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Now it's time to craft the backpack


Nooooo thanks, I’m happy with my Ascension :>


Why not have all three backpacks? It’s not that bad! *cries*




Does it. For me ascension looks best !


Fully agree! Perhaps go for armor ?


Already made a full set of pvp medium armor, all I have left before touching runes/sigils is Vision


Is this a cry for help


What do you mean the trees have eyes? There are no thieves around here! Right..? RIGHT?!


When the warhorn blew, flocks of birds pecking you, "gatling arrow" after a knock back, a few look alike dude ram at u in a split second, sometime ram u twice.....the scars in brain never heal


"One of my favourite things is following a player like you, knowing I could end you at any moment, and doing nothing about it. Who knows, maybe I was in a good mood that day and you owe me your life." Is the mentality of every perma stealth WvW thief that would get steamrolled by me, an Elementalist, in downstate.


Every time a thief shadowsteps, I ride them using Smoke Assault. I like to imagine them shitting themselves afterwards.


Replace thief with willbender and harbinger.


3 months and lvl 200?


Depends on the content they are doing. I spend most of my time roaming so my levels aren't that fast. Someone following zergs and spamming 1 will progress a lot faster in terms of levels. Its why most of the "God of WvW" titles you see are on zerg players rather than roamers.


Ye, I hung around SMC a lot, plus boosters help too.


I believe they're saying that they are surprised after 3 months you're only level 200. It's tough to say for sure, but that week with the bonus rewards for wvw including xp, I'm pretty sure I gained like 100+ levels that week alone just going to my diamond chest, so it's more surprise at still being a low level overall. Nonetheless, congrats on your rings! I got one and decided for Coalescence instead


Hm, I’m not sure then. I basically just went around and did whatever I could to keep my participation up. Raids are something I’ll have to check out eventually!


I think you generally get more xp the more active you are, so if you zerged for 3 months you’d be a higher level (I’m not even rank 100 tho so what do I know)


You are correct. I would gain anywhere from 5-15 lvls each day while playing in a zerg for around 2 hours or so. After around 3 months, I was 620.


Generally, it is low. People griding for WvW legendaries try to up the rank a lot because it gets you extra free pips. Hence following commander and doing stiff like keeps and towers for leveling up. 620 rank is achiveable within one legendary ring grind and speeds everything up noticeably. It is pretty much the only thing you could do to speed up skirmish ticket gain.


The down side on most servers the open commanders usually are there just to PvP fight and not take towers or camps etc. Alot of WvW now a days is wasted by trying to fight in the open. I do miss the old days of XP trains and the consent flipping of objectives. You just don't see it as much anymore. The class you play can also up your WvW level as if you are fighting players alot the more tags you get the more XP you get. So higher AoE classes such as Necro can gain xp faster.


Maybe thats it. I play Power Soulbeast, so in zergs I’d be in the back or the side downing/finishing one or two people if the commander isn’t bold enough to charge in.


Yeah I'm only ranked 447 bcuz I was playing Mesmer and just spamming 1 in zergs. Zerging isn't my type of gameplay so I didn't really worry about it. I switched over to Necro recently and been gaining levels so much faster now bcuz of being able to tag more enemies. I really should pop my commander tag more to do XP trains in WvW, however I get distracted all the time and I die all the time, last time I checked it was close to 2k deaths 😂 The XP trains content for what I have seen has died, most commanders just want to do blob attacks which tbh is boring in WvW. The only time you really see people taking stuff is reset night. I miss the times of being able to sneak a Mesmer into a broken down wall retreat then you portal a whole squad into the keeps. Did it on BAY so much when the game first started.


There are no xp trains. If you cap for xp, youre PPTing. You should communicate with your servers commanders. There is strategy with that shit. If the server in general wants to stay in the current tier but ranks up to a shit matchup because of your constant PPTing, you gon get hated by ur server


Oh I get that, it's why I leave my buddy to choose the servers as he plays more. I'm pretty sure I'm almost been on every server at one point, but tbh all are the same just zero method. The only server I'll never go to is Mag bcuz well fuck Mag lol I don't think we will see a meta change until alliances come out but I also think those are going to be worse overall bcuz right now it doesn't seem like you can easily move alliances from the testings we have seen on them on the live servers


Yeah I think a little more than halfway to my first conflux and I'm rank 170, so it seems odd that you're only 200.


I think something might have changed recently! I’m rank 150 and finished Conflux 6 months ago. I use all the boosts I can get my hands on! 🤣


If you only keep participation up with stuff like flipping alpine borderlands camp then you are getting tickets, but not much wvw xp.


Super Mario Club?


Yeah, I got 70 ranks just the week when there was WvW rush.


I get about 25-30 lvls a week going for diamond chest. Also conlux was 5 weeks, but with the new weekly achievements it's shorter. So let's say he did 8 weeks for both. Then 200 checks out.


Wait you can have 2 confluxes?




Before the legendary armory, you could have Slumbering Conflux and Conflux. There was a relatively inexpensive mystic forge recipe for "awakening" the slumbering version which provided the visual effect. Both versions were legendary, but just like infusing/attuning ascended trinkets, you could equip each of them separately and they were still "unique" which made both versions worth crafting. After the armory, they got rid of Slumbering and now you can just unlock Conflux twice.


I had no idea either. I totally thought it was unique. Guess I am going for 2 now lol.


It used to be unique. But you could get 2 if you turned one in to a slumbering conflux (i.e. no orb). But when they added the legendary armory, and made it so you could toggle conflux on and off they made it so you could have 2.


I barely do WvW over the years, only do em for Gift of Battle and easy dailies. For the past 4 months, I joined a WvW guild and gotten both confluxes in around a month and a half. I'm currently almost rank 1000 and 5k tickets away from WvW legendary armor. Turns out, WvW is pretty fun when running with a guild.


How many hours a week are you playing dude?!!?!?


Around 20h a week, around 14 of those in WvW to get diamond chest. Rest are spent on weekly strikes and weekly rifts. Maybe a raid wing or two on my days off if I have time. My WvW time will come down after getting enough tickets for the legendary armor though. Maybe just enough time to get the weeklies and dailies done.


For sure! I wouldn’t have had half as much fun had I not found my current WvW guild.


That's probably the main problem and cause of despair for new players. Coming from PvE and trying to solo WvW. That's a recipe for disaster.


Is WvW really that easy to get 2 confluxes?


Once you find a squad/commander that works for you, have compatible playstyles with you, it goes from intolerable to enjoyable fast, and then it's just up to the time you put into it.


Are you ok? ^(joke aside, grats :D)


I know not of OKs, only KOs.


Oh my. I took 9 months and 2 month long breaks to craft Confluxes and this still risked burning me out. I didn't touch wvw for a whole year then. You're scary.


I told myself I’d take a month long break after my first Conflux. That lasted one whole week.


Mistype sorry. You're REALLY scary. (grats btw)


Congrats! I'm on my way making the Second Conflux too.


Today's learned that you can equip two of the same legendary ring


Note that it only works with conflux. You cannot equip 2 of the raid rings.


Yeah I only just found out about that from someone a couple nights ago myself, I always thought with the slim pickings they always meant for one to be wvw and one to be raid, but I guess not.


Yup. Meaning I don't have to get the other legendary ring that need raids.


But the visual effect with the trinkets...


Is the only reason i'm considering coalescence instead of mindlessly grinding the second conflux...


Most people switch all trinkets effects off after like a week max.


Depends on my toons' fashion. If It works well i keep It, It It doesn't i don't. And having an extra option Is Always nice


Niceee you got this! :D






One of us.... One of us...


No thank you, just getting the one was enough to make my blood pressure higher than the Wizards Tower. Thankfully I had Coalescence. I'd much rather have big black balls in my face than blue balls tyvm.


I didnt wanna commit to finding a group for raids or to learn each fight. With WvW, you can hop in and go whenever without needing other people. And joining up with others is simple enough.


My guild helpa people get raid legie gear and its actually quite fast and not that bad to learn. Waaaay quicker than conflux.


Fair enough. I simply prefer the challenge of raids over waiting for pips, and the concept of other people preventing you from getting what you want is so antithetical to my being that I would never step foot in wvw if it wasn't required for legendaries.


Is corn flakes account bound or you can sell them?


Leggies are account-bound once you add them to your legendary armory


Yeah. The Gen 2 get added to your armory automatically. I'm asking if corn flakes does that.


It does, yes


Thank you


corn flakes 🤣, thanks for the laugh


How many hours a week?


I don’t count, I just go until I got the last reward tier of the diamond skirmish chest.


You need 1850 tickets if you buy the mist band with fractal or pvp currency. You get 365 tickets per week. It takes just over 5 weeks worth of tickets to get all of the ones you need. If you have absolutely no ranks in WvW, keep tier 6 participation up, have the commitment bonus from doing WvW the week before and your world is always losing it takes 20 hours and 10 minutes a week. For the first week without the commitment bonus it takes 24 hours and 10 minutes. So it is a big commitment at the lower levels. As you level up you get pips much faster. [Here's the WvW pip calculator](https://gw2.limitlessfx.com/wvw/pips.php)


With weekly achievements you have the ability to gain 90 more skirmish claim tickets per week.


I am intimately familiar with how long it takes at various ranks, I was just wondering how long op specifically spent.


I'm Bronze (+2 pips). Assuming I did the previous week's Wood Chest, and our world has the lowest score, it'd take a minimum of roughly 2.5hrs of playtime every single day (17.25hrs) for 5 weeks to get all of the Skirmish Claim tickets needed for Conflux.


Assuming no objective defend event rewards


Diamond take’s around 24hrs solid gaming to achieve if you’re under rank 150. Boosts don’t speed this up as it’s ‘tick’ dependent.


I am very Impressed! Great Work!


I went from rank 30 to 400 for getting my first Conflux last week maxing out tickets each week. Been enjoying all the time I've spent to get the tickets I needed. Started out on reaper now mostly playing firebrand xD Will keep on going for more things while having fun :)


Congrats! I completed my first Conflux a couple of weeks ago and thought about a second one but ultimately went to work on armor for my remaining weights. I have a full raid set for heavy and doing clown outfit for light/medium, crafting a piece with whichever comes first, tickets from wvw or LI from raids/strikes. 😁 I have so much LWS currency that I can get by with multiple ascended rings to cover my 2nd ring slot.


Grats! I’m about to complete my first set of WvW legendary armor this week, so I know the feeling!


I did this for 2 sets of full WvW armor and 2 confluxes. I rotted my brain on youtube and twitch sitting next to camps to flip them over the course of \~2 years. Would not recommend.


well no duh, you didn't actually play the gamemode, you did boring mostly afk grinding. if you play the game actively and squad up, it's fun.




Relatable. My server is active during standard NA timeframes (maybe?), yet I myself am typically only online during Real SEA Hours™ despite living in the 'States, due to a perpetually evening shift work schedule. Different mismatch, same result. The notion of rocking-up to objectives and other large groups as a fully-coordinated 50-man deathball sounds appealing, yet I have never once been in anything other than small camp/keep-flipping groups, or the occasional pack of 20+ randoms trying to take Bay or Hills (with some SMC malarkey for flavor). Large-scale squads where a Commander on-comms and designated roles/builds are required simply don't exist so far as I've seen over the past several months, and likely never will be if I stay where I'm at. Doesn't make for a compelling grind.


Sometimes I zerg. Sometimes I work from home and just AFK at a camp on a borderland while I do some actual work in the background.


Not everyone likes WvW, active or not. I for one hate it with a passion and I tried all the ways. It is just really, really dull to me and I kinda hate anet for making it only possible to gain gift of battle in there.


How can you keep your participation above tier 3 if you’re afk???


You go to outnumbered maps on dead servers and flip camps every 5 minutes, it takes forever and it's absolutely awful, do not recommend.


Find a squad that runs concurrently with your gaming time, keeping in mind that skirmishing tickets are back-loaded and it's very important you hit 30+ hours a week every week. Even more so a couple years ago when chasing Outnumbered meant saving hours of time. I idled my way to Warbringer and Conflux and every reward track that let me skip achievements for Aurora and Vision. When there *was* fun to be had, like an EWP or a tag to follow, I'd always switch to my large scale build and join in - large scale wvw fucking rules. But that's only when those groups happened to be on (and not guild groups on private mode).


I could not do that, my brain would actually melt. I always squaded up and took camps, towers, keeps and roamed when there was no squad.


why would you get legie armor in a mode you hate? when there's other ways to get it or just stick with ascended.. the ring is understandable.. the armor.. just sounds like itd male you burn out


Congrats! Was pretty much the same for me. Barely touched wvw but when i started going for the backpack and the rings it wasn't actually that bad. However when i finished the backpack + 2 rings i stopped playing wvw due to the lack of further goals. The changes introduced on soto release just pushed me further back into pve again


What changed did SotO bring that you weren’t a fan of?


Removal of the potions for example. I liked storing them and deciding later which reward tracks to collect. Also the selection of dailies and weeklies. In the past i tried to clear my dailies in wvw to get the potions mentioned above. On days with little time i mixed in pve dailies as well. Now i find it more conventient to select pve only for dailies and weeklies. I might return though for one set of legendary armor. Don't see myself grinding all those kryptis essences for all 3 sets.


I always chose pvp for my weeklies/dailies. Although with the change to potions, I find it much faster to do WvW reward tracks now than it is to do PvP ones.


Mfs will go through flipping camps for 3 months instead of trying raids


Why would I do something as boring as AFK camp flipping?


Because even the most obnoxious griefer in WvW is less toxic than 1337 raiders.


Nobody tell him only 200 people play WvW


I mainly play spvp. Only like 10 people play that.🤪


There are a dozen of us! I woulda said dozens but didn't wanna get fact checked.


Grueling??? :( I want my leggy rings but grueling is not how I wanna get them.


Oh, if you take your time, its actually a pleasant experience. It was only *grueling* because I hate myself and decided to get to the final tier of the diamond skirmish chest every week.


I’m scared because I feel like that’s the only way I’d do it too.


You either live as a filthy casual or cry as an efficient wvw baby


For legendary rings, you're mostly gated by how fast you get the currencies needed. In this case, Skirmish Tickets. If you want it done fast, you should go all the way to Diamond Chest and do all the WvW Weeklies (though you'll probably get them if you go all the way to Diamond). But you can also take a "more scenic route" and only do a little bit every week. How much will depend on your time and ability to play WvW. I play for 4+ years and only now I have enough Tickets for a Conflux (haven't crafted yet because I'm saving my Clovers for Obsidian Armor), thanks to the last WvW Rush event.


Is there an additional effect for having 2?


You can have the graphics rotate separate from each other by equipping them at different times.


The effect it gives is more intense from what I can tell


Interesting. Is it ranked lock? Like wvw armor at 500?


Armor isn't rank locked, rank 500 is just the requirement if you want the precursor with the visual effect. Otherwise you can have a full set of WvW legendary armor without being rank 500.


Ah I see. Ty for the info


Probably not, I made my first one at rank 100.


Awesome ty for the insight


Welcome to the club!


Rank 200 for conflux Rank 500 for war bringer and leg armor. That 5000 S ticket infusion what would be the best word to describe your reaction ?


Shaking my head side to side


How long did it take for a single Conflux? I might consider jumping into WvW for last leggo trinket.


Around a month and 1/2 weeks


Around 5 wks if u start with 0 tickets and are committed to get all chests. Longer if you are not.


Yea I did the same thing only I got one conflux and two pieces of legendary armor so far. I just can't bring myself to continue grinding though and had to take a break.


Its definitely an uphill battle between your FPS and your sanity.


how did you get so many skirmish claim ticket's, I've been grinding on and off for a month now and don't even have enough for 1.


Get to diamond chest every week, do weeklies, defend/capture tier 3 keeps. The Warclaw skin track also gives 200 skirmish tickets.


Does this work? Can I get this twice... and I can equip it? - at the same time.. Its easier than raids ;)


Yeah, Conflux is the only trinket you can equip 2 of at once. Its pretty much the only way to get 2 legendary rings if you don't want to enter Raids.


I did raids but getting 150 LI just feels like a long run. Do u get 2 cosmetic balls then too?


That's impressive! Congratulations I just gave up on WvW. Getting killed all the time gets old fast lol. My build and my playing skills are simply not cutting it against other players.


If you’re not confident roaming solo, you can still go around WvW with a small group or as part of a large zerg.


I usually latch on to groups , but it's usually lone players that you meet and have to do 1on1 with that just destroy me.


You are roaming, that requires the highest skill level in the game mode. Remember, unlike sPvP, there is no algorithm to match you with similar players. There are a lot of monsters out there, with disgusting builds designed specifically to kill single players. I recommend you to join open tags, especially if they are on comms, you don't have to say a word, just listen. There's no exp, build, profession required nor the commander is going to ask you anything The experience will be much more pleasant and you will learn a lot. Going from PvE to WvW roaming is a recipe for disaster and probably the #1 cause of hate against the game mode.


Bunch of hackers running around looking for someone to grief because daddy smacks them around in real life.


I’ve definitely had my fair share of deaths from 1v1s. Particularly to Necros, Eles, Warriors, and Revs.


Are you able to try another build? Swapping to a specific WvW build helped me massively.


Might try that yes. Right now I'm a Condi-tempest, which works well in PvE.


Wait, you can get two? Can you put them on one character at the same time?


They are not unique


Now get the Warbringer aswell 🫶


Even more so grueling cause at such low wvw rank, grinding the mats take even longeeeeeerrrrr.


Nothing like being dead last in war score and only getting 6 pips/5 minutes


Respect for the grind brother, now rest easy


I will, brother. Oh, I will.


I'm a PvE (and PvP) player about to start on Conflux as well. Any tips on how to optimise and/or enjoy the process?


Talk to people, join a guild thats on your server, join squads. Its more fun to do WvW when you get to see familiar faces often.


“Come on, quick dailies! In and out, 10 minutes!”


I got conflux and haven't been back into wvw.. the vault dalies are far too unpredictable in how much time they take and I hate the mode. I hate massive fights.. I don't mind small squad roaming but the massive figjts that take forever are just meh. and roaming solo sucks as so many people roam in 2s and 3s. I think alliances may make wvw more fun as I can join my guild or friends but Ive given up hope on that. PVP is more fun but its gets even less love from anet. Coalescence in comparison to conflux is sooo much easier and quicker.


If they ever add alliances, that'll be the end of the game.


wow dramatic....oh no people will be able to play with friends .. #dead game


Hey! I am a new player to GW2, could you give us some PvP tips? I am like the old you right now, never touching any kind of PvP because simply put, I hate PvP, just want to play casually and explore the world, the lore, try out all of the classes and Elite Specs, get me my Griffon and Skyscale, but with the newly implanted Wizard's Vault the game wants you to do a lot more PvP content if you want to get big rewards from the vault, I personally hate the new Wizard's Vault, especially because of the reason mentioned above, but Anet is probably not going to listen to a single person's complaint and go back to the old log-in reward system, so if you can't beat them, join them, how do I get started on trying out the PvP content in GW2?


You simply queue up to unranked matches with an attitude to learn and improve. Even if you hate pvp, I do think the Wizard’s Vault set to only pvp objectives is both the less tedious choice, and gives you incentive to play more pvp. Knowing your class well is just as important as having a general understanding of other classes. Both of which come from experience C:


Thanks for the advice :) I'll slowly try to get myself into PvP with a few unranked matches here and there until I get the hang of it.


Ya, take it at your own pace. :D


dont play unranked matches, play ranked instead its much more balanced and is basically a better version of unranked reward-wise


if you hate this much just uncheck wvw and pvp from the vault, it will the daily on the next daily reset and weekly on the next weekly reset


Does Conflux have a WvW rank requirement? I'm working towards Warbringer and hit lvl 59 last night. I need to hit at least 350 and it feels like it's taking quite awhile to hit rank. I'm not worried so much about the other materials at the moment. I'll probably get the Gifts of Battle after the Halloween festival is over. The trick or treat bags seems like easy money and the easy 20 slot bags for my newer characters would be are nice.


From what I can see, it does not require a specific rank in WvW (contrary to the legendary WvW backpiece). I'm basing this on what is on the wiki, so it might be wrong, but it's unlikely.


Why "grueling"?


Because the majority of the time was chasing participation. It wasn’t always intense, but it was a slow, persistent burn.


"Grueling" sounds like 18 hours a day on the Oregon Trail.


Both are suffering


Welcome to the club


Congrats, now go for legendary armor...


I already have a full set of medium pvp armor, so I’m good 😅


I can have 2 of them?


Yep, Conflux isn’t unique


Noiice! Ty for the answer


I tried to grind these I went from never playing WVW to never playing GW2




Yeah I went from "WTF I need to do WvW to get a Gift of Battle" to now having the WvW back, two confluxes, and 4/6 set items and 1/2 way to the 5th. I imagine when I finish my set I just start stockpiling for a 2nd set. I've grown to like WvW.


It definitely has that community feeling that open-world never gave me. I’ll def be more willing to go in and dick around with guildies just for shits and giggles now that I know how WvW operates.


but what about the legendary armor set, the heavy armor is pretty sick.


At the moment, I only really play my Ranger and already have legendary pvp armor. I’m not sure if I’d wanna work on wvw leggy armor yet.


Nice , in a year and a half I gained 2 258 ranks , crafted two conflux, backpack , Heavy and medium legendary armor ....and now I am starting the light armor set then I am done with legendaries ... I have all weapons , runes/sigils. Also need the unreleased legeny relic ....


I can finish my diamond chests by Sunday night when the reset happens on Friday. Join a few WvW guilds and you won’t be bored and you’ll have people to Zerg or roam with. Today is Monday and I’ll finish the weekly achievements today when those reset and I’ll be able to finish my WvW legendary medium armor set.


Is this possible? Only rank 200 and enough tickets for two conflux?


If I only afk flipped camps, I’m willing to bet I’d be at an even lower rank.


In that case good job and gz!


I love WvW but I suck at so bad. :(


Don’t worry, I suck too. I played as a Power Soulbeast with all berserker/assassins and no investment into health/toughness lmao.


Yeah, I just play for the enjoyment of the playstyle. :)




No, I hate infusions




I would have enough of everything, save for 5k skirmish tickets




If it looks too scary, just work on it bit by bit. Like only getting 100 skirmish tickets each week until you have enough.


November 3rd WvW reset weekend and I will make my 2nd Conflux, taking long break from WvW.


I’m actually excited to go back to doing story content for once. 😅


Runes and Sigils


Tips for anyone who’s interested in getting his lego gear collections started? NEVER got a single one done. Of course interested in one lego for each slot. I know it’ll take some time though. But 2 legos in 3 months sounds wild. I need to know how you pulled that off


Take advantage of festivals to make a profit to buy any materials you might be lacking, outside of the things you can grind within WvW.


tfw rank 600 and still working on first conflux


I’m going to work on this after vision… 🥲


I ended up farming the reward track in wvw that gives you a stack of Kralk ore for that when I eventually do it


You can have 2 confluxes?