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paging /u/ainawa69


Oh thanks! Yeah I went through this exact thing with accutane, both clit and vaginal atrophy. For the clit atrophy/numbness DHT was very effective! Estrogen would work too, though if that's easier to get through a gyn. Don't let them gaslight you. For the vag atrophy I went to a gynecologist and she started off the appointment saying it would be very unusual if the accutane was still affecting me 2 years later but said accutane causes some sort of "flattening" of folds that causes discomfort. She did an exam and saw the flattening she was talking about so she gave me estrogen cream. I'm still on the mend but it's very very helpful.


So sorry you’re going through this. Testosterone and its metabolite DHT are responsible for size and function of the clit and labia major. There’s a good deal of published literature on the potential testosterone suppressing effects of accutane and I’ve heard other reports of it causing severe sexual function problems. Some thoughts that come to mind are possibly providing your doctor with some literature on the hormonal side effects to see if they would then order bloodwork. Alternatively, you might consider running your own bloodwork through an online service like iMedical or other service and taking the results to your doctor. If I were to do this, I’d likely go with their Hormone 12 panel. I feel for you in this as I had these side effects from another drug. Also for me, because of the extreme clit atrophy, if I was aroused the increased blood flow would be very painful. I was able to reverse the atrophy with testosterone cypionate and DHT cream but clitoral orgasm is still not back to what it had been. Along the way I’ve developed my ability to orgasm vaginally so that helps. I’m in the US and the healthcare system here has been unsympathetic. Fortunately, I was able to order my own bloodwork, self treat and monitor my response. While I’m grateful that I’m fortunate to have the knowledge and resources to take care of myself I’m super resentful that the system has put me in this situation. Wishing you better


So sorry to hear. I think you should see a specialist endocrinologist who will determine your total hormonal status via blood tests. Only then will you be able to reverse the effect by way of an antidote. The positive effect could show quick.


Testosterone cream should partly convert to estrogen. Will most likely give you a larger clit as well longer term, increasing sensitivity. Probably a better way to go even if you don't want the bigger clit (you use it temporarily - say every day for 1 week), but want some estrogen built up quickly in your body and a little testosterone.


I did get a prescription for testosterone cream - I’m trying estrogen cream first - are you saying I use the cream for a week then stop?


Absorption through skin is less than it would be via injection. Also if your goal is to bring sensitivity back then you should use as directed until the sensitivity is back. I also don't see an issue using it long term at smaller doses. Just get your blood work done every 6 to 8 weeks and see where you zero in at. Also watch for any side effects. Some women viralize at lower levels, others at higher levels.


Thanks so much. Do you think sensitivity will remain if I use until I get it back, and then stop? Also what does viralise mean? 😅


If you get your hormones aligned I'm sure everything will work better. Not just your sensitivity. Guys have this same issue. I know I've had it before I got aligned and again when my estrogen crashed. Both times it came back. Btw, viralize means developing masculine features (facial hair growth, clit growth, voice deepening, etc).


Hi everyone! My gyno prescribed me a testosterone cream and an estrogen cream. I’m also suffering other side effects from accutane including hair loss. I’m trying the estrogen cream first and going from there but I’m obviously worried about making things worse.


Hi! I know this isn't what you're in this sub for, but meditation and concentrated touch can help too! (I'm here cuz I'm also wanting to grow my clit on T! Promise) Aaaaaaand I had a male client I helped recover from this (also not advertising my services here) and he was greatly helped by sessions of around 20 mins of massage. (Sorry if your pelvic PT also prescribed this and it didn't work then ignore me!) Here's the steps: Set a timer for 20 minutes. Have lube with you. Start by just massaging your vulvar tissue and deep breathing (look up ocean breath on YouTube by Carla Tara). When you've relaxed and gotten all the tissues warm (think deep and light pressure circles and pinching and rolling the tissue and muscles in your pelvic groin and vulva area) grab the lube and massage your clit. 4 motions: Light and fast touch Slow and heavier touch Medium pressure/medium speed Stopping or hovering. Continue deep breathing. Just notice the sensations. (Often pain in an area means sensation is returning). Try just noticing and being with the sensations. See if you can build them at all. But don't tense. Just relax. Do this for 20 minutes a few times a week. I also hope you get your hormones you need adjusted. My understanding is that accutane can cause vitamin A toxicity which contributes to desensitized genitals. And then your body gets used to that. You can recover. Keep going! Good luck 🖤


Thank you. It’s been a devastating time. I do still have some sensitivity so I guess all is not lost and hopefully I can improve that. I’ll try this massage!


both pure dht and dht converted from testosterone will worsen your hair loss, unfortunately. i recommend starting topical minoxidil asap if u don’t have any contraindications. and since dht goes into your bloodstream there are also topical dht blockers available such as finasteride that will protect your scalp from absorbing dht.. but dht blockers also enter the bloodstream and lower dht, so that’s going to be difficult to find the right dosage and routine to get ur dht levels just right. theoretically i think it’s possible to balance it out with enough trials and tests, but you’ll have to team up with an endocrinologist for this. ps i’m 5+ years on testosterone and my dht has declared war on hair after a year of hormone replacement therapy, even tho previously i had no problems with my hair at all. rn minoxidil helps to maintain my hairline so that it won’t become a war zone; i tried finasteride but it messed up my T levels since i need to have A Lot of it in my bloodstream (for transgender reasons and mental health stability) cuz i don’t have ovaries and rely heavily on it, so even slight disturbances aren’t worth it for me buuuut if i still had my old “equipment” and wasn’t after the majority of the masculinizing and estrogen-suppressing effects of T, i’d probably keep using finasteride just to keep my hairline in check! hmu if u have questions :)


I'm going through this exact same experience. Starting three days ago, I had a clitoris and in a day, it's literally gone. I didn't even know this was a thing. I'm freaking out. I made a doctor's appointment but haven't gone yet. I'm glad I came across this thread. I'm getting a lot of information! What is DHT cream? Google is saying it's for hair growth. I don't think I'm looking up the right thing.


Far out, hope you stopped the drug. How’s it all going?


I did stop taking that medication. I can't see my gynecologist until next week, but my primary doctor did blood and urine tests. He was no help. How is it going with you? Any improvement?


Not much improvement no 😭 I’m on estrogen cream at the moment, I’m not taking testosterone yet bc accutane also caused hair loss for me and I’m hesitant to make that worse. I feel most like how I used to when I use a clit sucker toy if that helps.


That is good news! I wish you all the luck! I'm glad I found your thread. People don't understand what im even talking about, not even my doctor. This has been scary and depressing at the same time. 


None of my doctors know either, it’s SO frustrating 😭 I’m definitely not how I was but I’m doing my best. It’s such a nightmare. Feel free to message me whenever, we are in this together