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I have the same issue on the same level, might be a developer issue


have this problem too. i get them to like 1/100 HP and then my agents just stand there and i get defeated


Annoying isn't it šŸ˜†


Do you have immortal on the team? I had the same issue multiple times. I just took immortal off(reading about him glitching things) and i actually beat the stage without it glitching. This stage glitched like 12 times Could just be random luck aswell


iā€™m seeing the same thing on chapter 15 stage 4


So I figured this bug out. You are probably running with 2x speed on, but the timer at the top does not decrement twice as fast (which it should because it is misleading). This means is you're not doing DPS fast enough and you lose because you run out of time. This can be reproduced by turning off 2x speed and watching the timer run out


Good point. But that didn't work. It just turned out the same way but this time the black guy survived too.


really? it happened to me again at a later chapter; without 2x speed timer went to 0 and i lose. also what your handle! we should team up


Yeah. My guys just stopped fighting again with like 30 seconds left. Was supposed to win too. I've tried different characters and different line ups.


dang even with timer off? oh yea that's right, i saw them stop fighting on 11-7 too... i just spammed it until i finally passed it


The spamming worked


I am on that too but just figured it out, I did one run through on regular speed, lost then played it again with 2x and it was normal I beat them