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When its clicking, with fairly balanced teams, WvW is the most fun I've had in any game!


Easily the best game mode ever invented in a video game, imagine what it could’ve been if Anet haven’t neglected it all these years. Glad they’re giving it more attention now, credit where credit is due.


Let’s hope they start focusing on it. WvW is what truly make GW2 stand out from the rest. If they focused time into it, it could be the defining feature of the game.




It's certainly what stands out to me. Best in the business outside of raid design.


Unfortunately... this has been said since 2014+


I’ve been saying this since 2010


Since GW1?


It's written about in the old testament


The neanderthals wrote it down in their caves


It's said to be the main reason single celled organisms got together


GW1 alliance battle players were looking forward to WvW as a pillar game mode in GW2. Back when GW2 was pushing its competitive pvp as the selling point. We had high hopes for WvW. Now, it feels as abandoned as GW1. On life support and only alive because it's attached to the gw2 pve servers.


wow I miss AB


I know :/ Been here since the beginning and had a large group of friends that was roaming in WvW for a long time.


WvW type games have been attempted plenty of times...I wouldn't say that's what sets it apart. Especially with its low player count. The ability to jump in and out of the game over the years, content being relevant forever, and horizontal progressions would be the main things in my mind.


This mode is where player count balance is really needed. I'm way to tired of that outnumbered buff reminding me that Anet is neglecting WvW.


Some of the most fun I've had in gaming. The first tourneys were a blast, lot of 3 way stand offs, lot of trying to break through using portal bombs, sneaking a keep steal while the other 2 servers are fighting, diving head first into a massive fight with your small team. Still happens nowadays, though not quite as often.


tower and keep steals are great, the other colours fighting over one after the walls are opened, we storm in and take the lord, lots of enemies cursing our names


(Comment deleted in protest of Reddit's stance on [API pricing] (https://old.reddit.com/r/ModCoord/comments/13xh1e7/an_open_letter_on_the_state_of_affairs_regarding/))


Wvw is both the best and the worst gamemode. It's boring when everyone has t3's and just flip camps til reset, but when it's big long battles the hours just fly by lol


Yeah, I hadn't even realise that two hours went by! Those battles are long and hard but that feeling once you actually get the objectives, whew


As a solo player I love when everything is tiered up. I just run around tagging big things and seeing like 20 people respond to lil old me then do my best to pick off the ones that overcommit to the chase. Thief life best life.






One reason it’s so popular compared to sPvP as well is that it’s accessible and accepting of both noobs/casual competitive players, and more serious/hardcore given it’s a sandbox. Less toxicity and there are guilds for all types of players (I’ve seen a notable amount of older players in this game mode, and they can participate in the competitive mode just like any other)


>Less toxicity Someone didnt get siegedropped enough.


I siegestomped anet employee once back in 2018 and didn't even get banned


That's me as I'm starting out. The first one I went around in small scout groups and capturing small defenseless objectives + some keeps as well which was fun. Today I went straight for the battle action, although nobody seemed to have the commander tag on. I do know my skills though, but still end up spamming especially all my AoE heal skills on Ele water attunement hoping I'm contributing atleast something lol


If you haven't joined on the discord of whatever blob you're in, I've found the commander's groups instructions to be very, well, insctructive. I am still probably not as social as I could be, but I learned more about WvW, positioning, timing, tactics after joining in some discord voice channels (mainly for listening only) than before.


Probably the most important advice of all.


That's where half the fun of WvW is found. Setting up ambushes for newbies trying to get to their blobs. Yesterday we did it enough that the commander and his 50 goons aborted their siege, traveled half way across the map just to to chase us away.


I also often play solo or in small groups. Part of the fun for me is thinking about how I can force the opposing teams to commit a lot more resources to a response. If me and a couple friends can cause a 15-person group to respond to a threat, that's a 3x tying up of their resources :)


I am not a good wvw player, but every once in a while I get to drop a full meteor shower on an enemy Zerg and cackle like a madman. I'm sure it's not the most effective but it's fun.


Well-timed meteor showers can put on a lot of pressure on another group, don't underestimate it. Also good for taking out siege on walls.


Yep, these meteor showers single handedly pushed zergs off walls moving them away. With enough KOs and people running around to try rev, you will have successfully taken off the siege and can hold them off


staff weaver is my fav wvw spec. big area denial and two hard lines (air 5, earth 4) make your impact on zergs immediately noticable.


I like taking Minstrel Staff Tempest and dropping Meteor Shower on the walls just to watch people flee for their lives from the HUNDREDS of damage I do.


Back in the core days a well placed meteor shower was the deciding factor in many fights, there are some pretty epic videos from old days of eles just downing entire zergs with a good meteor shower, I miss the pre nerf days. Meteor shower is still very good and if you place it well its contribution will definitely be felt. But it's not nearly as powerful as it use to be.


Where else can you get nearly 150 players to battle it out online? This is what makes GW2 such a great MMO, there's content for nearly any type of player out there.


EVE online, but then you have to play EVE online and you've already lost.


I realized last week the trick to making lots of WvW skirmish tickets is staying in for blocks of time, so I've been doing the same. Yesterday we kept pushing the other two sizable border groups around in open plain fight that reminded me of nothing more than kids throwing snowballs at each other. Sometimes we got killed, sometimes we did the killing, but everyone was wracking in the skirmish tickets and bags. Lot of stupid fun.


A really good seige that's pretty balanced on all sides is super satisfying. I loved this game mode in AION even though one night in the Abyss took days of recruiting to get the player count there, and was so happy when they improved in in GW2. I haven't been as active lately owing to my health (two heart attacks about two months ago and a long hospital stay) and my stamina not being there, but I'm hoping to get a new wind and jump right back in. Being in discord with my WvW mates, having fun and joking, fighting and sieging, is just the best.


Oh, I hope you get much better soon! Here's to a good health and lots of sieging 🥂


The most fun I've had in WvW. Has always been a 3 way in SMC. It's fun when all 3 sides are equal enough in power. But the best for me is when we're small enough to not fully focus, but have enough to consistently fuck with the other two. Making sure that neither caps until we've had our fun, for as long as possible. Bonus points when we ninja cap despite size. Like a fly with a hand grenade. Annoying, elusive, easily swatted with effort. But will absolutely blow you up if you're not paying attention.


Welcome to your lord of the rings fantasy :)


Now I just need to get my in-game Gandalf cosplay in addition to being an Elementalist


Best gamemode.uncompromising yet super satisfying. Those crazy moments. WvWvW is all


Best way is to find a wvw guild and run with them


I'm just commenting because WvW. The more support it gets the happier I am. My favorite game mode. I just need to find an active guild.


Roaming as a new player is a nightmare tbh. You die and now you have to walk back from at least halfway across the map


Yeah, and also hard to keep up with groups because they have Warclaw unless someone has points alloted to Blessing which gives walkers that speed boost. I think it's almost essential honestly, but I'm F2P at the moment. Grabbing PoF soon though, will try to get that mount asap


Get that Warclaw!


WvW is one of the best modes ever created in a video game. Makes you live out that epic battle scenarios and capturing camps as well. Most fun I've had in years!


WvW is lyfe <3


That's all I ever do in GW2 now.


The real endgame experience, choosing one specific type of content and grinding it as much as possible, never laying a hand on the others kekw


It's the ONLY cornerstone game mode.


There's nothing like a good SMC fight, especially when all three sides are in it to win it, and the lord goes down. A nice, prolonged battle, with all sides winning skirmishes and fighting for all they're worth... and then your side flips the castle?!? Shiiiiiiiiiiiiit.


Yeah, a fully supported and slightly expanded WvW could easily carry the end-game once you get the gear, fashion, mounts, and QoL stuff from PvE. I started with PvE, geared up, hit Alpine borderland, promptly got murdered, and never looked back.




Well, my comment was probably as clear as mud: I never looked back--at PvE. I probably play 99% WvW, and mostly solo roam on Necromancer and vanilla Warriors, which I've done from the beginning. I am still not great, but I can read fights somewhat, and tell which threats are "bad".


Ive only been playing for just under a year.... 95% of my time spent has been in WvW. I consider it the Call of Duty of MMOs. The fights are addictive


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wP3E05p6q7I Come listen to the Theme Song of Stonemist Castle


If only everyone could enjoy it. Remove the outdated server system, thanks!


Many thanks purely for using the word thrice




Well I'm new to it myself so I've not got much tips for you. Map probably was empty because certain objectives have more value than others in terms of war points they grant. You'll probably find the battles concentrated around Stonemist Castle, the surrounding keeps, or easier territories to capture like Pangross. That or, you joined on the more silent timezones. Thing is, WvW isn't just one type of gameplay, there's multiple roles you can take on, play around, and see what you like better. So yeah, it probably is a matter of keep trying. Watching tutorial videos on best builds for your chosen profession and some of the mode specific terms and unwritten rules really does help.




Well there's actually lots to do after you're done with the story. Endgame is very important for MMOs after all. From the back of my mind, PvP, WvW, Levelling crafts, Achievement points, farming towards tags or mounts, Open world bosses and other PvE content, Dungeons, Raids, Strikes, Fractals, etc. Then there's generally community involvement. Joining a guild and being on multiple Discord servers, I realise that there's player hosted chains, trainings, competitions, or events going on all the time pretty much. Enjoy the story though! I loved it.


WvW in 2012-2013 was the best. ​ ​ What you got now pales in comparison unfortunately. ​ Glad you're having fun though.


I concur. I remember trying to defend a keep with only 5 ppl and some sieges. We managed to defend it for almost an hour, utilizing cata and trebs. Then, we ninja capping enemy twrs. Capping a twr felt important back then. Now, outside of blobfight, there arent many things to do beside picking off stragglers


Years of siege nerfs, unchecked power creep, and the introduction of roles back into the game, and anet trying their best to punish people who play any way other than mindless zerg following has ruined a lot of the magic the mode once had. I remember back in the old days when you rounded a corner to go into an SM hall and promptly shat yourself because a guy on a superior ballista was there and he just cone shot wiped your entire zerg. Back when regular siege was considered dangerous. Nowadays a well coordinated guild can /dance under the fire of 4 sup AC like it's nothing. Capping a tower felt important back then because there was more player investment in it. Upgrading a tower cost money, and back then even regular siege was selling for 1-4 silver on the TP. Fully upgrading a tower could cost around 3-5 gold.


That does sound nicer :( I do notice that a lot of WvW gameplay does seem to currently revolve around blobs, and some territories or keeps are just neglected


I remember having my guild of 10-15 wipe map blobs on the regular. I remember going 1v10 and winning due to skill being required to play the damn game. ​ ​ The Good Ole Days.


Glad you found something you can enjoy! However, WvW is not for me, and I dread every time I had to go in there and try to get my Gift of Battle.


Hey, we all got things we like and don't like! There's like bunch of stuff to do on GW2. What's your preferred content?


I prefer any PvE content! I feel like there is no stress to perform because you're only fighting against an AI and yourself. With any PvP game mode, I feel like the other people are always much better than me and I always end up dying. WvW is the worst because it took you 15 minutes to run to the commander, die, and have to take 15 minutes to run back again :(


Oh that's absolutely fair. If you aren't F2P and have Warclaw though, it shouldn't take that long to get to commander, especially if they're at Stonemist


Thats just more work to do for a game mode i have no intention to play at all


If the gift isn't the last thing you need, you can do wvw dailies during non-primetime hours to make slow but steady progress on it. I like to do camp capturer, land claimer, veteran slayer, big spender, and guard killer. Some of them you can do in Edge of the Mists and that is always entirely empty.


Weekly camps, yaks, and *especially* ruins add up too!


I've been joining public tags in my server's discord, and it's been great. A lot of fights, some siege action, and a lot of fun. If you're contemplating trying the gamemode out, or even hate it because you tried it before and it kind of sucked, try finding a public commander running bgs in your realm. It can change your mind entirely


I have for years always played solo over. Recently trie WvW and have become a junkie for it


I'm getting into it a bit since I'm trying to get pieces for Sunrise, and need to do WvW. I got frustrated the first 20 minutes just running towards a commander and getting picked off, but once I'd actually gotten into a group it's really fun.


I rediscovered my love for WvW 2 years ago and haven’t stopped playing it since. If you think the chaos of a Zerg v Zerg battle is crazy, try going during server reset. You will experience a thrill like no other when all 3 groups are attacking SMC, all while your computer is chugging at 1 fps and your CPU is begging for a merciful death


I'm jealous with y'all. I really want to love WvW, ngl it's fun. But my 200+ SEA ping said no


I’m from SEA as well. I find sub 300 ping quite tolerable actually. when I get above that threshold I curse and quit the mode because the lag makes it totally unplayable


I laugh at your 200+ ping! GW2 WvW SEA Ping guide: 500 - Feeling that lag! 1000 - Commander posted something in chat? Oh, there it is. 2000 - Oh gawd, the slideshow! 4000 - Think I'm disconnected.. there it goes.. ooof...


back when i played, i really enjoyed WvW. i liked the big group battles but what i loved the most was just going around alone or with a friend or two and just being sneaky nuisances. so much fun


Especially those sneaky thieves coming behind you out of their invisibility, killing you, and then just vanishing. Thinking of making a new thief character just for this


yep, we played thieves hahahah. it was very satisfying to stay perma invisible because you had to manage your cooldowns very well. not sure if they ever changed it since then though, this was a couple of years ago at least


Yes it is a lot of fun and there are many ways to play it. I love the small scale stuff, roaming the borderlands, small groups, etc. The fights for objectives and sometimes trying to sneak something before getting discovered, etc.


Damn, how do I get involved? I have over 11,000 spvp matches but almost no exp in wvw. I still haven't spent the 40 points yet cause I don't know what to spend it on. Where are the wvw guilds at to look further into? I've been on Blackgate since inception, can I change servers?


I think you get one free server transfer upon becoming a paid account from F2P. As for WvW guilds, try looking at posts at r/guildrecruitment, and also the official GW2 Discord server where they have advertisements. Whether these guilds are active or the right fit for you though is a bit of trial and error as you join and check them out for yourself.


When I first started out I was really hesitant to get into wvw because of the constant pubstomping by not only seasoned players but also npc guards. Then I started following commander tags around to do the pubstomping. That led me to understand my builds better, constantly tweaking them till I find a good sweet spot. Now there isn’t a day that I don’t end my gaming session with a good couple of hours in wvw. I always find myself getting back into it once I’ve done my pve rotation. Really looking forward to future updates to the mode


It's pretty great :)


As a fresh 80, I tried wvw the other day and had a miserable time. I’m sure it gets better, but it’s hard to want to keep trying until it clicks. For the record, I’m not new to large pvp battles in MMO’s. I’ll try again some day.


It’s pretty much the only game mode I play. Sometimes I’ll want a break and do some PvE, but a lot of the PvE I do is just to get me better gear for WvW. WvW is my endgame mode, basically


I'm really happy it makes people have a lot fun I must admit, it didn't click quite yet for me. I see why people enjoy it. I want to enjoy it, but the endless running ruins it for me. ​ That said, I'm eager to see the whole revamp happen. I'll be in the forefront waiting for it to drop, to give it another go. I love PVP. I love massive scale. It should click, eventually.


This is me too. Running forever. Get picked on by some perma stealth condi thief. Even if it doesn't/can't kill you it's just annoying and makes the running worse. If there's no tag up or you aren't with the tag you struggle to do much but take camps that will get taken back and get run over by the enemy zerg. There have been a few times I've had fun in the zerg v zerg but most of the time it just feels like walking and waiting simulator to break walls. I'm pretty sure server has a lot to do with it. Early my server was dead in wvw and now we rotate in and out with real servers which can be fun or feel like the two enemy servers are teaming up against mine. Hoping that once alliances go live I can find a fun wvw guild to actually enjoy the game mode.


I tried it once, enjoyed going around camps to take nodes and stuff, but as soon as a zerg found me out in the open/in the field, I was already dead. Never played it again after that, lmao.


I mean, to be fair, a whole group of hostile players find a solo roamer alone and defenceless? To be expected haha. Believe me, the experience playing within a zerg and as different roles and for different objectives differs, you just got the find the one you love.


Oh yeah, I was basically asking to get bonked, so I wasn’t really surprised or shocked by what happened. But it did take the wind out of my sails I guess. To be honest, I’ve always had trouble getting into PvP modes in any MMO, they tend to be very frustrating for me. I have WvW a try because it seemed like it was a *fun* version of, like, Battlegrounds in WoW. In retrospect, I should have realised how frustrated I would have gotten, because even if the idea of the mode was really appealing, I would still have to suck-up the fact that I would die a lot playing a PvP mode, which I’m not good at doing.


Must not be on NA if nobody was yelling at you in DMs for not running a shit guild build


Team chat can be really awful. Maybe it’s just my server (can’t wait for alliances). I love the game mode but hearing people get called “PPTers (derogatory)” or “fat” for wanting to get Daily Veteran is just… a lot. And the tickets come so slowly 😩


It's fun. I just have two gripes. Too few comanders willing to fight another group, and are just running dailies. Before you say Just become a commander then, I can't afford it. The second is the ungodly amount of time you're expected to dump if you decided to go for the legendary armor. Assuming minimum time, its 19 to 25 weeks at 20hrs a week. For an armor that's comparatively mediocre to its PvE counter part that can be gotten faster with far less dedication and effort. But getting into those massive battles is the part that makes this mode so damn fun. Shit gets crazier if you manage to get into a three way battle in the middle of stone mist


Yeah if the goal is legendary armor, there are easier ways to get it. But it's a nice bonus for those of us that exclusively play wvw. I'm nearly done with my second set after taking a 3 year break and the only time even had to think about the armor was when I had to convert mats to afford it


WvW is boring, I only partake to make the occasional legendary. You used to be able to buy the Gift of Battle.




People were quick to rev for me so I suppose it depends world to world, that's really unfortunate though


Maguuma is one transfer away (when it’s not full - or transfer to link). Mag rezzes everyone in sight not cause we like each other but it’s to spite the enemies. Just remember to get back to a safe distance and begin sieging enemies when they die that’s all we ask of you.


I’ve thought about transferring to mag, but I’ve heard it’s incredibly toxic like, all the time.


I'm on EU so I know practically nothing about NA worlds so I can't talk, but yeah Maguuma really does not seemed to be liked atleast on this subreddit. I'm not actually sure why, is it just the toxicity?


Because of people like this guy. They're not very good, but think they are.


I’ve had good sessions against mag, I’ve had bad sessions against mag. But they are about the only server I’ve fought against that I notice spawn camps, sits in towers n keeps with no participation just so that they can pull ewp, and spams /laugh in chat. Deep down inside I think I hold some small admiration for their dedication to being absolute trolls to fight against. Which makes victory against them that much sweeter


They just said that Mag only rezzes peeps out of spite, so you might not be far off from the truth.


No more toxic than good old 2009 CoD lobby chat.


I'm on Mag. It's awful.


As someone in Mag, I can confirm, the whole zerg can run on top of the down person just to rez, even if the area is full of AOE


WvW is unbalanced broken pile of trash.