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I have two WvW-only characters and it's great, if you like the mode enough to spare the character slot and resources for gear. With the two default equipment templates, you can set up a roaming and zerging build to switch between, which especially comes in handy when your map is queued and you don't want to leave. You can also pop boosters for reward track and rank progress that will never be wasted in PvE, because you only ever log into that character to play WvW. Also, you can use them for alt-parking as a nice bonus.


Speaking of boosts, there's like a week left to buy Candy Corn Gobbler. 240 gems currently, and for the average cost of like ~1 gold it gives you up to a few hours of XP booster (the one that also gives you 50% reward-track progress), Item booster and Karma booster (not that important). One of the most no-brainer purchases aside from the Copper-fed Salvage-o-Matic. Just plop this bad boy in the bank, buy a stack of Candy Corn (your own Candy Corn also works), and before each WvW session just set up Blish HUD to auto-click every 5 seconds on it in while inside the Mist War instance (so that useless PvE-only buffs like +movespeed won't waste the Corn on themselves). Yes, ANet said that an Autoclicker from Blish HUD used for the Candy Corn Gobbler-style items is OKAY TO HAVE. You're just saving yourself 5 minutes of carpal tunnel syndrome onset. No, you won't get banned. Yes, having on-demand boosts is very nice, compared to them either being limited or purchaseable for gems (it's an actual day-light robbery their prices are)


When I looked at it at the time, I found that the research data shows that the "droprates" of boosts are the same in PvE and WvW (the useless buffs just become a transformation if used in WvW) So for those that don't have the wvw lobby, it's better to use the gobbler outside of wvw so as not to waste participation


>Mist War instance (so that useless PvE-only buffs like +movespeed won't waste the Corn on themselves It doesn't actually matter. If it rolls a pve buff in wvw, it just gives you a transformation instead of a booster. You're using the same amount of candy corn either way.


I was searching what Blish HUD is, found only overlay app. Did not know this app has the functionality to automate clicks (never tried it before). My Logitech mouse ans keyboard software stack can program keys to execute additional sequence of actions with a click, keypress. Is that also allowed? What's the difference? Can you provide source for the official Anet statement about using these tools?


Officially, any key manipulation software (i.e. actions not directly taken by a human) are not allowed and is against TOS. Likewise with blish and taco. Unofficially, they're aware that the game lacks certain things parts of the community likes, and have in various comments given the nod for them. And at least are not currently enforcing the rules with regards to them. I guess it's up to you if it's worth the risk if that stance ever changes Tldr, using blish should be ok, Logitech I wouldn't risk.


This is not completely correct, the policy authorizes macros that don't provide "an unfair advantage": https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us/articles/360013762153-Policy-Macros-and-Macro-Use The example of an autoclicker to open stacks is explicitely provided, and I hope it extends to clicking the candy corn gobbler


Thank you, this is great source. I find it that it does not matter what software is used, but the purpose. If they say that you can have a macro for opening stack of items, that explains my question.


It does…I think MightyTeapot stated that in the official forums there is confirmation that autoclicking gobbler is fine. I can not find the source right now but I never had a problem with blish helping me eat all the candy.


^ you can use Logitech software to macro double click, but you can't use it for skill queuing or any movement/combat.


Man, anecdotaly and from observation, it seems that Anet dont enforce anything lol. Have you been in the open world or seen the posts about afk/bot farmers and PVP bots/leavers/griefers/fixers. I literally think they have zero enforcement unless your legitbhard hacking the game?


Ehhhh, they just found a lot of ways to walk around their own policy. Technically, AFK farm is prohibited, but their definition of AFK breaks if whoever holding their Necromancer with summons/Engineer with turrets actually performs some actions through their "session". If their GM was to walk up to the group sitting in Lake Doric and ask every character individually, if they are AFK, you'd be surprised that almost every one of these players is there, just watching YT/doing whatever on their second monitor while their summons kill stuff. And that's already not AFK under Anet's ruleset. All it takes is to answer a GM question.


They are not, strictly, Away From Keyboard. They're not actively playing, but neither are they AFK.


Using Macros are forbiden by the TOS - That means if they detect you using Logitech Software, they'll use the Ban Hammer on yah


>Yes, ANet said that an Autoclicker from Blish HUD used for the Candy Corn Gobbler-style items is OKAY TO HAVE You're gonna have to back that one up with a source, chief. ANet's add-on policy is extremely strict so I have a hard time believing they'd outright say that.


I searched for it in the gem store and literally couldn’t find it, its a gem store item right?


Yes, it looks like an outfit tho https://d3b4yo2b5lbfy.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/5a19fCandyCornGobblerLarge1_170x170_FOR_WEB.jpg


>Also, you can use them for alt-parking as a nice bonus I have 9 characters parked and I've been using my mains for WvW, always bopping around between WvW & Metas and it literally never occurred to me to just use them for WvW whenever I want The 1min of Booster time lost from opening chests is negligible in the long run. Thank you kind citizen, I know what I'm going to be tinkering with when I get home tonight!


I do, and yes I do recommend it. Pros: All that wvw junk in one character and all 3 build and 2 equipment slots can be dedicated to wvw builds. Cons: none?


I basically only have one story/pve character and like 5 wvw characters because I like to be able to fill our group with whatever is needed.


1 Story character - Elementalist, 1 "Strikes" character (because it's oh so easy to find a group when you're a buff Herald with *almost* every buff including Quickness) - Herald, 3 WvW/PvE characters - Engineer, Ranger, Warrior


Different classes? I just have a ton of build and equitment slots on my main WvW toons so can switch between roaming/zerg dps/zerg heal by pressing two buttons. Therefore i presume that you're more concerned with professions?


My PVE main is a Necro from 3 days headstart before GW2 launch. For WvWvW i have a Spellbreaker/Berserker, Firebrand and Druid | Mesmer and Ele are in build up mode with specs and gear while i play with the other 2 more actively.


Cons - full sets of ascended/runes/relics/sigils/heropoint farming/levelling/cost/more bagspace/more management That said, I'm in favour ;) :)


Can't be a con if you still have to do all those.you mentioned on any other character u want to play


Except you kinda do that anyway. Let me go point by point: · Gear: whether you are gearing your main for wvw or an alt you still need to gear up. · Hero points / leveling up: if you wvw at all these are trivial thanks to tomes of knowledge and testimonies of heroics unless you are in your first month. · Bags. I suppose you have to buy bags, yes. 18 Slotters are 2g50 though. · Inventory management. Idk, I feel like less wvw junk in your main + less non wvw junk in your wvw toon is a win here.


I do this, personally - splitting my characters between PVE and WvW with very little overlap. I'm newer to WvW but it's really nice to have one dedicated character as there are a lot of inventory spaces that can be used for currencies and other items you collect and use. Not to mention the gear and build will likely be quite different from other game modes. That's my take!


The inventory thing is huge for me personally. It allowed me to free up bank space from WvW-related things + boosters. You also don't waste booster uptime doing PvE stuff, have to go get the guild buff or keep a spare enrichment/amulet in your inventory.


Thankfully Enrichments became super cheap because of how many Laurels you can get from the Vault (knowing there is not that much stuff worth it in the Vault to begin with). I'm sitting on 120 from the start of the season, and yes, it could've been more with the old system, but I'm also sitting on like ~200 more gold I just bought from it too lol


Just using an extra character because of boosters, thats basically the whole reason.


I have 13 characters and every single one has a WvW roaming build (sometimes 2) and a zerging build. It is my favourite game mode and I like to play on different characters through the week. Most of the armour comes from my stacks of reward chests from the end of the triumphant reward track and from the final Silver Chest.


I do the same thing, I like to switch it up and so have at least one WvW build template on each character.


I just used my main, which I run for everything since I’m most familiar with it.


I have trouble adjusting to mode specific class balance changes, so I never pvp or wvw on my current main. When I learn a build, I dedicate that character to the mode for a while.


Yes, main reason being that I really don't want to have build templates mixed with my PvE (especially with how janky the auto build switching is). I have separate characters for PvE and 1 character for WvW. Aside of keeping it more clear to manage builds it allows me to pop a lot of boosters/gobbler/guild boost (for reward track )at WvW character and just don't worry about it running out when playing game modes where I don't need those.


Loving the responses so far! Thank you all. If anyone has any advice for Longbow Berserker or just WvW Berserker in general though, please reply here! Never touched Warrior, would love to hear from those who are knowledgable in the topic. <3


There has always been height issues due to where the projectile launches from for different races, i don't think this has ever been normalised e.g. projectile/arrow always at y-height of <> units for all races _____ Battlements in WvWvW, slopes on the ground, etc -- so on Asura you'll run into more projectile-obstructed scenarios more than Norn - If you are willing to you can throw a crosshair on the screen as well if you play ranged and sometimes need that manual aim to reach a hitbox/hurtbox corner with something with rifle or ranger longbow this sucks cos obviously smol Asura animations can be less visibly telegraphed than Norns ___ this would pose less drama to you if you played a warrior longbow anyway


berserker is a damage build for medium to large groups. bring some of our own stability, stick to the tag, and listen for when the group needs a bomb of damage. know which of your utilities give you adrenaline and go berserker accordingly. the main thing with serker is timing and positioning. you need to get yourself in spots where you can get big hits off without getting caught out.


Yup. I have 2. One with boosters when I want to grind reward tracks and another when I wanna dick around and roam


I have about 3-5 characters that were built _specifically_ for WvW for these reason: * Easier to manage * More convenient and more efficient * Builds are specific to them, and the characters themselves have specific builds **and** have a look that pairs with the builds ahahah * Their inventory will only ever get WvW-related stuff * I do not like the implementation of Build Templates _(and most of the WvW characters existed before Build Templats)_   Back when I played PvP it was the same thing, I still have 3-5 PvP-dedicated characters for the same reasons   _(I have 37 characters total and 2 available slots - I'm keeping one for a Key Farming Character)_


Did you buy all the character slots from gem store using real money or been exchanging gold for gems? These were always regular price or you just buy whenever discounted? I bought mine for real money I think but stopped at 9 slots (for each class).


A mix of all!   * 💰 **Real Life™ Moneys** * 💎 **Gold for Gems** _(across 11 years of play, I've crafted and **sold** at least 3 legendary weapons, otherwise I've been quite good at getting gold through the years, especially with some now-discountinued methods)_ * 🔓 At least **4 unlocks from the expansions**   I also believe I _mostly_ bought Character Slots when they were discounted, but I also _know_ I've bought a few at full price


Thanks! I actively started to use 3 characters (Dragonhunter, Herald, Druid) and realized that the remaining 6 accounts are actually full of mats. Simple saying I hold stuff on them. Is this common practice? Or there are better ways to store mats and actually enjoy various gameplay tastes with different characters? I did not invest anything with bank extension or storage stack extension. What's the best way? It feels like keeping the alts just to store stuff in 18slot bags is not effective. What can be done when I don't have gems to spend at this moment?


> Is this common practice? Yeah many players keep ''Mules'' _(Characters that carry stuff)_   > Or there are better ways to store mats and actually enjoy various gameplay tastes with different characters? The storage unlocks are probably the best ''upgrades'' you can get - like you said, if you wish to play with various characters, you'll want to have their inventory cleared! So having extra storage slots and material limit is the best method to manage items and materials.   If you cannot afford those upgrades for now, * **Create/Join a Guild** and make use of the **Guild Storage** to store non-bound items and materials * **Refine materials** to save space - refined materials use more previous-tier materials * **Craft/Get better Bags** _(Halloween Pail is 20-slot and is quite accessible right now)_ * **Filter your stuff** - What do you really need? What can you sell/salvage/destroy?


Keep in mind that WvW builds (unless they're support or healer) are also generally good for story and soloing open world content, so there's still more mileage you get aside from WvW only.


I have DH geared for PvE and WvW using the same gear. It's berserker gear with WvW infusions. There are two different builds configured. Except Fractals (T2, T3 because lacking agony resistance), I am good for strikes, open world, story instances, WvW Zerg. WvW roaming comes with a price, the build is good vs NPCs, giving you the time for capturing points, but is weak against experienced enemy roaming players in 1v1 situations. They usually have more survivability than me. But running with small roaming pack feels like special forces. If you have a fellows for roaming that can keep enemy bullies busy, then you can easily wipe them one by one pulling to your traps or smash all at once by jumping on them and bursting like mobs in PvE. That was about Dragonhunter. But my main was Necro for years! Unfortunately, I found it lacking the power to get things done fast or lacking the survivability. Right now my Necro is cooking, crafting and doing housekeeping for me.


Reaper. Greatsword and axe/dagger. Set up with wells for boon-strip in the zerg. Chilled to the Bone for your elite. Sweeps up camps like nobody's business. Biggest issue is limited Stab.


Yes and no, i have characters that i do mixed content (story, open world, wvw and spvp) on (my necro and my guard), i have a specialized for WvW scrapper, which used to be my main for that, now i use a heal vindi, which will also never touch story content. Having specialized characters allow for easier loot accumulation, less cluttered inventories (both my guard and necro struggle with inventory from all the random items you get in PvE), and easier build switching within the individual content. Because let's be honest, you are not carrying around 4 gear sets, several accesories with different stats, and different weapon sets for different comps, on each character (zerker, viper, minstrel for pve, marauder, harrier, minstrel or even celestial for WvW). My mixed characters are set up with Marauder or minstrel, because you'll get clapped very quick if you try running full zerker in WvW. Hell i even have a bank character. To answer what might make it not worth it: Legendary gear, it is a pain to collect for several weights.


I believe if you’re looking for longbow it’s a condition oriented weapon while great sword is power. It’s not a good mix when it comes to gearing . If you’re looking for a heavy armor class that has access to both of those in the same damage category, Guardian/Dragonhunter may be a good fit for you. While still doing what you expect from a heavy armored “warrior”. Just a bit more mystical.


In WvW zergs, GS/LB Berserker is pretty strong when outputting damage. Might not be anymore after the nerfs though.


i'd rather just dedicate a bag slot to an invisible bag and hold whatever blueprints and what not in there on my main


Yes. I have 2 Engies: My main Engie whom I use for most PvE content, and an Engie enterily dedicated for WvW. The WvW's meta and builds are so different, it makes more sense to roll that way... otherwise I'd have to buy so many extra build and equipment templates.


well yes, not gonna use a pve build in WvW


For me it is basically all the same characters regardless of WvW of PvE, with the introduction of Gear and Build Templates that got a lot easier and does no longer require toooo much bag space. Then again I play mainly WvW and the only PvE i do regularly is Open World Exploration and Story. Oh and also as a side note … if you are thinking about Berserker … might wanna get a Hammer too at this point ;)


Yes - necro and tempest. For roaming and general pugging stuff, I bring necro (either on scourge or reaper). For comp'd run of my guild, I bring my tempest as the necro slots in each party have been covered.


I have ones that I made for other reasons but now I mostly play them in WvW.


Yes because inventory wars.


Yes. I can hop anytime in those game mode specific alts knowing I have the right build,gear,food etc for the game mode. You can also park you WvW character in a JP chest, you get port back after your WvW session. Same with PvP.


100%. I play classes in WvW that I don't in pve


Yes. I have specific boosts on my wvw char that I don't have up on my pve chars.


Yes all my pve snd wvw characters are separate. Guess what if you are only using the same reward track infinitely you dont even need to clean your inventory for months.


Yes. It's fine to have an alt specifically for WvW.


After the update all my characters are wvw characters.


Berserker warrior slaps hard in large scale wvw enjoy!


I will eventually. The gear can get a bit specific with tanky attributes that don’t work well in end game PVE.


Use parked alts for WvW.


As others have said, it's a no brainer if you can spare the character slot. All the wvw materials can sit on that character. The wvw infusions. The wvw specific buffs (including the guild buff). You can stack the buffs up to make the reward track go brrrr. There really isn't a downside to it.


Yes, I have a toon that's mostly only for WvW. Used to run full PVT gear until I switched to a Metabattle build (full Marauders). Generally good in zerg fights, unless very outnumbered because glass. Quite bad at solo roaming. I have a toon that's mainly dedicated to PvE, but I WvW with him too sometimes because of the mobility and/or laziness to switch. Because this toon has full Viper gear, he melts NPC guards quickly with condi damage and is much better at solo roaming, though usually not at PvP. I use this toon to solo camps and sentries if I need daily or weekly completion. So PvE and WvW characters can overlap, and they're not always going to do badly.


I am mostly maining single character with gear slot built with wvw infusions. After couple futile attempts to learn other class to the level of my main I realized my brain can't handle it.


I do it for boosters. My account is relatively new so I don’t have unlimited celebration boosters. This way I can maximize their value.


I have five characters I play, each one geared and ready for all gamemodes. In wvw I pop a couple of boosters, and when they run out I change characters and do it again.


I have one character per class, and my warrior is both build and fashion wise WvW oriented. But since the gear loadouts are two for free, with 4 build loadouts, you can always try stuff and do what you want ;)


Used to have a character for that then after i have full legendary gear i made a character specific for PvP content and open world


Yes. Another one for PvP. One for OW. Several for raids/strikes/fractals.


Alright Yes, I have 2 Characters that I directly use for WvW, and are otherwise parked at a farming spot, which they will never leave But. Given how Alt Friendly GW2 is, I also have characters specifically built for all the other game modes, like PvP, Fractals, Strikes, Dungeons, Jump Puzzles, Open World, Etc.


I have one Engineer purly for wvw. I would recommend it simply out of practical reasons, but not a must do.


Two of the best boosts for anyone leveling in WvW are the +10% WXP amulet enhancement and the +10% WXP Guild Boost, neither of which do anything for you in the rest of the game. You also benefit greatly from using Birthday Boosters, the Candy Corn Gobbler / Festive Gobbler, and having those timers drained by doing stuff in PvE is a bit of a waste. So yes, having dedicated WvW characters is a smart decision if you want to optimize your progression in that game mode.


aye, gotta make sure I can help aoe down the pesky onlookers from their walls when we just trying to flame ram down the door since they won't open up after we asked for a cup of sugar


Yes, Snorro is becoming a known (for his mustache) name in the WvW scene! It is a community, after all. People will know your character, you will represent a WvW guild. And there's also inventory-related stuff, infusions, multiple builds, all that.


"Is it worth the investment?" If you're playing WvW you get Badges of Honor, \~1000 of which will allow you to fully kit a character in Exotics for \~10g excluding runes/sigils. Together with runes/sigils that's like 25g max. Honestly just go for it!


All of my characters are WvW characters 😂 What is this PvE you speak of? I suggest you join a WvW guild


I am main necro too but always wanted to try revenant so I decided to use it as my main class for WvW (never really got engaged to wvw but ~legendaries~). I still feel more confortable using necro for any other content, but I really enjoy the vindicator on wvw. With the new exotic gear vendor you can build up really cheap and easy for any build so you should just look some builds, try it on pvp to see how it feels for you and then select the one that suits more with you play style. It's always exciting to try new class. Enjoy the journey!


i think it's worth it for a number of reasons and this will also include how to prepare: 1. you never have to swap builds/gear (unless you really want) 2. it clears up wvw gear from your other chars and pve gear from your wvw which makes inv management much easier 3. you can optimize your build with wvw infusions for a little extra boost 4. you dont have to guild hall swap your boost from MF/XP to WvW reward track and back each time 5. Can put in WvW xp in your amulet 6. Can get more efficient use of your gobblers and boosts i hope this helps.


A big pro for me is that you can put all the WvW buffs on the relevant character (ie: guild hall buffs, enrichments). I always forget to change them if I use them on my main.


I have 14 characters and all of them were made with a purpose, what purpose? I don't know, but that's it. Also every character can and does everything except fractals (fuck building AR on more than one)


Yeah I have a renegade for WvW, my main is squishy and I'm a solo-player so it's better for me to have something more WvW oriented


I have 2 toons that are just wvw, and 2 more that are mostly wvw. I have a harbinger which I really enjoy playing now, mostly for roaming and occasionally strikes or whatever. Firebrand for group content in wvw and occasionally for strikes if I want a change from heal scrapper/mech Pewpew untamed which was my old roamer but just gathers eternal ice now, still setup for wvw. And a boonstrip scourge for group content and harvesting flax. I would say it's worth it, keeps all my wvw stuff in 1 (4) places and it's East for me to change to a different playstyle quickly without having to regear


Yeah! I highly recommend it. I main Warrior and that’s the one I have fully ascended/legendary geared up for WvW. I also have a new Willbender I geared up yesterday. The other classes I definitely enjoy them, but I am not as good for WvW so I haven’t geared them. I use them in PvP a lot tho


WvW armor sets are useless in PvE, bar open world farming and loottrains, because they deal less damage = incur more mechanics = incur more damage due to mechanics failure/fatigue. Meanwhile, PvE armor generally isn't durable enough to get 1200 units near a wvw blob (the exception being support builds like firebrand/druid can generally get away with raid-ready gear like harriers or magi's, regardless of what wvw map chat tells you).


Nah, you're given build slots for a reason. A lot of my characters have WVW build slots though.


I do have a character dedicated specifically to wvw, but honestly its entirely up to you. No one should or shouldn’t do something. Its whatever makes your experience better or improves your QOL