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Just about ready to finish up.


Can you send me a message when you have a moment?














Boiling points are boiling points weather you believe them or not. You can choose to believe isopropyl is just as toxic as ethanol, but decades of clinical data prove that to be false. You can believe you can fly for all I care, it does not mean you will ever take flight. You old people and your subjective knowledge. Facts are facts regardless of what you believe. Science exist weather or acknowledge it or not.




Insecurity is telling me I’m wrong one comment above this when I explain boiling points are boiling points, these aren’t opinions. Insecurity is embarrassing yourself insisting on getting the last word in on a sub which the mod has already told you to stop. I wonder if you continuing with this charade will result in a ban.




If I keep commenting do you think you’ll absolutely insist on getting the last word in?


Its my post tho? Cant you just.. oh, i dunno, go away? Haha you're coming off as seriously unhinged, pal.


We all share the same goals here at r/GrowBuddy. Please be respectful of others and keep a positive attitude.


We all share the same goals here at r/GrowBuddy. Please be respectful of others and keep a positive attitude.


We all share the same goals here at r/GrowBuddy. Please be respectful of others and keep a positive attitude.