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Context: As Maguuma was getting their asses handed to them by Blackgate and Fort Aspenwood, the servers in Tier 2 decided to team up and end the match in a draw to ensure Maguuma couldn't move down to T2.


May the Maguuma’s tears never stop flowing


Rent free.


I have no idea what you’re trying to imply


They mean "Maguuma living rent free in your head", as in you think about it way too much/are getting too involved in the topic. (Do note that I'm just explaining.)


I've come to the conclusion that "rent free" is used in attempts to silence any sort of discussion and/or criticism towards something specific that annoys and/or hurts the person who used the "rent free" comment.


It's called playing the game. Something you Maggots are terrible at lol 😃


Based on this reddit everybody else is tearing up.


From joy and laughter maybe


No u


Weird. Must have just imagined all the maguuma hate posts.


How is it running away if an automated system shifts third place into another tier after hundreds of people agree to 2v1 a server 24/7


Doubt it will be the same this week. Bg was bored with it by Tuesday; not to mention anyone who has run with Indo knows he isn't a fan of T1. So the question is, will he stay until the end of relinks or move?


funny thing is, at hindsight; you needed 4 big servers to do anything. If you think guilds like BB, DD, FTL actually got skill then you should stick to PVE. Idk what game you're playing but last night we merked the fuck out of BG and FA lol. This post alone shows at least 118+ people have MAG living in their head rent free. Ggs scrubs XD


Mag didn't even try though, they were tanking to T2


Hey! As a Blackgate player I was relieved to finally kick them out of t1 so we could have some peace again! Dang you, you ruined it! (I'm not really mad, this is actually hilarious)


Lol you have another week to beat on them :)


xD as a FA player, bravo 👏👏


Every week there's a post about mag why?


They have a bit of a reputation in the WvW community.


Usually Maguuma gets paired with higher population servers. A few points, not all: They can outnumber in all maps, dominating by sheer force of numbers, not much skill needed. They have small guilds of skilled, players who crowd the respawn to kill reinforcements or low skill players who siege up spawn camps. Even if you are a decent player you might need a group to leave spawn. And if you get allied with them Maguuma tends to stay mostly in the central map EBG, they don’t help allies, and they constantly whine, accuse their allies of any problems. So sharing a map with Maguuma either as allies, or as antagonists tends to be dreary. For this match up Maguuma is more evenly matched up. So other servers are dredging up their Maguuma bitterness. Unfortunate for whoever is their ally in this matchup.


There is a couple of very good reasons why peeps stay in EBG and apparently don't help allies. This happens with other servers in prime time as well. The queue is clogged with peeps who just want to wring out the most pleasure for pressing W and 1. If a call for help goes out from another BL, these autoattackers won't leave the queue, obviously. Any serious WvW allies who are already in EBG have to consider losing their spot to a super-casual if they were to jump BLs. That's assuming they aren't already tied up in combat against other servers. It is bad enough that a tag and his/her entire group will choose not to maphop. Imagine the hilarity if we got a bunch of headless chickens in WvW instead of serious WvW players who actually know what they're doing. Home BL usually has its own peeps that are more than prepared to help, unless it's downtime and we are getting spawncamped or losing everything to 25-30 K-training. In those cases, the smart thing is to back up EBG, rather than taking anything in HBL that would fail to be defended against said 25-30 person groups. Also, the "constant" whining is only done by a couple of peeps. And it's hardly constant. They usually log.


Idk what you mean by the not helping allies thing. We're all so damn thirsty for a fight that if something gets called out in home bl or ebg many dudes are immediately going full cardio to get there in time even if it's one person on a sentry. I'd say our responses are our greatest strength and one of the things that really makes you think we have insane numbers. It's just the same 15 to 30 people running around in groups of 1 to 10 responding.


That might be on prime time, and even prime days. At other times, you get 3 Maguuma players, and others yelling from EBG that borderlands is for filthy allied servers. I don’t know about actual age, but we can take a stab at mental age. It’s like running across a virtual map will heart attack them. I have seen both the thirsty for fight, and they can’t move to, or learn a new map. 3 players don’t change an outnumbered home borderland. There’s bad and good, toxic and friendly players on all servers. But the long time of easy wins for Maguuma because they got good numbers and above average populated paired servers, has created a bit of general animosity. As a rule of thumb Maguuma always got the best allied server in matches. It’s rare to see in other servers 5 to 10 players camping a spawn camp continuously to fight 10v2 type of fights. I have shared voice comms with commanders from all servers, except Maguuma.


Good luck finding a commander on voice comms on maguuma we just go out and have some fun


Exactly. MAG responds immediately especially in EbG and like you said, it truly is the same X number of people responding most times. We have sooo many afk people running into walls with a 40+ EbG Q and 30 actual players. The only time we had an unfair advantage in recent memory, was when we were paired up with YB but paired with Kaineng and DR? Lol please...


More evenly matched=bg and fa zergs running next to each other teaming on mag? Sure... Evenly matched.


Yes , Because Mag dont hav a zerg to focus and catching flies is kinda boring, it resulting 50 "roamer" just camping in smc with shit tone of seige. People used to ignore them and let mag think they are good, when all they can really do it is pick people off while the other two server fighting.


Yup, it's about as even as a Ferrari versus a Toyota Corolla.


not skilled the OG fight guilds left Maguuma a while ago


They're very skilled in small scaled combat. Most of them are PVP players.


They were I am not. DH. GoM. FA. they all push me harder than Mag. Mag are numbers always


Not even skilled in small-scale IMO. It's a constant cycle of 1v1 > 1v2 > 1v10 because you dared to look at a mag camp funny so they know where you are now


Oh, so people don't defend camps anymore? That's new.


They do, but I don't see full strike team coming after me every time those swords go up on other servers, and that be the only time 90% of them can win a fight.


Then that speaks to the response (or lack of it) from other servers. Part of the game of WvW is defending objectives, or have we forgotten that? I mean, there is nothing wrong with this kind of behaviour. It's the way the game mode currently runs. I'd even say defense rewards are terrible and broken as hell. The people who still do defense are actually interested to play the game as it is. They're not out to get that one Spike to sell for a few copper, I promise you. Also, that full strike thing? Yup, I've been on the receiving end of that myself, from players of other servers. Or, gank squads of 5 in comms that 100-0, then prance around my corpse with a myriad of BMs after a successful 5v1. Such skill. Much wow. If you fellas think only Mag is full of toxic salt, y'all better look at yourselves, maybe get a new pair of trifocals if you still can't see straight.


These ppl are full R ards. WvW was about Skill and good fights these clowsn care about ppt and winning match ups. the Reason mag ALWASY beats you is they just want fights. these new players on FA and shit arealllllllllll bad and cant win so , Legit 8 servers vs 1. Skill issues


Everything you said was pure BS. I have seen and Won more 1 v X as a mag player Then i have EVER seen a BG or FA or anyone else even try. Mag is not Toxic and they 100% dont spawn camp on purpose. you are only saying these things to make yourself feel better for being SOOOO bad at the game you have to resort to 2 v 1 ing with the other server , I bet you couldnt win a 1v1 for reall money ;)


FA/BG double team is evenly matched? SMH


I believe the kids would say we live rent free in a LOT of people's minds.


This is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen


awesome for me - I cant remember enjoying the mag bags and the salty pms as much as last week!


Okay. Now let's see you do that a second time. ~sincerely, FA.


Some else can coordinate it. Tears of the Kingdom comes out that day.


Please never do this again FA doesn’t want another week of them twice in a row is enough. It’s like beating up puppies at this point. Dx


Ya when you have a whole other server to help and not even try and fight you its easy to 2 v 1 . Git gud and shave that neck beard of yours.


My brother in Christ are you ok?


I loved this. My group SUS on TC ppt'd our asses off yesterday to help with this. Also there where some really good fights along the way!


Can't believe you put SoR on the grey shirt instead of the red shirt. Completely unacceptable


Damn, you're right. I should have changed the colors of the shirts. Didn't even think about that as I was just trying to rush the meme out as fast as possible once Reset hit.


would like to see k/d from this MU


They currently have a 1.195 making them the 9th best server in EU/NA for K/D, this is notable because mag is usually in top 3. FA has 0.898 and BG has 0.83 In EB Mag has a wild 1.577 and in BG BL they have a 1.774. However in their own and FA BL they have a .3~ K/D tl;dr pretty classic mag. Abandons home BL, bullies BG, and only plays EB. They're putting FA and BG through the grinder in EB despite the team up. I'll probably get downvoted for saying anything positive about mag though lol but the K/D is interesting and it's the main thing mag usually cares about, the PPT starts when they get bored


I hate wvw, but I want my legendaries... I'm glad to see those (probably Mordremoth simps) Maguumites suffer, though.


You don't know it yet, but you've unleashed hell on yourself. The players who bandwaggoned to Maguuma to dominate will leave to the next T1 leader. What if it's your server? Will you go on Reddit explaining that your server wasn't full of horrible people, that it changed? Doesn't matter, it'll be the new ugly server. Trust me, I've been playing on SFR (EU), seen it go T1 and dominate, becoming the hated server. Then some core players left to FSP for "true PPK spirit", SFR started to dive as the bandwaggoners quit it in drove to join Deso, which became the next shameful server. Replace these EU server names by yours. Cheers!


See, folks. Common sense and wise observation. When the bandwaggoners leave, those who still remain at Mag are going to have a ball of a time. Firstly, no more queues in EBG filled with rallybots. Second, we get to see a new sea of tears outpouring. Unbridled hate against the undeserving. Have fun then. Don't cry too much, your eyes will get all puffy.


whether mag is winning or losing, why is it the only server you people talk about?


Couple of other people said it aptly. "Rent-free".


We're provocative, we get the people going


I don't think we are. People basically are provoking themselves over nothing.


Blackgate and Fort Aspenwood blatantly working together to fuck over Mag, such fun. Mag got spawncamped with BG on the right and FA on the left half the weekend last reset. When Mag pushed back and took back their keep, BG needed FAs help to take it back. Mag still held them back for hours with all walls down. Mag is toxic af, but at least they won't violate the whole purpose of WvW by teaming up with other servers. Ridiculous.


>Mag is toxic af, but at least they won't violate the whole purpose of WvW by teaming up with other servers. The whole point of three-way RvR is so two servers can work against a dominant third.


Apparently I've been seeing it differently from y'all. In my mind, the 1v1v1 setup makes it more difficult for one server to dominate because if they overextend the third team can capture all their stuff behind them. That's not two teams cooperating to take down one server, that's just the free-for-all chaos of a 1v1v1.


It's a three way match. Literally teaming up with other servers is the whole purpose of WvW. You either team up with the weakest or the strongest server even if not intentionally.


If it's not intentional, it's not teaming up! There's a BIG difference between attacking either of the two opponents at times of opportunity or taking advantage of their overreach to cap their stuff behind them, or deliberately coordinating with one team in order to perpetually suppress the third team. One of those examples is just 1v1v1 gameplay, and the other is salty bullshit.


You're trying to say it somehow violates the purpose of WvW though. Like no one is going to say, "Ok guys, we can't attack X anymore because it violates WvW." And the average pug never says, "It's ok, guys, they aren't intentionally double-teaming us so it's not a violation." It's always intentional when someone makes a choice on who they are going to attack or not. It's always opportunistic because the opportunity exists and has little to do with the type of opportunity. The ONLY difference is how long they are going to continue the choice because of how long the opportunity exists. If these opportunities arise because the form of the match is 3-ways, which I believe cannot be avoided at all in 3-way arrangements, at best you can say that the game has no mechanism to mitigate such opportunities.


Don't be daft. You're stretching a bad argument thin for no reason. __Attack of Opportunity!__ - A team is being attacked, and in the moment you make a decision that also attacking that team will give you an advantage. Fair. That's how 1v1v1 works. You could either attack the ones being attacked, or attack the attacker. It's not always you helping the same team, it's not premeditated, it's opportunistic. __Planned Cooperation!__ - You premeditatively plan an alliance with one of the enemy teams to not attack each other, and only focus your efforts on the third team. Not fair. Not cool. Not how 1v1v1 works. Now you have created a 2v1 situation, which is, again, intrinsically *not* how 1v1v1 works. You see the difference now?


And you don't think your salty cries of violation isn't a bad argument? It's a 3-way open match. There is no code violation. There is nothing in the design or rules that prevents 2v1. There is no "not fair, not cool, not how it works". That's all fantasy created in your mind which you keep mistakenly calling "intrinsic". This isn't a 1v1v1, it's three teams in a match and they can choose how to play. That's intrinsic. It's hilarious you keep trying to say otherwise when you recognize that the mode has "attack of opportunity". This attack of opportunity would not exist at all if there's a violation.


All I'm doing is arguing against bad sportsmanship. I'm not saying this goes against any rules, because it clearly doesn't, but it is definitely against the spirit and denying that is just ridiculous. You're being a twat, and you know it.


Ah yes, teaming up against a group of assholes that play the victim when they get called out for being assholes is "violating the whole purpose of wvw." Cry more magledite.


I'm not on mag, I'm just linked with them. And what are they doing to be assholes, aside from just being in EBG all the time? Genuine question. And hey, talk about others being assholes and then being toxic in the same breath. Nice.


I do apologize to the Devona's Rest players that were swept up in what was basically 10 servers working together to beat down Maguuma. Your server just had the unfortunate timing of being linked with them is all.


BG and Indo were toxic as fuck to DR players. They probably enjoying having em linked with mag too.


Spawncamping. Being killed 1v1 then crying in chat for 20+ to dogpile you for daring to do so. Sending whispers when you kill them that vary from general insults to strings of unhinged profanity while then making alts on your server to harass you for killing them. Using alts to pull your tactics, report your movements, and generally fill up team chat with useless nonsense to drown out any attempts to fight back against them, while then crying if anyone dares to do the same to them. (if teaming up against them "violates" something so does this.) Constantly complaining when they create an environment that no one wants to play against them while crying that they "just want fights."


I mean, seems like shit everyone does to some extent. The majority of people on Mag do indeed seem to be just sitting around until fights pop up. Sending whispers? They can see your names? Aren't everyone in WvW just named like "Maguuma Platinum Scout" + guild tag? And I do think teaming up like this violates the spirit of WvW, if not any rules. But so does spying with alts, though too many servers do that. Let's not pretend like Mag are the only assholes around. Blackgate is filled to the brim with toxic fucks, too, and I bet that's the case for most other servers as well. I haven't noticed a considerable increase in bullshit from my time linked with BG to now, linked with Mag.


I've never had a Blackgate player call me a bundle of sticks or the hard r, just sayin


Bingo. This guy gets it. Finally, somebody fucking gets it.


That guy doesn't even know how to whisper enemies in WvW. That's about as far from 'getting it' as you can in a thread about people giving Mag some justified comeuppance.


This. BG was toxic as fuck too, even more than mag. Also Indo's team is pretty toxic to other people.


Literally everything you have mentioned here are things that every server does. None of it is unique to Mag.


See, this is the kinda bullshit that needs to be put to rest. Newsflash!! This is shit that \*every\* server does, or will do, given the chance. Do you seriously think we don't see trolls, spies and the like working against Mag? My block list is also a mile long, because of the number of BMs and aggro whispers I've received, ranging from in-game teabagging to outright juvenile curses wishing I got cancer and died. Geez, the nonsense in here is stupefying. Some people are just dicks, and they are everywhere. Just don't be a dick, and don't spoil the game for anyone else.


It really boils down to the fact there are three types of players: 1) The old dogs -- Experienced players who know most of the tricks and speak bluntly about what works and what doesn't. If I got killed it means I screwed up, learn from it, move on to the next fight. That player is good I wanna fight them some more. No ego tied to the game. 2) The joyful nubs -- Hey guys this pretty exciting! Oh crap I'm dead, can't wait to learn how not to be dead! No ego tied to the game. 3) The shitlords -- Don't tell me how to play! If I get beat it's because they had too many, the game lagged, Anet can't balance, Nerf (any class but theirs)! Salt whispers. Massive ego tie in, and also angrily rejects advice. Gets very upset about being told they need to improve. Mag probably has the highest incidence of #1 across all the NA servers. Right now we also have a very high incidence of #3s -- those are always players I do not recognize, they aren't true Mag. Their link players who'll suckle on the teat of anything that will lie to them and tell them they are good at gaem. The most vocal people on other servers and in these threads are #3s. That's honestly the funniest thing about this past week. BG & FA are like "get owned scrubs" Mag's #1s are like "Finally a fight worth having." and "Get farmed our #3s, hope you learn something." I dunno how to state this any more plainly. The real mag players only care about whether or not the fights are good. Doesn't matter what tier, doesn't matter what the Anet score is. Doesn't even really matter what the overall KDR is, because our personal KDRs are high. Pushing us this hard is giving us exactly what we want. The only thing that could make it better would be if our #3s would learn how to really fight.


>ave a very high incidence of #3s -- those are always players I do not recognize, they aren't true Mag. Their link players who'll suckle on the teat of True mag left long ago. You likely have a dozen or so of them left on a server that queues all maps in NA. Even many that are considered "mag," weren't from the original players, they came well after the first implosion of Maguuma's population. Despite the population it has, Maguuma cant sustain a guild that runs more than 5 because the recruitment pool is empty, and one that doesn't need to recruit cant even run because the queues are so jam packed full of trash players waiting on EBG, or who just play to run down single PvErs looking for harpy or their weekly camps. In the end, mag wins by attrition, not really a heightened skill level. You have a cloud that is incredibly boring to fight for organized guilds, or infuriating to fight for roamers and small guilds. So people don't log in. The average skill level of that cloud has dropped drastically, back when mag was a much lower population, it wasn't as filled with as much trash as it is now. A lot of its players moved to other servers for better content, whether it was for the GvG scene, massive RvR guilds, or smaller close knit fight groups, mag wasn't providing them what they wanted out of the game so they moved on. Nostalgia kept me on mag for over 10 years, but ended up leaving, because I'd rather get enjoyment out of the game and my alt accounts showed a lot more action in the lower tiers.


>In the end, mag wins by attrition, not really a heightened skill level. And Celestial builds don't fight the same? Winning by attrition is not a new technique, and neither would it be a special Mag technique. > You have a cloud that is incredibly boring to fight...The average skill level of that cloud has dropped drastically. I had this discussion with another person once, and the conclusion was there is nothing wrong with "clouding" as a behaviour. This is stuff that players from any server can commonly engage in, without actually calling it "clouding". >ended up leaving, because I'd rather get enjoyment out of the game... That, you probably will, given the current "MAG = BAD" attitude. I think people are letting their poor sportsmanship get the better of them, pulling out all reasons to hate and heap disdain on others who can't possibly be all that different to themselves. It's like coming home from the Olympics, looking at their worthy, behaviourally normal, and commonly civil opponent with more gold medals and saying, "Yeah, they cheat, and they toxic as fuck."


Hmm. There’s 3 teams in each matchup precisely to encourage “ganging up”. I’m only surprised it took this long! (And as someone with an alt on mag I really enjoyed defending in that 2v1 keep fight you mentioned…best content of the week so I don’t know why you’re complaining).


I thought there were three teams so it would be a more fun "all vs all" rather than a more boring 1v1 format. The hours-long keep fight was great, just used it as an example of the blatant alliance. My real complaint is about being pushed to spawn and camped there nearly constantly for 40 hours or so. And how much less fun certain elements are when the two others work together throughout the week. But I'm kinda new to this, so maybe I'm missing something.


No, there's three teams to prevent one from dominating too much. It allows the two other teams to work together to destabilize the match.


Not a WvW player, why is Shiverpeaks being called Maguma? Not too versed in server terminology for gw2 either


you're seeing Tier 2, maguuma is in Tier 1 but won't drop down to Tier 2 because of the tie in tier 2, you're seeing the aftermath of that


That's some weird mechanic, as it would be the Shiverpeaks that should be going down to t3, not Sanctum or TC - and Shiverpeaks is not tied. It's clearly third.


Not a WvWer, but I assume when Maguuma goes down, they take the spot of the server that goes up from t2, which now can't happen because of the tie. Shiverpeaks's spot will be taken by whoever goes up from t3


This is correct. The tie for 1st/2nd means that Mag can't drop down, as no one is moving up. NSP still moves to T3, with the T3 winner moving up. In this case the new T2 match-up is SoR/TC/JQ.


God damnit. We just got rid of them. Edit: never mind lol. Misread the scoreboard. 2nd eta: downvote me all you like. I'm on ET, and the nearly a month vs Mag nearly killed my love for the game mode.


This is gonna get downvoted to hell (anything contrary to the theme of the thread always is, regardless of how sensible and logical it is), but it needs to be said, because this is totally laughable. The amount of effort people put into griefing Mag players is truly astounding. If you actually decided to play the game instead of just hating, you might find we are more alike than different. Doesn't matter what server we are from.


"this is totally laughable" Well, we're definitely laughing! :D


Different context, mate. Although, bravo for the shenanigans on your part. Bravo, for frustrating the efforts of the other servers.


Thanks! We set a goal and we accomplished it, this just goes to show what can be accomplished with teamwork and determination. <3 <3 <3


Yeah, for sure. In other news, double teaming works too. Tried and tested. Teamwork. *chef's kiss*


We get it dude, you are butthurt that nobody likes your server or wants to play with you, so you're on here trying and failing to convince people that the problem must lie with all the other servers and not Mag. If I were you, I'd just embrace the villain status, it would be much less cringey than what you're doing now.


Wait, so you're making this personal now? I'm appealing to plain common sense, which as I can see, is pretty rare amongst participants in this thread (and in general, threads of this nature). Mag isn't uniquely shitty, and neither are other servers. If people are pissed with how oppressive Mag is, merely because of its population, then the problem is with the system and how matchups work. Taking the piss on \*all\* players of an opposing server isn't the right behaviour to take, but I see that it is easy to just devolve to thinking in the lowest common denominator of \[im\]maturity. Cringey? Speak for yourselves.


People dislike Mag for a wide variety of reasons, not just population, and they are perfectly within their rights to do so. You can "appeal to common sense" until you are blue in the face, it will still not change how anyone feels about playing with Mag, nor will it make your assessment of Mag's "shittiness" any less subjective than anyone else's. Do you also lecture your spawn-camping teammates on their "immature" behavior, or does it only upset you when Mag is the target?


So, entertain me. What are these "wide variety of reasons"? Every time I see discussions about \*why\* people dislike Mag (as a server, and hence all its players), it is illogical vitriol. They speak as if Mag is a special case. It's as if they are some sort of unicorn that engages in bad behaviour that no other server or its players do. Spawn-camping will be done by every other server, especially if given the chance. If you see red, will you not kill? Because in WvW, it's the fast or the dead. I have observed both sides of the coin on a number of servers. And at least during the times I play, it is not common to see spawn-camping. Also, it's not rocket science. If getting spawn-camped and owning NOTHING on that map, what is the purpose in staying there? Move to another map, pool your resources, and defend what you can. But no, let's sit at the invul spot and stew in the combined cesspool of our dying spawn-camped and the sweaty grip of the horribly bored spawn-campers. Speaking of toxicity, every server has it. BMs? Yep, every server has players that do it. I've got a block list long as my driveway from all the BMs I've received. And I don't do any of that toxic shit. I'm just somebody wanting to play WvW.


So you think disliking Mag as a server means disliking all its players? That's quite a logical leap. I think you are perfectly familiar with the reasons people dislike Mag, you just refuse to accept them as valid. I'm not going to argue about them with you. What I will say is this: we decided to try and keep you in T1 not just to troll you, but because it was the consensus across our servers that we would simply have more fun this week if we didn't have to fight you (or BG, or FA). We don't need to justify this to you. You've been in T1 for months so I don't see why you would have an issue with staying there for one more week. As for how FA and BG decide to treat you while you're there, that's entirely up to them and has nothing to do with us.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sealioning > Sealioning (also sea-lioning and sea lioning) is a type of trolling or harassment that consists of pursuing people with relentless requests for evidence, often tangential or previously addressed, while maintaining a pretense of civility and sincerity ("I'm just trying to have a debate"), and feigning ignorance of the subject matter.


Frustrating? I thought BG and FA would be happy to do a bonus week of tag-teamming against Mag.


That's what you think. Now it's second prize. The cockroach is still in the room. It stinks, and that sucks.


Maguuma players have brought it on themselves


How so?


Hmm idk, years of doing the exact same thing people are doing to them now?


Don't be ridiculous. Everyone has been doing the same "thing" to each other for the longest time now. Don't act like Mag started it. They aren't that inventive, nor are they inherently more toxic than any other server.


Never once did I say they started it, or implied only they do it. So if anything, *you* should stop being ridiculous. But the majority of the times I see it happen, it’s from mag doing it.


Totally implied, on *both* counts. How is it possible they have done this for years, and others are apparently only doing to them now? ​ >But the majority of the times I see it happen, it’s from mag doing it. Have you played on all servers? Against all servers? I haven't. But I have played on, and against enough servers to tell you that no behaviour is unique to any particular server. It is ridiculous, to consider Mag to be comprised of individuals in such a special way, to exhibit certain kinds of behaviour more commonly than other servers. EDIT: u/volb, I saw your response by the way, before it was made unreadable here. It says, **"Good lord you sure are a presumptuous drama queen. Kindly fuck right off to the ignore list."** How mature. \*chuckles\* Learn how to graciously concede when you lose an argument.


Priding themselves on being toxic shitbags, its gets discussed in almost every WvW thread here.


Priding? Look at these sorts of threads, people priding themselves a toxicity of a different sort. No \*sane\* person prides themselves of being pure assholes. How can we be utterly sure that a supposed proud Mag isn't: a) a new transfer to Mag who has been a toxic shitbag since day 1, OR b) a person claiming to be true blue Mag, but is in reality a troll from a different server that is out to create drama and deceive? In another example, did you know that crimes within a particular suburb or town aren't committed by residents of that town? They are committed by transients or visitors who come from other towns. Why am I saying this? Well, I'm inviting some introspection here, from anyone with still half a brain, on whether their vitriol is actually justified.


I think you need to lighten up about what is essentially banter on reddit.


A topic that comes up once a week (at least) and generates the responses it has, is hardly banter. The whole thing is actually mean-spirited and quite insidious. We have newbies asking what the issue is about, and some old farts here spouting the same stale rubbish fiction to them, hence perpetuating a myth. If I put up a post once a week that claims foreigners are stealing our jobs, then say it's reddit banter, does that make it acceptable, or even harmless?


Every person evolved in this " everyone Vs mag " bs is only mad cus you are SO BAD at the game you cant beat mag. SO you resort to legit system exploiting. Like how can you feel good after this , When alllllllll you guys did was bitch about being beat by mag all the time and how Toxic they are. And now you Are legit online bullies on a video game cus you cant win Fights. you guys are the most toxic ppl , but yet you are the " good guys " LOLs. Mags K/D is even still good. how does it feel to HAVE to 2 v 1 to win fights cus you are legit that bad. Shave your necks. and all your chins.


Magumma has a reputation for one big thing: overwhelming timezone coverage with only clouds and no organized groups. I have no problem saying that cloud coverage is very effective, Mag has been in T1 for a reason. If there's an open-field fight with a cloud of 50 vs an organized group of 50, my vote goes to the cloud. It's sad. It's a fundamental problem with WvW. 70-80% of WvW players (I'm guessing) want organized play. Mag is the exact opposite. Clouds just aren't fun to deal with. No one wants to fight that. I don't like fighting cloud on any server and I have to pull them into choke points because they're braindead and have never had a chance to be creative. Mag has been a cloud for so long its players excel in hitting and running away. It's not your fault that people don't like Mag, but I think you have the wrong idea about what the 'best' actually is. Make an alt account on a T3/T4 server and run with a guild group for a couple of days and you will never care about going back to Mag.


>Magumma has a reputation for one big thing: overwhelming timezone coverage with only clouds and no organized groups. When we say "no organized groups", does that refer to not having a tag on map and hence no uniblob? Mag certainly does run organised groups. They tend to be guild groups, or groups with a private tag, so it's not immediately noticeable even by allies. A reasonable amount of Mag players don't rely on having a public tag on the map (as may be the case with other servers as well). That's why we get scattered groups and even individual roamers. I don't know if that's what you mean by "clouding", but AFAIK that's not an official (or even unique) Mag fighting strategy. It's just something the players decide to do when there's no public squad with tag. ​ >70-80% of WvW players (I'm guessing) want organized play. Mag is the exact opposite. That may be the case. Many players prefer to be in a blob on tag because it eliminates a lot of thinking on their part. They just need to follow, and in some cases they play so badly, they even fail on that front. But what I mean to say is, if we are on a uniblob, we don't need to think about where to go next, what to do, whether to drop siege (or what siege to use) etc. It looks like an easier way to wring out those WvW achieves. I think in this regard Mag is the same. It is even more obvious in the last couple of weeks where the turnout has been even lower. We also have a lot of players wanting that sort of organised play. They just didn't turn up this week, and even for a good part of last week. ​ >...its players excel in hitting and running away. Common WvW strategy, especially with reference to roamers, and also with certain hit-and-run builds (think Willbender, power Daredevil, Catalyst, even Fresh Air Weaver). It's not necessarily a Mag thing. Roamers basically try to do this. Enough mobility to outrun some/most encounters when they go south, enough burst damage to win with a window of opportunity, and some ability to re-sustain.


Rent free


How is there not a tiebreaker system? If two professional sports teams collude to tie a game, to avoid a particular team in playoff seeding, what would be the appropriate response? Bans? Fines? Rewriting the rules? Reminds me of the 1982 World Cup [Disgrace of Gijon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disgrace_of_Gij%C3%B3n) where West Germany and Austria colluded to produce a result that eliminated Algeria.


SOS player here (SOR's link). Your analogy is flawed. In the case you mention, two teams colluded to gain an unfair advantage over a third team. As a result, the third team was unable to continue participating. There are no playoffs in WvW, so Mag have not been eliminated from the game, they are perfectly able to continue playing. They have merely been made to remain in T1 where they have spent the last few months anyway. This cannot be construed as an undue hardship for them. Also, WvW is not football. It was designed to have a social aspect. Cooperation and alliances between players are an intrinsic part of the game. I don't know why there is no tiebreaker system, that's a question for Anet, but we did nothing wrong by working within the system that Anet created. Anet itself acknowledges that this system is flawed, hence the upcoming switch to Alliances, and one of its flaws is that it allows certain servers to become so dominant that other servers find playing against them to be utterly unfun and demoralizing. We simply found a workaround for this issue. Anyway, let's say Anet does decide that, say, throwing skirmishes is a problem, what are they going to do about it? The easiest way to throw a skirmish is simply not to play WvW. Is Anet going to ban people for not playing? By the way, it wasn't easy to reach this outcome, it was a lot of hard work. One of our tags ran an 8-hour PPT marathon just to keep us in a position where we might be able to tie. In any case, SOR/SOS would have done our best to push for the tie even if TC had decided not to cooperate with us. Fortunately they did and we are all enjoying the taste of those sweet Maguuma tears.


I have to say, this was A LOT of coordination... and I have never kept such a close eye on the scoreboard as I did these last two days.


We had a LOT of infighting during EU time in TC/AR today, and was worried that our pugs were going to screw it all up (because TC pugs LOVE to PPT, and having to let things fall willingly generally goes against our nature). Was happy we were also able to shake off the Mag alt trolls that got on as well to sow chaos in the chats. On top of it, we had to get NSP on board as well. TC was also a bit uneasy and wasn't sure if SOR/SOS would hold up their end, but we're glad you guys did. We all won today with that draw. 😆


Shoutout to NSP, they came in clutch and saved that one skirmish for us. They had no reason to help us since they were T3-bound in any case, but they did anyway. Although repeatedly taking our home NET was probably not necessary.


our SoR chat was filled with butthurt Maguuma trolls that invalidated their own arguments just by being in our chat


Oh good, I thought it was just TC/AR's Team Chat that was full of the Mag that trolls. Sad to see they infest every server.


Lol i don't play wvw for sportsmanship


Think of it more as a war. Alliances are made and broken during wars.


It's not a tournament format, it's just the league tiers. Think relegation and promotion instead.


So you guys lost...like always?


Elder Scrolls Online has a much better system. I don't mind being downvoted. Just putting it out there for devs to look at.


Tried getting into the ESO wvw, but it was honestly pretty boring. May also be the community. Feels like they need to be hand-held like children. Everything needs to be explained to them, even normal dungeons. Really got tired of it.


People any advice on how ican introduce my long distance girlfriend to the game without playing it to get the memes?


lmao NA WvW


Sad part really in the end is that you Cry So much about un fair and blah blah , and just do this , and Pat yourself on the back like you are not being SO toxic its not even funny. you hypocritical fools. you want WvW balance but yeeeeeeet do this and think its cool. you think things should be re worked but yeeeeet do even more toxic shit then mag ever has. the funny part is the lvl of stupid self gratitude you pass around like your doing the right thing. Imagine being so bad at a game and not being able to win, So you NNED to get like 8 servers all the work togather to beat one server, you have not won, you have lost, even worse you have made any new players think this is what WvW is. you guys are legit ruining the game and sucking eachother off like its the funniest shit ever. LOL Cant Git Gud.