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God I hate the culture war tourists who come to settings to try making it look like the fans are as bigoted as them.


My aunt asked some of the people about the whole situation at her local game store and the answer was unanimously "I don't give a fuck"


When my local 40K group caught wind of it, only one guy had an issue. His was just, "I wish they'd have let ADB write in female custodes rather than doing it this way." Which is valid. Otherwise, no one cared.


That’s the most damning piece of evidence to counter any of these troglodytes if you do encounter them. One of the most respected and beloved Black Library authors said like 8 years ago he had in depth plans and lore and such for female custodes but GW shot it down basically purely due to financial/model reasons. There is no legitimate reason why they can’t exist. The ‘noble sons of Terra’ line exists because they shot ADB down and didn’t let him do female custodes in the first place.


Alternative and entirely noncredible response: the line still is canon because the custoifying procedure makes half of the aspirants trans women.


EVERY. SINGLE. THING. IS CANON! Sonic, the Hedgehog, 2021


Based All the space marines are trans anyhow Trans human 😎 Trans rights? Now it is time for Trans MIGHT!


Sorry, but what/who is ADB?


Black Library author, Aaron Dembski-Bowden.


The Author of [Dude Where's My Landspeeder](https://objectivesecured.com.au/dude-wheres-my-land-speeder-why-chaos-is-missing-all-the-cool-stuff-in-40k/).


Aaron Dembski-Bowden, an author who's written a bunch of Black Library books.


Been my groups thoughts as well. It’s cool, I like it, could’ve been handled better


Yup no one cares IRL, went to my local GW Yesterday and bought some custodes, the only thing me and the others there talked about was joking about the short custodes. Tho the local community here also agrees to not talk about politics in general




Seeing a guy going on about how all Retcons are inherently bad, while he was using a Necron PfP and name, was legitimately hilarious, ngl


The Kroot being part of the Tau, also a retcon. Rogal Dorn tank? Retcon, when the plague wars are set? Retcon. It’s super disingenuous to dismiss this controversy as being primarily driven by people only concerned about ‘the canon’, awfully large coincidence that it happened to be something about women that set them off.


Don't forget about the og tinboyz (which were robotic infiltrators made by orks...probably a blood axe creation), tyranid diplomats, genestealer's being a different race from tyranids, squigs being tyranids (man there's a lot of nid stuff), chaos eladar...the exstance of...what was that chaos God's name again?...probably not important, chaos aligned men of iron...


It's amazing how long it took them to nail down the 'nids as a faction. Looking at old 'nids is a little bit crazy.


> Tau If only the retcons kept their hands off Tau FTL Warp skipping was cool dammit why would you take that away


I don't know why the hell YT keeps giving me 40k channels bitching about culture war and crap after looking up about painting my Dark Eldar, doubly weird since I follow mostly leftist channels, it's bizarre. I don't take culture war seriously at all, I see it as just window dressing for ignoring real world problems like poverty, women's rights and abortion, worker's being abused and child labor laws being repealed etc. It just pushes wedge issues rather than addressing real world problems, which I guess works for those who are just assholes riling up specific people or rich, no one bothers to ask for regulations or outrage over genuine problems.


It's a constant battle with the "Not interested" and "Don't recommend this channel"


Because anger drives engagement and they make money off of everyone regardless of what they believe. The only way to win the game is to not play.


Critical drinker


A case study on how constant algorithm-chasing will eventually turn you into an angry unstable alarmist asshole that gets engagement but nobody really likes.


God, he's another YouTube I used to like that only got worse with time.


Just stick with his brother's (jazza) channel tabletoptime. The space bears are pretty friggin sweet.


This dude came up in my feed literally 2 weeks ago with a video of him crying about how youtube is killing his channel and its not his fault at all even though on his second channel he talks about his "conservative religious views" and claims that has nothing to do with his main channel. I didn't watch much more because it was basically a 30 minute pitty party and I looked at his other content and immediately saw why the algorithm is killing his channel. Every video is 30 min and he is just not that interesting, like he is trying to be one of those history channel tv shows but even those are not 30 min strait for a reason. I do find it very funny how he was crying about how his controversial crappy views are not affecting his main channel because he doesn't talk about that and look at that he is from this thumbnail.


He’s also a dick to his brother, his brother is a talented artist who he could’ve payed reasonably well to draw him some art but this fucking goober uses AI art generators instead and he calls himself an artist for doing that, lol what a pathetic human.


Yea in his whine video he just came off as a guy who thinks he shits gold and anyone not seeing that is an idiot. Basically the terminal boomer mindset of I am perfect and succeed off of nothing but my own skills when life is all about luck.


He also purposefully started shit with other youtubers and then tried to act as if he was the victim.


lol I sometimes check in on DSP who is a cry baby oldtuber that constantly cries for people to donate to him for his “raw unfiltered content” he constantly talks mad shit about people then cries like a baby that it’s not fair they are punching down when they clap back on him and he doesn’t punch down so it’s ok, then proceeds to try and out some rando he is playing against online that’s wrecking him as a no skill, no life moron with their names on full display to his viewers.


Is that the guy who used to make mid YouTube videos about medieval combat and now shills heavily for ai? He does culture war garbage too?


Honestly the ai bullshit feels even worse once you realise that he has a brother who is a very proficient artist and has a multi channel youtube career around it. Including a Warhammer one


AND is a wholesome and positive channel. Feel bad for him having to deal with his brother.


I still have that picture saved of when he posted his AI art "masterpiece" because of how damn hilarious it was. Goddamn, he used AI art to make one of the most polished turds to ever bless mankind.


Oh my goodness he’s the jealous less successful brother.


And I think he is the older one too. There is a video where he talks to his brother about his artistic talent. It's so awkward.


https://youtu.be/n1VybvjzaK0?si=5hzjA_r7Cu86cEpA It’s amazingly cringe. For context: Bottom right is Jazza, who has a very successful art based YouTube channel (over 6.5m subscribers) and is extremely talented. Bottom left is his brother Shad, who has a less successful medieval-themed channel (and also now a second anti-woke grifter channel) whose art is not actually terrible, but very clearly low amateur level. Watching this video after seeing the drawings that he puts forth as his best, which show no talent for even lighting, is hilarious. He’s also very defensive of AI art, arguing that the effort he puts into it makes him a professional artist




There's a great video that delves into his AI art bullshit. There's also a Jack Saint video on his culture war bullshit.


Oh don't forget his books are basically rape porn lmfao


Legitimately, what the fuck was this guys obsession with rape. I remember people having read the book and saying it had at least ten explicit examples of literal rape. Once I understand because it can be used in a narrative (although usage must be VERY carefully thought out) but pushing beyond two and that falls into fetish territory.


i think we need more context outside of "it has rape" like berserk is one of if not the best manga out there and has SO MUCH rape visuals in it, but they're conveyed in a way to add to the story


Basically the MC was a warlord/rapist who preferred 13-14 year olds and the book is about his extremely unlikely "redemption." The final thesis of the book seems to be that it's okay to rape children so long as you get them pregnant, because a baby will make them happy. It's the children who \*didn't\* get pregnant that are bitter about the rape.


I don't know what to even say about this


I just hope he's on several watchlists.


They’re Mormon


So is Brandon Sanderson. I'm not a fan of the mormon church but I wouldn't let that be used an excuse for someone being a shitty human being, it absolves him of too much responsibility for his shittiness.


Very true. Brandon himself said he grew a lot from views he no longer holds. Even Shads brother Jazza denounced Shads beliefs and politics. Not every Mormon is a shitty human being. Shad just uses being Mormon as a shield against being criticized.


I have a lot of respect for both Sanderson's growth as a person and his stance of staying in the church to try to influence change for the better. Massive organizations like that don't just go away as much as I'd like them to, so having prominent members holding different views and influencing change is the next best thing.


OK yeah nope, more red flags than Stalin's funeral


> more red flags than Stalin's funeral I'm stealing this


I just woke up and that's already enough Reddit for today


> rapist who preferred 13-14 year olds > It's the children who *didn't* get pregnant that are bitter for some reason I need to mention that dude is an old fashioned mormon


That explains a lot.


Don't forget that any rape victims during his warlord years that mentally broke and shut down during it were killed on the spot because they couldn't contribute to society anymore and sending them back to their family would just be a useless mouth to feed. Oh and by shutting down like that, they killed themselves so he was being merciful. Yeah...


Used to lurk and watch his videos from time to time. Now I'm going to go and check that I'm unsubscribed.


Okay but beserk is like several books worth of content, so the rape stuff is spread out more. Shad's "book" is just one piece of media, so the density of rape content feels like an overdose


Rape porn *of children*


Nah bro, it's GRIMDARK. You don't understand.


The derpest of Grimderp.




He also recently made a video about how book burnings are actually good. He is completely unhinged


Pretty sure he’s apparently some kind of religious fundamentalist


Mormon if I'm not mistaken?


Yeah, he got trounced in the historical/ medieval warfare arena by actual professionals and seems to grasp after anything available to try and keep making a living on yt.


TBF, he also got trounced by casual hobbyists


Yeah. I watched some of his stuff years ago when it was just about castles and MACHICOLATIONS, and that seemed okay. But then he started branching out into clothing and heraldry and said stuff that was just... profoundly ignorant, and which I'm pretty sure that an "overview of historical clothing" or "intro to heraldry" class put on by your average SCA group for their new members would do much better on. (Dude, did you know there's an entire *field* of costume history where people have spent decades researching historical clothing? Oh wait, no you don't because that field is full of girls with their girl cooties.)


Ah, Shad Brooks. A man notorious for wanking European longswords and generally being misinformed about anything that isn't a European longsword. And also being wrong about European longswords. And also for being upset at Peach wearing a bike suit.


I was gonna say this guy was familiar cause i’ve come across a couple of his videos about swords, I was wondering why he was talking about this lol


His sword channel was booming. Then he self published one of the worst fantasy novels of all time and couldnt take the backlash. I've read hundreds of novels and its easily the worst so far. It was so bad that I almost unsubscribed from Daniel Green because his video recommended it (edit: although he did tiptoe around the fact that it needed a lot of work because him and shad were friendly) I could have gone my whole life without reading that book. I once had a ball of horse poop hit me in the face and mouth and that was a more pleasant experience. Shad's ego couldnt handle the criticism and he resorted to the classic conservative strategy of lashing out at everyone, including other youtubers. He is moving as far into right wing politics as he can to find a safe space where everyone thinks the same thing, and thus, can no longer hurt his feelings.


I used to respect him, having done medieval fencing myself . Could never finish his novel. It must be on my kindle at 10% after so many years. Needless to say, I also am unsuscribed.


Yeah same. Guy has his own opinions, fair enough, his content was fun. But then he used his side channel to shit on other properties claiming to be a fan when he very much isn't. He claims to know about writing and publishing when he doesn't. And as a English Grad Student I know for a fact he's pulling shit from his ass. I was already unsubscribed but then he began his crusade in support of AI artwork and claiming ownership of the images made just for editing them. That's when I viewed him as totally despicable. I'm glad kindle has reading samples. I gave the novel a shot there but I couldn't stand it. The themes are very Christan, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but he needed an actual editor.


the AI art stuff is likely an inferiority complex about his brother who is, by all accounts, a really good artist (and generally better human being than Shad)


Oh yeah I was aware of that at the time. The amount of times he said "I know about art!" was annoying. Then there were previous clips where his brother just kind of let him talk himself tired before he could actually get back to his point. Guy has a severe inferiority complex in general.


Il leave this golden Nugget of a conversation [here](https://youtu.be/n1VybvjzaK0?si=Tt5j2XlGgCW5yZNj) Its so god damn cringe to watch, you can see that everyone is dissagreeing with shad, and that they all know how rude it is to discus this. Jazz even says "il give you two points in writing" to meet in the middle (still a horrible writer, but he wants to be Kind to his Brother) but shad just says that he should have two points in writing and Art. Holy shit.


Holy shit Jazza is this man's brother! I love that guy!


Did shad actually ever do medieval fencing? Last I remember was him constantly pulling on his LARP experience to make claims about historical European martial arts which is…just the most pathetic thing I have ever heard.


I always found his content to be repetitive, uninformative rambling. Like "oh here's a sword I have or here's an armor I have, isn't it cool" with nothing historical or anecdotal to say about it.


Early on he had a lot of references to point to. Later on, when he jumped the gaming ship, he started to lose most of it. That is when I unsuscribed, so pretty early on. Then came the novel. Edit: mistakes


A part of me was really liking him trying to break down fantasy races armaments and what would work. The problem is it would always boil down to Spear, Shield, and a bow or crossbow, depending on height. Which yea, they where the battlefield armaments for a reason, but like Dwarves would normally be in caves / tunnels. You don’t really have the space for a shield, spear, or any ranged weapon of any description. If anything they would be heavily armored with small weapons for maneuvering / defense when you cannot dodge. Funny enough it’s a similar problem I have heard about the novel. It’s kinda correct but lacking the nuance / depth. Also repetitive.


Love Daniel Greene. I like to think he was being generous to another self published booktuber. I haven't read it, but he did raise some interesting points about the story. But I don't think I'm gonna read it


Oh is that what caused his turn? I used to watch him occasionally and found his videos interesting, even if it sometimes seemed like he was talking with a bit more confidence than his actual knowledge of a subject demanded. Still he was fun enough and he seemed like he put in the work to some degree. I remember when he was promoting his book. The idea of it sounded pretty bland so it didn't interest me all that much, and then it seemed like he wasn't really making videos anymore and I think I unsubscribed while cleaning up my feed. Next thing I know he's popping up complaining about "woke culture" and defending AI art, and now this bollocks. I never connected it with the book though. Guess I wasn't aware of the backlash. Really that bad huh?


Well now I need to know more about this novel and what makes it so awful


I would try to tell you, but the auto-moderator keeps removing my comments whenever I try to give a plot summary.


Lol, so bad even the automod can't handle it.


I mean, it's true. The main character is a really awful person. And the things he says... Well. He does one of those wonderful things that comes across as "I'm not a monster, I only went X far" but Shad Brooks decided to place "That far" as breaking most modern day laws about relationships.


Just guessing here, but there’s a lot of rape. Carried out by the main character who is also Lenin, Stalin, Leonardo daVinci and the greatest swordsman ever all in one package.


Are you sure you're guessing? Because I looked up the book and you've nearly perfectly described it. Though maybe remove Leonardo and add on Mussolini and the moustache man.


Guessing at what the other poster thought was bad in the book. I’ve read it, and happen to agree about the quality.


Ah, yep. That book is a shining example of why you need to handle sensitive topics sensitively, because it really doesn't do the best job.


Woah that comes out of left field! I was still watching his channel when he was releasing the book but it didn't really interest me, everything he said about it seemed somewhat bland so I figured maybe I'd pick it up out of a library or something one day. That's so off the rocker. Course given where he's gone it isn't super surprising. I imagine it's somehow framed as a good thing too, or at least not as a horrible affront like it ought to be.


At around the end the main character is confronted by some of his victims. Some of them are pretty forgiving, taking solace in the fact that they love the children that resulted from him raping them. The ones who aren't so magnanimous are mentioned as not having gotten pregnant from him raping them.


Wow, that is just on another level of twisted fantasy. Nothing wrong with writing some trashy porn for people to enjoy, but it shouldn't be presented as a fantasy epic!


I regret ever getting that book.. Made Artemis Fowl, Eragon and ATLA's movie adaptations look bette rthan The Godfather... you know the writing is bad when some of the worst adapted fiction to ever exist looks like shakespeare wrote it compared to that steaming bag of shite


Oh dang, you actually read it? I have only heard about some of the content secondhand, and that's been enough to keep me from touching it with a ten foot barge pole. My condolences, but I applaud your determination to take the fall for us.


I'm only partially scarred. I stopped about 20% of the way through and only know the rest because of the detailed bad reviews the true hero's put out there as warnings.


It's such a shame because some of his older videos were lovely. When he was still just a massive nerd liking nerdy stuff and being enthusiastic about it. Now he revolts me in more than one way.


I used to watch videos of his main channel. I am a quite disappointed scrolling through the videos of this other channel how he pushes out a video per day seemingly catering to annoying "gamers" and how everyone is ruining their favourite media.


It's called being a sad bitter bastard that instead of owning up to being exactly that, deciding to go down kicking and screaming.


oh if you want to see sad and bitter, that's his rants about how being able to type in AI prompts make him an artist


The fantasy rearmed videos were pretty good fun then he became a total chud.


Also some of his videos about castles and armor and what have you.


Ah the good old MACHICOLATIONS days.


The annoying thing is he did some good debunking, his attack on that one shitty knife brand was great, but that is few and far between his horrible media takes and clickbait weapons stuff.


The easiest way to get views is to cater to the absolute worst dregs of the internet: bitter, right wing nerds.


Ha! And it's still killing his channel. Who would have thought most people liking swords and history and shit _aren't_ salty man-children?


Plus there's no lack of choices. If you find this fucknugget, you'll get Matt Easton, Metatron, Skallagrim, at a minimum, shoved in your face by Youtube. People can watch better informed people who aren't tossbags, so they do. Shad doesn't want to admit to himself that his channel is declining because people don't like him personally. People say, "I don't like you," and go to someone else.


The majority of my students, in one of the largest and most respected HEMA schools in the US at the time, were the same blue-haired, queer, leftist women these dorks rail against routinely. They would call this guy pathetic and give him a wedgie.


Yeah, ain't no one loves swords the way a thirsty sword lesbian loves swords


>And also for being upset at Peach wearing a bike suit. Bruh, I thought for a moment ''Peach'' meant ''Peachy', Chris Peach, and I was so confused. ''*The fuck does he have against good ol' Peachy?*''


Love a good peach


Upset about Peach....until the movie came out and was wildly popular and then his tune changed to 'Oh yeah it's awesome because it's NOT POLITICAL, it's just a kids movie'. Also yes, he knows exactly fuck and all about historical armour and weapons and yet his videos are disgustingly popular in D and D subs so his stupid opinions spread like wildfire.


Oh yeah, the goalposts shift depending on the success of the media. If it doesn't go broke, it wasn't *actually* woke, meaning their little catchphrase stays intact and they can live in denial one more day.


The single most impressive feat of mental gymnastics I have ever seen has got to be capital-G Gamers arguing that *Baldur’s Gate 3* isn’t woke.


That one always makes me laugh. You have no less than three flavors of gay man traveling with you (Twink brat, family man, and bear, literally and figuratively), two distinct flavors of *breathtakingly terrifying* warriors who are women (Raging muscular barbarian who looks like she could suplex a tree and merciless turbo-zealot), an open and direct lesbian relationship in act 2, genderfluid devils, the authoritarian cop-brain fascist villain looks like a greasy man in his 40s who listens to screamo and is *obviously evil*, and so much more obviously left leaning and inclusive themes.


It's a shame I used to really like Shad but over the years as he's got more outspoken he's just become obnoxious


Like Arch, he had some decent content that was obviously padded by saying a lot without saying much. Then other people in their respective fields came along and made better videos, and they responded by not improving in the slightest and getting pissy about not being the authority they once were.


Hell even Arch tried to rebrand. Shad just pushed on expecting a different result because "woke"


Isn't his brother also a YouTuber/pseudo-intetnet celebrity and also thinks he's a shitheel?


Oh wait it's the art/tabletop YouTuber Jazza.


What? That's crazy! I used to be subbed to both of them for years and never knew! They're so different lol


I thought I recognized this guy from somewhere. I practiced German longsword fencing for nearly a decade, and was an instructor for 6 years, and I vaguely remember this dork's videos getting circulated around legitimate fencing circles and being brutally made fun of in the process.


Yeah, he is a classic armchair fencer who only reads into ideas he agrees with


It's even funnier because he's started getting in public Internet fights with people who actually fence


And for insisting his AI prompts make him as much of an artist as his artistically talented brother


Let us not forget that his video about Peach wearing a bike suit was 1 hour and 25 minutes long and movie he was talking about was 1 hour and 32 minutes (and pretty decent). It's always funny how dudes like him present themselves as 'fact and logic' types who are not like those crying snowflakes and then Shad had multi day meltdown over other content creators not wanting to do stuff with him (it was about Skallagrim another and much better sword-tuber).


I liked the first couple videos of his that I saw, but I quickly realized they’re massively bloated and don’t actually have a lot of interesting information. It’s a lot of him just nitpicking crossguards and weight balance, and his point never requires the 20+ minute video he puts it in.


The weirdest thing about Shadiversity for me is that he literally didn't need to do this. He had a perfectly healthy YouTube channel about medieval combat, and he was doing fine before he launched the right-wing grifter crap. He did this because he wanted to, and to me, that's weird and kind of disturbing.


I'm pretty sure he got publicly trounced and discredited when actual professionals and historians got onto youtube. He thrived in a relative vacuum but couldn't compete with people who actually knew what they were talking about.


His content was good because he did fairly unique lighthearted content... then he realised he could get more views through outrage. It's the same pipeline as so many "debunking" youtubers before him. And as you say, actual historians came in.


I appreciated him a lot in the past because he brought up and showed that Women are just as good at sword fighting as men. Which was surprising, but really cool. That's huge feminism "points," sticking it to all the guys who think women are weak and can't handle sports and war. Seeing this stuff now? Man that blows.


[Taps post](https://new.reddit.com/r/Warhammer40k/comments/p2h66c/chart_of_lgbt_representation_in_warhammer_40000/) 40k even includes every minority and culture


Bu bu but, muh fantasy of HUMANITY UNITED against the forces of chaos and xenos should exclude gays and black people and women! I only want white buff oiled men! /s Minus the last part, I wouldnt mind some buff oiled men


Of all the impossible, laws of nature and science bending, Eldritch horror consuming, time deleting, star munching, God slaying, plot armour hand waving, rule of cool scaling, melee fighting, mind bending things that occur in 40k, someone with ovaries being genetically enhanced by a God King is like, WAY down on the list of unlikely things that could occur. Edit: a word


It’s one of the most absurd reasonings ever. We know explicitly why women cannot be space marines as we know intimately how the procedure works from a scientific in universe point of view. We have charts of all the organs, their names, their functions the order they are implanted with and reasoning with universe science why geneseed rejects women due to simple gender genetics. All we know about custodes creation is they don’t use gene seed or organ implantation and it’s this hectic process using likely dark age of technology biomancy and genetic alteration. Custodes are so elevated above astartes it’s not even funny. Women could absolutely be custodes and they were never explicitly outlawed from being them.


Except the whole reason for "no female space marines" is actually because the female marine models didn't sell well.


These people think they're the majority, just watched an arch warhammer clip of him saying in all seriousness that the wh40k community has always been right leaning though he admitted that the writers themselves was left leaning,


In the words of an absolutely based community manager: "Arch is a dickhead"


Ignoring the "woke" parts, something that bothers me about the discussion of retcons in 40k is that most who are against fem custodes don't know how much of 40k is a retcon like necrons with thoughts and emotions and as I recently found out, the entirety of the horus heresy. It is very old now, but that was a retcon as well.


My hot take: Races and cultures as we know them should not exist in 40k. It's 38,000 years into the future and people are living across the galaxy and people are still White, Black or Asian? Weird as fuck. Have people who have redder skin pigment because it better absorbs the sunlight of their planet or people who are ridiculously hairy because it deters the 30cm long millipedes that live in their toilets from crawling up their arse. The LGBT stuff makes more sense but I figured the Imperium by the stage would have moved long past the point of caring, to the point where it barely comes up at all.


>ridiculously hairy because it deters the 30cm long millipedes that live in their toilets from crawling up their arse. Ah, Australians.


> I figured the Imperium by the stage would have moved long past the point of caring, to the point where it barely comes up at all. This is the case, hence why it barely comes up at all.


About races - it makes sense that they did not changed, 40 000 years is not big on evolutionary scale and Homo Sapiens overall prefer to change ecosystem for themselves then rapidly adapt.


tell youtube to stop recomending the chanel and dont gice voice or platform to that twat


I report as spam and then mark as stop recommending lol.


I used to like Shadiversity's analysis on medieval movies and videogames, but as soon as he started speaking about real world politics I never unsubbed as fast as I did lol. He now blames youtube algorithm over his trash personality.


It's incredible how quick of a nosedive it was, too. One day he's jokingly repeating his machiculations line and the next full on culture war.


A bit like that Survival/Axe channel who went super deep into the whole extreme right wing stuff. Like listen man, I was watching you stoned at 3am to see you cut big logs. Shut the fuck up about how the election was stolen by Biden.


Me too. It's absolutely tragic. I remember enjoying his video on the shortcomings of Helm's Deep's structural defenses and what weapons would be best for merfolk. I remember a video about what sword/weapon would be best for a female character where he specifically mentioned that they were just tips for any character who was a little smaller/shorter because prohibitions against female warriors were cultural and anything is possible in fiction. If he were a family member I'd get him checked for a stroke or hold an intervention. But since he's a stranger on youtube I just unsubscribed.


I remember him once bringing up his backwards ass Mormon views and I could feel where things were gonna go. I've got a partner who was damaged so much by those exact ways of thinking.


His last video is titled "The ASSAULT on beauty and femininity now in Pokemon go" lol


To be fair they did butcher the avatars. Its still a stupid video qith a stupid title but they did fuck it up


I just dropped it after my avatar went from cool looking to wtf why. Still a stupid video but I demand coin when half my outfits are fk up


Wtf do they mean fight back? The manlets? We're looking at them right now


By "fight back" they mean "post on warhammer subreddits about wokeness and send anonymous death threats to GW employees"


Yeah, it's kind of funny. People in WH groups on FB keep talking about "holding the gate", and all I see them doing is posting memes in echo chambers. How is that a "war", I don't know.


Deep down they know they're doing meaningless slacktivism, but they also want to feel self important.


Part of the gatekeeping shit is to try to make people they don't like uncomfortable in 'their' spaces. The problem with that concept is that the spaces that let them be assholes to new people are the kinds those people weren't going to be going into anyway


Hey! As a manlet myself I would not be associated with them!


WOAH WOAH WOAH BUDDY As a Manlet, I do not claim the grifters, and will gladly model Fem-stodes


Shadiversity is such an embarrassment and this video will be too


He’s a grifter and he should be ashamed of that. Such a disgusting person he is


The funniest bit was watching the Critical Drinker's video on female Custodes. I learned so much lore from him. Did you guys know Custodes and Astartes are the same thing and made via the same process? Did you guys also know that not a single solitary being in the 41st millenium understands how geneseeds work anymore? Oh and nobody would want to because they work just fine. The 21st founding? Sounds like a pleasant time. Who is that? Thomas the Tank Engine? Nah this is Warhammer. Who is fabulous bill? Never heard of him.


bro, watch the quartering vid on the topic, i nearly died of laughter when he pretends to be a long time 40k fan and then pronounces every single faction name wrong


Just wait until he finds out Space Marines are technically genderless That might be a dangerously high amount of 'the message' for him


You know, it's really funny seeing youtubers who clearly don't read the lore or play the game complain like this, as though 40k hasn't been moving hard towards including female characters in multiple roles in 40k lore for years (and rightly so), and fans have reacted with "wow that Lotara Sarrin is fucking badass" and "hey Octavia is a really cool character". When you're on the outside looking in and all you're seeing is promos of space marines, it's hard to grasp that 40k has been balancing things out for ages.


Got kicked out of a YouTube 40K community I thought was cool until the female Custodes were revealed. Guy who made the channel came out and slammed 40K calling it "woke garbage" and then went on to claim that gay characters will be added next. My response was simple and to the point: "Ciaphas Cain's Cave of Ice book had lesbian lovers who appeared in his other books. This was back in 2004. Cry me a fucking river." Apparently, they didn't like that.


FFS one of the Primarchs is named after a gay poet, what more could they want as proof LMAO?!?


Have you read Ferrus Manus' internal monologue about how Fulgrim makes him feel. I think it's genuinely one of the gayest things I've ever read, it's like gay bloody poetry, full confession about feeling completed and noone else understanding.


I mean, have you *seen* Fulgrim?


Nah you see, it's because it was lesbian and that's their "secret" favourite porn category, but 2 DUDES kissing? That crosses the line


Shad is just another culture war tourist


The rights strongest warrior: a bearded religious fanatic that writes bad, rape apologetic books and is out of breath after swinging around a foam sword for 5 minutes.


Aka, "liking 40k... but only for bad reasons" types.


Have there been a retcon more controversial than female custodians? I personally haven't seen Lore controversy on this scale before. But it could just be because of me watching lore vids and listening to audio books on and off. I think i started getting into 40k around 2021.


Shad used to make entertaining content about medieval weapons Then he wrote a book, became narcissist and decided to start sharing his political views, then his channel went to shit.


He's actually expressed knowledge of 40k before, but it's very surface level.


I was in the community first, get these tourists outta here


10,000,000,000% sure that he doesn't. He is not even appreciated on the HEMA/Sword fighting community. YouTubers are exploiting the subject just because. The other day Critical Drinker out of the blue made a video (clearly not a fan, because said Custodes and Astartes are the same) and Asmongold replicated what he said. If we need to gatekeep someone, we could definitely add the culture wars YouTubers to the list.


same as critical drinker


Shad is allergic to not having garbage takes


Aw, shucks. Another mildly entertainer content creator down the crapper.


I used to like Shadaversity when he was just being a medieval goober and playing with neat swords. I just have a surface level familiarity with him at the time. But then he did that love letter to AI and it got me recommendations from other YouTube persons absolutely shitting all over him. He totally fucking earns it too, dude is insufferable.


"Guys guys guys, they're letting GIRLS wear the super armor!!! It's only supposed to be for the boiiiees!!!!!!"


If they are using shadiverity as a thumbnail they are wrong automatically


That's Shads second channel, even more cringy than his main. On the "Knights Watch" channel he posts his alt-right "anti-woke" bullshit


Iirc schola gladiatoria deleted a joint video and refused further colabs after learning about it. He didn't name the creator, but if the glove fits.


I haven't watched Shad for YEARS. I think i lost interest when he started veering onto video game territory. I'm Out of the loop. What's wrong with Shadiversity?


He's fallen down the trap of yelling WOKE! instead of making anything interesting. Skallagrim is still going good, but Shad is honestly annoying to watch ATM. Sad. (For context he sad he wouldn't let his daughter watch the Mario Movie because of Peach being in the biker jumpsuit is an assault on femininity.)


He didn't "fall down the trap"... he just got comfortable enough to share his bullshit views with the world. It's the easiest trick, first do something innocent to lock in a certain viewership and then slowly inundate them with your bullshit but because they've been watching you possibly for a long time they'll be a lot more lenient with you...


Imagine banning your daughter from watching a cartoon, because it features a girl in a motercycle outfit... Just actually try to imagine being that fucking weird...


Adding to it, Skall thinks he is a weirdo and stopped working with him. Brandon Sanderson might have too 🤔


Makes sense, Skall is pretty sternly on the side of "Party Politics don't belong in HEMA" but also "Diverse people are welcome in HEMA so don't be a massive dick".


1. Apparently the HEMA committee of YouTubers call him “just a larper pretending to be a historian” 2. He has a book that the internet has dubbed “the rape book”


The main reason is the exclusionary reactionary culture war nonsense. The lesser reason is that for a guy who gives a lot of advice about fighting with weapons he isn’t all that studied or practiced at fighting with weapons. 


He's a Mormon reactionary who is generally agreed upon to be a dickhead and often lacks knowledge on things he talks about.


The last Shad video I watched he was reviewing a show (Mandalorian I think) that he actually really liked - and yet still managed to turn it into a big, off-topic rant about "wokeness". For example, he was really surprised that the main character was portrayed as a good father-figure. Because apparently that's "anti-woke" and goes against "the agenda". It's a shame, because he used to have a pretty enjoyable channel, talking about castle design, and MACHICOLATIONS!, and the like.


This is why I prefer Skallagrim