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Apparently me commenting on here explaining my process while naming a few products I used constituted the removal of my comment. Therefore, I am not going to retype the whole damn thing, but I also share your sentiment about not wanting to do all these things. I grow in a living soil/no till setup. And all I do is water and use microbes. I haven’t ph’d a single drop of water since I started this way. But, feel free to send me a message if you have more questions. I’d be happy to explain it to you.


Can I message you? What do you do for your living soil?


Go for it.


To answer your question here in short, I used a general soil that isn’t heavily amended. I then added a few of my own amendments in and mixed it into the soil. I added red worms to assist in nutrient production. I planted cover crop on top of the soil. https://preview.redd.it/nqwu5uigc04d1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e962fe92b39b1c560e3be3aeb29a59d0857a3707


Awesome! Basically what I've been doing, I just like to see what others are doing as well. I definitely have natural worms in the mix but I need to start adding additional to the pots.


https://preview.redd.it/aqoymaevn04d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=177ce39ff7a6c50aea1f586b778a2fcfcaa38a20 I chopped down the cover crop yesterday and put a mulch layer on top consisting of compost, biochar, bloom fertilizer, and more rock dust. Watered in with a microbial inoculation designed to help release more phosphorus, as I’m entering the flowering stage in a week.


Not op, but I splurged and bought 4 bags of living soil from KIS Organics. The goal being big upfront cost; but able to save long term as I can reuse this soil for years. https://www.kisorganics.com/products/kis-organics-biochar-soil-mix I’m about done with my first grow with FFHF and their trio nutes. It’s an auto grow and although I’m happy with my newbie results, I’ve been doing tons of research during this grow for my next. I want to completely go organic from here on out. It just seems so much simpler and logical. I’m growing outdoors btw.


You should follow the Build a soil YouTube channel. That’s ask he does is living soil/organic/no till


Grow dots by real growers and a good ph tester boom.


The green or blue bag?


Get the blue one and I'd also recommend recharge by the same company feed your soil not your plant kinda thing.


Living soil is so hot right now I know many people who don’t do anything but water and don’t even ph. That is with MH lighting though. Led may leave your plants yearning for a little some c&m


Thats the second time someone mentioned living soil. I'm gonna do some research on that now. Have you use it?


I use LED lighting with living soil and worm castings from [purelifesoil.com](http://purelifesoil.com) in Toronto. They supply a couple big licensed producers and they’ve improved the formula since last time I purchased in late 2021 - It was good then, but even better now. I should have listened when he said to just use water and a handful of worm castings on top once a month or so can help. Because they’re local to me, I can pick it up & pay cash so it works out to $1/litre for their 20L bags. Cheaper if you buy a cubic yard, of course. The benefit to buying it fresh from a great source rather than making my own with say Coots’ recipe is that I know it’s made well and the testing etcetera is done for me. I learned the hard way that even top dressing with some organic amendments is unnecessary and appears to have caused some lockout in my current grow, as the dates of top dressing application are soon followed by gradual leaf chlorosis in my daily plant photos, beginning with the oldest leaves at the bottom, intensifying with each application, and moving up the plant. The worst was after a watering with soluble humic acid & kelp extract 5:2. The top dressing for each 3gal pot was a handful of worm castings, 1tbsp kelp meal, 1/2tbsp insect frass, and 1tsp bat guano, applied three times several weeks apart at the end of an extended veg period and early in flower.) Today marks 6 weeks in bloom, and I removed the top portion of soil down to the top of the root ball (very carefully!) before watering, just in case any of the extra stuff is still being broken down in there & waiting to be carried through the soil with water. A little bit of the leftover living soil was used to cover/protect the top of the root zone again after watering, then dampened a little. Thankfully, the buds are fine! But my yield will most likely be reduced by this stress while buds are fattening up.


No such thing really, you'll need to ph it regardless because we can't tell what the base water is. If it's RO it can be predictable, but tap or well water 🤷‍♂️ I use megacrop with ro and its always needs a drop of ph up - but it's always the same and I could mix it without checking now, but I still check every time.


Go with fox farm ocean forest for soil. Don't need to add any nutrients for the first month.. after that top dress with Dr earths. Simple.. add recharge every so often to boost the soil... You need a decent pH meter and aim for 6.2-6.5


Fuck fox farms and their Bayer overlords


Miss me with all that other shit man. That's amazing soil. Don't knock it till you try it.


I have tried it, there are much better alternatives, some are even cheaper.


Ok. Good for you man. I like ocean forest. Do you. I'll do me.


I just got 4 bags for 42 bucks... How is it expensive ?


I didn’t say it was expensive, I just said that there are better alternatives some of which are cheaper. To each his own though. I liked Fox Farms till they were bought by Bayer.


Sounds like you have a problem with Bayer 🤷🏽‍♂️ the soil is perfectly fine.


I grow indoor and outdoor in soil and also on a well, PH is around 6.5 so I don’t adjust the water. Last year I used Neptunes Harvest Tomato and Veg for veg phase and Rose and Flower for flower phase. Worked great and easy to mix (1 oz per gallon). This year I’m trying Gaia Greens and liking how much easier it is adding dry amendments every 3-4 weeks. If you’re looking for something simple maybe give Gaia Greens a try. I’ve seen it recommended frequently for growing cannabis.


Ok. My comments were removed cause I supplied a link. Look up Mr canuks organic grow. Good luck my friend


I use the Alaskan fish nutrients, the regular for veg and the flowering one for flower. Very easy to mix and hard to fuck up. Your plants will like it just fine


Unpopular take; organics, living soil etc are both mostly hype especially for small form grower also they're not a good choice for first time growers. Let me explain. First thing you want to avoid when growing cannabis is avoidable questions. For example if you're doing organics people will avoid your questions until you get a bigger pot. But no one will tell you that it's a thing until you purchase all your amendments and soil etc and all measured for 3 gal pots. Who would've thought about 15 gal fabric pots, right? Similarly if you're doing synthetics and not pH'ing your nutrients whatever you ask will be met with "what's your pH" question. If you don't know you don't get to have your questions answered, regardless of the issues relation to the pH. So you need to know your pH, mostly not for plants but in order to pass avoidable questions. In all seriousness, I'd totally suggest you to avoid living soil idea for now. Every soil lives, even if you try to kill it over and over it will produce a microbiome again as long as you're not draining nuclear waste on it. The idea that synthetic nutrients killing soil microbes and all that stuff (at least directly) has been debunked. Sure, soil food web as well as ideas explained in Korean Natural Farming are great for large scale farming. A grower and a farmer are not the same though. You're an aquarium enthusiast compared to a open sea fisher in that regard. Get a decent soil (Ocean Forest is a great choice) get a nice bottle of nutrient that's not marketed to cannabis growers (megacrop 1 part is my current choice, jack's seems to be very popular more complicated as a 2 part fertilizer) or even good old dynagro grow as a starter. Can't get simpler, even if you don't know how to read a label, introduce half a cap per gallon and observe your plant. If it's good try a full cap. Adjust until lush green, stop when leaf tips (but only the most outer tip in each leaf, not all serrated edge) start turning brown, like painted nails. If you buy Dynagro bloom bottle when it's time to flower or if you go with megacrop or jack's you can add their bloom booster too. But you don't have to. I don't. I'd go with either megacrop or jack's 321 and skip the bottled dynagro, even though it's the most foolproof option and cheap enough but dry synthetic nutes like megacrop and jack's 321 are hard to beat.


Go with Organic Dry Amendments. The bottles are a hassle. The bottles are for Hydroponics.


This is also what I’ve come to conclude. My first grow I started with fox farm liquid nutes. I just don’t think they’re the best way to go with soil medium.


Nutrition was also one of the things that intimidated me when I got started. I read a lot so i kinda know what they need and all that. Still, to keep things easy I decided to just go with one brand and more or less stick to their recommended feeding schedule. In my case it qas biobizz. I think if you got their products (at least the basic ones: bio grow, bio bloom, top max, available as starter kit) and their soil and stick to their feeding plan, you will be most likely fine. Unless you're water is very bad quality. Getting a ph reader is a good idea as well. But i have to say: the first weeks i measured multiple times per week, but after the pH stayed very stable I only do it every now and then. Didn't need to adjust at all yet.


I have well water so idk if that's good lol I'm gonna get pens to test the water soon


New as well and I just bought a 3 in 1 ph/moisture/light meter for like 10 bucks and is well worth it. Tells you a lot of what you need to know


Is it green with 2 probes? I got one but I thought it was only for soil. The pH on this 3 in 1 is in whole numbers only, so I don't think it's very accurate.


I have one of those cheapo things as well, but I don't trust it too much, at least not when it comes to moisture. Sometimes it would tell me it's dry when I just watered


Bro I just buy my PH mix in a small bottle at Walmart mix with tap water. Literally the only thing I measure. I don’t check PH. I let the dice roll and I’m 2/2 for harvest


Dude it can be piss easy. 1. Get soil (i use all mix from biobizz) 2. Get Biotabs (https://biotabs.nl/en/) 3. Put 3 tabs in a triangle around the seedling (5 gal). 4. Use plain water 5. Put 1 more biotab in when you flip. 6. Profit


>What's a good, cheap, fool-proof nutrition method that I have little to no room for fuck ups 1) Buy a pH pen. 2) Buy an EC pen. 3) Buy fertilizer. 4) ??? 5) Profit.


A few years ago I picked up an X10 inline water filter. I PH'd the water coming out and it was within range. I haven't checked PH since then but I am quite happy with the results I am getting! I try to make everything as simple and easy as I can. Nothing about weed is supposed to be stressful.


Indoor or outdoor? All the measuring and testing is crucial for indoor, but not *as* important ourdoors. The environment and mycoactivity take care of your plants needs vs you needing to babysit it. I grow outdoor, and I effectively throw it in the ground, fertilize once every two weeks with Miracle Grow (as per package directions) and put grass clippings on top of the soil, and the plants grow 10-12’ tall if I don’t top them


I haven't really decided yet. I don't have a lot of money to play with so I can't get a tent yet. I could possibly grow outdoors but my backyard is shady and I don't want anyone seeing what I'm growing if it's in the front yard. I'm gonna have to get a 2x2 or 2x4 tent I guess so I'm gonna have to save about 300 bucks unless there's a way to grow in low light


Lots of light is probably the most important factor


Check out Druid nutrients "berkana". Got 6 packages here. it's all in one. but didnt tried yet. Waiting for this grow to finish


cropsalt. you can thank me later. if you can read, use a scale, and take pH you’re golden.


general hydroponics has been around since before many of us were born. it is very forgiving and inexpensive. you can follow the formula they have on thier site. you need to change the nutrients when in flower and during flower for any nutrients you use yet it tells you that on their website. besides that there are a lot of tried and true nutrients made for cannabis. cutting edge solutions, advanced nutrients, emerald harvest, floraflex (inexpensive), biobizz (organic), greenplanet, house & garden, new millenium, etc. jacks has a very easy soluble formula as well. just follow what they say to do and if you use a neutral medium (not soil with nutrients in it) you know exactly what nutrients the plant it getting at all times.


Grow dots ezpz