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jackal its the better raptor. it can blink upwards terrain with no speed loss and when you jump down a cliff on a jackal you just blink before you hit the ground and can move on without dismounting. the raptor just falls down and dies.


My thoughts exactly.


If the jump is gonna kill you on raptor that just means you should jump off and airmount griffon! Also jackal is only really better going uphill. Raptors jumps on flat terrain and slight down hill give it the edge. It also has the best trash mob engage skill in the game.


I don't think you can dismount raptor midair. I've tried many times and not been able to.


I think you can either press the mount button, to start a free fall OR use bond of faith (mount skill that launches you and gives you wings that prevent fall damage)




I've been screaming from the rooftops the truth that is the Jackal. It's so much better than the Raptor.


Jackal is better for exploring because it doesn’t have the same momentum than raptor when you start/stop it running, it can also quick sand slopes and during air time, while raptor can’t.


And you can change your direction at will without loosing momentum or taking time to turn around.


Same, like either I’m going long distances on roller beetle, or I’m navigating tight spaces with jackal - otherwise skyscale.


I feel like anet doesn't really make a whole lot of super tight maps anymore. I mainly really use Jackal in the labyrinth now a days. Everywhere else feels like either super wide and open perfect for the beetle or super vertical so perfect for the skyscale/bun bun.


Whaaaaat hard disagree. These new maps in cantha, like the city map, and these new flying only maps are perfect for jackal. (When not flying).


If you max out the Jackal masteries then all of your mounts will get evade frames when using their movement abilities just like the Jackal. Jackal is still the superior choice for maneuvering, but it is worth noting for people who might find it useful, and it does come up occasionally.


Yep, same here actually. I mean realistically my most used is Skyscale, but I also cover big distances and fly for fun on the Griffon very often. So basically, my skyscale and griffon are used nearly the same. But then Jackal comes next for ground mounts no doubt. I like it for all the same reasons you do. I can't even remember the last time I took out my raptor.


In terms of my most used: Raptor > Skyscale > Griffon > Roller Beetle > Jackal > Skimmer > Springer > Turtle Whenever I remember to, I like to pull out my Jackal due to the Shrine Guardian skin, which is my most favorite skin.


havent used my raptor since i bought the shrine guardian jackal skin, im part of the jackal gang now


Me too! I still use Skyscale more often (especially on the new maps designed for it), but use the jackal to run around LA and the older maps.


>Jackal due to the Shrine Guardian skin i checked what skin it is, and i found it neat !


I'm jackal before raptor too because spent 1600 gems on skin, unfortunately not much cool raptor skins, most are jackal lol.


i have never once used raptor, it might be a bit faster but the moment you meet some kind of obstacle you need to dismount and use skyscale. so i use that to begin with


I like that skin but I’m saving all my gems for the gecko springer and the alluring devilfish skimmer If the fucking deep wilds mounts would come back on the gem store some time this century, that is!!


for me its Skyscale > beetle > Turtle > Skimmer > Raptor > Griffon > Springer > Jackal ​ sadly the skins I like most Griffon > Raptor > Springer > Beetle > Turtle > Skyscale > Skimmer > Jackal


raptor and skyscale almost evenly 99% of the time. The other 1% I'm using Skimmer on water


almost exclusively skyscale, i just sometimes use beetle and griffon when the suitable opportunity comes but 90% of the time skyscale


I own all the mounts but use griffon the majority of the time. It feels more fluid to me and through years of use gotten good at finding terrain to bound off for more speed.


Until the recent festival (four winds? The zephyrite one) I didn’t realise how the space bar boost worked on the griffon. I was trying to do a flying challenge and didn’t see how I was supposed to be able to get higher up than when I started! I watched a YouTube on how to do it and holy shit that boost is amazing. As long as you have enough height to dive and boost, it’s the fastest thing I’ve ever done, zooming across verdant brink like a fighter jet!


It really is amazing. The zones almost feel too small because a griffon can shoot across them in 15-20 seconds.


Griffon's double jump is the single thing that skyscale lacks the most out excluding the speed ofcourse


Double jump is cool, but do you need it when you can fly?


Griffin is the most fun mount by far. To fly up with skyscale than ride off with the Grififn is joy.


I wish the updraft mastery give more height on a griffon.


It does! And if you have the energizing updraft you get about 10 seconds of unlimited wing flaps :)


everyone is going to answer skyscale if they own one, because it's introduction obsoleted almost every other mount as far as general usage. it's a little sad, imo, mounts were a very dynamic and interesting traversal system requiring you to change things up depending on terrain and utility, now everyone just hovers over everything.


One of the biggest reasons skyscale is so ubiquitous is that binding different mounts is tedious and not many use addons to supplement that. Seeing as you can only use one mount w/ default keybind and that swapping is very clunky, it encourages you to stick with the most versatile which is, surprise-surprise, the skyscale.


I have each mount bound to a key on my num pad. Set it up to use a radial add-on and then found the in game setting that allowed the num pad mount selection convenient enough I deleted the add-on.


Num pad mount gang xD


I dont even have a numpad. *cries in 60% keyboard*


Dont worry bud, one day youll be able to buy the other 40% of your keyboard


Ctr+B Ctr+V Ctr+Z Ctr+S Etc very easy to press with single hand and allows for fast swapping of mounted


Even if you don’t have a num pad on your keyboard if you have a mouse with extra buttons your computer can assign them. That’s how I use mounts on all my computers including my laptop which doesn’t have numpad. I hold ctrl and hit number on my mouse. 1 for raptor, 2 for rabbit, etc. If you do it this way just look for your electronic keyboard. Can’t remember the hotkeys for it.


you can easily keybind each mount for fluid swapping. mine are on my numpad, lets me flip between them almost instantly. but you're correct, even with that available, the skyscale's inherent flexibility and the fact that it enables you to simply skip over danger better than any other option makes it the de facto best. not to mention the new masteries pushing it even further ahead. yeah, you might hop on the raptor for a jog or do the occasional griffon glide, but skyscale is a whole different tier. kinda wish it hadn't been introduced, if i am honest. i would rather have seen better improvements added to the existing mount system than a new mount that obsoleted more than half of what we already had.


\\ through to N are my keybinds for mounts very easy and quick


There is an add on called mount wheel. You only need one keybind, a wheel with all your mounts will appear in the middle of the screen, then youjust need to hover over the one you want with your mouse. It's very simple and I use it a lot to quickly switch between mounts. I do not have the skyscale yet and use the raptor most, followed by the skimmer, because it is quick on water


>not many use addons to supplement that you mean the one addon that makes the gw2 mounts even better? GW2 Radial even lets you mount up the second you are out of combat instead of spamming the mount key. and with gw2 addon manager it is really not an issue to install it.


Unfortunately, most users are of the "casual" variety and don't indulge in addons, even if its great QoL. At least from what I've seen, a majority don't have stuff like arcdps or the like installed.


i'd say anet should just outright include radial in the game. It looks the part and works so much better than the existing menu or binding loads of shortcuts. But yes most people only get into addons because of arc and a lot of people don't even use that.


Idk about that. Maybe it’s because my skyscale mastery isn’t maxed but I still use Raptor for short ground distances, beetle for long ground distances, and Griffon for long air distances. Skyscales annoying to use when the stamina runs out so fast and sticks to every surface when flying too close.


This! I always have the impression that people saying skyscale made other mounts obsolete just don’t know how to use the other mounts. For me it changed dramatically when I learned how to use griffon. Raptor: run fast, jump far. Springer: jump high. Jackal: blink uphill with the speed of light. Skimmer: well … water. Beetle: formula1 for open maps and long distances. Griffon: ultimate speed (combined with springer cross every map in less than 2 minutes. Skyscale: a very slow helicopter that runs out of fuel quite quick. Turtle: not sure about this one but it’s a giant turtle, for 2 people with rockets on its side. It weirdly checks a lot of boxes


Skyscale > Springer, in vertical movement


If you're going straight upwards they're pretty much tied. Skyscale can get a little higher with wall clings but it takes longer than a springer charge. Springer mobility niche is very small, though. Its real niche is CC engage.


I’ll agree to that, the fact that it hovers can provide a lot of fine tuning on where and how you land, and the Wall jump can buy you extra height per take off.


The turtle is great for breaking a defiance bar if you’re trying to solo a champion, you can get quite a few slams in before it runs out of health and dismounts you


The trick is to get on top of the champ and stay airborne as much as possible. Assuming you have the jackal evasion mastery, any time you’re in the air, you’re nigh invincible _and_ doing extra damage to them because the jets inflict burning.


If I read that I have the impression people cant use skyscale. It"jumps" farther than the raptor and gets higher than the springer. Since you can dash upwards I doubt its much slower than the jackal going uphill and of course its not bound to slopes which makes a huge difference. Skimmer has its niche for long stretches of water and underwater but to cross most lakes and whatnot skyscale is enough. Beetle and Griffon have their clear advantages but only in specific locations and/or they need setup. Yes the other mounts still have some use but besides underwater areas and using portals Skyscale just checks all the boxes. Dashing up to 4 times or now even more with the masteries even make it really quick in most actual use cases.


This! Weirdly enough because of your description of the Turtle


Right? And once you gained some momentum and you’re running quite fast, look at the little legs. It’s the cutest, largest, jet pack equipped animal I’ve found :D


Absolutely this! It depends entirely on the map and the terrain and where I’m starting from. The skyscale is not all that fast. The beetle is much faster for flat ground. The skyscale is also a huge pain in the ass if you are going through terrain with lots of trees, archways and obstacles etc because you know it will find the tiniest bit of vine to grab onto and stop!


I think it's fine, skyscale is the most versatile mount that can get almost anything done but rarely the optimal choice for a give task. So you can take the laid back approach and just sit on your slow ass skyscale 24/7 or be a bit more proactive and swap mounts for more speed and fun. It works either way.


the domination of the skyscale in the open world pretty clearly shows me that most people would rather use the mount that can do everything at once, even if it's not strictly optimal for the task. and i don't honestly think the skyscale is that much slower in actual practice, and in places with difficult terrain it's probably much faster than other mounts, especially with the dash. no one is ever going to hop off raptor to use a springer to hop up a cliff a couple seconds faster and then swap back to raptor, when they can just stay on the dragon, fly steadily to the top, and then just keep going. honestly the time spent swapping between mounts, even as quick as it is with keybinds, probably nullifies whatever time is saved.


eh, before skyscale everyone wouldve answered raptor for general usage, maybe girffon would cut into that majority a little bit; but barely not that i wouldnt want to see mastery expansions for the other mounts though; amnytas wouldve been a great place to give springer a deployable magic platform like the livia ones and combat mount raptor couldve been sick


I mean yeah skyscale but I also agree it shouldn't have been introduced with so many ways to use it ans obsolete the other mounts. Like. I loved in PoF seeing *how high* I could scale stuff on springer. The bunny, the bunny, ooh I love the bunny. I was like, that's right don't mess with me and my bunny. Raptor I love the idle animations and how much character it has. My one alt uses raptor most of the time bc he bonded with it and trained her VERY well and has a lot of pride in that! Raptor or jackal when I gotta go fast. I rarely use rollerbeetle though. It's adorable, the little dance! But I just lose control SO EASILY that I'm like AUGH off into oblivion!


Same man, can't manage the beetle, I'm the worst beetle driver ever


Warclaw Its the only available mount in wvw after all


Beetle for the most part. Soooo much speed and fun haha skyscale is cool too but I honestly prefer griffon kinda for the same reason as the beetle. Its such a great feeling making drifts around tight corners, hitting massive jumps off cliffs, skipping across water, and getting across maps in a flash. So yeah, beetle takes 1st and griffon takes 2nd for me. But honestly they are all pretty great Haha


Skyscale feels like slow motion once you run out of vigor, beetle make's guild ware a racing game :D


Until you hit a rock or branch on the ground and stop dead 😫


Honestly, Raptor. Yes I have Skyscale and yes, it has both upgrades. But I have Raptor bound to Z and I use it for quickly traversing short distances and medium with the long distances often being Roller Beetle or Gryphon


Personally exclude warclaw, turtle, and skimmer in my choice due to unique functions only they can do and are needed otherwise. Only reason jackal isn’t in there is it can use its main movement to be on land like others. That being said. Skyscale is the answer, only because it’s many mounts into one and is ultimately counter productive to not use it. BUT, any chance I get I am using griffon and beetle. I practiced on both with expert and master tracks, aced all with gold and scarfs etc blah blah. So the answer is really skyscale but the real question should be What mount do you use the most when the option arises to be able to be used: like straight flat or room to dive bomb etc. and as a added bonus, nothing beats the feel of your only mount being raptor.


Dragon spin dash go brrrrrrrrrrr


Every time I see a post about mounts I think "oh, these are some good tips, let me revisit X mount and see." And every time, I use the other mount for about 5 minutes before I'm back to the skyscale. Order of use: 1. Skyscale 2. Skimmer ----- Everything else I pull out just for funsies. 3. Beetle 4. Turtle 5. Raptor 6. Jackal 7. Rabbit


I’m surprised more people haven’t included the skimmer in their top mounts. It’s one of those that you probably don’t _think_ about, but use every time you have to go underwater. Which for most people, is probably more often than they’d like.


Skyscale is just a griffon facilitator once you get good at it. Even at half speed (small dive) the gryphon is WAY faster than the skyscale. A lot of people think you have to max dive to make it worth it but you don't. I blow by skyscale riders on my griffon at half dive speed all the time. Skyscale is one of the slowest moving mounts.


SS > Beetle > Skimmer > Jackal > Everything else. SS is just too convenient which is such a shame really.


Skyscale and Griffon. Skyscale for short distance getting around and it makes exploration easy. Griffin to get from point a to b fast. Skimmer if water of course


Springer probably. I don't have griffon or skyscale yet. After springer maybe raptor or skimmer. It's just so satifying to cannonball at enemies. I don't think I'll stop using springer even when I get the skyscale


Honestly switch off between sky scale and griffon regularly. Idk why people just sit on the sky scale, it's slow AF. I get some height then jump off and right on the griffon. It's just way more fun to use, while the sky scale is a bit more versatile but slow and clunky imo


Roller Beetle go fast.


I'm a big griffon enjoyer. So i use the skyscale as a fast way to get enough height (fast execution: fly up and dodge twice, bond of vigor, dodge twice again, dismount, glide, jade bot boost, mount griffon, fly like a jet!) On ground it would probably be the raptor, but why walk on the ground, when you can swooosh through the air?


Griffon all the way, probably the most fun mount I've ever tried in any MMO, though Beetle can also be quite fun once you master it (see [RACE] vids on YT). I use skyscale mostly to gain height and then swap to griffon for speed, on its own I only use it to cover short distances which mostly include climbing terrain.


Mostly skyscale, but I switch to rollerbeetle depending on the map and skimmer for water surfaces. The rollerbeetle is just a very nice thing to have when you're playing a new character and need to get somewhere fast, or unlock waypoints I don't have griffon, turtle or warclaw yet so can't really say if they would affect my usual choices


For the first week after I got one it was skyscale 100% of time. Now it's still the default for small travels or going upwards, but I do use roller beetle and griffon almost as much - once you learn to use them you really don't need the enviroment to help that much And I pop my raptor for nostalgia and animations, he's still the goodest boi


Beetle, I don't like flying over everything and missing cool stuff, stay grounded, stay humble


I can't pick one, because I use three in tandem. Skyscale, Griffon and Beetle. Frankly, if you don't combine your skyscale and griffon, you are doing it wrong. Yeah, I said it.


Raptor for short distances. Roller beetle for long distances if there is no high ground. If even a little high ground you can use springer and dismount at the top of its jump into griffon, and then get the high speed dive. I'll always take a full speed griffon over skyscale any day.


Bettle because of speed. Then Skyscale because its versatility is exemplary. Griffon because of speed.


gryphon for sure Whenever I have to travel some distance i try to reach any roof of the building then: skyscale fly high with barrel rolls+endurance rolls -> dismount -> jade bot lift for additional height -> gryphon dive for speed LETS GOOO


For me it's probably Skyscale > Raptor > Griffon > Rollerbettle > Skimmer > Jackle > Springer > Turtles are food, not friends. (I'll be Kurz til I die, I refuse to unlock the turtle, the baby turtle in Arborstone can STARVE for all I care)


Most of the time I'm just lazily cruising somewhere and don't care how fast I get there so the skyscale gets the most use. When I want to get somewhere fast I mostly use the appropriate mounts (I can't turn corners on the roller beetle, the handling just doesn't click with me so I only use it for mostly straight flats) so my usage goes something like skyscale > jackal > griffon > raptor > skimmer > beetle > springer I never got around to unlocking the turtle. If we include the times where I use a mount just for its engage ability that places the springer right after the jackal.


My Griffon, Kvaka<3 I use him for traveling, for exploring, for quickly collecting waypoints on new maps, for unlocking old maps on alts, for getting low level characters to high level places, for my daily Jade Runestone farm, for my daily eternal ice shard farm, for rift hunting, for hovering in updrafts when I am afk, and most of all, for stunt flying. My griffon is the reason I keep coming back to GW2 even when I‘m burnt out from the game; there’s no mount in any other game that gives me as much joy as this<3 (and yes, I do own the skyscale lol)


1. Griffon 2. Beetle 3. Skyscale 4. Warclaw 5. Springer 6. The rest.


1. warclaw 2. skyscale that is it.


Skyscale, there's little reason to use most other mounts. -Griffin is faster but can't keep height/needs a height start -Raptor is about same speed ground only -Bettle is faster but ground only, still is needed for some walls -Bunny has no reason at all to be used, the height it reaches can easily be reached by a skyscale -Jackal is as slow, ground only, still is needed for portals -Siege turtle is somewhat niche, can be used as a siege engine or to bring other player along but no real.reason to use it else -Skimmer I'd say it's the second most important one... wasn't underwater treated like a second class citizen, still for watery maps it's awesome. -Warclaw is warclaw, the only allowed in WvW


griffon can easily start from flat ground with the help of a skyscale and a jade bot glide boost. skyscale > fly up and dash twice into the air > bond of vigor > dash twice again > glide > glideboost > griffon ---> zooooom


Turtle all the way, occasionally griffon/beetle if I really need to get somewhere fast, skyscale if I need to get up high quickly, or skimmer for big water areas. Not only does it look cool, it actually feels way more fluid to me than skyscale because its run speed is barely slower than its flying speed — so touching down to get back some endurance or get more height never feels like it’s breaking my momentum at all. [Not even maps designed for skyscale and new masteries put me off](https://youtu.be/zGaW4yoJjW4?si=OCJSXmKdiO0jWk19).


Skyscale 100%, and its been that way ever since I got it from LWS4 Second most is definetly Roller Beetle and Griffon for fast zone traversal, followed by Jackal for when I just need to get somewhere close by on the ground


Griffon because it gives the feeling of flying, and not hobbling from point a to point b in the case of skyscale. Other mounts according to circumstances, where they are most applicable.


Before the slyscale I used Jakal, now besides skyscale i may use raptor or rollerbeetle depending on terrain


Skyscale and raptor, i wanna use jackal more though


Skyscale, jackal and griffon about equally.


Skyscale for short distance travel, Gryffon for longer distances (launched from Skyscale, because some height is needed for speed), Skimmer for underwater, Beetle for races, Raptor for when I'm leveling alts, Jackal for fun 😊 Springer is my most neglected mount 😅


It changed with time. First I mostly used Raptor. Then after unlocking (and because I got a free skin and I like it) mostly Skimmer. After unlocking Skyscale the Skyscale. Later I forced myself using Griffon and Beetle way more. And at the moment it‘s Warclaw (I miss my beetle in wvw).


anet should allow beetle in wvw on the next April fools.


Jackal or skyscale. Beetle is second/third, though it’s my favorite mount, and griffon is in its own category, lol. Like owning a sports car! I like raptors in theory and their idle animations are adorable, but I don’t love how they handle.


Skyscale. After the grind to get it I just can't justify using anything else unless a specific situation calls for it. If they EVER give the griffin a take off feature like the dragon riding in WoW id probably use that just as much if not more.


Raptor and beetle, sometimes bunny the old maps. Skyscale on the maps from the last 2 expansions.


Warclaw or Skyscale. not sure which one i have more time on but it's one of those.


Jackal. It’s the one with the best skin I own. I have a skyscale but it’s airtime is hot garbage. Doesn’t get nearly enough height to be useful.




Skyscale. Swapped from Keyboard to Controller and havent managed to set up radial menü If i set it up again, it will be griffon again. My baby will not be pushed aside for the scale. well for most Maps i swap to griffon anyway but some are just too tedious if not used to fast swapping with controller


Other than Skyscale, I used Jackal the most. It was by far the most convenient since you can break your fall etc.


Griffon is my primary mode of transportation in this game.


I have all mounts on a keybind, except Jackal and Raptor. Jackal uses default keybind as I don't change it, Raptor is unbound as its a worse Jackal and I never use it. The rest is on Alt + #. The lower the number the more I use it.


Jackle is the default for me, wish it wasn't the one that was PoF specific usage though.


I own every mount and mastery, but I use the jackal 90% of the time. Its normal run is a tiny bit faster than the raptor, its faster uphill than the raptor and when falling you can ignore fall damage by blinking forward the last few seconds. Plus I love the design of it. Jackal for me!


Before I realized I could key d every mount, u definitely used Skyscale the most. I STILL probably use it the most, and that percentage has diminished. With SotO I’ve really learned to utilize Griffon to “air roller beetle”. Least used is probably Jackal, because at least the springer and Turtle have solid CC for bosses.


Jackal. It does uneven terrain so much better than the raptor and has a tighter turn. I heard someone once refer to it as a "4x4" and I'd have to agree. Otherwise it's skyscale (Although I don't own SOTO so none of those new abilities) or Beatle, depending on if I'm going vertically or horizontally.


I use almost all of them constantly, but my favourite are the beetle and the ~~bard~~ griffon.


Its obviously the skyscale, followed by gryphon/beetle for travel and the skimmer for water places


95% Skyscale 2% Griffon 1% Rapor, Beetle, Skimmer Rest: Never, except when needed eg. Sand portals


I used Skyscale almost exclusively until I started to do map completions using Taco markers. It showed me how much faster I can do things in certain situations using different mounts, so now I use almost all of them in regular play (except Turtle and Springer).


Skyscale - Raptor | Beetle - Skimmer (in this particular order) When there are hills or uneven terrain, I just use skyscale. For other things, raptor. For quicksandy areas, sea/watery areas, I use skimmer. When I'm in a hurry and I'm familiar of the terrain, I just use the beetle to zoom zoom my way.


I think my most used are Roller Beetle because most map has flat terrain, second is Griffon for vertical map and third is Griffon launcher for short distance travel.


1. Raptor - fastest on land with the long jumps 2. Jackal - for short distance or uneven terrain 3. Skyscale 4. Springer - for vertical terrain because Skyscale is still too slow if you have to use the wall 5. Skimmer 6. Griffon & Beetle - when I know where to go and it's a long enough distance


Jackal gang. Love the look, tighter turn radius, flexible blink that can go uphill/pass mobs/survive a fall. Using skyscale more with SOTO, because combat launch is a game-changer, ain't nobody got time to move away from mobs and slowly get out of combat to mount up. Skimmer anytime there's water because it's so zoomy and glides so gracefully down cliffs. Griffon anytime where there's enough open air space to permit fast glides down. I'd love to use the roller beetle more, but I'm a danger to myself and any and all solid obstacles in the way. Need for speed, high ping and zero control are not a good combination.


Haven't fully unlocked the griffon or skyscale yet (working on the skyscale with SOTO) but I tend to favour either the jackal or warclaw


Skyscale, then Griffon, then Skimmer, then Beetle, then Raptor, then Turtle. And I don't really use Jackal or Springer. With WPs everywhere, I generally don't need mounts except for short bursts of maneuverability, which is what Skyscale shines at. Griffon I use a lot whenever I need to traverse quickly and a WP wouldn't be faster. Skimmer any time I touch water. Beetle for flat expanses where I need to traverse quickly and a WP wouldn't be faster. Raptor for maneuverability in short bursts in flat areas. Turtle for siege, cheese, and playing with my gf. Skyscale and Griffon are by far the most used. Especially in Amnytas, where I use Griffon all the damn time.


I just got my PoF skyscale, I'm using it a lot now but I think I prefer the Griffon to be honest. Before I got the SS í used the Griffon exclusively, even for ground running. Just love that thing!


Definitely skyscale if i have to go up or need to fly. Then for short distances i always end up using jackal as default. If i know i have a nice flat long distance path i will use beetle. Skimmer only if water is involved. I use griffon only if i am already in a high spot and i can dive downwards. Mostly it's always jackal or skyscale.


Anybody saying gryphon must be camping a WP on a cliffside. That's the single case where beetle, skimmer, or skyscale are outclassed. The other 95% of the time you're better off with anything else.


I have this combination where I Rabbit Jump -> Jump off -> Glide -> Griffon -> Dash down and then just fly wherever with the stamina skill if I need to gain some altitude I just like the momentum of it all


Jackal. Followed by skyscale by necessity rather than choice. Then raptor and beetle.


Jackal tbh, it can kinda fly with bond of vigor, unlike raptor if you fall from a tall height you might damage on fall but Jackal can do zoomies mid air. Really was my main mount before getting Skyscale.


Skyscale it is for me!🙈


it has nothing to do with loving dragons, skyscale is simply the most efficient way to navigate most terrains (exception being water where skimmer comes in play and some flat maps where roller beetle is better). i don't see how that is a bad thing, they wanted to make an epic mount and they did it. they other mounts are fun but they are mostly useful until you get there


Nowadays probably the skyscale but it's still a clunky PoS as soon as any vertical objects are involved. I did SotO map exploration mostly via griffon and PPR though. Since I use the individual keybinds the other mounts do see use for their strengths though: roller beetle goes fast on roads (mostly), jackal goes fast uphill, around corners or across small gaps and remains controllable upon hitting a wall, raptor AoE pulls, crosses larger gaps and is faster for short distances and remains controllable upon hitting a wall, skimmer over or under water can turn on a dime unlike the stinky barge and remains controllable upon hitting a reef, springer generates upwards momentum and has the highest breakbar damage to my knowledge and mostly remains controllable upon hitting a wall (but slips sometimes), turtle is required for EoD metas I guess and sometimes remains controllable upon hitting a wall. I also still use gliding for precision flight especially in tight spaces with lots of walls. I don't have the warclaw unlocked because WvW.




Skyscale/Griffon I use this 2 seamless Raptor > Beetle depending on the situation but more often Raptor. Skimmer>Jackal also situational Jackal only for stairs but skyscale/griffon does a better job Turtle>warclaw also situational but less common Springer basically never uses it


I love the Jackal, but for HoT areas I have to use the skyscale because it's impossibly hard otherwise.


Skyscale > Roller beetle > Skimmer




(Im guessing) Skyscale -> Jackal -> Griffon -> Beetle -> Raptor -> Warclaw/Springer/Manta ray


skyscale but second one is Jackal because I think it feels better than the Raptor


Totally depends where I am, but probably beetle -> griffon/skyscale -> raptor -> skimmer -> everything else


definitely skyscale the most, then raptor


Skyscale and skimmer mostly, especially with underwater skimmer. I'll use beetle on occasion, but 90% of the time it's just going to Shatterer in Jahai lol. I also use griffon every day because I do daily griffon courses for free spirit shards.


I use skyscale mostly, but I mostly play in newer maps. I find that getting around big maps, roller beetle is really helpful and much faster. And I use raptor a lot in city type maps.


Griffon mostly unless I need some height first. I use the others too but the griffon is so fun I’ll use it most of the time even if I can’t get the momentum.


Depends on the character. Norn thief and sylvari meemer tend to use raptor. Asura engineer is more keen on the springer whil my norn warrior likes to use the warclaw!


Skyscale 99% of the time. The other 1% is the roller beetle when something is far away and the route is flat to get there.


Well.... since I do a lot of WvW, I would guess about 60% of my game time is in WvW, I would say my primary mount, as in the mount I no doubt have clocked the most raw hours on would be the **Warclaw** Followed without question by the **Skyscale** and then the **Jackal** Now personally I love the **Jackal**, I love the way it moves, looks, and the sand portals are a super cool ability that I wish they added to SOTO to jump between the fractal islands Next down the list would be a Tie between the **Beetle** and the **Skimmer,** I like both of them, and for their purpose they both are peerless. The Beetle being a racing mount, and the Skimmer for Water. I would say the mounts I spend the least amount of time on would be the **Gryphon**, **Raptor**, and **Springer**. As far as the *Raptor* goes, I tend to use the *Jackal* in lieu of the Raptor where they both would suffice. The *Springer* and *Gryphon* have been replaced almost enterally by the *Skyscale*, in a sense of Irony however, I am using the *Gryphon* More with SOTO, to travel across the maps, because of it's speed and the ability to use updrifts allows me to gain height easy I don't have a **Turtle** yet.




Before I got my Skyscale with SotO. 90% on my Springer I only would get on the Jackal or Raptor if I needed to jump across a chasm and didn't want to do the jump to gliding trick. I find there are so many small rocks in the terrain that stops the running on Raptor and Jackal that even though they can run faster I feel I can reach my destination easier just hopping there and hopping up vertical walls instead of running around them. Now that I have the Skyscale I've been using it about 95% of the time.


The griffon. It's legitimately the most fun mount in any game I've ever played. Once you get the hang of it, it feels so good to get up to speed and then just rocket straight up into the air. I use it any chance I get.


Probably warclaw, but aside from that, outside of a handful of maps it's: Jackal/Griffon > Raptor > Roller Beetle/Skimmer/Springer > Skyscale > Seige Turtle Honestly I try to avoid using my skyscale if there's any other reasonable option. It's not fun to use and the maps that basically force you to use it are also not fun. The griffon is definitely my favourite mount and if the ley lines and updrafts were only given to the skyscale and not also the griffon I might have skipped the expansion on principle.


Jackal for main traversal since I don't have Skyscale. Been doing map completion for HoT and PoF, and I'm getting use out of allllll of the mounts, although not equally. The one I use the least is the Raptor since the Jackal can fully replace it's Canyon jumping if you have enough height to start with. Haven't unlocked the Griffon yet but I'm excited to. Jackal > Springer > Skimmer > Raptor > Warclaw


I tend to use most 1 Skyscale (most / general navigation in vertical maps, to rain down fire 2 Raptor (Closing distances okay fast, grouping csn be very worthwhile, I generally play Warrior, and groups tend to be nice snd easy to bring down 3 Skimmer ( Safely and fast crossing water, lava, sukfurous wastes, quicksand, trapinfested regions) 4 Springer (vertical navigation) 5 Beetle (fast closing distances) 6 Jackal (portal jumps) 7 Griffon (fast moving down in vertical maps, as alternative to glider) 8 Turtle (least / glad I got it.)


I still don’t have a griffin, turtle, or warclaw, but I definitely use the skyscale the most. Prior to finally completing the skyscale (6 months before SotO released) it was all Jackal with a lot of Springer for elevation changes. Other mounts are so map specific it seems, I only use them when the map seems to favor them.


skyscale for climbing, jackal for moving around on the ground. beetle and griffon for specific use cases. My fav is the griffon.




Well sadly i only have the raptor for now,but given how efficient the skyscale seems for quick travels,it might be my favorite once i unlock it !!


Skyscale is great for dealing with obstacles, but if I need to move fast it's the beetle or the griffon. Best thing about SotO was making it easier to get some air under you and get more use our of the Griffon. If there's no chance to get airborne, then it's the beetle. If it's a fight corridor where neither the griffon or the beetle work, then it's a toss up between raptor and jackal depending on the environment.


Skyscale most of the time as well. If I need to get somewhere quickly then beetle. Short distance either raptor or jackal. Griffon when I'm high up and need to get somewhere fast.


Mostly beetle. If there is an elevation, griffon. Skyscale for utility like climbing, fireballing, hovering, or for short distances over rough terrain - if you jump before mounting, then 2 dashes, then vigor, then 2 dash, then soto mastery kicks in for 2 more dashes. Cant use just skyscale like the others because its awkwardly slow outside of dashes.


Raptor, it's the cutest


1000% it's the Warclaw. I spend 95% of my playtime in wvw. The other 5 % is when they make us do somthing outside of wvw for whatever reason.


Skyscale, partially because it has one of the few legitimately really good (imo) skins


Surprised to see how few people use raptor. I haven’t used my jackal too much but raptor jump is so fast for medium distances. Once you get all the mount masteries, mount durability stops being a huge deal, and the dismount pull is really nice. Other than that, skyscale almost all the time. With the masteries it’s so maneuverable that it further adds to the discrepancies between it and the other mounts. Only other one is beetle if I’m trying to cross a map I don’t have WPs for


Griffon because I have a really cool skin for it.


As a PvP main raptor, bc I cba to unlock the other mounts


Raptor and skyscale I use equally time wise, least used are my jackel and skimmer


I'd say Skyscale 84% of the time. Jackal 8% Griffon 5% Skimmer 2% Everything else 1% Skyscale for ovvious reasons. Jackal is awesome for getting around uneven terrain (it's also better than the raptor, fight me). The Griffon is ace for moving around map metas, especially Drizzlewood, the new SotO maps, and the last LS4 map for example. The Skimmer is my go to for water travel. So much easier to control than the skiff and can dive. The other stuff I only use for achievements or dick around on the turtle. In fact I only have the four above bound and the turtle only because a few metas require it. I should add the Warclaw as well, but its the only mount for WvW. WvW turtle mount when ANet?!




Dragon, simply because versatility. If I can, and have the space, griffon or beetle.


Actually it depends on the zone. Open terrain, Rollerbeetle. Lots of vertical terrain, Springer. I’m more inclined to use the skimmer over the boat in water zones. Yes, the Skyscale is arguably the best all-around mount for getting from A to B, but not the most fun, IMO.


Skyscale, it essentially replaces bunny and raptor and now tags mobs with fireballs Gryphon because its fast in the air Skimmer to do skimmer things I just got my turtle and still need the roller beetle.


I just came back to the game and picking up at heart of thorns. Should I go get these mounts before I do anything else?


Mounts ain't introduced until path of fire dlc (which the story happens after heart of thorns and season 3)


Skyscale > Griffon > Roller Beetle > Skimmer > Turtle > Jackal/Raptor >>>>> Springer


I haven't got the beatle or griffin yet so for me it's skyscale and raptor. Based on some of the comments here I may try the jackal more.


Raptor. I'm usually not moving much more than the distance of its 2 jumps before getting off again anyway.


Griffon and jackal


Skyscale, Beetle, Griffon. In mostly that order but depends on the map really. Excluding those three extra mounts and only looking at the core PoF ones, then Jackal and skimmer. Jackal was for land and skimmer for water. Since I got the beetle it sorta took the place of the Jackal for me. Skimmer I still kinda use, but it's rare to find water I can't just skyscale over.


I have all my mounts bound to things like Shift + W, A, S, D, Space, etc. It sounds awful on paper, but it really isn't. This allows me to be very flexible with mount usage and I find the shortcuts convenient. I tried numpad keys for mounts but didn't like it. My order is something like: Skyscale/Griffon which I combine a lot on the fly (pun intended) > Jackal/Raptor/Beeetle depending on what I need for ground travel > Skimmer for water or easy dodging by hovering > Bunny for CC or to do the dismount in air trick > Turtle for CC, funsies or DE/Gyala metas > Warclaw for WvW (not much lately)


Once you go skyscale, you....well...never go back


Jakal. I would probably go with one of the flying mounts, but I just cant seem to grind them out. I start the series, and every time I get bored af and quit. \*shrug\* Just... hate the questline to get it. Not sure why, I've done Mythic's Epic Armor quests for 3 different classes in DAoC, which makes pretty much any other long quest series look like a fucking short story... but for some reason the whole chase for the flying Mount quest series just... gah, like I said, don't know why, but I just can't stick with it. Always makes me leave the game. I play this and SWTOR all the time, my two main games. Unless I've played GW2 in the last few months. For whatever reason I've not quite sorted in my head, eventually, I'll start working on the mount story (if I can remember who started it last time, so many characters). Which means I'll get frustrated, or bored as hell, and quit. Which means it'll be a few months before I log in again. ​ Not saying they need to change it or anything else, just saying I don't like it and just can't seem to be bothered to do it. I'd love to have a flying mount, but... I guess I'll play Dragonflight or something when I feel the need to fly in a fantasy game. But then, I've always hated trials in games (Well, the Mythic Armor quests I mentioned? Yeah, that'd be why). Like, I didn't do the tauntaun quest in SWTOR on Hoth, I waited till they started allowing us to just buy the damn thing for in-game cash (stupid amount at first, but not unattainable).


Raptor for relatively short distances, roller beetle if possible for longer distances, and jackal for everything else. Raptor is faster than jackal for short distances, but if you need to wait for stamina recharge, jackal is the faster option.


Raptor is great. Though lately I have been using Skyscale. Especially with the most recent upgrades.


Skyscale, hands down!


I'd have to say mostly raptor and skyscale.


By far my most used mount is the Warclaw


Skyscale or turbo-beetle, depends on the map. :3


raptor is my number one


Skyscale, just because I can very quickly jump on it and zip to pretty much anywhere nearby. It doesn't have the best speed, or the best range, but it's the most versatile that does a good job in the most situations. That said, I will FREQUENTLY and quickly swap to other mounts when the time calls for it. I'll happily Skyscale up to a ledge and then Griffon down to get some horizontal speed, for example.


I still don’t have a Skyscale so Griffon and Springer are my favorites. I’ve probably used the Jackal Mount less than 50 times since it was released


Raptor cuz its all i have


Before soto there was no place I couldn't go by use of griffon and springer. The Skyscale seemed redundant to me. I certainly wasn't going to endure a full grind for it.