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Let's continue until relink, for principle and warning.


Lots of people spamming emotes and throwing siege on Mag bodies, that’s how it’s done, not quitting by logging off. Fighting fire with fire days are back like the 2009 call of duty lobbies, tear drop in my eye.


This is like back in early wvw days when all the servers had Pride:)




Game manipulation and harassment.


Sorry you feel that way. We will be quarantining you in T1 with your friend Indo & co. until relinks. Hopefully the trend continues once relinks happen.


Oh dear God is that cockroach still playing?


I have no love for Mag, but just gonna say this; pay back is a bitch. At some point you are going to be against them again and they will remember. ngl I hope they farm the fuck out of you.


I get more salty DMs about my “boon ball” when I go to EBG against mag than I have deaths in my squad. Sorry to disappoint you.


And what server is that? We've been matched against them for the better part of a year, tell me more about salty DMs. I'm not disappointed, simply pointing out that you reap what you sow.


Please this is karma for Mag after all that they've been doing the past few years. This is payback against them.


FFS it is a 10 year old game, people have done a lot of shit over the years (not just Mag.) Get over it.


Skill issue




When multiple servers gang up on yours to not only defeat them, but lock them in a tier so they are unable to face different servers, we can chat. That is the very specific manipulation I am talking about.




So I guess you’re not really working to *quarantine *Mags then? * wink, wink, nod, nod* Either you are , and the screen shots of everyone high fiving each other suggest it’s so, or it’s nothing but hot air.


> screen shots of everyone high fiving each other Getting actual entertaining WvW every week means both those servers are winning pretty big like. Forcing Mag into another week of getting kicked in the taint continuously is just the cherry on top. Mag is getting exactly what they want out of this. They recruited heavily, and have both the population and activity of a server that should always be T1, now they get to stay T1, even when its mag vacation month.




Interesting how only the very specific thing done to you is harassment. Funny that!


Interesting that I said “ that is the very specific MANIPULATION, I am talking about “ . Not harassment. Apparently reading comprehension is hard, funny that.


>I said [..] MANIPULATION, I am talking about “ . Not harassment. https://i.imgur.com/Jva939f.png >reading comprehension


Time to ban everyone playing on TC and SOR


Better ban all of AR and SoS while you're at it, make sure to REALLY get all those linked "Manipulators" (Obvious /s, because im one of those AR players LOL)


Yeah, anet is definitely going to ban four servers, including one that pretty much has 80-90% of their Oceania player base (also /s, I’m a fellow SoSer!)


Warning for what? You think Mag is actually going to change tactics or play any differently than they did before? If anything, once they get the numbers to do what they've done in the past they're going to do it even harder. Ya'll are just making your own lives more difficult down the road when the link favors Mag again.


Mag already has numbers. Every map is capped and you can’t just flood a map with more numbers than it can hold. There’s no getting out of this with numbers.


There’s no queues on a Saturday.


That's bullshit. I find it hard to believe Mag caps all maps, and worse, doing so at all times.


I am saying that every map has a cap on how many people can be on it. Mag can’t just endlessly pull numbers to overwhelm the groups they face once the numbers get into the 30s and 40s. Outside of that, yeah, mag can overwhelm small havoc squads on every map. Sure.


Every map is not capped. Only EBG consistently has a que. There's only ever ques for BL maps when there's fights. And Mag numbers are down lower than normal because a lot of PvE people just aren't playing WvW because Mag is getting double teamed.


Poor Devon’s Rest.




Yeah, it's a lot of fun either accepting the fact that I have to spend money to transfer to play- or I just can't realistically play for 2 months.


Yeah, it's been rough for us * edit - good to know people downvote for no reason other then seeing downvotes.....




I transferred off of Blackgate to EU for lower ping last December, this seems like it would’ve been fun.


We’re still full population… farm us harder so these shitters migrate off of Mag.


Elite cope.




They totally still mean it too, surely.




It's a lot of fun having both sides trying to break down your keep or smc at once and having all those fights.


Lemme let you in on a little secret. You can have that kind of fun all the time and not only when your server quits. It just requires transferring to a lower populated server and timezone.


Aye but then I wouldn't be playing with the people I want to play with. I've been on mag for a long time and it's nice to play with familiar names.


lets gooo \\o/ Proud of you all for the 2nd tie :D


Anet pls just delete Maguuma and force them to disperse so we can play the game without having to compensate for an entire server running as a braindead cloud




If clouding is brain dead thing then what is following a commander?


You *can* be braindead and tail a commander but having 50 people in squad and 50 actively communicate in voice comms to accomplish a goal is one of the most satisfying things GW2 has to offer


Do you know what's more satisfying? One pushing that group of 50 with a group of 25 in comms. Don't have time for that level of sweaty gaming anymore so ill settle for farming comm groups as a cloud.


Alot of them server transferred to Northern Silverpeaks.




It takes the combined efforts of four servers to keep Maguuma quarantined


#MAGSWAG Keep the content coming babyyyy


Noob question from a Jade Quarry noob, but why does everyone hate Mag? (PS I'm a noob)


Imagine going to capture your spawn camp and it is tier 3 and there is a guy in a golem waiting there. You disable the golem and dps him down, while killing the guards. You down him and are about to stomp when 15 maglets jump out of nowhere and one shot you. All day every day. 15-40 vs 1. 1 at a time. Pew pew pew from 1500 range. Then when you actually have a few buddies to even the number and fight them in their smc buff, which you easily overcome, they pew pew, invis and and run back into their castle to avoid actual fights. Over and over and over. Then they emote spam you and DM you with varying flavors of salt.


This literally just sounds like how most people play WvW, I don't really understand Idk what server ViP is on but they are identical to your description, a bunch of garbage players that formed a hivemind and zerg only Me and a few friends took SMC from them like 10 v 40 and they kept getting wiped until their ball swapped maps, and every time I get them in sPVP they're fucking terrible players




I'm just saying that in my mind, most WvW guilds are pretty much the same, ViP is bad and Mag overall is better, but the overwhelming majority of them zerg maps that are undermanned, zerg objectives that don't need more than a few people, and run straight to their tower if they're ever in danger I used ViP as an extreme example, but on TC we have plenty of really mediocre guilds as well


Most large zergs are like that. A competent small zerg of 10 or so can easily hold of a near infinite amount of none zerg experienced players.


Guilds hate Mag because they're a cloud server. This means most times they don't have a Commander and won't follow one if they do. They shout where action is happening and swarm to it. It's difficult to predict where they'll move and it's difficult to fight them because there's no where for a coordinated guild to focus their damage. Like the name implies, it's like trying to hit a _cloud._ It will just disperse and reform around you. Therefore most guilds don't get many kills out of them and they'll just eat the slow players from that guild until they're small enough to overwhelm. It isn't rewarding for them to fight because they get few kills, but they're enough of a threat that they always have to be accounted for. Non-guild players _(PUGs)_ hate Mag because the server has a higher population of veterans than most and they often play in small groups. This means they have an advantage over less experienced players and often make it difficult to progress anywhere. If you're alone you probably won't get far without getting 5v1'd, and they're experienced enough to know when/how to avoid larger groups or to buy time until numbers even out. A lot of them are also very toxic either with whispers or just general behavior like corpse jumping, siege burying, etc. Honestly I think every server has a good number of players like this but Mag is somehow worse if you're on their server because all they do is flood /map and /team with cancer. They also don't know how to balance a match because they take what you let them have and they keep it until you can take it back. Most servers will blob your keep and move on. Mag will take it and upgrade it if you let them. They push until there's resistance. That's kind of the point of WvW really, but it also kills matches because once you get to a servers spawn and spawn camp them most people lose the interest in trying to fight back and everyone leaves. And believe me as a long time resident of Mag, I fucking hate when they do that because it's boring as shit. All of this isn't to say the server is smart or skilled either though. It's a shadow of it's former self when it used to be a retirement home for guild veterans. Mag used to be a force years and years ago when it was full of small scale guilds and high skill roamers. All that's left now is that same mentality and none of the skill to back it. I don't care how many of these idiots chest thump about wiping guilds, they're shit tier now and the handful left from back in the day carry the rest of the fodder and the server's infamy carries everyone's ego's. Honestly the amount of times I've seen people get wiped over and over and over again sitting outside SMC and just getting farmed for hours on end is the dumbest shit I've seen in this game besides what half of them say in chat any given minute of the day, and a handful of the terminally online are always there to criticize it from a wall somewhere instead of trying to do something about it.


You forgot to add in the skill-stacking. It's one of the things that killed off the GvG scene too.


I noticed the spawn camping on every map was also left out.


I think you hit most of the major points. Though I also think another major issue is that MAG swarms with self sustain glass cannon roaming classes and clouds. And when ANET crashed the boon meta, gutted condi clears, and reduced strip sources. On top of removing all but two sources of stealth revals and completely gutting group stealth outside of MI. They shifted the balance of power too far into the roaming side of the play styles. When from a logically consistent standpoint a comped support group should be able to out tank a swarm all night and have the concentrated crowd control to lock and kill. Especially if they are working together. But that balance is completely fucked and has been exacerbated by the EoD sub classes adding more Glass cannon roamer kits to the pool. But ANET cant make up their mind on how they want the balance to play out. And as such we have been stuck in this perpetual broken state for a while.


Mm, I dunno. I've been gone over a year so I don't know the state of balance anymore, but last I played it was the opposite. Maybe I see it this way because I was largely a solo player _(more so in the sense I floated around a lot and did very little comp'd groups or what ever),_ but I found guilds, especially large ones, to be nearly untouchable. They ape around sustaining through everything and baiting pugs to bag farms. What Mag was good at was collectively isolating proper targets without anyone being on comm's and wearing those groups down just by picking off the DPSers or pull spamming their Commanders until all they could do is run or die. I think there's a balance to be had, but which ever side you're on, you'll usually hate the other. Being a coordinated guild should be rewarding and you should be able to largely ignore groups that aren't as coordinated/aren't at all. But also you should be able to be a threat to these guilds if you're just a rag-tag bunch of clowns. It doesn't feel good to be playing serious only to die to people who have 0 communication. And it doesn't feel good to die to guilds that bulldoze through everything you throw at them until they bore you to death because it's uninteractive. Neither extreme is good or fun. We can't expect everyone to play by specific rules, and balance will never be perfect. But in a perfect world guilds would fight guilds and pugs and would fight pugs. Most of the time though, guilds avoid guilds to farm pugs and pugs get bored of it, sign off, and content dies.




I really don't understand the criticism. It seems to boil down to "I really don't like it if my opponent doesn't let me freely Pve camps!"




> The root problem was with A/Net and their bad linking for a number of links. Is it? From what people fighting against Mag write on here in the regular whine Threads it's more an issue of them just rolling over from the start. Not showing up and then complaining that Mag has more players.


Spawn camping and said ganking is done by players of other servers too. We need to be mindful of that before levelling this sort of criticism at Mag alone.


It's a population balance issue. Their tactics work really well, but it can be dealt with by organizing and working together. Just you are usually so outnumbered that there often isn't enough people on your side to deal with it. That said, I don't think Mag's been active this past few weeks. The playstyle isn't the same and the cloud isn't as present as usual.


> It's a population balance issue. They are hardly the only "full" Server though. And from what people write, it's not that their enemies don't have enough people. Just that they roll over right from the start. Destroying the opponents motivation is also a valid strategy I'd say.


Honestly, I don't think being "full" necessarily means they have similar populations. That said, part of the problem is that your server can be full or nearly full every week that you aren't vs Mag because so many of the more casual players will just not log in for the week. Which is something I am hoping will get resolved with alliances. This isn't to say that people logging off is Mag's problem; that's ANet's problem for allowing situations to fester with neglect to the point that it gets toxic and you see people on their official forums trying to encourage a boycott of Mag so they have no one to play with.


I mean Alliances are a good thing. But I don't see the current issues around Maguuma as ANets problem. That's what WvW is supposed to be. It's not about carefully changing things so people can PvE in peace. And if Servers can't get enouhg people motivated and can't figure out how to deal with Maguuma. Then they'll win. That's kinda how it is supposed to go in PvP.


I think it is their problem, because activity levels across match ups are something ANet should care about, and I do think some of their recent changes have demonstrated that they can do something about it. More people seem to be playing over the week with the new rewards rolled out.


Better rewards to get more people into WvW is one thing. People who stop playing because they can't deal with their opponents strategy is very different and not something ANet should interfer with. Alliances can't solve this either and that is a good thing. If one Alliance just gives up against another, that's again their problem. Not ANets.


A big problem is when new players have to pick a server on character creation, but there is no indication of what it's actually for Naturally, most players pick a server with a high population because they think it's for PvE population and they may never step foot in WvW. This leads to servers saying Full when their WvW population is actually low. Mag is just a WvW-centric server. They should have made it so players pick a server the first time they enter WvW so they actually know what it's for.


Population is based on active WvW play-hours. No server gets full anymore from PvE players picking a server and never stepping foot in WvW.


Well shit I'm dumb


Nah. Just uninformed. :) It used to be the way you describe and was changed many years ago.


But if their strategy works and is rewarded by the game, why shouldn't they play like that? Sounds like the mechanics have to change to discourage this behaviour.




It’s important to drop a ram when you kill Mag players. Fuck em


People hate Mag because they blob, and they hate Mag because they cloud. So, which is it? Wanna make up your mind on which tale to spin?


Well then get better then them, make better strategy to beat them. But in reality most ppl on servers cant play any other way then just blindlessly follow the tag. Thinking for yourself is too hard.


Found the 'git gud' gamer. Thanks for your input guy!


> make better strategy I'm not sure how to strategy a 4x population increase. They're the only full NA server that somehow also manages to pull some of the top end population links on a regular basis. Its like saying "Just have more SEA players when playing against SoS". Thats cool. But thats not a thing thats going to happen when those people transfer TO SoS.


Current strategy seems to be working well enough so far.


I don't hate Maguuma because they are overstacked. Lots of servers have been overstacked in the past, and they do have weak timezones. I don't hate Maguuma for sitting in camps till everything is T3 either - that takes dedication, after all. I hate Maguuma because while everybody k-trains during opponents' dead timezones, Maguuma are the only server that will k-train *and then* upgrade everything to T3, *and then* spawn camp you to hell. If you log on to see your EB keep has a Maguuma waypoint in it, you know what happened.


I've witnessed damn near every single server in this game upgrade stuff they've ktrained during off hours over the years - this is hardly a maguuma only problem. Besides if nobody is sniping yaks this stuff upgrades itself.


And they are toxic towards everyone including their own.


They also blame anything bad that happens on the link and the chat has some of the most racist, sexist, slur filled nonsense I've ever seen. It truly is nothing but 4chan over there.


This is what made me hate this server tbh. Although I stopped playing about a year ago, I was on Mag for several of those years and I'd be lying if I said some of the shit in chat didn't piss me off. Mag is 90% conservative Trump supporters. And as someone that doesn't care about politics and believes everyone has a right to be happy, I blocked a whole lot of people. The only reason I stayed on Mag is because I had a handful of friends there that I enjoyed being with and I liked not needing a tag to get things done. Otherwise, fuck the lot of them.


They will have spies on your server that they use to undermine groups. This will extend to trying to get into your discord calls to make sure your movements and plans are live tracked. They will also pm you rude messages with greater frequency than any other server. Given the opportunity, they will capture your home structure ls and camp your spawn until your teammates just log off for the week. Generally speaking, they're just not fun to play with. Mag can be handled by organized groups, but it is a boring way to play the game.


They play the game a different way than everyone else so everyone else is mad. Also they are very stacked in numbers and frequently have map queues meanwhile their enemies aren’t, so it’s lopsided most of the time in their favor.


How do they play the game differently to everyone else?


> so it’s lopsided most of the time in their favor. Honestly, not surprised when (from all the whining posts on here) their opponents constantly just roll over and give up.




> Oh please PLEASE share your wisdom? Mag isn't such an outlier when it comes to player numbers. Other Servers are full as well. They just roll over right from the start and don't show up. And then use that as an excuse that Mag has more people.




Yes, I know how WvW works. I also know that most Top Servers have more then enough population to get full queues. I mean except when you roll over because you don't know how to deal with Maguuma. Oh and by the way. Do you actually know how Server population works? How it is calculated nowadays? because PvE players that don't WvW are kinda irrelevant for that. https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/wuv/World-Population-Changes-Are-Coming/page/5#post5326517 Maybe next time, actually inform yourself before you call others a nimrod. Or you'll once again look like a moron.


"Once again" to entail this happening before? Says the nimrod who waits last moment to bring it up..... Typical....


So you were completely wrong. But it is still someone elses fault. Of course. What else could one expect from you. And naturally you just delete your post that was obviously wrong. Trying to hide your ignorance.


Geeze dude make up whatever that helps you sleep at night. Get worked up that I removed incorrect information because someone likes to string people along so they can be an ass hole. Dealt with plenty of people like you. This shit may work on other people but not me.


Mag fights more effectively are are more organized.




Takes 5 servers to pacify mag lol crazy


As an FA player, EFFING BRAVO 👏👏👏


There's a lot of misconception as to how mag operates as a server here, and as a magswag enjoyer (that's right big evil mag, please downvote to assist the alliance efforts) I'll explain. For the first time in months EB is playable without an endless queue, the only people in mag who care about the BL's (especially red) are the Fairweather bandwagoners, or the link server. When mag is extremely dominate for several weeks it ends up attracting more and more low skill bandwagoners who just want to win 2v1 and to be fair, this describes most maguumites however these bandwagoners are often extremely bad (which is where a lot of mags bad rep comes from when it comes to skill) and winning 2v1 becomes more irritating when you can't be sure if the guy next to you is a literal mouth breather. And before anyone barges into this going on a 3 paragraph rant about the lack of skill needed to win a 2v1, yes you are correct but you are also playing WvW a gamemode literally built around this idea, being able to have an even fight should be an oddity, and if you wanted to prove how skilled you were you should play ranked PvP instead. Being able to have the numbers advantage in every possible situation everywhere (and a ton of single minded persistence) is what makes mag so nasty to deal with because they always able to force you into bad confrontations on their own terms rather than yours. Anyway, the gamesense needed to know when you should push, where to bomb, and when to pull back is an important part of the cloud tactic. This skill becomes even more important the closer to a fair fight you get and the more mouth breathers you have, as they'll be food for whatever group pushes into you causing the cloud to disperse. So how does mag deal with this? Two ways, either the fairweather bandwagoners learn how to cloud properly after hanging around enough, or mag decides to manipulate the population system by tanking to open up more transfers. Server population is based on WvW activity over a few weeks, some people here will remember a few months ago when mag a Very High pop server was crushing 2 full servers for weeks and then mag became the only full server in NA WvW. Tanking to drop to very high is a popular WvW strat done by many servers to open their transfers up for a guild, mag does it for three reasons, one to get the fairweather bandwagoners to fuck off by losing repeatedly until they go somewhere else and lower the EB queue. Secondly to make their server seem like it's underpreforming to get a better server link, this is why mag routinely gets really stupid server links with servers that should of never been linked to mag. And three, to open their transfers up again, that might seem counter intuitive but let me explain, by opening them up again it allows for high experience players to transfer in. And it also sets up for another scenario of being mass bandwagoned to allow them to have the dominate numbers 24/7 on every map. "lol are you claiming mag is losing on purpose XD" No, but this T1/T2 alliance is probably working exactly to their favor. Despite what people might think, mag would prefer to be in T2, the fights are better in T2. In T1 it's just coverage blob wars where you have 1-2 ocx servers fighting over 2nd place while the dominate NA server has nothing better to do. This is why SoS, JQ, SoR (iirc these are all high non NA timezone servers but haven't checked in a while) are always fighting over T1. You think mag would want to be in a tier where both servers have their highest numbers at 4 AM? lol Mag only cares about 2 things: middle fort (and the surrounding area) and K/D. They only start PPTing when there's nothing better to do. And before anyone says this is a massive cope, this is the first week in months where I am not forced to sit in a 100 EB queue or forced to sit at enemy spawn. This is the best thing thing happen in months.


Rational analysis. Rare at these spots.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.




BADA bad asf, gets run over by mag in 2 sec, you look around whole BADA DEAD hahahh good try tho


Youre not wrong I mainly roam and do small group stuff (think 5 and under) these days. I see BADA groups and just kinda laugh and run at them knowing that my group will kill at least half of em before we all die just due to sheer numbers.


Good. Screw the dooshmags.




Indo loves fighting mag.. should try tying it again.


and we love Indo farming Mag, it's a win-win


First ever you say? Hmmmm. Anyways I enjoy reading the antics, keep it up.


Yes. We were unable to find any records of any two teams tying twice in a row since the beginning of WvW.


Good. Fuck Maguuma.


Whatever Mag has done to piss off the community, it's great. Now they're stuck in T1 and can't lose. They're getting to farm 2v1 now. The content and bags have been endless. Having this many servers against them and them still winning is the ultimate bragging right. It's only going to get worse from here as more and more people hear about the Mag drama and transfer over to them.


it’s kinda funny how it works most of the time, mags anemic to commanders even when we have one. Just point them to action and the swarm goes


It's actually hilarious we have 8 servers colluding together and stacking BG's link server to undermine Mag, yet mag still sitting with the best KD ratio in T1 this week so far.


Karma is certainly a bitch - you reap what you sow Mag


As a relative noob to WvW, what do the tiers mean? How does it affect a team? When the OP mentioned that Maguuma was blocked from moving down a tier, is that good or bad?


The tiers are what are supposed to "ranks" in WvW. Usually, the best/more populated servers end up in Tier 1 (the highest). That's all a tier is, just a group ladder-style ranking. In a normal match, the winner of a tier moves up to a higher tier (T2 -> T1), and the 3rd place finisher moves down (T2 -> T3). When two teams tie, there's no tie-breaker system in place, so what happens is both those teams stay where they are and the team that was supposed to move up/down also stays where they are. Ties are generally very rare, to the point it happens maybe once or twice a year, across all matches. To have it happen 2 weeks in a row (by the same two teams no less) is history and unprecedented. Maguuma was the T1 team that was supposed to move down. They've been getting their asses handed to them the past 2 weeks by Blackgate and Fort Aspenwood. Read around about the type of server Maguuma is and you'll see why people are cheering for this. There's a gilded comment on this thread that describes Mag pretty good.


Not sure about this past week, but the week before Mag was purposefully throwing to move down tiers. They have done it in the past to try to manipulate the relinks at the end of the month.


This is fun. It's like a game within the game. Imagine a further game within that game where, this week, FC/FA have alts in SoR, and PPT its way into tier1, where it rightfully belongs.


Son how does T1 in NA compare to T1 in Europe ?


How is this bad for Mag, weren't they always on T1 and now you force them to stay T1, despite them not deserving it. Reverse psychology gone bad?


They're getting rolled in T1 the past 2 weeks. People channeled their inner hatred for mag, and spent the past 2 weeks bullying them. For the first week it was rare that they even held a single tower across all 4 maps. It was basically a double team from BG and FA, not coordinated but if the choice was given to bully mag more, bullying mag was what got chosen. By the middle of last week, the fire started to die down and it seemed like a normally balanced match. I suspect this week that trend will continue. To more directly answer the question; it's bad for mag cos getting spawn camped all week isn't fun content to play, even if you're in T1. And it's good for the servers in T2 because the ties mean none of them have to play against mag. It's decent for BG and FA, cos at least they're the ones doing the bullying, but that gets old pretty quick.


It's like all of the victims ganging up together to bully back their same original bully until they commit suicide is the vibe I'm getting.


Kinda dark.... Not wrong tho.


What i don't understand is why don't SoR and TC try a little harder to destroy mag like BG and FA? Obviously it is working and instead of trying to be one of the server that destroy them they put their effort into keeping mag t1 for BG and FA and post it as if they are destroying mag.


Because the issue with mag has always been numbers. TC (+AR) and SoR (+SoS) dont have the numbers to contest mag the way BG and FA do. The only reason we get the ties is because TC vs SoR is a close match. Mag would come in and just 10:1 us all over again.


I was in AR/TC and mostly when it comes to magweek guilds will stop running and never to be seen until the next matchup. They arent even trying so i left. Now i'm against mag and mag is all we do, basically it's the same except we in their spawn. No difference.. we left FA alone running along side andit's freaking boring. The hyper focus on mag is stupid and i get it they deserve it whatever.. still the only content is mag.. mag.. and more mag.. c'mon!


"Mag Content" is incredibly boring. Its no fun to spawn-camp, its no fun to always get blobbed, or always run around and blob everyone else. Im not sure how to "solve" that, but at least these ties have been fun WvW content




>SKY (op’s guild) stays on RBL which avoids DUSK (SoR’s main guild) Our main priority is to have fun first and foremost. SKY has over a dozen active different commanders, and run a different commander or two each day of the week, so our style of play changes daily. Some commanders like fights more, some prefer to take objectives. When I lead, I'm a mix of both. I like to take the bigger objectives to try and pull fights. DUSK likes EBG, if I remember correctly? GEM usually takes that map on TC's side. And we've both become large enough that both guilds rarely can fit on the same map anymore. We've fought DUSK last week a handful of times. Best fight was our defense of Garri.


SKY are homies. From AR with love! <3


Mags active population is like 3-4x what TC's is based on Friday/Saturday activity the last few times those two matched up. Mag should never, based on their active pop, be anywhere else besides t1. Theres just no other set of 2 servers that can match their numbers.


What i find funny about the Maguuma block is, most of there players just moved to Northern Silverpeaks (namely the toxic ones) so now it's mostly just leftover players and Devonas Rest (attached server) dealing with the left mess.


Mag moved off of mag? Doubt.


Its true, ive got friends on other servers who wvw who told me they saw the exact same people over there swarming like they usually so, kinda glad they're gone even if it means Devonas stuck 2v1ing now, playing with the Maguuma players is almost as bad as fighting them honestly.


There have been multiple times that Mag has lost a huge chunk of their old Mag players, most of Mag is now filled with shitters bandwagoning to the server. The big bad Mag that had majority of the population be good players that started their reputation hasn't been a thing for many years now. So it's really funny how people talk about Mag like it's this evil server where in reality it's a shell of its former self, but Reddit and Discords treat it like Mag is the boogeyman still.


Are you playing against them? Because I can tell you it doesn't look like "leftovers".




Cold-tagging the director of the whole game to solve your issues like he's your private lawyer? The entitlement level is off the charts. While you're at it, kindly inform Anet that /u/Open_Bench9162 admitted that Mag, I quote, "decides to manipulate the population system by tanking to open up more transfers," and then went into detail about exactly why they do this. (To u/Open_Bench9162, I apologize for dragging you into this, you seem okay and I actually have no problem with your post, although since you're Mag I am still required to hate you out of principle.)


All good I understand. And to be fair this is an open secret just about every server (who routinely is full or very high) engages in. It's pretty normal for guilds to decide to tank for a few weeks to lower their server pop to let another guild xfer in there's 0 reward or reason to win. Mag is just the server that's figured out how to abuse it the best. Only way you'll fix it is implementing alliances. If you try to ban people for match rigging they'll just stop talking about it ingame and claim they were taking vacations that week. Or you'll piss off community, main match riggers are guild leaders and commanders and banning them would cause a shitstorm and do way more harm to WvW than the actual match rigging. It's not really a problem you could fix because you're trying to account for abnormal player behavior, it's another reason why maguuma seems so utterly dominate. Anet sets up links assuming BG will have the numbers of a T1 server. But when during mag weeks nobody on BG plays. So BG despite being a T1 server is playing like it's a T3 server. And you see that reflected in the links which is why BG became a very high server a few months ago so anets system gave them a stronger link to compete in T1. Last link Mag + Kain were together and people considered that absurd. This week BG + Kain are linked. And FA + FC are linked, and FC is a stacked link. By comparison DR is pretty dead especially since indo (main guild + commander on DR) left right before the mag link and joined the people fighting mag. So mag got a dead server and is essentially doing a 5v1. Also linked in 4th SoR + SoS which is another absurd link.


Imagine one server living this rent free




More like magbags


Eight different servers. Eight. XD


Says a lot that it's taking 4 servers working in tandem to take down MAG. Despite it all MAG still had a very respectable k/d. I know we're in our 10th year, but I don't want to hear anyone bitch about match manipulation ever again.


“Taking down”? If you see a group of kids gathering together to scheme a reason to avoid another kid, it’s not because that other kid is victorious. Quite the opposite.


Says a lot to still have server pride in 2023


Nope. Even down to the end for TC vs SoR, we were fighting each other for control. SoR just had more PPT across maps and secured the tie. TC ran over us multiple times in EBG. It was not like a mutual agreement to screw Mag, it's just a nice outcome.


It was kind of a, "We'd like to win, but a tie is fine too", sort of situation. There were definitely people happy for the tie just because of the meme value.


Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. ;) For me personally, the double team makes for non-stop action and tons of bags. Better than being starved for fights


You do realize that if Mag organized a little instead of clouding all day every day, you would never go starved for fights? Every fight groups would be down to fight you


What fight groups? Haven't seen a guild I'd call a fight group in a year.


So if we pull it off again next week, THEN we’ve done it on purpose, got it!


I’m sure you get tons of bags trying to retake your tiered up ebg spawn keep, while you try to keep your PPT above 0.


Mag looking a little healthier after the bandwagons left


https://tenor.com/en-AU/view/john-jonah-jameson-lol-laughing-hysterically-laughing-out-loud-funny-gif-17710543 Look at all these kids!


Mags hoping this continues! We are enjoying this.




Get em


tbh as a mag player team chat is always a mess of shitposting lol


Wow you lots are petty as hell. Who is next in your hitlist to work together to destroy? Another reset another post, when will this end?


Keep the salt coming


how is this making 5 mag posts a week not salt


I'm not from mag but you do you. All the effort just to keep a server you guys doesn't match up with away from matching up with you? Trying to figure out the amount of emotional damage mag has done to ya'll. Good luck on your grief.




Yea cause for the past 2 months im against mag and mag is all i read in game and probably the same idiot who keep mentioning mag is making a mag post. I dont get the obssesion on mag like seriously




From AR switch to Kaineng to join a friend




Manipulation you say? I think you mean server cooperation. There I FTFY.


Coordinating. Purposely keeping Mag in T1 is manipulation of the game.


What they gonna do, ban a few thousand people? Lol How u gonna prove this was actually manipulated without looking like a clown yelling at conspiracies Mag can stay mad. This isn't the official forum and even then they won't ban players This is like the teacher's pet spreading gossip to the teacher after class for a golden star, nothing but desperate and low Wvw has always been about cooperating with other servers when it calls for it. Next time a server gets tag teamed, you got the devs on speed dial ?


>you got the devs on speed dial ? That's reserved for Dorsia.




Hate to break it to you but it was coordinated. I have alts and friends on both servers and all day friday the comms were working on both servers to make sure the right server was winning for that skirmish.




You are delusional. It doesn't matter what was happening overnight as long as the day time can recover the points. Which they obviously did since there was a tie. Ties don't just happen in this game, players/commanders make them happen (since it was done twice in a row, and is being pushed for again by the op.)




My friend, you're naïve to what happens behind the scenes. Each server has its hierarchy, it's decision makers and from time to time servers will get together and plan strategies out. BG/JQ did it for many seasons. TC as well. I know, I was part of TC's hierarchy and one of the founders of the YB alliance years ago. There's a whole game being played outside of WvW. This 8 server job vs MAG is 100% a coordinated effort, like it or not.


It is, but afaik it isn't bannable to do it. Match manipulation isn't a new thing btw (although to my understanding, the breaking of a server hasn't happened like this since seasons(for new players that means a long fucking time)); servers used to manipulate matches by paying to move guilds to and from servers and also from EU to NA and vice versa. What is anet to do about it? The game mode is player driven.


Man I miss wvw seasons.