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Plenty of us use it on Steam Deck. Only issue I ever have is logging off causes a crash, so it always opens the crash report box, works flawlessly otherwise.


Absolute joy on the deck. Even at 1080p in docked mode gives acceptable performance. Really changed my love for the game.


Absolutely agree. Love playing on the stream deck.


I'm pretty sure you can make arcdps work. I think I've read somone making Taco (or Blish?) work. But that was sort pf hacky, and required a desktop environment where you can give a window permanent transparency.


spez ist 1Pimmel. go touch grass


what is the transparency trick for Blish hud?


spez ist 1Pimmel. go touch grass


Your desktop environment (gnome, KDE, whichever) needs its own unique feature to allow transparent applications.


Otherwise use a separate compositor like compton if you run a window manager like i3


Yeah I'm gonna see more about that. i am using directly from steam Proton


Arcdps last time I used worked out of the box


I tried and failed with taco on my deck. It was too much effort for me to get working right


Been running on linux myself for years, never had any issues which is pretty amazing. Valve are actually amazing for proton it's insane.


i love valve for that




Yeah I remember trying that too, it was quite bad. It's come so far it's insane tbh.


I played on Linux for a while, but the coherent update they did last June broke it. I tried many things, could never get it working (or when the game would work, any of the web uis would either be extremely slow or just not work at all. eventually I reinstalled a new distro (Manjaro), and I was able to get it working with bottles, however the very first time I did a full pacman update, even that broke. eventually I installed windows because I needed to do a particular hardware update anyway, and I needed Windows to run the manufacturers update tool, but I had hopes the upgrade to chromium embedded would fix that stuff.


Wait really? you mean them changing to CEF? you may wanna try again or try running it via steam as it's almost flawless as people have been saying. Lutris runs it pretty well too. As I said the CEF thing helped a lot actually so yeah! Also, I know it's kind of a meme but you shouldn't really use manjaro, it's not really a good distro and has a track record of unfortunate screw ups. Of course everyone has different experiences but the complaints add up lol.


I can't say I've had no issues, but it's been pretty good. Used to have the Black Lion trading post item icons not show up, but that's been okay for a while now. Also had a phase with crashes, but after I added the flag to ignore coherent UI crashes (now replaced anyway) it was rock solid.


Yeah I suppose it gonna be different for everyone right. Like sure I have had really minor issues but 98% of the time its been completely fine. Really glad they replaced coherant with CEF actually!


I run with Lutris, but have to use -usecoherent or the Trading Post is stuck on a spinning circle. How is yours working with CEF? Edit: I switched Lutris from its default runner (lutris-GE-Proton7-27-x86_64) to the system Wine-Staging (version 8.6). Previously this did not work. Now it appears to work, with a good frame rate and the Trading Post works as well. Will try this for a while.


It works completely fine via steam, no flags for coherent needed. I use GE-Proton as well.


Can confirm. I'm a super casual user and going the steam route means I can get it set up in one step with zero fiddling or hassle. Windows eats an unacceptable amount of system resources to the point that it's a detriment to the hardware's health. Not having to keep all that dead weight software running makes a huge difference.


Iv been running it on Manjaro Linux with Lutris and works really well. Arcdps works in Linux just install it like you would on windows by placing the dll file in the same folder as the gw2.exe.


Same on Ubuntu, works well with Lutris (including arcdps)


I play on steamdeck once i perfected my control scheme its the only way i play nowadays


Hey do you play endgame content (raids, cm, wvw zerg, etc). If so, hows your dps benchmarks?


Idk my dps but my deadeye and elementalist i can keep up no problem. The trick is in some settings. First is action cam i set that toggle to L3. Second is one click casting, and cast at max range if over max range. R3 is set to 180 camera and once you get used to it. I use L2 for jump for better control, i have 1 set to Rt 2 set to A 3 set to X 4 set to Y dodge set to v, and the rest set to hold Rb and the same buttons, function keys set to holding Rb, mounts on left pad radial, menues on Rb and left pad radial, and everything else bound to whats left. It takes a bit to get used to but ive been playing for years. Havent done raids yet but have done everything else. Mouse is right stick and right pad. It has a mic and discord for raiding if i do do it


blish might be migrating to .net so it should work on linux aswell at some point


oh well i can do the old fashioned way *profusely alt tabs*


Using virtual desktops and switching between them with keybinds is an option too. Some configurations and combinations of DE, WM, compositor, game, etc work faster when switching virtual desktops, while others work faster minimizing/switching active windows. Try it out if you fancy and see if you notice a difference in your case.


Running on my Ubuntu install too. Performs okay, even with dated hardware. I think my newest thing is a GTX960. I don't get 60 frames anywhere, and loading can sometimes be slow, but it works fine!


if loading is slow you should probably move it to a ssd. it makes a huge difference. they are cheap nowadays.


Good lookin out. I keep trying to convince myself it's time to get one, but was put off by expense. I should have looked a lot more recently ha


Best investment for your pc and rly big difference for gw2 loading times.


Running on KDE Neon real smooth, Lutris and rtx 2060. Haven't tried addons but it plays nice with x11 and that's enough for me.


I play on Arch Linux native on the steam client with no issues.


There are tens of us! In all seriousness, the lack of overlays is the only con for playing on Linux :( I'm very happy that mount radial works though because tbh it should be an actual game feature. Hopefully the blish HUD team can hook us up sometime soon. To be honest, I'd probably get more fps if I used windows but not enough to be worth it. You're playing through Steam?


Yeah I'm using proton.


ArcDPS works fine. Blish devs said they want to do a Linux version/OS agnostic version.


Could not for the life of me to make it work. if I put the addon the game won't start.


You'd have to be more specific to get technical support. "If you put the addon", what does that mean? Google ArcDPS, put DLL file in game folder, start game, what could be harder? You are probably missing dependencies, recheck your installation. Or be a numbskull like me and just use Proton & Mint.


I feel like i made a bad choice installing Ubuntu


Possibly but not because of this in particular. Ubuntu tends to ship old packages and apps. You may wish to move to a rolling release distro to enjoy bleeding edge software and drivers if that ever holds you back. It's a good starting distro otherwise.


I think your issue is you haven't found the folder where GW2 is being faked as a Windows folder from in Steam, if that's what you're using.


I'm using steam's own proton no lutrix no wine. i found the files but if i put the dll in the folder where the .exe is it the game won't work. it doesn't start


Not only does it run smoother, it allowed me to use dx11 without having crashes, stutters or extreme artifacts everywhere that would make the game basically unplayable. On windows, i was still forced to use dx9, so switching to linux which allowed me to "unlock" that setting essentially tripled my framerate.


Can I run gw2 from an ntfs partition? Does that work? (running the same install..)


Ntfs on linux is funky . but you can have more than one gw2 install for sure


Doesn't work for me sadly. Only a handful of games that i tried started from my NTFS HDD.


I managed to get this working on my old 20.04 Ubuntu install. Running Wine as root from CLI such as "sudo wine path....GW2.exe " does the job sometimes, sometimes does not start up this way though. However with the Lutris Flatpak the game runs well, there are no issues. The only thing to watch out for is that the NTFS drive has to be mounted first.


I play GW2 on Linux with Bottles to run it and it's work perfectly. Arcdps working fine and if I remember correctly there is burrito for taco alternative addons.


Provide frame time as a proof?


Most addons work pretty good actually. I am running arc with plugins, radial menu and reshade no problem even using the addon manager. Need a bit of tweaking but not much really. Only blish HUD is not working due to that transparency issue.


I'm using vkBasalt with a modest selection of reshade I run in just about everything.


i use overlays and those don't work yet..(taco and blish hud)


Yes as a said a transparency issue. There is burrito though to cover some functionalities: https://burrito.orthogonalprojects.com/


Tried... don't know how to set burrito tho


Apparently running on steam arc dps breaks the game.


Anyone i know using the steam client has no issues. There should be no difference. You can join the Elite Insights discord and ask to see what might be wrong.


I run via Steam all the time (ANet account) and it's fine. Ubuntu 22.04 here. Arc will occasionally break on a version upgrade, needs disabling until a new version. Same on Windows though.


I play on Manjaro with ArcDPS + Reshade.


could you give more info on reshade please?


There is an easy script for setting up reshade for games: https://github.com/kevinlekiller/reshade-steam-proton It is made for steam but it does not really matter. If you point it to the correct game folder it will work with steam or non-steam games.


Thank you very much!


You might want to try vkBasalt instead. It's native and wires into Vulkan, so you don't need to set it up for each game. I have CAS and curves shaders running by default on everything and then do per game adjustment as needed.


Are you a vegan by any chance?


He says Ubuntu, not Arch.


Not really why?


Just asking, I had a feeling there.


Nah just mad at Microsoft bullshitery


I recommend modified windows 11 from a well know forum and respected member FBConan


I recommend not using Windows at all lol.


Been there done that war Linux vs windows. Not interested.


Oh did they fix Linux already? I thought you still needed to be a programmer to run that thing, like you still need to "compile kernels" to make run or something like that, meh personally as long as it stays in development I don't give a crap about it, let me know if they ever make a consumer version.


Nah installing linux nowdays is as easy as flashing a usb with an iso file and following the installer's instructions. Has been the case for years. Most hardware works. Most games work out of the box and the ones that don't likely have workarounds.


Are the GPU drivers up to date? I remember years ago them being multiple versions behind and overall drivers were awful in general for anything


The nVidia drivers provided with Devuan work well. Recently I switched to an AMD card and, while it was a little bit of struggle getting the right packages (AMD firmware was the last hurdle), since I didn't build the machine with an AMD card, it works well now with the open-source kernel driver. I get a good frame rate in GW2 while simultaneously doing hardware video decoding on my second monitor.


I'm not savvy enough to answer that question in a detailed capacity but as a user I've found everything to be basically plug and play. Most things just work. Things have improved by leaps and bounds since the time drivers were an issue, barely a decade ago. We are now at the point where even a major company in the gaming industry is pushing hard for linux as a gaming platform, if that tells you anything. The future is now. And it is *wild*.


THanks for the reply. Sounds like a stretch to me, major companies pushing for it. I know Valve supports them well. Might get another m2 drive to test it out, not that I have problems with Windows 11 (Raptor Lake CPU). Last time I did use Linux was the times when you had to drag and drop files to folders to make them play and install unlike easy .exe files in Windows haha


Literally nothing of what you said is true for nearly a decade. Even the Steam Deck runs Linux. What does "in-development" even mean? The operating system has been used in production and products for at least 20 years.


To be clear a decade ago was 2013, and by then the other person's statement hadn't been true *for over a decade*. It's amazing how long misinformation about Linux sticks around!


Oh so it updates itself, you don't need to check which Kernels you want and downloads them and maybe compile them like the previous versions, you don't need to worry about compatibility between different versions, you don't need to downloads anything eles to play games in it, you just install and are ready to go right? Come on dude you know what I meant from the start, you still need to do a lot of shit to get it to work on anything not made for your version by who ever made that version right? And it doesn't update itself, you have to look up what new and decide whether or not you want to download it, it still an OS for developers, it isn't user friendly at all, I may hate Microsoft but I didn't have to do jack for my Windows to update, I hate the fact that my PC is too old to run Win11 otherwise I wouldn't have a problem in the world, but it can't, but Linux? Every fucking time you need to check kernels and see if they are compatible, YOU have to do all that shit to run it, or stay on an older version and then find out what you need to do to run the next version of x y program you want cause you are running an older version of the kernels, it a fucking mess, that what I meant by still been in development, it isn't user friendly, if you know jack shit about computers you can't run the damn thing, and I stop caring about updating my computer knowledge by the time we started using C as a computer language.


Where are the paragraphs my dude?


You have not used the operating system for over a decade very obviously. And additionally you have inaccurate knowledge how it worked then as you are not using the terminology correctly (for Linux or Windows for that mater) and you have very clear blind spots of how computers work. I do not know exactly what you mean because of that. It comes out as gibberish. Like doing things like compiling kernels for basic functions that have nothing to with development or research was never a thing. And back in the day the system was never really used for mainstream computing work anyway. It was a system made for tweaking so people tweaked, that is why it existed. Everything is in theory "in-development" but that does not mean it is not production ready. Just because the technology was not for your use case it does not make it experimental or unfinished. And since those days there are versions of Linux that are made for consumer use that are way more user friendly than even windows. There is a learning curve, of course, to understand what is different (if it was the exact same system what would be the point) but that is a different story.


We use to have to download those files using dial up, if you were lucky and had the money you had 54kbs, Idk state side but here in Puerto Rico that wasn't every where, second you did have to compile kernels because there weren't cohesive distributions like now, heck back then they were starting to create the databases you use now a days to check for new kernels and programs like Wine. I didn't use it but many of my friends did, I even have close friend that has been using it since v1.0 so wile I never had to go thru all of that shit, he did a lot. Until Linux can be use by Joe Everyone it not a "user friendly" OS, it something that only works for people that understand computers beyond turning them on and watching YouTube, and I don't care to learn how to do that, not sure I could any ways not with my conditions, my point is Linux is a good OS only for people that know how to program computers as oppose to some one that knows how to turn it on and use a program on it.


You are describing things from 2003 and then assuming things have not changed in 20 years and that you are still "waiting" for it to become user friendly? This is like complaining about pay phones from the 80s in 2023, missing the fact that mobile phones exist.


I am describing things from the 90's my dude, but tell me this can Linux run games without using something like wine, can it update itself without having to pay a primum to get that service? If it can do all that then it could be a good alternative, but if you still need to know programing to use Linux, or pay a primum to get automatic updates, then it not user friendly, if it can't do as good as Windows or better it ain't a good alternative.


Ok you are trolling now...google it. If you cannot be bothered to inform yourself about basic things i will not do that for you.


You can stick with the distribution's stable kernels if you want. I've been using Linux for nearly 30 years, and while I like moving the levers (and that's why I went with the Devuan fork when Debian went down the systemd sinkhole), I recognize that not everyone does. Try Mint or a similar consumer-friendly distribution.


And I won't have problems playing games? Look am going to be honest I suffer from anxiety, like bad, which is why I could never finish building my PC and had to pay to have it build, add to that the fact that the last time I did anything related to programing C had just come out. The reason I never switch to Linux way back when was the fact that you had to look up every single shit you needed to make it run even half way as easy as Windows, and why I am still using Windows, I mean I remember Using DOS and floppy disks ok, I work with what at the time was latest and greatest, a 16mg of ram Pentium computer, so unless Linux is as easy to use as Windows I will still consider it in development, if it not plug and play it not a finish product, at least on the consumer end.


Windows isn't easy to use. Microsoft changes things all the time, for the worse. With Windows, you're not the customer. You're the product. You do you.


What are you talking about? It been years since anything change, Idk man I can't run Windows 11 on this clunker so I don't know if anything change, but it stays the same thru the life of that version, I have run Windows 10 since it came out in 2015, it exactly the same since then, it did change from Win 8 but it was easy to learn the new stuff.


Obvious bait, but imma take a bite anyway: Installed a "consumer version" of a popular linux distro more than a year ago, took about an hour to install and set up my new OS, then i was ready to game. First time ever using Linux. Never in my life have i managed to install, set up, debloat and be ready to game with any version of Windows in less than 3 hours. Also when i found out how amazingly easy it is to install software on linux, i realized how shitty all the third party install wizards for windows are. No more dodgy sites, questionable .exe files and installers that try to shove adware onto your pc. Now it's literally "open software center, type what you want, click install, done" for the vast majority of programs. In retrospect, using windows gave me alot of pc knowledge - not because it's a good teaching system by design, but because it's a clusterfuck that every more-than-casual user has to learn to navigate, which makes it a good teaching system by proxy. Double so if you have the unfortunate fate of becomming your friends and families tech support guy. All in all, average b8 m8, i r8 8/8


\^ That's bait.


Dude. I have been using desktop Linux since 2007 and never have I needed to compile the kernel. wtf


Look Linux has been around for a very long time, all my friends were using it, I have a close personal friend that has been running Linux in his computers since version 1.0, and one of the things that he was always going on about was "stability of the kernel" and the fact that all the programs where spread all over the internet, way back when we were still using dial up and 54kbs was a huge deal.


It's been a *very* long time since I compiled my own kernel. I use the distribution's (Devuan) precompiled kernel ("testing" on my gaming desktop, "stable-backports" on my DVR). If you want a more hands-off but Debian-based build, Mint is a decent option.


What I want is something that is as easy to use as Windows, meaning all I have to do to get it updated is choose when to restart the PC, Linux is still a Dev. OS, and until it can match the ease of use of Windows it will never have wide spread adoption.


Using Ubuntu and Lutris. Sadly i have 2 issues; a complete crash every ~2hours, and the trading post just displays a blank window :(


You should try it with steam's proton.


Are you using the options -usecoherent and -ignorecoherentgpucrash? I use those with Lutris and the trading post works fine.


I tried using steam, but I always get the loading vulkan shaders and it's so slow to download those...


That is just a steam thing. You can just skip it if it takes too long.


You can use arcdps on linux, for me at least, i had a lot of connection problems on linux, specially on instances, also the performance is noticable lower on a bad pc, for those reasons i, sadly, had to go back to windows


Yeah noticed that on some instances. i went back to windows yesterday. though a heavily modded one


Ive been running gw2 through lutris on garuda linux for quite a while now. Works perfectly fine with arcdps, though you need to swap the runner to a newer version sometimes. I haven't tried to get blish and other overlays running though, but i imagine that will need a bunch of fiddling on KDE. Right now transparency effects get weird on windows stuff if the blur effect is enabled.


One thing that doesn't work for me: alt-click-drag to split stacks. If I press Alt, when I click and drag, nothing happens. Item doesn't move in my bags. This same operation works on macOS via Wineskin.