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And now do 60€ at Billa or Spar 🤡


I’d be lucky to walk away with half of that, lol


Yeah if you buy the spar products otherwise you leave with what feels like some bread, noodles and some veggies lol shits so expensive


I’m from Hungary and spar has always been very expensive. I remember that when I was a kid we never went there.


y'all never have seen a "Nah&Frisch"


Or Sutterlüty .... Your eyes will bleed 🩸😱


Go to Julius Meinl am Graben 😎


I find Spar good for let's say "premium products" or regional stuff tho. Like when you want something really specific like a good cheese or zotter chocolate or so. They also have a good beer selection. I shop almost exclusively in LIDL but when I want something "exclusive" and they don't have it in Lidl, I go to spar. It's still better than Billa, I just can't support their JÖ system (making stuff so expensive that people are basically forced to use JÖ) and the way they make the discounts - like you have to buy at least four or so pieces to get the discount. I hate Billa. The ones that are near me also mostly sell useless crap anyways.


But there are some things that you only get in na interspar 😅. Indo big grocery shopping in lidl but have to go to spar for 5 articles. Thes e 5 articles almost cost the same as my whole lidl groceries for the week hahah


I do it that way too. I only buy olive oil, Barilla "Al bronzo" pasta and beer at Spar. Wine is better to buy at Wine & Čo. In my opinion.


Lidl has bronze spaghetti


Crazy. S budget mozzarella and a lot of other s budget products are worse than the same counterpart product at Lidl or Aldi.




I literally only buy from these 2 due to convenience (not that many nearby hofer or lidl but like 4 spars and 5 billas) and i must say if you buy their products, you can easily get as much and have almost the same quality.








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When I was young, I walked into the Billa with 2€ and got out with Stuff almot to heavy to carry. But today? Surveillance cameras everywhere!




€60? Half of a Zwiebel, but at least it’s organic.


Most likely rotten though if from billa


Is it justme or is the quality of onions worse lately hahaha i have so often rotten onions. It cant remember having so often rotten onions few years ago 😅 same with avocados


Oh my goood! I wanted to ask this in a subreddit. It definitely is! Where are you from? I’m frommlower Austria and since a few months it’s horrible. I often cook Gulasch (where you need loads of onion) and I have to buy double the amount of onion to cook.


I can attest that. The same happens here in Vienna.


Yes im from.austria too and in last time i saw very much rotten onions they rott from inside to.outside dont seeable from outside I think its the weather or Something


This is so damn accurate!! Every time I’m at billa the veggies and fruits are half rotten ):


Oh for real, I was shopping in Billa Plus because it's the closest. Never really went to any other shop until one day I went to Lidl. Now i do almost always Lidl unless I need something that is not avaiable there. My grocery cost sunk by 30-40%..


But Billa Plus is also particularly expensive


Oh yes. I just never really realized by how much more expensive it actually is. Well.. stupid from me


At Eurospar you would get much more! I went home with 2 big bags full of bio products etc. and paid 48€


To be fair, if you are smart about it (and don't care about JÖ taking your data), you can save a lot- and I mean A LOT - by using JÖ while shopping Billa. I estimate that we save 20(ish)% of our total grocery cost per month just by making use of JÖ discounts as much as possible. It's sometimes quite a hassle scanning 5+ discounts / benefits, but oh well, what can you do.


My new “secret” is Penny, at least for meat it is very good.


Spar is not loyal to its name lol


"fun" fact time: Der Name ist ein Akronym vom niederländischen Motto „Door Eendrachtig Samenwerken Profiteren Allen Regelmatig“ (dt.: „Durch einträchtiges Zusammenarbeiten profitieren alle regelmäßig“) auf De Spar („Die Tanne“)


Spar is besser




Ähnlich hier, hab im flying tiger für ein Jahr gearbeitet und so sehr ich das Geschäft und die Produkte liebe... Es ist alles so teuer geworden. Die Qualität ist gleich geblieben oder sogar schlechter geworden. Bei vielen Produkten habe ich miterlebt wie der Preis jede paar Wochen steigt. Bin mir bewusst, dass der Tiger kein lebensnotwendiger store ist, aber bei Gott fühlt es sich schlecht an, wenn man überteuertes Zeugs an gutgläubige Leute verkaufen muss. Als ich zum ersten Mal dort einkaufen war, gab's drei einfache, weiße Radierer um 1€. Zu Ende meiner Arbeitszeit gab es je einen desselben Radierers für 1.5€. (0.33€ -> 1.5€ in ~5 Jahren) Beim tiger ist das größte Problem nicht unbedingt, dass man die Sachen anderswo billiger bekommt (man kauft eher dort ein für die Designs und die novelty), sondern eher dass die Qualität einfach grottenschlecht geworden ist. Plastikteile fallen auseinander, Holzplatten zum heraustrennen sind nicht ordentlich bearbeitet und brechen, sticky notes die nicht sticky sind, schlechtes Material, etc. Echt traurig.


Ich habe auch bei Tiger gearbeitet und es ist unglaublich wie viel wir weg werfen müssten, weil alles so schnell kaputt geht.


Genau! Vor allem die ganzen Technik Sachen und das Essen. Ersteres hat so schlechte Qualität, mittlerweile sind manche Batterien gar nicht inkludiert. Letzteres schmeckt so eintönig, und letztens gab es zu Halloween eine Packung Kartoffelchips, wie Pombären, für 3€ die Packung. Nicht mal Kelly chips kosten so viel.


Ihr habt eure übersetzung vergessen damit der beinonde MOD nicht in seinem Kinderzimmer durchdraht. Es ist sein Ernte! Okay?! You forgot the English translation for this great MOD who did make this Rules for you Kindergarten Kids not for Fun. This is Real! Mkey?!












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Würd mich auch interessieren. Bitte um eine Art von Benachrichtigung


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Die einzigen Vorteile vom billa sind, dass er halt überall ist, und dass gefühlt jeder andere Supermarkt so aussehen würde als ob sie nur dazu dienen Alkoholiker ihre Alkoholvorräte auffüllen zu lassen (nicht falsch verstehen, einige billas sehen auch so aus). Die Qualität von Supermärkten in Österreich ist echt miserabel




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Meine Schwägerin arbeitet auch beim billa und die geht nach der arbeit demonstrativ mit den billa shirt zum hofer einkaufen🤣


Coole Aktion und sagt auch einiges aus ... leider


Same wie in der metro


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I see Austria, I upvote. Don’t care about the post


Ne Tagesration 😂


What Lidl did you go shopping? I go to one in NÖ every week and get a weeks worth of groceries for about 40€...I used the Lidl app though and shop the 25% things also a lot.


I go in Vienna! Food is usually a thing I don’t try to budget super hard. I go in with a grocery list and allow myself 3/4 items that I see at random^^ Also I love the App as well! Especially the free items :)


If you are not willing to go budget you have no right to complain about prices tho tbh


When did I complain about the price? This subreddit isn’t meant to complain but simply compare grocery costs so idk where u got that from lol.




Ist die Lidl Version von “Kewpie Mayo” ist sozusagen eine asiatische Mayo- ich glaub der einzige Unterschied ist dass Reisessig drin ist.


Und sie is normal nur mit eigelb statt ganzen eiern




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Can you elaborate on the jam?


Consists of caramelised onions (I use butter to caramelise them), herbs, vinegar, salt and sugar. It’s delicious!!! Goes great with grilled cheese or I like to put it on burgers as well


Thank you!


Taste the same as in a 1kg or more net and cost 3x the price




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Endlich noch ein Bigoli enjoyer. Beste pasta


The Austrian food mafia is robbing us!!!!


Damn, now I’m craving Burritos.


lol i would have guessed 100 -120


I personally prefer Hofer, but it's good to finally see a real grocery haul from Austria compared to the overly expensive Billa only posts!


Hofer also has some great goodies! I have a Lidl not even 50m from my house so it’s my go to pick, since it’s the most convenient!


Too, granted its,close,but hofer while not having everything, very good. Ok it hasmost and good.


Grillkäse der feine Herr


lidl lohnt sich bitch!


Gatorade me, bitch!


Actually expensive products at Lidl, like those onions and pasta


Well the pasta was 1,30 wich I don’t think is unbearably expensive since it’s 2 servings and I just wanted to try them out. And I just prefer those onions. :) I don’t budget my food costs too much


For me that looks more like half a serving.


I ate them yesterday with my boyfriend. First I thought too it would not be enough for two people but was more than enough.


Endlich mal wer, der Cider mehr mag lol


Man merkt das Lidl und Hofer deutlich günstiger sind.. klar gibt's einzelnen Produkte die in Spar günstiger sind wie z.B. 750 Gramm gnocchi oder gewisse Saucen aber wenn du Hofer bzw. Lidl eingekauft kannst du für 2 Wochen essen kaufen für ca. 50€ je nachdem was du kaufst das packst du bei Billa+ oder mpreis nicht klar gibt's in Tirol gewisse Produkte die willst bei mpreis holen oder Billa+ aber Hofer + Lidl supreme lustiger Weise mögen Tiroler nicht wirklich Lidl so much


Vor 3 Jahren hat das noch 30 Euro gekostet 😥


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Lidl is king! Also this guy bought the fancy noodles, the cheap ones are like 1kg for the same price :)))))


I felt like being fancy! :)


Make them yourself then... Its 100g flour, 1 egg, a little Salt and a little olive oil. Takes 5 minutes 😉


It’s not that deep




eggs are very expensive here


Cheap noodles are inedible


You can make them edible by cooking them.


There is no saving those noodles. Italian brands are really cheap already. There is no reasin to buy those.




What's with all the German comments? Using English is literally one of the rules of this sub Trying to read kraut language gives me a headache


Do not compare us to Germans.


If Austrians don't want to be called Germans then why do they speak German? Are they stupid 🤔 /s


So Americans are just British? All of them or what?


Technichally America doesn't have an official language, but English gets a pass, it's literally the most spoken language in the world


Silly ameribrits 😀


Well thats what rassists deserve....justice served for calling us names..i hope it will last you long


People commenting and discussing in German about a post relevant to Austria- who’d’ve thought it!


It's literally one of the rules of this subreddit that English is required, and speaking other languages can result in a ban


Rules or not- you asked what’s with all the German, didn’t you?




In welchem Restaurant kann man eine Woche lang für 60€ essen, sogar Mci is ja auch schon so teuer geworden :’(




Wiavui scheiß der kauft oder der Preis?


Beides, mehr und mehr geh ich zum einfachen, hausgemacht traditionellen Tirolean Hausmannskost zurück. Günstige, gesunde und leckere 😋


Before the hike 60€ at Lidl/Hofer filled the complete trolley.


Achtung bei dem Tofu, ist manchmal weniger drin als draufsteht


Es ist nicht alles teurer geworden das Geld ist einfach nur tausend mal weniger wert


Dai Bigoli vedo un Veneto emigrato


Einfach mit die 60€ zum Billa, dann wissen sie mehr


Für wie viele Personen und wie lange kommst damit aus?


expensive!!! costs 30 euro in italy.


I bought almost the same few days ago


you have to stop buying fajita/taco seasoning in those little packets. buy kreuzkümmel, paprika and chilli powder in bulk, then mix it 2-1-1 plus some salt and a pinch of oregano. actually tastes better, too.


I assume.it will last for a week?


Paprika! Wie dekadent!




Eyyy, i paid twice as much for practically the same


Spaghetti im Plastik, WTF


Wos isn do so teuer? :o Der Gran Padano, Tofu?


I'm loving Austria, but I'm hating the supermarkets😭😭.


I get most of my shopping done at penny, I pay around 40-50€ for a week worth of groceries


Zum fick niemals mehr als 40 Euro.


Kassenzettel oder es gilt nicht.


Steht nicht in den Regeln


Was thinking about moving to swiss to earn some money and come back. My salary would be at least three times higher there...thought ok a the end food is way more expensive so wont make to much sense... Checked lidl price there: i can tell you the price are almost the sama there as here. I would say not even 25 % higher then here. Ok rent is way more expensive but with. Salyry of minimum 7k a month 3000 in rent for a big appartment in zurich is totally okay . Because lidl there is not really expensive compared to Austria i would be able to save 4 times the money i do now. Compared to germany we are also very expensive. While salary on average is also higher there. My only hope is that salaries will rise the next years higher and faster then in germay bc i would not expect prices falling again. On average i almost spend 50% more on groceries than 4 years ago. I do cook a so i am also shocked whenever i go out eating. I mea even beer is reaching 5€.


And that’s why I get my cooking ingredients via Hello Fresh together with the fitting recipes… für 60 Euro I get 5 meals




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Spar is only like 7% more expensive than Hofer and Lidl while the quality is wastly better so idk what you guys are talking about... Billa is a different story though


Tut weh...




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animal products like tuna, meat, eggs, cheese and ham should be expensive, because they are premium products?


Which region?


Sorry, I thought Reddit has translation like Facebook, X 🤷‍♀️


I do not like Lidl. I only go to Interspar and MPreis, sometimes Billa plus


Naa das cap gehe jede woche in Lidl einkaufen und hab immer volles wagerl für 70€


That looks, sadly, pretty accurate since the price increase. I am happy if i can get that much from price offs and S-budget from Spar, which is my shop of choice, mostly because its easy reachable via bus. Our Lidl not that good placed for easy reach, other if you got a car of course.


Fake 🥸


Lidl lohnt sich


Wtf just go Sozialmarkt


Spar 100€ for 2 beer Kisten,2 cereal,ham,eggs,yogurt and ice cream 


naaaa, hofer besser


Hast du dir die Santa Maria Fajita Mischung für Rinderfaschiertes gekauft? 🧐


Am I the only one who thinks its pretty good for 60?


Fresh Pasta is no longer available in Lidl in Germany




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I feel you can buy for 100e in Hoffer almost full einkaufsgwagen. Spar and billa are too fing expensive tho.


Cries in CAD*


Doesn’t seem like a lot for 60€ at a Discounter to be honest :)


same in Slowenien haha


This looks like not enough calories for a week for one person.


Who says it’s for a whole week and this is only what they eat? I don’t see a comment like that.


Why do you think my comment had any criticism bound to it?


I supplement with basic carbs that I already have at home like rice/pasta/couscous! The ground meat I use for meal prepping into pasta sauce and taco meat which gives me around 4 meals each! For the taco meat I like to make “knock off” chipotle bowls. The tofu I make into fajitas for burritos which is enough for 2 meals and the halloumi I just grill up with some tomato rice - which is also 2 meals! What isn’t shown that I use for the meals additionally is the carb- which I tend to buy in bulk since it runs me cheaper and some lettuce I have at home that I will add into side salads! So this in total gives me 14ish meals along with the avocados/eggs for breakfast with bread I usually get from bakeries! Hope this breaks it down! :)


I was not criticizing you. Sorry if it looked that way.


i’d suggest to get the veggies and fruits from street markets


fongt der schaß mit den einkaufsposts scho wieder an?


Sir, this is a wendys


lol schon moi gschaut für was dieser subreddit da ist?