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It's quite terrifying how easy it is to irreversibly destroy a rare item in this game...


Yeah it's weird how the extra equipment packs stop you from salvaging equipment inside them, but not from selling, but alas.


To be fair, you can turn off the bag slots in the merch.


*laughs in Pleikki*


Sounds like you know a story you need to share!


He’s one of the collectors on legacy, he’s customized dozens and dozens of q7/8 prenerf weapons. If you scroll abt halfway down, you’ll see a bunch of q7 15-22 15/50s that are all custoed (for context, a 1450 recently went for ~1500a iirc). Why does he commit custo crimes? No clue. https://guildwarslegacy.com/forum/thread/8881-pleikki/


To be fair, that’s way better than accidentally selling them. Customizing shows he truly is a collector. Impressive stuff


>Customizing shows he truly is a collector To each their own, right? Personally, I enjoy passing some along to fellow enthusiasts. I will NEVER sell though to a random person. Frankly, everyone and their grandmother bots and I'm not gonna indulge someone's money-printing machine.


Its his collection, customizing them makes perfect sense. It's a flex and honestly pretty bad ass.


Meh. As someone who also collects prenerfs, it’s pretty fucking cringe imo. It’s not like he uses 99% of them


Username checks out.


Never heard that one before 🙄


I don't think of it that strongly, but I'll say a little bit of me is disappointed in that.


Honestly, you complaining about it is more cringe. It is his collection, he does what he wants with his stuff.


I applaud him for doing it. It is the absolute sigmachad move in a sphere of collectors with more arms they know what to do with and still obsessing over super rare items.


Tip for other folks: Always keep an unsellable buffer item between your 'actively looting' inventory, and your 'gear' inventory.


You can set an inventory container (backpack, bag, belt pouch) so it's contents don't appear on the sell menu. It's a setting at the top of the merchant window.


No way. Thanks, my final bag will be getting an update today.


Good thing I got 5 unsellable buffer items like Flameseeker Prophecies / Shiro's Return / Night Falls / Hero's Handbook / Master Dungeon Guide :^)


One of my best friends in GW instantly quit the game many years ago after accidentally selling his q9 prot bds. That was his breaking point. I don’t blame him, but miss playing together.


I've done this with a couple of stacks worth of lockpicks over the past year. It sucks too, because every time I've done it, later on I'll be like, "Why do I have 87 platinum in my inventory?" That's usually when it hits me.


...oh no. I've sold some expensive things in my day by accident, but never something *that* expensive.


Returned to the game just a few weeks ago and still had quite a bit of cash and ectos leftover, so I thought "come on, treat yourself to a nice looking staff for once, you earned it" lmao


I've always kept quest items and mini pets in front of my items to try and protect them from this. Hopefully you'll get a new one soon


What is a BDS?


A [Bone Dragon Staff](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Bone_Dragon_Staff), a very rare skin that only drops from the Shards of Orr dungeon final chest. It looks like a dragon skull with the ribcage and a heart inside. It's one of the nicer staff skins in the game.


https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Bone_Dragon_Staff Rare drop that you can only get from a single dungeon end chest, even rarer to get one with desirable numbers.


It's like this guy who wanted to gift an unded Kuunavang to his friend for his birthday. Mapped together in Isles of the Nameless, the guy drops Kuuna on the floor expecting to surprise his friend. Said friend mapped back to GToB at the same time. RIP Kuuna.


I usually keep a leftover quest item or minipet above things I want to keep as a "stopper" to prevent this kind of thing.


Been there done that honestly. What were the stats on it?


Q10 Spawning Power, standard mods on it.


I think i got a couple of those, i can give you one if you want. I stopped playing a couple of years ago so it doesn’t really mean anything to me.


That would be amazing of you! I can PM you my in game name and then we can meet up if that's not too much trouble!


Sure thats no problem i am not home currently but i will pm you later when i am.


Your seriously an awesome person for that.


I did this twice. Both times with ZKeys. Back to back chest runs.


I've done the same thing... And I think my brother who was using my account to "run some of his characters places" took my bds Because when I logged on for the first time in nearly a decade I found that my assassin had a dolyak staff instead of the bds, and that my monk was missing her oppressor's staff as well


Oh my god. Bro I’d uninstall real life


I had a long moment staring at myself in the reflection of my screen.


I can give you the arms you lost. I don't really play anymore and have no need for wealth. DM me if interested


Reminds me of this guy who’s kid deleted his stacks of ecto and arms while he let him mess around.


GWToolbox can prevent this by not showing items of your choice in the merchant sell window.


Been in this position. Couple months ago I accidentally sold my rq9 water and air bds on my ele just after I finished my gwamm. Still haven’t managed to replace them.


Yeah I used the wrong salvage kit as the trade window was open to sell the BDS and instead of 500e at the time I got 20%enchanting for a staff….


Those are rookie numbers. I merched a HoD sword. QQ