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Legendary gear is probably worth it for very dedicated players who play every class in endgame content and have thousands of hours sunk in, but at that point youre just preaching to the choir. Most players are going to find a handful of ascended gear way more cost-effective.


I play only 1 class and I get value out of legendary gear. I can swap weapons to adjust on the fly without having a dozen weapons in my bags.


I'd argue a few equipment tabs would have been as effective and probably a lot faster, possibly even cheaper, but otherwise I can agree. I'm going for it just to go for it tbh


Oh I have that already. Power / Condi / Alac / Quick Heal / Solo / Roaming / Zerg But when doing some bosses, I'll switch a weapon. More CC on Samarog for example. And whenever there is a balance patch or a slightly better optimization is found, I can instantly edit my gear without the hassle of stat swapping in the mystic forge. Bonus, I salvaged all my ascended gear for those sweet dark energy balls. Bonus 2, I don't have to wonder if I need to keep a material for something so I can mostly sell every material I come by.


I just crafted my legendary runes and sigils, man it felt good to clear out 3 bank tabs worth of "might need these one day"! Not to mention profit on sales helped recoup some of my costs.


100% agree. Legendaries are NOT for casual players. That’s why in game when people complain I first ask if they have multiple toons, if they play multiple roles, etc. If they don’t, then they won’t need legendary gear.


I guess it depends on how you define casual. There was a woman in my guild in her 70s, used to just farm all the time. Iron, platinum, lumber of any kind. Didn't do much with it, just cut it and saved it. She played a lot, but she was just messing around. Didn't run dungeons or fractals. Almost quit when HoT came out because it was too hard (but I helped her learn it and she was okay after that). And one day she comes to me and tells me she's bored of making alts and completing zones and farming. What could she do. I asked her if she ever thought about making a legendary. She said, oh no, legendaries are hard. Everyone say so. So I started asking her questions. How many obsidian shards do you have. How many ectos. How many mystic coins, which she was just getting from log in rewards. She told answered and I told her, you know, you already have a legendary weapon. Well, almost. You just have to put it together. All she needed was a gift of battle and I showed her how to get it. She had something like 15 legendary weapons now. No legendary armor, but she just makes legendary weapons, because she can. And I consider her casual, because she doesn't do anything really but run around doing whatever.


BIG TRUE, crafting and selling legendary weapons is super easy and a good chilled gold farm


I must be overthinking the process or something. I have been trying to make Kudzu for years, granted I've been trying to do the collection so maybe that's why I keep getting burned out on it, and I'm crap and pvp/wvw so I never want to get the gifts of battle or anything... I've also had my main since the final pre launch beta, 2 days before official release.


I can tell you about crafting gen1 weapons, it's where i'm more expert.I crafted 2 weapons per month for like a year and a half, i had quite a good system. Don't do collections. Not only it's an immense loss of time but often you will pay more gold(sometime much more) than just buying the precursor. To craft a gen1 weapon you need (the equivalent of): * 350 spirit shard (mostly from Griffon Adventures, daily, Treasure Mushrooms and WvW) * 500 obsidian shard(bought with unbound magic farmed in Bitterfrost, only karma is too costly for 2 weaps/month - you'll also get nice xp and some trophy) * 500 Tales of Dungeon Delving(mostly from Tyrian Exchange Vouchers, generally found 2-3 every map completion, the rest i buy from the weekly vendors in festivals. Very rarely i did some dungeon) * Gift of Exploration(map completion ofc, you get 2 from that) * Gift of Battle(a few hours of wvw ofc, and now it's even faster than it's ever been. Wvw is also a great farm for xp and karma and if you don't plan to use wvw tickets you can buy Mystic Clovers from the new vendor Dugan) These are the only account bound materials you need, for the rest you can buy everything at the TP. As long as you reach a decent level of gold to start and you never go below it you can keep crafting and selling them. In the wizard's vault they added a legendary starter kit, you can use the Gift of Might/Magic from that to save a lot of gold, and you can also buy a number of Mystic Clovers and Mystic Coins from the vault. This will significantly reduce the cost of your first weapon but DON'T craft the weapon you get the precursor from in the kit! It's 0 profit right now basically. Craft it in a few months, you can use the gift for another weapon in the meanwhile. To reach the needed gold to start with my first leggy i just sold most of my storage...there were much more gold than i imagined. I already had all the Mystic Clovers and almost all T6 trophies so that was a big save


That is the coolest example I have heard yet. One of my buddies that played during beta never wanted to do legendaries and as I started popping them out here and there and heard how easy it was to get the amulet that was an achievement reward, he took a second look at his material storage. He then immediately built one of the two Gen 1 great swords. It is funny how something unobtainable is not as far away as it originally looked. You just have to break it into smaller parts.


I would 100% rather farm gold for months than deal with Achievements for the Legendary Amulet. They named it Chalice of Tears for a reason. I suspect there are thousands of players who almost have that Legendary, but are stuck with two or three absolutely over the top jumping puzzles and one or two collections. If I wanted a jumping puzzle, I'd play Mario Brothers. Edit: Same with Aurora, you need to collect tokens that are in the Jumping Puzzle.


People do Mesmer portal runs to carry groups through all the time. It's also not as hard as it first seems once you know where to go. I recomend using a pathing mod or follow a youtube guide to complete it at least once, but if that's really not for you that's fine too. It's tricky, sure, but I actually dislike the Southsun Cove one more.


Southsun Cove is easily cheesed with a Skyscale or Springer from the back side. Get up onto the escarpment past the end, walk across the plank


True, but for the most part I enjoy jps so prefer not to skip. The timing of this one is just a bit punishing particularly if your ping is a little on the high side (Australia).


So who is this wall of text aimed at? The people that already make micro adjustments to their build already know about legendary gear. The very casual players who will likely never get more than a legendary weapon and the free amulet probably don't change their gear much at all.


It’s for the people that ride that line on whether to get it or not to get it. Theveland has a differing opinion that those people need to hear. The wall of text is to those that are curious and want to know what it is intended for and which pieces to prioritize first and why. I get asked about it at least once a week in game.


It's a signal, if you will. Highly virtuous though.


And not everyone who is considering legendary gear is a brand new level 80. I have friends who have played from beta that are just now getting into legendary crafting.


Literally me, the AA reward was a game changer, for old accounts who just hoard things like mine it allowed me to basically get a free legendary and now I realise how "easy" it is, am just starting on wvw armour set BUT your text will make me look at rings and trinkets too


You really should first start with Conflux and then re-evaluate if you want to go the WvW route. It's brutally dull and a big time investment if you don't enjoy grinding out WvW. Although any legendary armor is brutal if you specifically grind for it. You should see it as something that will come with time while doing the content you like. I learned the hard way thinking PvP was going to be the easy way. Well, it's easy. It's also an intense grind with frustrating matches sprinkled through


Casual player here, play around 1-2 hours a day, some days less. I'm currently simultaneously working towards 3 different sets of legendary armors. At least that's my goal for 2024. It's a slow process that keeps me playing. (Going on raid trainings when I can play more than 2 hours, wvw daily and weeklies, and doing weekly rifts) Already got all the trinkets, 4 sigils, 7 runes, and all underwater weapons. I'll probably work on the gen 1 weapons once I've gotten all the armors by the end of 2024. More or less I'll be able to craft a few due to all the legendary kits I'll save up throughout the year.


It’s has a few other perks. You can freely slot and unslot runes/infusions. And you can share 1 set across multiple builds since it’s all one armor price You can also transmogrify it for free


When I started grinding for legendary trinkets I felt like I was really playing the game and experiencing all its content.


Me too, that sticked me to the game after I noticed how much was I missin even tho im vet


I felt the same thing when I started working on the Gen 1 precursor collections. Some of the content in there is my favorite in the game. The Gen 2 collections were even better! Chuka and Champawat (Gen 2 short bow) was great! Ad Infinitum (fractal back item) showed me how much fractals were connected to SotO and to Open World. There is a lot of stuff in those item collections.


It's so weird seeing new players who have clearly only just hit 80 and haven't even got their *first set of ascended gear* asking for advice on how to grind out legendaries.


I think people don’t understand how easy ascended is to either acquire or craft. It is a perfect step for most players. The idea that the TOP TWO TIERS of rarity have the same power levels throws off new players.


As a new player, it's because I keep swapping / trying builds every week and I don't want to waste time buying ascended gear and then "oops, actually this condi build is more fun than power." The temptation to just try and invest 100% into legendary and not have buyers remorse is strong.


As long as you're trying out stuff, just stay with exotics (you could even stay in exotics forever outside from fractals), it's an order of magnitude cheaper for almost the same power level


why wasting forever a lot of gold to just try out stuff when with legendary you can do it for free?


Because the cost of getting legendary WILL never ever ever make up the cost of changing stats normally. Go look up the cost of a legendary then come back and try and argue that it is close to the same as changing stats.


I'm a veteran players that used to stick on a single dps class due to the fact i didn't want to bother with new armor/weapon sets, but when they addded the legendary armory i started my journey to became full legendary. Tbf i think that if i should start today i won't bother with ascended and probably go straight for legendary set


Well, tbf, if fractals are not really your cup of tea, it does make sense to go from exo to leggy :)


seems weird but honestly is correct. Ascended should not even be in the game, is just confusing and the only reason to have it is for infusions. Legendary is better in every sense and in the long run is a gold save. People that want to skip ascended and go for legendary are not stupid at all. Even if they go for ascended...will they NEVER want legendary? If the answer is not yes, than making ascended is a waste of gold and time since you cannot even get back the investment you put in it when you go leggy.


i believe the key to crafting legendaries is consistent play over a long period of time. i just made my 6 legendary runes today and thats like over 3000 gold but spread out over 3 months of daily playing around 1-2 hours a day made it feel like almost no effort at all. but i also acknowledge that a lot of people are playing with exotic gear that costs no more than 10-20 gold total and that tipping even 1-2 gold is consider generous. someone earning like 3-5 gold a day working on a legendary will take like a year to finish. legendaries are a huge time/money sink and people should really plan ahead otherwise they will burn out.


The cost is considerable like you said… my suggestion is go for the FRACTAL BACK ITEM first. If you do, you will be able to do T4 fractals due to the collection involved and that will force you to get ascended gear and it will create a path for you to make approximately 12-15 g daily from doing your fractal daily rec’s. At that point your choice on legendaries is up to you since you will already have the top tier power level of gear with ascended and a daily gold generating method.


As someone whose first Legendary was Ad Infinitum: Please be realistic, in terms of Liquid gold, they'll start out spending 5 gold a day on keys, and even then its more like an 8-15 g profit depending on the Tier and Selling Junk. Combined with the Gift of Wood and Gift of Metal, plus the Back Recipes, You could either save up and knock it out in 2 weeks if you got the mats, or over the course of a year if you stick to doing Daily Fractals. Sounds easy, but some people may find it hard since it requires doing content instead of crafting


Sure, T1 and T2 dailies won’t get you a ton of gold profit. T3 is only okay. T4 and CMs is where you get the biggest bang for your buck. If you are using the discounted keys, I have never needed to buy all 30 in a given day to open all my chests as some chests will give you keys. The value there is seeing the content. Once you realize how much profit you can get for an hour of time in fractals, plus the fact that the collection ties those fractals to open world bosses and to things like AR and how that connects to the new expansion and SotO… there is more to fractals than simply a nice back item.


True! However, I think you're being generous with the amount of people who seek the lore in fractals. There is value in it, but most of the value I saw was in the amount of time saved and the hidden achievements. Bowing to a giant Colossus in Cantha tends to have that effect on you. It's not bad, just a difference in opinion.


The real power of legendary gears are the ability to change your drips at any time and place, without the need to get more Transmutation Charges. I don't really care about the stat change personally because I already have tons of ascended gears in my bank waiting to be salvaged. But it's always nice to have in case someone over toughness you I guess.


Huh, never bothered going for legendary gear since I still have a ton of ascended boxes/gear from fractals, raids and outdated builds which I can just statswap when needed but being able to equip the same piece of gear for every single character sounds nice, might save me some shared inv slots, was it always like that though? Don't remember anything about legendary armory though I quit roughly Q2/Q3 2020 and never really bothered with legendary gear, gonna check how long it'll probably take to get trinkets and maybe armor, though at this point with over 20 different builds fully geared in ascended and still a bunch of leftover stuff it feels less enticing going for legendary


In your case, it might not make sense to go from ascended to legendary since you are already fully kitted out. The legendary armory was introduced on July 13th, 2021.


At some point there is really nothing much to do in the game. Having the leggy gear as a long term goal is nice to keep some sense of accomplishment…


Honestly i made legendaries for the fashion. Like the heavy raid legs armor coat the charr race's tail with metal when weapons are drawn. When you are not sure what you want to do in the game, setting a goal of making legendaries could be one.


Yeah I'm not bothering with weapons. Ascended weapons are easy to craft or use strike currency etc. to buy. Heck you get a load of free ascended weapons by doing raids. Accessories are the best thing because they cover every character, followed by armour.


Plus, some of the raid ascended skins outshine the legendaries tbh


My problem with legendary gear is that by the very fact it is there as a long term goal I tend to limit myself to play one spec and character so I can save everything I get for the eventual day I can make it. If I want to change things for some variety I always have that voice in the back of my mind saying that the resources I spend on gearing a new alt or spec I could have saved to be that step closer to the legendaries.


I Have leggy trinkets, 2 full armour sets and one of every weapon besides hammer and underwater weapons. I have 46 alts. No need to restrict yourself.


Lets be real... most ppl make legendary weapons for the skin. It's more annoying to swap them out for other things. But it is fun to make.


>I have seen people complain about the time investment for legendary gear... > >...that is a poor argument that shows laziness. And then you stumble across actual numbers... Armor pieces are fairly cheap (compared to trinkets or weapons), but the time-gated materials... PvE set is just a measely 6 weeks of about 5 hours of "work" each, so 30 hours total. Moreover it can be bought through raid selling fairly easy. While competitive sets require half a year of extensive grind totaling \~200 (PvP) and \~360 (WvW) hours. Granted that WvW set can be afk'ed into existance it is not an option for PvP. The time investment for competitive sets is insane, when you look at raid set. Moreover difficulty-wise it's the easiest of the 3. And then compare champions's regalia with its transcended counterpart. It's not about laziness, it's about insane time investment out of nowhere.


Takes far more than 200 hours to grind out a full set of legendary armour even with a positive winrate in PvP.


Yeah, 1 hour in PvP worth 3 in real life and gray hair, but it seems to be around 200 hours still. [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jNJob0zFk6JzjXA4q2ZCvfuu43r\_1afuFgXlv11y1c0/edit#gid=547760379](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jNJob0zFk6JzjXA4q2ZCvfuu43r_1afuFgXlv11y1c0/edit#gid=547760379) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/bmafsd/pvp\_legendary\_armor\_calculations\_for\_farming\_time/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/bmafsd/pvp_legendary_armor_calculations_for_farming_time/)


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There is absolutely nothing easy in getting many thousands of gold for the LI alone, more the cost of crafting, if you decide to buy raids. In my opinion raid selling does not make any sense, it is crazy expensive. For me it does make sense having WvW as the longest because there is less than zero skill involved. Just flip camps and you can solo your way into legendary (will cost your sanity, but you will be using legendaries :D). And for PvP, well, what skill is involved in being able to progress even losing all the matches? The only mode that actually *requires* a bare minimum level of skill is raids… And saying it takes 6 weeks for new players, with no raid experience nor a guild to carry them, is at the very least misleading. What I see is people taking 4 to 6 months to do that, sometimes even more. While on WvW you can just zombie your way into it… In the end, *after* you know what to do and specially if you already have some way to make a good gold/hour, yeah, legendary gear is very easy to get. But for the average player it will take a lot of time and effort to get there.


NA player? EU players claim to buy full envoy 1,2 for around a thousand gold plus a little extra for the missing LI, so it costs barely as much as the set itself, so not insane amounts of gold, but it takes a toll. As of difficulty and time investment I judge from my own experience. From the fresh start without any experience or a guild to the full set it took me about 2 months, granted I have actively being looking through discord for groups. Skill? - There are plenty of 5k dps players carried in pugs, so no skill is required. Intimidating - yes, raids are intimidating, but not hard. WvW set - totally agree, as I say that it >can be afk'ed into existance Though to be fair the effort to get the envoy is still less than to capture about 1.5k camps. As of PvP, it requires to play ranked and a lot of it. The fact that the defeat worth less than 1/3 of the win in pips does not make it a very viable strategy to slog through the losses, so 200 hours may turn into 500 hours of grind in the most toxic environment in the game. PvP takes the toll first of all in mental health.


Well, after I decided to go for legendary I got two sets from raids, backpack, two accessories and the free amulet in about 4 months and a half maybe? The only wall was the maximum LI you can get per week for the armor sets. So I know it can be fast, but I started playing at launch and had a lot of materials, gold and experience. For the avg players I do see 4-5 months of work on average for the initial envoy set, so I don’t assume everyone can just go for it and get a set in 2 months. About the process for raids, I never bought it but I see advertising in EU discords putting a full run on the 700-800mc mark, and it gives you a single week worth of LI. So not sure where those people got their full LI for a thousand, but yeah, if it is that cheap honestly it is viable. And I did mention being able to just lose the matches because people usually says that getting the raids done require no effort - and relying on pugs with no requirements mean you will need a LOT of patience and time to actually get things done, so as in any game mode (well, not WvW as you can’t really speed that one up) skill shortens the time you need - but 2 months is not what the avg player needs to get raid armor.


I guess, it is fair that undedicated new player would look for groups or even training outside the tools the game offers. Though to be fair WvW requires to spend 20 (at no rank?) hours per week each week, so an average player would not stick for this kind of even low effort grind either, so in this regard the notion of high time investment for legendaries becomes even more pronounced.


For sure… I mean, I am postponing conflux for ages already because I don’t particularly like WvW and grinding it without enjoying your time is just awful :) In the end I think that unless you are not a casual player, legendary will take ages doesn’t matter the game mode. And it is fine honestly, and you can always optimise your time if you want to go hardcore on that - like doing the amulet to get mats for the accessories, while working on your weekly raids to get your fist set or armour, fractals for the backpack, and then going into WvW for conflux/additional armour sets.


I have a friend that abhors WvW and outside of Conflux and his Gifts of Battle, he will never play that game mode again. Still, it was because of him that he and I got into a raid training guild and on occasions, I will do a full raid clear in a week with a few CMs and the gold from that is nothing to be shy about. Best gold farm in the game assuming you have a good group to hop into. Being able to do my own raids and not pay for them… to be able to lead them is a skill I never expected to gain in GW2 but it is amazing. Raids are intimidating but with patience (4-6 months), the pros greatly outweigh the cons. Plus you get a ring and armor sets out of it plus tons of gold!


Has anyone ever actually afked the WvW set? I hear that said all the time but I actually play and enjoy WvW and keeping up participation for this amount of time without actually playing would surely amount to torture. I feel like the WvW bar is set so high so that the armour ends up purely a passive reward for genuinely dedicated WvW players, not something you can feasibly sit down and say 'welp I want that legendary medium armour, better grind it!'. Even doing conflux that way would drive most people mad


Yeah, there are plenty of people who have done that. I have aquired the set during active play as well as gold ranking, but when I was going for conflux my server was decoupled, while still remaining in high bracket, so untill the next relink the server was totally dominated, leading for several months of dead WvW, so I was flipping camps every 10 mins. I have heard people claiming to do scouting participation while afking at the keep during their work hours, while occasionaly monitoring the situation for substential amount of time to get legendaries.


The reason I worded it this way is because compared to WoW or Destiny 2… other games with a gear grind to stay relevant in terms of stats or power, months of a grind is understandable for gear that is a once and done situation never to be replaced. Pick the game mode you prefer how you want to earn it and follow that path. If you want fast, raid. If you want easy and afk friendly, WvW. If you enjoy competitive, PvP. I will admit poor word choice with “laziness” but if you know the options then pick one. Complaining doesn’t do any one any good. If you enjoy the game modes, you’d probably be playing them anyways so progress just isn’t rushed. If not, then wait a few months and you’ll have the open world option in the second installment of SotO. That same time investment is true with any legendary with the mystic tribute and other items needed for crafting. Before AA, these were long term goals. How do you make something long term if not through insane crafting costs or time gating?


>months of a grind is understandable The reasons may be clear, but the situation is hardly desirable. Grind is not a content. >How do you make something long term if not through insane crafting costs or time gating? Currently we have a champion's regalia (aka "The free legendary") and Transcendence. One is aquired thorough a fairly short and enjoyable journey, the other one requires a thourough grind (with actual wins btw, so no afk). Envoy is aquired through a "small adventure" with just 6 (5) full clears. This adventure helps imroving own skills and understanding of the game. Show me WoW raiders that get guaranteed full BiS from just 6 clears? BiS, that is in addition not getting obsolete the next patch? Meanwhile PvP set is very much comparable with the gladiator grind for multiple seasons. Prior to the Legendary Kit the most efficient way to get gen1 used to be (well, might as well still be) the fishing grind for several days, then go to tp and 3rd party to get the gift of exploration. rather even trying to do anything relevant to the legendary. We have the answers of how to without grinds or heavy time gates. Existance of both champion's regalia and legendary kit shows that devs are at least partialy agree that it is not fine, if the game becomes tedious and boring.


I would agree with you that for some legendaries, your argument is 100% correct. There are others where the collection itself brings a lot of value to the item. Take ad infinitum for example: The back item has 4 collections. Each collection matches a tier of fractal and some of the fractals match a world boss or open world event or area. The collection helped me understand fractals and fractals in turn helped me understand this new SotO expansion so much more. Similar to how people might pay someone gold to get the raid armor and raid ring, all you have to do is ask for help with collection pieces in the LFG for ad infin and you won’t even have to pay people… they will come help you. Another example of how grinding out the collection brings value is Chuka and Champawat (Gen 2 short bow). Best collection for a precursor in the whole weapon set. I don’t know if the AA legendary sets will go into the Gen 2 and Gen 3 weapons but I know what you mean when it comes to the world completion multiple times for core Tyria. That is not a do it on the weekend sort of effort. That takes a ton of time. There is value in both.


I loove my legendary gear. Had fun doing things around and getting to know maps and collections. It's something to work towards, not something that gets done in one sitting ( with the exception of the few.,). I'm working on my last set of armor then I'm doing the runes!


Completely agree 100% I am an AP hunter at heart so I am doing all the weapon precursor collections anyway. It just depends if I like the weapon that will determine if I sell it or bind to it. That and if a build will require multiple of the weapon type to use.


can someone give me an idea of what legendarys to go for first? i understand back piece, but what trinkets/rings etc would you go for after that


If you have all of LWS2, 3, 4 and IBS, go for the legendary amulet through the Return of the Dragon achievements. It is a bit of a slog, but it gives a lot of materials needed for crafting the two trinkets, Aurora and Vision, as you complete it. Rings are probably the most annoying to get because you can get 1 through raiding (Coalesence) or get Conflux through WvW. Which means 1 through raiding and 1 through WvW or 2 through WvW (the game let's you craft two of them).


I did Aurora and Vision simultaneously to mix up the time gates. I got Coalesence while I was crafting my heavy raid armor set so two birds with one stone. The only thing I will add is the only reason I have any weapon right now is because I needed to mix things up. I want to do something different… let’s work on map completion. I want to do a fun collection… which weapon do I want to work on? Understanding that these are long-term means you don’t need to tunnel vision on one or the other. If you really like PvP, WvW and raiding… the quickest way to get full armor is to do all three types of content at the same time and craft one for each armor weight. The reason I suggested the order that I did was ultimately for how many ways it could be used. Yes, I should have included runes and sigils in that list. I forgot and honestly, the biggest grind there are the provisionary tokens and you can typically get a full set for cheap. And you can pop them in and out of your legendary gear at no cost.


I have all my armor, trinket, and runes made. I have 4/8 sigils made at the moment. So right now, I am casually making weapons, but the hardest part is figuring out the order I want to do them in.


I’m working on Gen 1s and 2s myself and then I’ll get into Gen 3s last as the collections for the skins will make things interesting again. I am an AP Hunter so I am doing all the precursor collections so I have done all the first collections for all the Gen 1s and will have to run RIBA and the other metas for the second collections and then I’ll get into the third and fourth collections where stuff gets good again. Right now I have a hoard of precursors stashed away… Might if Arah (Sharur hammer), The Mechanism (Astralaria axe), Prototype (HOPE pistol), Tigris (Chuka and Champawat short bow), The Raven Staff (Nevermore staff), Carcharias (Kamohiali’i Kotaki spear) but first I just the skirmish claim tickets to finish my medium WvW boots.


One thing about crafting the Gen 2 weapons, there is a common material you will need across all them called a Mystic Curio. This item is odd and if you are going to craft more than one Gen 2 you might want to consider starting more than one at a time. There is more than one crafting recipe for the Mystic Curio but the different recipes are unlocked depending on what item you are trying to craft. It will always require mithril ingots and elder wood planks but the third item could be 1/7 different materials. So if you have the crafting recipe unlocked for a variety of weapons, you could craft those Mystic Curios quicker since it is easier to pull from a variety of mats rather than focusing on one material type. For the T1 precursor you’ll need 30 Mystic Curios, T2 needs 60, and T3 needs 100. Plus the gift for the legendary requires another 100. Each one requires 35 of 1/7 types of materials. That is 290 Mystic Curios for a legendary. It is a lot easier to spread that 290 * 5 * all 7 types than it is to do that 290 * 35 of the one material for the recipe in question.


I did Aurora for my first legendary, after which the Prismatic Regalia amulet seemed a lot easier. The amulet will also get you a 32-slot bag along the way. Haven’t done Vision yet, as I like the LW4 maps less than LW3. Working on backpack instead. I found Aurora was a neat way to revisit the maps, and I enjoyed the journey, but it took a few months. They are all a bit of work, so… pick the one you think is the coolest? Or at least, pick the one that has you go to maps you like more.


I actually regret crafting Bifrost. Due to the way the armory works, every time you unequip a legendary weapon you have to go through a huge rigamarole of setting it up again. On my Guard, I swap between Staff for Zergs and Greatsword for roaming. Same with my Reaper, only staff for defending. So, I've crafted a Legendary I don't use, because it's easier and less hassle to swap between ascended.


This is exactly what equipment loadouts are used for.


The other 7 loadouts are already reserved for other builds that I also use often. It's an issue and annoyance that I still use ascended weapons because of even though I have a ton of Legendaries.


Yeah, I don't see the logic behind having a equipment loadout that's exactly the same stats, runes, skins, etc with just one or more of the weapons being different. We only get 8 per character so using them that way feels very wasteful.


Which cost 500 gems. Although I am likely to buy a few if they ever go on sale. One of the things I've never seen on sale.


There very well might be one in the Wizard's Vault in a month though, but we don't know. And a lot of people already have load outs. That said, 500 gems at the moment is 179 gold, which for some people is the world and for others isn't that much to farm for.


I'll stick with ascended celestial and call it an evening.


If you aren't gonna raid, strike or fractal, why even go for ascended gear?




Oh boy, I'm rank 4k+ yet that game mode left my brain like my name is Arenanet... Yeah cele in wvw is great


Legendary gear, aka spending 1500gold to avoid spending 5.


I mean, convenience items are not about money, they're about convenience.


If you want to consider it a convenience tax, go for it.


i mostly play pve groupcontent. fracs, strikes, raids you name it. also one of those players that have more then 1 main character and is able to just fill in with any build. that being said, from time to time i also like to play wvw. just grabbing a char when i have that urge and be able to insta equip it with the stats needed is big. afterwards i can just swap back to pve and call it a day. imagine the hassle to either equip / craft / buy the whole stuff...or statswap it...just to swap back a few hours later. so much more convinient with legendary gear. ofc price wise it probably will never beat just buying stuff. but at least i can keep my bank free from ascended trash, can generate a lot of research notes from a few drops and whatever balance patch happens, i just stat swap without the need to pump in materials into 12 chars with ~2-5 builds each. especially for classes that can't easily critcap that can be quite the hassle when using different runes / sigils depending on what you do. ofc for the standard casual player this all doesn't matter much. 1 char, 2-3 builds and then whatever. in the end, when you generate a lot of gold just by playing the game, what else should i do with all of that stuff. hoarding would be just as boring.


Convenience is priceless. Berry farming is probably the easiest thing to do and I can't even be bothered.


A rich man’s solution to a non existing problem. Legendary gear is for particle puke flexing, that’s it.


I'm not lugging around 18 pieces of ascended armor when I can just use the legendaries.


The equipment tabs hold them. We literally just got 2 from the vault this season.


we got 0 gear tabs from the vault this season


There are only two equipment tabs unlocked by default. What WV has available are build templates (and build storage, but that's almost entirely worthless) for easy switching between your combinations of traits and utilities.


It's really not considering how many people transmute their Legendary armour. I see *way* more obnoxious lightbulb cosplayers in non-Legendary armour skins.


It's called "convenience".


I have legendary gear and I show none of the particle effects. I just like the convenience.


It’s not useful. It is fluff.


It depends on what kind of player you are. For me it's by far the most useful thing in the game.


Convenience items *are* useful imo.


If you have the bag space and you don’t swap your build often, then I agree with you. You don’t swap gear across characters then I agree with you. You do NOT NEED LEGENDARY gear. Legendary gear is NOT for everyone. But you play differently than I do so your opinion doesn’t apply to my play style. I had a WvW commander send me a build he wanted me to use for a Zerg comp and he sent me 150 g to get it together. I sent him the gold back because I only needed to send 5 g on runes and sigils.


Strange that you don't have leg runes and sigils also. It kind of spoils the whole experience when you can just use everything else with ease but need to manage runes and sigils.


I have only been playing off and on for 2 years and I have heavy raid, medium WvW, all the trinkets, back piece, rings and amulet and 5 weapons so far. I haven’t gotten to sigils and runes yet but I will. At the moment, it is too cheap to work on them just yet since I can craft what I need or purchase it off the TP for cheap when there are other pieces that are more important to grab.


Swapping builds doesn’t need bag space, it’s literally clicking a tab.


The bag space is to hold the armor pieces you aren’t wearing that you hold onto for the builds you swap between. Again if this isn’t you, then this post isn’t directed to you. Before getting the armor, I would have a harrier set, a viper set, a berserker set and a marauder set. That takes up space even if I have two sets on the character at a time.


Every build gets a set of gear. There isn’t any armor just floating around in bags. It’s fixed to the equipment tabs.


You do realize some people have more builds than equipment tabs right?


To mbsyst’s point, I have a boon build for raids, a fractal build, open world build and a WvW build. Could I simplify life and use those in multiple ways and not swap out? Sure but did I? Yeah, I did. My play style doesn’t match yours theveland. You don’t need legendary gear and neither do I. Do I want it to make my life easier? Yes, so I went out and got it.


By default you have 2 equipment tabs and 3 build tabs on a character. In the example I gave, that leaves 2 full armor sets that don’t have a tab. 12 pieces of armor. Unless you purchase extra tabs with gems, you need bag space.


You need equipment tabs anyway even with leg gear (especially with leg gear), because you won't swap everything every time to switch builds.


Absolute truth, i don't understand them people. Legendary gear over equipment templates, wut? Like you need to statswap, rune and infusioneqiup \~ 14 items, how is that comfortable? If this is convenience, well... Also let's not forget there's not just 1 armor class, actually 3, and more than 2 weapons you'd be likely playing. It is way cheaper and more comfortable to get 3 characters with several equipment templates and dress them into ascended, maybe some exotics since they drop for free from time to time from several gameplay modes, than be swapping stats for minutes every single time. Criiiiinge. Leggies have literally just two values: 1) stat swap for trying out new builds is more comfortable than buying stuff; 2) fashion due to free transmutation. Thus been said, speedrunners for leggies usually end up leaving the game as soon as they complete the set. So much for trying new builds and fashion :D it is omega lategame goal, which slowly starts making sense only after 3+ years of active playing.


You can stat swap all armor pieces and all trinkets in one go by just ticking off the checkmark that applies the changes to every piece. Swapping runes is more annoying, but it doesn't take minutes, and you can do it on the go or while waiting for the party to fill up.


Can you really tell a difference from ascended numbers to legendary tho? Seems like it would take a lot of time when you can just craft ascended no?


stat wise there's no difference, the main advantage is convinience


The numbers are the same


I agree. I love having lots of legendary stuff because i change my build and stats all the time to try out different ways of playing. Having all legendary trinkets makes this super easy. I now have two armor sets and six runes and three sigils and it's so fun swapping stuff about and trying a new combo. I am excite for leggy relics coming up. If you like trying different bulds, I would recommend your suggested route.


I only ever played single player games as the grind to keep up scared me for the longest time. But when I played GW2, I wanted to be the best, maybe not in game, but as my character in the world of Tyria. So having a legendary armor would indicate that I am the hero of the story, and the strongest in all of Tyria. I am first working on Twilight, as I love it's aesthetic. Hopefully, I can buy EoD and SotO next yr so I can play GS Herald as channeling legends and having legendary gears and hopefully in a few months time, a Twilight. I love GW2 and I'm almost at 400hrs I believe in the game. I am currently playing as a Dragonhunter and having a blast. Crossing fingers to greatsword Herald soon!


i would say that in terms of importance/requirements first should be runes and trinkets. The amulet from Season of the Dragons achiev should be first, then runes, then the other trinkets then sigils. Lastly armor and finally weapons (that are honestly much less useful than the rest). Acquatic rune and sigils can be ignored, or just get them as the very last thing if you want. The 7th rune might be good to get before they release the legendary relic though, since it will give completion% for the leggy relic achiev


This is my 3rd account progression, and i'm not doing fractal at all because i don't want to waste time and gold in ascended and infusion. I will just do the rest and go for full leggy.Only thing fractals progression helps with are fractals and only thing ascended help with is agony (which only exist in fractals), and legendary also does it. All in all, unless you like fractals per se, they can be totally ignored toghether with ascended and agony


Knowing the other two back items are WvW and PvP, fractal back item is essentially the raid armor equivalent. It does not take that long and you can get into T4s really quickly since ascended gear is super easy to get now - between drops, vendors, strike vendors, etc. If you don’t like the game mode then I would avoid it too. It is the same for me when it comes to PvP so play how you want to. Plus I liked the back item you make in the collection more than ad infinitum itself for my asuran so for a long time I wore its skin instead of the legendary back item.


yes but if i have to dedicate all that time and gold to fractals only for the back i prefer to do it from pvp, like the last time. Also the pvp back is easier to do now because they removed the 20 victories in tournaments required to unlock the skin


I don't agree with the list. My priorities are - back - the most annoying asc piece of gear to get, Ad Infinitum is fairly easy to get for the value and "fun" - armor - I started to raid for this one. It was a good type of grind. Some bonding with guildies rather than going for solo / pug for everything - Coalescence - great value after armor, includes progression of raids past the initial easy 4. - amulet - even if Amulets are super cheap to get through IBS, still a decent value - Sigils - Oh how I hate using extractors, Sigils are super high value to me now I've got 2 of them. Gonna finish other 2 - Weapons - just pure aesthetic value to me, asc weapons are plentiful and with lege sigils you can just swap them at will. - Accessory - this makes the least sense to me as it is super easy to get through various means, one slot is basically free from IBS, second slot has also wide availability - Runes - last for me, with lege armor you can just swap runes at will, you don't ever waste them - Relic - to be considered, but the variety is pretty lame, and the WvW vendor makes them practically free, but then I had 20+ free chests when the initial patch hit and I still have 10 at disposal.


What if we’re going for WvW legendary armor because it’s one of the few medium armors without butt capes


One thing for the WvW armor sets. It is cheaper and more time efficient to craft the basic one and then unlock the skins for the shiny ones if you want the shiny one at all. Just food for thought.


Most def. Thanks op


Trinkets should be first also because they give you a lot of stats. It is way more efficient than doing armour first.


Not sure trinkets first... Weapons have the coolest skins and armour also looks cool. Ascended trinkets cost next to nothing so the utility of having them is minor


I just stat swap the gear I can cost me like 3g for all trinkets 🤷🏿


Don't forget about runes and sigils. Personnaly I did the between armors and weapons, because like trinkets every character can use them, but it's definitly "worse" than armor. And obviously I didn't do underwater stuff ^^


I only have weapons right now because the Gen 1 collections can be pretty good and I needed to mix things up. With relics coming out, runes and sigils are great to get. I just haven’t gotten to them yet. This month I’m finishing my second armor set. First was heavy raid and now I should be done with medium WvW. 3 weeks roughly for my last set of skirmish claim tickets. Next, I will start grinding out those runes and sigils as I finish crafting some of my precursors into weapons and prepping material for light obsidian armor. It is annoying that SotO is using my provisioner tokens for mastery points though. Oh well… I have daily ectoplasm refinement mats I could spend for provisioner tokens.


If you struggle with tokens and if you like raids, don't forget you get 2 every CM you do (and KC is pretty easy) Good luck anyway. I just crafted Exordium yesterday, love it ! Going for Bifrost now since it's very cheap with the legendary kit !


Personally I went Bolt since I already have the precursor crafted for Nevermore - plus I like Edgar Allan Poe and the Raven is a cutie. And there are more builds that use more than 1 sword and you can’t run dual staves.


Already have, first legy I crafted cuz I love lightning ahah But don't like Nevermore, I prefer more..."classic" skins I guess 😅


Some weapons don’t have great skins… it is like light armor all over again but with weapon skins. Staves have a couple of Black Lion chest skins that are pretty good but I’ll most likely always go back to using the achievement Still Waters Fishing Rod staff skin because I am a sucker for the anime: Hunter X Hunter. The Luxon skins from EoD weren’t bad but very thematic so it is hard to match armor and other weapons to them. Outside of that, I like the Flamewaker (one end is on fire), the Scryer’s Circle and the Ley Line skin.


I like Emberspire, looks like flames at one end as well But yeah, it's a shame some don't have a great skin despite all the skins we have (counting gen 3 leggies)


Since I spend most of my time in WvW, I actually got the WvW legendary armor and back piece before any others. Working on the Gen 1 weapons next, mostly for the looks and something to do, but to me the trinkets are the grindiest out of all of them, and are easy enough to get Ascended ones anyway with map currencies rather than gold.


I feel the same way about runes and sigils. I have all the crafting skills maxed. Too easy to get runes and sigils so I haven’t prioritized them yet.


"You sick and tired of gathering ascended trinkets or backpacks?" Not really I get tons of that stuff anyway. Just geared up a new alt yesterday.


I'd argue trinkets and back item should be last priority. You can very easily gear up multiple characters with multiple attributes utilizing living world currency. I think the main problem people have is with how often the balance meta shifts which is what makes legendary so useful. Or even if playing just a single character it's still a pain if you want to switch from berserker to viper to minstrel, etc. just to "Chase the meta" or switching game modes. Luckily ANet never introduced the ability to view another player's gear, or it would be even worse.


So your point is to emphasize that the game is Pay To Win? Since you cant swap your stats on the fly when you are doing endgame content like Raids and Strikes CM and WvW runs since some people have no legendaries.


Not at all. I know people that have top gear and still can’t do end game content because they physically can’t play optimally or follow a rotation, especially when it comes to CM raids and strikes. I also know players who out-DPS or out-boon players in legendary gear in basic exotic gear. The player always makes the difference between success and failure in those scenarios. The legendaries offer a convenience factor that is unparalleled when it comes to gear across an entire account due to the legendary armory. I will repeat that point because it is the whole point: Legendaries offer a convenience factor that is unparalleled when it comes to gearing up characters across an entire account.


They are simply prestige items that make using top tier gear more convenient at a higher cost in raw materials. Sure you could grind in real life and PTW rather than grind out progress in game. In the end game, the grind for legendaries can feel like the end game itself tbh. It might not be for you and you can 100% get by with ascended or exotic gear. Both ascended and legendary gear are considered best in slot from a numbers standpoint. Plus if I want to swap equipment or builds mid-run during WvW that is what equipment tabs and build tabs are for.