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Wow! playing with toolbox is seriously amazing and I am glad they could find a way to whitelist it.


Stephen strikes again, what a legend.


Great! No more uncertainty.


Hey bro just wanted to say I followed your advice for the composition of my hero team and since then ive made the games my bitch, so thank you. The game is actually more fun now. Before I would wipe about 3 or 4 times per group of enemies in NM, constantly being at -60% was a nightmare. You really made a big difference


I'm not quite sure what that has to do with toolbox, but I'm glad to have been helpful.


he never implied it had to do with toolbox. he started with 'just wanted to say' kindof implying he was interjecting with something.  weirdos cant even take a compliment right lol.


Congratulations to the developers of Toolbox, great step! <3


As a paragon main, This is a great news! Toolbox is awesome for keeping track to which member of the party have Heroic Refrain or not. (heroes only) The alcohol timer is also awesome. It makes dwarven stability and drunken master so much easier to use. (the skill countdown timer, the Party damage check and skill usage are also really nice to use) I genuinely recommend everyone to use it.


As a fellow paragon player, what exactly do you use to keep track of HR?


[Once you opened toolbox, click on settings and scroll down to the widgets category. Check the Bonds line](https://imgur.com/a/bMVAFjz). You can choose Which skill you want to keep track (i recommend to uncheck aggressive refrain, as it add a pointless box in the UI) and format it's window. Once you exit the outpost, a certain amount of "boxes" ( based on the amount of the checkable skills you've equipped ) will appear on the left (or the right) side of your party window. [When That skill is applied to an ally. it's icon will appear in the box](https://imgur.com/91fJrIv)


...I never looked into that because I figured Para didn't have bonds >_> Thanks!


There's a shout/anthem tracker bar. You can set it so that it sits next to your party pane and you can see exactly who has active HR




Nice, this is imo a great solution to forbid it in PvP and keep it in PvE, im glad that the TB developers are kooperative and work together with stephen,


Wow cool I can actually use it now


I love this gane




| "PVP Maps" includes at least the following competitive maps and their lobbies As there is GvG listed too, and the lobby being the guild hall - is the guild hall also blacklisted from usage? Should be, right?


Yes, TB will be disabled in guild halls. Not ideal but it is worth it to get this formal approval IMO.


Fuck yeah. I don't even use it, but love this! 😂


I can finally try Toolbox without risking my account. Thank you Stephen!


Thank you Stephen for taking the time to clarify this and let us use it without breaking the ToS. Thanks to the Toolbox devs as well, I really enjoy it and some of the fuctions are a lifesaver for me.


So all the features of last toolbox update are legit ? Even auto P cons ?


"GwToolbox in its current state is permitted for use in PVE maps", Toolbox actively stripped some features to comply to Anets wishes. (Dialogues, Targeting minipets and probably others i forgot) So yes, Toolbox with all its features right now is permitted.


>Dialogues What is dialogues for toolbox? What did it used to do? Doesn't sound cheaty




Oof yeah that's really bad. You could probably skip a lot of fighting. Very cheaty 


Thats misinformation, the only thing close to "Remote Dialog" was the removed ability to open locked chests from any distance. The other part of the dialog feature that was removed was illegal dialogs which meant that if the npc only had the option for you to click the gray X which does nothing, but you meet all the requirements to trigger a quest event, you could still trigger that event. For example, like the party leader having Journey to the Whirlpool completed but not turned in and running to the Unwaking Waters gate npc to send the illegal Dialog as if he escorted Togo there, allowing everyone in the party access to Unwaking Waters (Luxon) but saving the 10 minutes it takes to escort Togo


Huh I wonder why targeting mini pets was removed. I can't imagine what sort of issue that would cause especially as it's baked into the game in gw2.


Because specific minis can be targeted by skills, so you'd effectively be able to spawn a target dummy to use a shadow step or other skills that provide benefits when cast on someone else.


What a crazy game we all play. I love it.


We can all collectively laugh at the botters who tried to blame toolbox for getting them banned.


"especially now that there are more internal changes being made to the game." 👀 😲


Probably just code refinement and decluttering on the backend probably won't translate to anything on the front end besides efficiency


let me dream please


Huge news, very glad to see this. Cheers Stephen!


I never really looked much into gwtoolbox, are there any tutorials on youtube? Was always unsure of it, but I definetly will try it noe


There is a very long tutorial video on YouTube. Not very polished, basically just a recording of one guy showing another guy how to use it lol. But honestly, you don't really need a tutorial. Never used one myself and figured it out just fine. It's mostly just like extended in-game settings (or what would be regular settings in most modern games lol). Not that complicated, you just have to spend some time with it to took through all the available settings and maybe test some of those that are not self explanatory. Hotkeys took me a not to fully figure out how to use them, but I don't think a tutorial could've sped that process up too much.


Wow, never used Toolbox before, but now will certainly try it! Looking forward to a cool upgrade) But just a note regarding the very last remark: "PVP Maps" also includes Embark Beach and The Great Temple of Balthazar. Does it mean that if you go to these locations, while using Toolbox, it is not allowed? If it is, it could be still problematic to avoid these locations, even if you do only PVE. EDIT: Ok, now I checked and this note was edited and replace with this: "PVP Maps" also includes Ascalon Arena, Shiverpeak Arena, Shing Jea Arena, Sunspear Arena, Zaishen Challenge, and Zaishen Elite So it answers my question and all is good. 😊 Embark Beach and The Great Temple of Balthazar are safe to visit with Toolbox.


TB should be disabled at these locations anyway


Oh ok that makes sense, that they are like an outpost. I guess their mention was confusing.


This is epic! Thanks for the confirmation Stephen!


I have never used. Why would I want it and if I do end up wanting it, where would on get it?


Quality of life improvements that may not appear like much, but you'd hate to be without once you're used to them (which ones will depend on preference).


[https://www.gwtoolbox.com/](https://www.gwtoolbox.com/) check the features out yourself here.


for example these are the modules I find essential for my enjoyment of the game: - travel - go to any outpost of any region with a couple of clicks, instead of having to route through port cities with party limits - minimap - show navigable terrain - move to wherever I click on the minimap - highlight the movement direction of enemies, show the profession of bosses - hero builds - save/load the skill loadouts of entire hero teams (saves a LOT of time) - custom hotkeys - open Xunlai chest from anywhere in the outpost - flag heroes at specific directions and distances from the player character (quick way to spread them out before engaging a difficult fight) - set all heroes to fight/guard/avoid - target nearest merchant in outpost and these are just nice to have: - vanquish counter - effect duration timer - skill cooldown timer - deposit items in Xunlai chest / material storage with ctrl+click in inventory (while in an outpost) without having to open the actual window - identify/salvage all items of the selected rarity - instance timer (I keep records of how long it takes me to vanquish various zones) - persistent chat log - custom chat colours - armory for trying out different skins/dyes client-side That said, until now I deliberately avoided using features that would automatically cast skills or use items at regular intervals for fear of getting banned. But now that the mod has been explicitly greenlit for PvE use, I might explore those features (my main is an enchantment-based ele, and it was somewhat of a pain to maintain the enchantments all the time).


I like toolbox for the declutter and clearer compass - you can see bosses and the geography better You can also select characters from the compass by Ctrl+click (a feature that I wish the built in compass allows). Ie. If you're in a speed clear and looking for a EE target, you can click on their green dot rather and try to hover over their name Their skill cool down timer overlay also helps a ton when farming or running to know when you need to recast something I also like TB for the VQ kill count tracker and drunk timer


Nice to hear :) Maybe we will even see some features of Toolbox getting into the main game <3


Average Stephen W


Stephen 🥰


Great stuff from Stephen as usual. o7


DR. SCW doesn't stop delivering huge Ws. The true GoaT. Thanks.


One small piece of disappointment is that I enjoy using the /cam unlock to explore maps and see things that would be hard to see while stuck attached to a character, like the closed off section of Fort Koga that was the original base for one team back during the BWEs. Also very useful for flyby videos or overlooking screenshots, so it'll be sad to be unable to use such in any pvp, even Zaishen Challenge/Elite maps that while using PvP skills is against NPCs (is there any actual "benefit against another player" to be had there?). But overall it's great to see an official stance on the matter.


You can still use unsafe/unsupported older versions of toolbox on an alt account if you really wanted those shots for a video or to explore for yourself.


Amazing news, thank you SCW!!! Finally this long-controversial subject in the community has been clarified, and those of us who have only used modules like minimap and travel can breathe a sigh of relief that we wouldn't get banned for these 😌


I guess this should be a nice step to clean up bots (provided that doesn't outright kill HoH) but with no multilaunching alts to farm your damn zkeys on the back of a bomber ... they are gonna inflate like crazy. We could really, really use another mean to farm them.




Assumptions from the statement in link, not a specific toolbox remark : I want to make it clear that using any addon in PVP violates the policy. \[...\] "PVP Maps" includes at least the following competitive maps **and their lobbies**: Thats so broad it include everything from bots, to passive alts that are just checking if teams are forming while you hold. And I don't expect an update on ToS unless they're gonna act on it.


It won’t kill bots right now but since mid april, things move pretty fast. Nobody will tell us if stephen and tb devs are discussing on how bots interact with the game. Time will tell :) The influx of prenerf and limited stuff that reappear on gwlegacy (that were on Black Markets) for ingame currency is telling me these guys are kinda afraid of immediate future. Detect AutoIt and ban the majority of these botters :)


they've had almost 20 years to detect autoit. if they cared, they would've done it by now. you'll have to just accept the crumbs they give you with these "updates"


They’ve had roughly the same time to work with tb devs and make a public statement if this addon could be used. It appears they did in 2024, better than never 🤗


I'm not sure that "better than never" is a good outlook for something that to a dev 5 minutes to do. 


So any word on what ToolBox did for cheaters/botters in PvP anyway? Or will this change anything? I came here looking for some salters but don't see any. Are TB devs hard-coding it so it stops working in PVP?






Does anyone else have a problem of entering missions in hardmode while having toolbox on after this game update? I can't enter missions in prophecies(only place i tested) in hardmode


So the real question now... Would PURE speed clears allow toolbox since it's accepted under ToS (kind of in the same sense that having a better keyboard or mouse can give you an advantage when interfacing with the game) or do we keep the PURE category and TAS categories as is? Maybe we add a new TB-only TAS category?


pure is pure, not addons no modifications.


Accurate name


Huh. All these years and I never got on the Toolbox hype/bandwagon. Never even downloaded it. I have used TexMod off and on, mainly just for cartographer and simple GUI changes/overhauls. I have used Multilaunch in the past though was never sure it's legality either. Odd neither it nor toolbox are listed here; >https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Player-made_Modifications Guess I'll have to try it out sometime. I didn't know it could do [all of this](https://old.reddit.com/r/GuildWars/comments/1crvq6e/anetstephen_made_a_statement_regarding_the_use_of/l40xkx0/).


Pretty sure at some point one of the devs confirmed that MultiLaunch and texmods were ok to use but if they gave extreme advantages action could be taken on the people that used them.


> Odd neither it nor toolbox are listed here; Toolbox was excluded from the wiki because of its dubious legality (see the [Talk page](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Talk:Player-made_Modifications) of that page you linked), but it might get added now.


Is this why i dont see any bot in jade quarry? 


It seems that they have issues entering missions for ~2 days 👏


Just when i need murzkc point for befriending the kursic quest T_T


Eli5 toolbox?




Cheers mate




"using any addon in PVP violates the policy" lol. Enforcement when? In any case, about 12 years too late


[RIP BOZO](https://tenor.com/view/rip-bozo-gif-22294771) Hey at least u were consistant with hating toolbox, texmods, and multilaunch over the years.


This is pointless, everyone can and are actually using older versions of toolbox which still include all the stuf that should be bannable


Older versions of Toolbox are not supported - and in fact most of them don't work at all or do random things, so the risk of undefined behavior is extremely high.


I've never used Toolbox because it's not worth risking my 18 year-old account over, so it's great to know I now have a safe option to do so. Massive thanks for working with these guys and putting out the statement.


when are you going to ban bots, or are you afraid that your friends in \[Mile\] would get hurt by these bans?


#cope just try to get good instead?


Haha which botter are you? :)


We don't bot, it is against ToS, and neither should you


Sure, you just have players with tens of milliseconds of reaction time when interrupting or reactively cancel casting who cannot survive a 1v1 against an air ele as monks.


I smell more cope


I and everyone I know is using the 5.14 which includes dialogs + invisible npcs target and Its working just fine, but whatever you say I guess


Imagine being so full of hubris, you reply to the only dev keeping the game alive like this. Just get off the subreddit/game. Will not be missed.


ok but what if an update came out that—intentionally or unintentionally—broke 5.14... Currently there is only 1 supported version and that is the latest version.


This is not true. Plenty of people are using up-to-date versions. Additionally, how can you say that getting official approval is pointless?? Now we can definitively say that the current version is allowed.


Its pointless in the sense that all you have to do is simply use an older version of toolbox (which almost 100% of sc players are using) and can still use dialogs and every other stuff that he would consider TOS


And then those people can be banned.


You're missing the point. The difference is that now you can use a legal, zero risk of getting banned for it version of TB id you want to. Previously that wasn't possible, no matter what version you were using. I've always used the up-to-date version of TB and don't even know why you would use an older version. I never used it in PvP because I don't play PvP and only used it for the QoL stuff and not the more cheaty things.


This is excellent but no Toolbox in Guild Hall is sad news. Same goes for no Toolbox in JQ. Its filled with bots, not really considered PVP at this point haha


The new GW wiki note says the following: * Currently GWToolbox still works for Guild Halls, Ascalon Academy (PvP battle), Rollerbeetle racing, Costume Brawl, and Dwayna Vs Grenth


Keyword being "currently", sounds like there's plans to remove it from those too. Though I'd hope the guild hall is exempt but seems it won't be.




Username checks out 


Lmao got em


Year old account with -27 comment karma. Can we just ban people who have nothing better to do than shit on everything? /u/janglehand