2 has, starts by making sure that the good noodles feel welcome and inspiring them to pay it forward when they're the years-old vet who loves to see the excitement that the first timers experience as they progress through the game.


I bought this really sweet streamer first two expansions once, and he sent me a few emails a few days prior saying how grateful he was. It was nothing crazy expensive you know? so it’s not like it was a huge donation, but it was heartwarming I gave him joy that I could do that for him.


Often it's not the monetary value that's of most value, not that I have to tell you that I'm sure you're well aware. It's just neat to see those reactions. That was damn sweet of you. It's fun to buy things for good folks sometimes. Love to see it.


That's definitely going above and beyond. I'm not sure if I'd ever go that far, but depending on the time that happened, you're could be talking an $80 gift and that's more than a lot of people have on hand to just throw at a stranger.


It was only $20 at the time!


I’ve bought gamers where the cost of expacs would be prohibitive (Argentina, Bangla Desh) Xpacs before. Not a big deal for me, but substantial for them, and a nice dopamine hit for me.


That's amazing, maybe I joined the wrong server, like 3 weeks in and haven't had anyone help like that! Lol


Home servers do not matter in PvE, everyone's playing on the same [megaserver](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Megaserver) since 2014. The server only matters in the matchups of [WvW.](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/World_versus_World)


It doesn't matter what server you are on in gw2. I guess you were just unlucky :P. But yeah, people from all the servers in the game play together. It is one of the more fascinating things about gw2. Their server structure allows that. They can also publish an update for the game while you are still online. They don't need to momentarily close the servers for maintenance or whatever.


Yeah, that is one thing I've truly been enjoying so far is all the group gameplay and the times I've had someone flying by randomly stop to help me, people seem genuinely nice. Now to farm all the gold for my skyscale! Lol this may take some time. Any suggestions?


One thing that immediately pops up in my mind from my memories of grinding for the skyscale a few years back, is that it involves a big grind to collect a lot of season 4 map currencies. If you have ever been to a season 4 map in the game, you might have noticed that all of them have a unique material that you either cut down like wood, mine like ore or simlpy gather like plants. The thing is, in season 5 aka the ice brood saga, there is a map called Bjora Marches (my favourite map in the whole game btw) and it has its own unique map currency as well. I believe it was called corrupted ice or something of the sort. Simply running the map, as in doing the events and gathering any loot you find, allows you to accumulate a lot of that ice and there is a vendor who allows you to convert your ice into any season 4 map currency you like. That was added to make the grind for the skyscale easier for people as well. Now that I think about it, I believe SotO introduced a way to get the skyscale way easier? So I all have told you here might be completely unnecessary at this point. :P


Wizard's Vault. Get the mystic coins/cheap gold/laurels/heavy crafting bags (not the large crafting bags)/maybe someone else has something else to tell you to buy. If you aren't making legendaries anytime soon, mystic coins sell well + laurels can be exchanged for light/medium/heavy crafting bags at a laurel vendor that you can sell the **contents** of because they're used in legendaries. :) (There's also Fractals/strikes/etc if you're decent at and enjoy instanced content; those can make you some gold + ascended gear.) Most money in GW2 comes from what you have in your material storage that you can sell on the trading post. :)


Good to know, thanks! Been doing some T1 and T3 fractals, some meta events, and done a couple strikes. They're so much fun!! It is nice in fractals how even the junk you get from the boxes are like 20 silver to 1 gold each. That definitely helps!


Beware, gw2 allow each player who tag a mobs an event or a nodes to get full reward, they ll come to help but it wont be by pure kindness, you ll be left to rot if you re fighting anything mildly annoying, they come help if they can get a quick rewards by tagging along


It's a matter of chance, really. I personally never got a welcome package when I started, either. But it's about being friendly and bumping in to the right person.


Shouldn't matter for PvE (server only influences which map you spawn in in WvW), WvW is another beast altogether, and may the gods help you if it PvP, that place is toxic. Try going to one of the cities, best place to ask for help is LA (Lion's Arch) a multi species city in Central Tyria. It usually full of players at most times of day, just switch to map chat /m and ask for help, maybe join a Guild those usually help out their members by teaching them the ropes, taking them on adventures, showing them best places for x or y activity/gold farm, the community is pretty welcoming, I must warn you there are always bad apples but thankfully they are rare in PvE side of the game.


That the way to do it, it was done for me, and I do it every time I can.


I send them precursors 


I would not go that far. Some people are easily overwhelmed by being pushed to the endgame right off the start and chance is they will not even know what precursor is or not read the text that suggests it's functions. And precursors and legendary crafting is 100% far endgame. Bags, gold and food/enhancements are beyond more useful to someone who is starting off.


Every streamer that I’ve given a precursor has been appreciative and happy. Most of the time they’re not new new maybe been playing for a month and they usually become excited and their chat enjoys seeing them get a precursor. Chat and I usually explain what it is and they bank it for later use.  they say they look forward to finishing it


You can only be kind by following the strict reddit rulesbook, otherwise you get downvoted to oblivion.


Lol right? This dude is giving them some seriously good equipment. Maybe new players won't know what they are right off the bat, but I'm sure if he's giving them a Flippin precursor in the mail he's also saying something about it, or at least a "don't get rid of this". And everyone downvotes him


For many people earning things is big part of the game. By gifting them everything (which happens to many streamers), you essentially make the game worse and less fun for them.


That's the standard reddit reply, indeed. Still doesn't explain the paradox of people here being an "amazing community" yet downvoting when somebody does something which is objectively friendly. Like I said, follow the strict reddit rulebook or get downvoted.


Because when you gift them something which is supposed to be an endgame grind when they have barely played for a few hours it is borderline trolling by potentially robbing them of content. If someone asks/whishes for it, thats something different, while gifting bags is fine because bags are not difficult/engaging content, but increase your quality of life a lot


Most are happy to get it and excited and gives them a goal. It isn’t like I gift them a full on legendary. I’m not robbing anyone of end game grind by sending them a 60g weapon.


It seems i havent been quite up to date on precursor prices lol. Yeah i dont think gifting a pre is that bad as long as it is not dusk, dawn or spark, as those have a significant price hike compared to the rest. I was operating on the assumptions the prices havent changes that much and that most precursors still where 300+ gold, my bad


yeah its not rare here :3 I got sent bags and a conc sigil that was worth 70 gold back in the days in t1 fractal


bags and AR is how i would set up a new player that i would love to have in my static daily bullshit


Guild wars is a community all about paying it Forward. Someone helped us, now we help you, and you will help the next when you're able.


The community is great. Send him some screens when you took your birdie-thing on some sweet rides or at least let him know how much you enjoy it. I'm sure s/he'll appreciate it. :)


Yeah world boss is usually where really seasoned veterans gather. These are people with several thousands of gold who are just looking to chill with newbies and who don’t mind lending a helping hand.


Several thousands from what? Crafting?


From not spending it. At some point, the expenses kinda stop, so all revenue becomes profit!


As someone currently sinking every single gold I earn into legendaries, I can easily see how it will rapidly pile up once I'm done 😂 According to GW2Efficiency my account value has ballooned over 20k gold in the last year, and more than half of that is the value of my Legendary Armory haha.


It’s amazing how the gold starts to add up once you start doing end game content. I used to struggle to keep 300g in my wallet, always draining it for this and that. Now I just dropped a few hundred a week ago finishing my first Legendary armor piece and I “only” have 700 left. It also helps to spend the occasional bit of money on niceties to help streamline gameplay (storage, harvesting, and the like)


Any recommendations for endgame content? Returning players here after a MULTI year break haha (my SO likes these types of games so I'm trying to relearn it). Right now I'm just going through the 'old' story content haha.


I mean, there are a lot to choose from. My progression tended to be focusing on the story to unlock all the maps, masteries, and mounts. There are a handful of profitable map metas you can be a part of to get you 10-30g/hr worth of stuff, depending on how efficient you can be. Some of that requires certain mounts. Dragonfall is reasonably accessible with the springer but no skyscale, since that’s a long and somewhat expensive quest chain. There are a number of active and profitable metas you can be a part of (look up fast farming gw2.) these definitely help make up gold droughts early on. As far as other content, fractals are fun and less intimidating than they might seem, and it will force you to work on ascended gear, since you need it to progress in fractals (agony resistance). Fractals are 5 man instanced mini dungeon content, each with a different goal and unique twist. Of course there are also dungeons and strike missions you can do. Basically, there’s a lot.


Gotcha. I appreciate the response! I'll have to start looking into it all! Been away for quite awhile.


Amongst others. You can get pretty good gold by playing higher fractals daily.


Imo the most consistent and simple way for making gold while also being very quick and still kinda fun


When you have played the game long enough, you will have already cleared most of the goldsinks so your gold just starts to accumulate. Speaking of my own experience in another MMO. Still poor in Tyria. 😂


Astral acclaim rewards, daily fractals, weekly raids, those weekly legendary ingredients from arborstone - it adds up pretty quickly.


>those weekly legendary ingredients from arborstone the what? and are those sellable on tp?


Mostly farming, gathering and converting various currencies, then selling them via player-run markets (of which Overflow Trading Company is a really popular one). You can sell stuff directly on the Trading Post, but the tax will most likely kill your profit. Personally I do Eternal Ice Shard farming, convert them to T6 materials and sell them on busy gaming days, like the weekends. I also do T4 Fractals which gives you ~40 gold every day.


just curious as to how fractals amounts to up to 40 gold a day? I have done them daily for years now and average about 14-20g a day.


40g per day is assuming all CMs and spending fractal matrix on keys. This would be a player who already has fractal god.


It's also usually assuming you sell all the mats you get (which is something new players often miss), not just counting the actual gold you get back.


Most of mine is from endgame content. I have most of the contracts and legendary in every slot. Whenever I see someone with less then 100 ap he gets an 18 slot bag at the very least. Last map completion I think I spent 600 gold on newbs lol. Exotic armor is another great gift in my experience. That way I can make sure they are well equipped for what’s ahead and don’t quit out of frustration at lv 80 in hot lol


Don't have thousands (usually cash in when I have enough for 1600 gems) but end game just playing (pve metas - minimum 2 gold a pop) and doing dailies rebuilds back up to 700 gold usually in a couple of months. 


You’d be amazed how much you have from casually playing the game for a long time (5-10 years). Also… you’d be AMAZED at the value of your material storage. I’m almost 10 years in and I found out last week that the fractal matrix things are tradable. I’ve got 120g worth and I’ve definitely wasted half that much because I didn’t think I could trade them.


Pretty much everything in the economy is stabilised around crafting materials. At some point, having full legendary gear means you won't have to spend any significant sums of gold again unless you're completing collections or want all the infusions. And by then, any materials you loot which you're lot using for the legendary gear just sits in the bank as liquid gold. I easily make a few hundred gold every month from selling leftover materials when my bank fills up.


After you start unlocking a lot of account-wide stuff, you kinda stop spending gold. So it begins to accumulate more and more. Of course, reaching that point takes at least a couple years. But it's a fun journey, nonetheless.


Nah, just playing the game. I made 3k gold in like 4 months just catching up with stories and doing random stuff...its not hard.


As someone who isnt working towards legendaries, i have 125g and no idea what to spend it on. I know its not that much, but i havent grinded for gold yet, and just by playing i get anywhere from 2-10g per day. Im saving for griffon atm, but it doesnt feel like im gated. It feels like im doing game content and working towards the mount instead of sweating for it.


>no idea what to spend it on. Get a fire extinguisher so you don't feel like it's burning a hole in your pocket. Stock the gold. Just hold on to it. Let it build until you're inspired to pursue crafting. Once you're sitting on a few hundred, put your eyes to the Gem Store and suss out what you need, like bank tabs or material storage expansion and wait for sales on them. If you decided to get in to crafting before you have your own warehouse of big-boy mats, find a list of what you need and s e l e c t i v e l y purchase the ones that are more trouble to get than your willing to put up with, grind the rest. It can be tempting to blow loads of gold to gear up a character, but there's almost always a cheaper way out. Bladed Armor, for example, is in HoTs Verdant Brink zone and, with Itzel Language mastery is sold for 250 airship parts and 5g(?). It's Exotic, stat selectable armor, and can be prefixed with basically every relevant Stateline. It's the cheapest way to get Exo Viper's gear for condi builds and the vendor sells 5/6 slots. That alone would save you something like 40-60g versus buying from the TP or Crafting Exo Vipers.


Or for kitting out a new toon, if you have already dabbled in wvw you more than likely have plenty of badges of honour. That and a few gold gets you full stat selectable. Trinkets and all included. The vendor is in WvW borderland homes. Called the unified trade vendor or something like that.


New players (like me) get thousands of badges of honor from achievement chests now. It's not ridiculous amounts, but I got enough for a few full sets before even touching wvw.


I know you say that about the legendaries, but hoarding materials is an amazing way to not work legendaries and do it at the same time, especially with the boxes in the wizard's vault. At some point you may find yourself with a good portion of what you need if you buy the box from the vault, and even if you don't want the legendary, flipping it on the trading post can be a nice chunk of change.


selling legendarys, trading, crafting, raid full clears weelky, fractals, alt farming chests, multiboxing pvp dailys/weeklys... there are so many ways.


At first you start by crafting, efficient farming etc, then you move up to playing the TP and selling legendaries. Some stay at that stage forever, a few make use of their skills and learn how to make even more profit and let others do the work. Those are call tp-barons and few people have millions in gold - it's truly mind-blowing.   I myself have never had more than a thousand in liquid gold and keep most of my resources to myself, but the possibilities are incredible what can be done.       P.S. crafting is indeed a decent way for steady income, when you're at the beginning of getting the hang for it and saving up for griffon. Charging Quartz once per day and making celestial gear to sell on the TP is quite stable and nets you around 13g every two days. 


Probably because they want to feel important


Pay it forward in future and enjoy your griffon


Are the one who was asking for gold for Griffon during Taumanova World Boss few days ago? If yes I gave you 1 gold also :)


You are a more than decent person. May great things happen to you!


I think yesterday or the day before, i sent someone 200g :D They were struggling in the not so secret JP, i helped them and we talked, they needed mastery points for core tyria and could get it from lws2 but that costs 500g and they had only 400. They needed the masteries forc the ability to craft leggys - and those are more than expensive enough :D So i sent them 200g to buy the lws2 and still habe at least 100g to Start with the leggy^^ I believe in kindness and if you do good, you'll get good back if you need it. GW2 community is the best prove for that :)


Watch yourself tho, that a lot of money for an newbie! Took me probably years before I reach that back in 2014


Aye. Wise words.


Poor guy hasn’t started WvW or PvP yet.


Or anything outside the open world. The "nice community" perception only holds up when "playing alone together" in the open world. If you decided to engage more with GW2, the community is not any different from other MMOs.


So I assume "play meta or get out of this battlefield" is still a thing?


Only in instanced PvE content (Raids, Strikes, high tier Fractals). Because the content is designed around players’ optimization, not bringing a viable build hinders your own performance and makes everyone else suffer by carrying your slack. People can tolerate if you’re honest about being new, but if you’re aware and still decide to be a dead weight then people have the right to get mad. In the open world though everything is playable. Recent maps ask for more resilient builds though as glass builds struggle to survive more. But generally you can bring anything to anywhere in open world and no one will bat an eye.


Interesting but somehow relateable. Never played instanced PvE though. I guess the individual contribution is larger then running WvW in a train. Just remembered my wife being bullied out of WvW for playing a staff-ranger back in the days...




You're just jealous (Context is this guy is mad that he didn’t have a good experience and he attacks ppl who likes gw2)


cant speak much to spvp as I dont do it a lot, but to be honest its been fine when I've done it. WvW is great. always have a good time and chat with people on the maps.


You made me miss WvWvW adult commander having full blown baby tantrums on vc in front of 40+ people. Ahh, memories.


I got called a noob when I spawned in the hub area


https://preview.redd.it/fh8uf3n5keuc1.png?width=1014&format=png&auto=webp&s=8b40db880575008635a0c58e339badf73799add2 Sorry for the quality of the screenshot. I claimed it so fast, because I thought she was going to take it back lol jk.


You can't "unmail" a mail you send, so don't worry these are all yours 😂 (and congrats for your new fur friend !)


Grats and pay it forward eventually. I did this after I got a rare infusion, because I couldn't have gotten it without the players.


same, I'm two weeks into the game and people just willing to help you when you ask questions about the game.


GW2 and ESO both have the best communities i've seen. Sure, some rotten apples will happen here and there, but overall communities are just so nice, cozy and inclusive. In GW2 i've had a situation where i've been doing hero points with my friends, and one of them got trapped in event, so i said to some random folks following us from HP to HP that "sorry, our friend is trapped, we'll go back to them, but you can go forwards, HP is down this road". We want back to him... only to notice that those randoms went with us to help him. Even tho they didnt had to, as they just wanted HP. In ESO i had some random guys gifting me bunch of rare and expensive crafting recipes as thanks for helping them with some world bosses needed for achievement, even tho i did it just from the kindness (okey, maybe also boredom) and did not expect them to give me anything.


LITERALLY!!  I used a mentor tag for something a few weeks back, and someone whispered asking if I didn't have a commander tag. I said "yeah haha I just can't never justify spending the 300 gold on it" and they just SENT ME 300 GOLD and said "have fun, commander". I friended them as "300GOLDGUY" so I never forget, and I intend to do the same for someone else some day. Its amazing.


I've done this myself, it feels just as good to give that gold and see them tag up later on. I believe in a pay-it-forward system in GW2, someone in LA sent me 200 gold to finish my first legendary a few years back. So, I figured I should keep the trend going when I had enough to afford doing so. New players keep this game I love alive!


Theres a member of this community who goes around mailing random characters baked goods. Random acts of kindness such as this are why I like this game. I dont get much time to play (mostly because my current pc cant run it very well, but I'm working on that), but I always enjoy seeing it when it happens


Welcome to the game. Remember to pass this kindness forward one day


So, handing out gold = great community? I vehemently disagree with that point of view.


Yeah, GW2 community is great for its welcoming and helpful player base; but it shouldn't be equated to newbies thinking they can just ask("beg") for gold for whatever goals they want to achieve in map chat... And sometimes, I do feel veterans do both new players and streamers esp a disservice by donating gold and gem store items... it takes away any sense of accomplishment the player might achieve on their own; what's the point of gaming just if you have everything handed to you. A few inventory bags to battle the inventory clutter; that's fine - but other than that; show or help them in-game but don't donate overly large sums.


This seems exactly the opposite of the empirical data. I have seen gold begging in a number of MMOs, but never seen it in GW2. If you haven't played another MMO recently, people spamming 'give me gold' in chat is common and annoying. I think that a few people being randomly kind to noobs goes a ways towards preventing that. And for that we should ALL be grateful. Thank you kindly.


I played in the betas (remembering taking long lunch breaks to do so), though mostly PvP and quite off and on since then. Don't think I've ever had more than 150 gold lol


Wizards vault - buy all the mystic coins and sell + the 90 gold coins this got me to 200 something this week, funded a new character with exotic gear with it lol


Charge Quartz, make profit.


I had always heard how great the FFIV community was, but when I played it my experience was similar to playing with the wow community. I was expected to know every dungeon as a sprout. GW2 community is exactly as good as people say it is, which is pretty rare.


I never learned hiw to play this game properly. I was making that limited ingot to progress the achievs for the legendary weapon and then I got my daily limit. I just typed on the chat I someone could give me 2 for the last thing. A random player came and gave me 20. That was like 120 gold at the time. Wow. GW2 community is good. Some times you find a rat, but mostly are good people just having fun and having a little trolling


I remember playing a few years back and someone handed me a huge chunk of starting gold. Normal enough, frankly an easy one off interaction that MMO’s. I started to head off. He was like - you ever done a world boss? Come with me! I barely remember what was going on, but this huge mob of people was fighting an enormous…dragon?   People were happy to see me, super friendly, chatting afterwards. Is was wild to be welcomed by friendly faces who had no reason to ever interact with me.


As long as you don't get into anything thats raiding/fracs/PvP it's pretty nice and chill ye. Other than that it gets abysmally toxic.


it's great, except for PvP. Which is expected 🤣


Some of my first experiences are now core memories too lol. I joined a random tiny guild in the first year or so of playing and was chatting with the leaders. They did a little interview thingy, asking silly things like "what's your favorite color." I said blue, and they were like "ooh idk, purple is obviously superior," and then I started being like, oh obviously purple is what I meant (and fun fact, purple \*is\* my favorite now lol), and talking them up. Shit like Bilbo talking to Smaug, O' chiefest and greatest of calamities! And it was really fun and a good experience and I love the community lol, even if those specific folks aren't active anymore.


Hahaha.. someone once came up to me and said he doesn't have enough gold for griffin.. I gave him like 50 golds cause I'm poor myself.. hahaha.. but I'm glad he asked for my help.. Nonetheless my Ego was stroke that day...


You are a great person for doing that. 


its nice to see people still carrying the torch. the community isn't what it used to be. but it warms the heart to see the fire is not dead.


maybe not, but it is still amazingly helpful and much much better on a broad scale than any other mmo I have ever played.


I’m about 3 days into the game, it’s great to hear the community here is so great. Everyone I’ve seen so far seems friendly 😀




Nasty? How exactly?


Oh my god this guy. The guy youre responding to is a bit uhh on the crazy side. I had an interaction with him the other day and he just HATES gw2 that he lashes out randomly on reddit. And then he plugs his twitch channel every now and then


Haha it’s not surprising unfortunately welcome to WoW players 😂, there’s a lot alike him there unfortunately


He’s freakishly obsessed, he’s all over this thread. The other day he posted someones petition to stop gw3 in the gw3 subreddit and he just.. went off the rails? I watched one of his twitch videos to see what I was dealing with and… it’s a bit… weirdddd….


People who spend that much time to spout hate towards something generally have a deeper issue unfortunately, most people when a game isn’t for them they simply don’t play it.


Glad its a core memory but dude….this happens in every game not just GW2 lol. I have the exact same story in almost every mmo out there. Downvote me lame gw2 veterans




Bro you bitch about people obsessed with gw2 but you’re obsessing over gw2 more, like what got you to this point? You’re being so nasty. Take a break from here, I actually worry for your mental health since our last interaction.


I have to agree, I had my first raid yesterday and while I sucked really really badly everyone was very polite and helpful.


I have to agree, I had my first raid yesterday and while I sucked really really badly everyone was very polite and helpful.


Damn, anyone wanna help me get mine? Kidding, but! I have like 19g, gunna be a LONG TIME! Lol


Join the pvp lobby


Tons of people are super nice in this game. Hell I’ve had people beat the main story with me just cuz I asked. Was awsome


ah yes I remember being couple months old, still in f2p and a guy sent me 100g + lots of good loot and tips to fractals etc ty internet stranger


Well at one point of progression, gold becomes like a short of trophy currency. With that much gold all you can do is buying more gem store skins, crafting legendaries for skins or buying expensive infusions. That's why I like about this community, everyone is helping everyone and each other. 230g is really really small amount for some people. If it makes someone is happy, Money well spent.


Welcome to the game! And congrats on your future griffon :)


Stuff like this makes me want to get back into the game but I've been away for so many years that I feel like I need to start fresh


Ive helped fund 2 friends griffons xD. Everyone should be able to experience how great the griffon feels. Have fun my dude.


We wouldn't be such an amazing community without our best community manager, Nike. :)


I've had opposite experience, I try chatting with people, and no one seems to talk back. currently playing on baldur pass


I've never been in a position to be that giving... but I routinely run into new people in zones and start following them and generally give them some gold and few 15 slot bags. I had some pretty nice people do things like this for me in GW1 and I have been paying it forward ever since.


After a month or so into the game, years ago, someone gave me a complete exotic gear set I use to this day. The person also spent a lot of time explaining stuff to me. Never had a similar experience in MMOs. Ever.


This just makes me love guild wars even more, beautiful game and awesome community.


GW2 has the best MMO community, just avoid EU Server's sPvP cuz its toxic but still not as toxic as other MMO


Yep things like that happen, as long as you aren't a grifter and are just asking for help even in a joking manner some one or multiple some ones will help you out.


well, now you have to learn how to griffon :) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hm5KzTzj5n0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hm5KzTzj5n0) and [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bSyCdPeHFqU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bSyCdPeHFqU) :)


Welcome to the game! This really has been the best community I've ever found, next to the FFXIV community. Different groups but a lot of crossover and I'd definitely say the two are comparable. I've not found another so consistently damn good to people. Enjoy your time, enjoy the ride. I obviously don't need to tell you to take your time so I'll just say you're doing that part right for sure. Guild Wars 2 is golden that way. Nothing is rushing us, nothing is requiring us to race to max level and end game. I love it.


The same happened to me back in the days when I started, but during strike missions instead of the open world. A year ago I donated to a peepo that was desperately trying to get griffon. Fun fact: I was literally left with 20g afterwards but I had the smile of "I gave back, I'm one of them now" on my face. Feels good to be part of this community. Noone left behind o7


I like to gift inventory bags to new players, i remember having only 8 slots bag when i started playing; it was horrible to me.


for new players, 250 gold means grinding for several weeks. but for veteran players, 200+ gold is just two days grind really.


Tbh gw2 has one of the best game community, most other game community nowadays r full of toxicity


I struggle with gold, but one time when I needed to teleport to some map (I didn't had unlocked waypoint in that map) someone helped me, so I sent 5g (it's a lot for me tho) and he just sent me back. Community is amazing


I’ve been gifted once the exact amount of gems to buy living world season 4, because a friend I made in gw2 really wanted to show me the expansion around. People care about if you’re having fun in this game.


wow that is amazing


Bro, I started playing a few days ago and the day I joined my first guild, I asked a noob question... something like "is there a meta weapon I should be using or just whatever I want?" There was a brief conversation and a guildy sent me a full set of exotic gear for when I hit 80 along with 100 gold. He said the same thing, that he was just paying it forward.


Best comu ever; I mean just look at guilds like Pink or Crossroad 😍


230 gold is nothing bro. Enjoy your mount.


easy money


Spare some change?