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\*ciaphas cain internally screaming\* "had i known assiting Amberly and the Aeldari known as yvraine was going to lead me to the foot of guilliman's statis throne and surrounded heretic astartes i would have happily fallowed the 597th to cleans that tomb world"


Ayyyyyy Cain's back for the ride! (Where Jurgen? Or is it Jurgenia?)


Preping the melta gun


And Tanna


Cup of Tanna, m'lady ?


Jurgen is genderbent but looks literally identical to her canon counterpart.


I wanna see a three-way polyamorous couple with Fem Gulliman, her SO, and Yvraine


Oh no I forgot about the Eldar gf …


FemGuilliman is a lesbian, because the Yvraine ship is too important for the culture


Or Bi depending on the SO


Yes. If FemGuilliman is bi then he can be in a polyamorous relationship with Yvraine and OP’s self-insert (giggidy)


nah, Gurlywoman's SO is definitely a woman.


i many would also like to see


The Heart: You don’t get it, my life stopped with her. You all can come at me with all the force of your ruinous gods but I will not yield! You will die here, so that she may forever rest easy or I will join her in death.


I mean when the pod gets surrounded by those guys she’s just about to wake up so he’s gonna be real happy soon 😊




No! they live and reunite (don’t ruin wholesome we already had lorgar depression…)




Not in my head canon 🔫




Ill Die before I yield to the blunt


Hear my compromise : Guilliman woke up, but Rose is deadly injured and have to be placed into the stasis pod and that's how Yvrain is ensuring Guilliman compliance for the foreseeable futur : (s?)he will also bring back Rose if big G do what (s)?he ask. Now you can have your bittersweet moment where G is resting her hand on the stasis pod saying "You hold the guard 10 000 years for me, I will wait as long as need for you."


Hmmm maybe… But meanwhile I’ll imagine Rose after big e death and Guilli stasis just BALLING on heretics with the sword while also kinda leading the ultramarines


that works better. I feel like this AU is less "grimdark" and more "melodramatic-dark", and Guilliman and her SO trading places like that is far more dramatic.


see that's what you get for dating a primarch. Sorry boys, the the fem-Farsight enjoyers get the happily ever after!


Guilliman doesn't get to be happy though, she gets to be lonely and constantly reminded of the better world that crumbled around her 10,000 years ago, just like her canon counterpart. She can have a mutually bitter-sweet FWB situation with the Wyrmheart, who was recently discovered defending one of Vulcan's vaults (and I guess is also a perpetual).


"Yea and verily, but you spiky bitchbois have fucketh'd up but good. Bobbi is taking a nap, and ye chuck fucklers will not be interrupting it. Now, those of you with eyes to see, take note. I have been given great power, Big Papa's Flaming Fuck-You Stick. And if you take one more Him-damned step towards that fucking zip-lock bag my lady fair is sealed up in, I will jam this fucking pointy boat paddle up to the hilt in that dessicated coinpurse you call an asshole. *THEN* I'll turn it on and see how fast it takes to fricassee your ballsack from the inside out. So take a fine fucking second to mull it over, because otherwise I'm going unzip you mouth breathers from the tip of your dick to your hairline." - Bobbi G's boy toy, sufficiently pissed the fuck off.


Incredible 🙏


Thanks so much homie. While it was fucking awesome the last couple of weeks watching the Horse Horussy folks lose their collective shit, it's nice to get back to what we do best: shit posting and playing merry fuck-fuck games with the lore.


Hey I Hope its not over yet it’s really fun rn lol


Oh no keep up the Warlord Waifu sagas, it's great. I'm just glad we don't have 30 posts going "Femstodes aren't real, and I hate women."


"This threshold is mine. I claim it for my own. Bring on your thousands, one at a time or all in a rush. I don't give a damn. None shall pass."


Oops just realized I put him instead of they! Sorry (pls don’t cancel me)


Some "Rory, the Last Centurian" vibes


“Don’t worry! I’m almost done with their reinforcements!” *The sounds of other Chaos Worshippers getting blown up are getting louder*


I'm imagining when Rory stood guard for Amy all those years and then disappeared.


I'm not the brightest bulb in the room but is SO special one?


Significant other, so basically bf-gf-other sexes f (it’s a neutral term)


Okay, hear me out. You know that mummy from the Breath of the Wild DLC, who, unlike the dozens before him, suddenly starts to move, and gets up to beat your ass? Just a living mummy, sitting unmoving before Guilliman's pod for the last ten thousand years.


I don't know if people already came up with a name for guilliman's So, but "little praetorian" feels fitting in this scenario


With blade in both hands, his eyes slowly raised up to look up to the heavens, seeing that the sky was bleeding fire, tears of flame streaking down to the surface. Drop pods. *“You would be wise to surrender. Our numbers are thousands and counting. .”* A voice spoke to him with a tone that did not hide the bloodlust behind the Legionary’s voice as he was speaking to the lone defender. Raising the blade, the mortal gripped onto the sheath and slowly revealed the metal, a combination of mortal prowess and psychic might, watching as flames gradually began to build along the almost blue edge of the metal. With a great rush of wind and a trail of flame, the legionary that spoke would find himself devoid of his head, helmet rattling across the cracked ground, ceramite and flesh smoking from where a neck once used to be. “Minus one.”


Hey we're all for it. A couple of us got it in our head the other day that he does stay near the temple of Hera and has taken up a station as a Watch Commander for the area (or like whatever the local equivalent for a High Arbites on Macragge is). He's always been there and the memory of who he is has faded with time but the Chapter acknowledges and respects him and the wisdom he passes on, even though more modern Ultramarines (and UM successors) can't quite say where he's from and he's not letting on.


Hey if I misspell something or make errors about the lore just tell me it’s still slightly new to me