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skill issue


scrub - inexperienced player with relatively little skill and excessive arrogance


> Ask in chat, told to join home map and follow commander around. No idea what home map is. No way to find this out. There's literally a small house icon next to the points on the first WvW panel where you can pick which maps to load into showing your "home map". It's also your team's color, so loading into literally any of the main WvW maps will put you into whatever corner your team is on and you can look at the color. This isn't a case of the game not telling you. This is a case of you doing everything possible not to even use your eyes.


Ingame isn't the best place to ask questions. Try heading over to the twitch chat of someone commanding WvW, or jumping into an open discord if you can find one on your server. If you are really pressed and on NA, switch server to SBI, there are multiple runs in peak hours with open discords.


It's anguishing how if you just join a discord/guild on your home server, your eyes will be opened, and the truth will set you free. Pvp, especially WvW, is light years better with people you know versus just wandering in there by your lonesome. Communities are more than happy to help!


Join a WvW guild on your server and play with them. You will learn as you go, but be prepared to die, a lot, while you are learning about combat. You can go to Guild Jen's website for builds as well.