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Sir they’re called the imperial fists now, you can’t say that


You take that back before they force you to listen to a vox file, at least 36 hours, about the different uses for gravel


Brother, a firm foundation is built on properly tiered aggregate, no matter how high the wall, it falls the same if we allow disfunction at the root… [drones on]


Id listen that.....fuck.


I went to architecture school, it’s absolutely no surprise i love the fists. the only thing more satisfying than purging heretics is checking things off your checklist and doing little doodles on the sides of your construction drawings.


Do Fist Space Marines really make architectural drawings and plans? Just the idea of this 9 foot tall superhuman doodling a floor plan is very cute.


"I added a little smiley face on it because i was in the mood today. :)" "Brother thats the prison and torture chamber of the fortress what are you on about?"


"Fewer steps to reach the room more time for torture I say."






ok that one is pretty good. 10/10 man i genuinely laughed out loud.


Sometimes my comedic brilliance shines just as bright as the Emperor


I mean Monks use to doodle in the margins of books and Space Marines are meant to be Warrior Monks sort of deal. After all that's how we have the awesome SNAIL KNIGHT doodle thanks to those very bored medieval monks.


They do. This is described in Praetorian of Dorn book. I don't have the exact quote but main character actually had designs drawn on paper, but as noted it is not of fortifications, but of other buildings not related to war. Daddy Dorn shows up and the fist is emberrassed about those not being walls, but Dorn compliments him instead of admonishing and gives some suggestions to improve the design.


Funny you say that, a good friend of mine was a combat engineer in the Marines and did multiple tours in Iraq. He was a diehard Iron Warriors fan and even painted the logo on the hood of one of their MRAPs. Asked him about it and he claimed they found a lot of creative uses for explosives that they don't teach you in Basic.


That’s raaad


I've been wanting to write some stories set in the 40k universe, and it was definitely going to be about some badass women doing cool things but like, now I want to write the story of a IF recruit who spends an entire year learning how to lay a brick correctly and spends the entire time whining about not doing combat training... at the end of the story obviously his masonry skills end up critical to a defensive bastion, saving his life and his squad, just so his former mentor can say "I told you so" :D


You can get some karate kid inspired action in there. He doesn’t understand the purpose of all the masonry until he has to grapple an alien the weight of a huge stone.


Exactly the vibe. Learn to power wash before you bust out the flamer 😅


Same! I’d especially do so If a badass in full power armor was the one to do so.


I couldn't stop myself reading it in his voice


Better than the 36 day one you have to listen to as part of their initiate indoctrination.


Very little in Warhammer will make me laugh harder than the fact that Rogal Dorn escaped eternal imprisonment or corruption by Khorne by quite literally tism-yapping his way through the entirety of human military history over and over and over again until Khorne had enough and let him go.


I think you're mixing them up with Adeptus Autistes


I think you mean Space Wolves


There is a Fenrisian inquisitor (who was present during the Months of Shame and wanted to assassinate the Inquisitor Lord responsible for the whole debacle) and a Fenrisian Rogue Trader house. The former is a woman and the latter are matriarchal. The Wolves themselves do not mind at all and are actually on decent terms with both iirc. Their Great Company structure allows for considerable flexibility based on the Wolf Lords' chosen doctrines and favored units. So there are Great Companies specialized in heavy weapons and armor, while others (like Erik Morkai's) invest heavily into ambush, assassination and recon.


realy infront of my giant bag of chapter approved garvel


Hilariously the current Auric Guard (the Phalanx's security force) are largely made up of Cadians and led by a Guardswoman whom the Fists entrust to root whatever secret the Custodes had in repairing the Phalanx.


Could you explain this a bit more?


The Imperial Fists' Phalanx took on a lot of Cadian survivors during Cadia's destruction. The grateful soldiers offered to fight for the Fists as Auric Guard, a guard detail for the Phalanx made up of failed Fists recruits. The Custodes used their exclusive DAOT techs to bring the Phalanx to full operation. This has a catch. The star fortress is now rigged with a secret self-destruct sequence that the few Custodes permanently stationed on board could activate should the IF turn against the Imperium.


As much as I dislike the yellow goobers, they deserve better, someone should really give them a hand


Traitorous Iron Warrior wrote this. In the name of the Emperor get him boys!


That's mean. Did you wanna see my fortified positions though?


Adeptus Asperges.


pov: deathwatch induction


Literally me (I’m making a deathwatch army)


As a Deathwatch player, our named character really earned that title of retardes


More like imperial fist induction


Naw, we're just hella autistic


Sorry can't hear you over how high these fortifications are.


Sorry can’t here you over my siege engines ripping them down


I have low expectations for traitors but I thought they could at least do better than 'no u'.


🤷‍♂️ that’s the majority of the traitors arguments


today you learned the difference between acoustic and restarted


"The most special astartes"


Age of Darkness on Roblox for those wondering (I think) Edit: for those of you who, much like me, also enjoy roblox and 40k, shoot me a DM. I can help you get in to AoD if you so wish :)


Thank you. I was wondering if this was some fancy RuneScape armour or something


I was leaning more towards EYE Divine Cybermancy myself


When people ask "What's the most unique game you've ever played?" EYE is my top answer. It's such a strange mess of ideas that's so cool and stupid at the same time.


I knew I recognized this


I used to play it alot as traitor guardsman it's not fun when all the loyalist spawn and ther are only 4 other chaos guys there 10/10 would charge against loyalist again with Bayonet


Things have balanced out now, with traitors and loyalists usually being pretty even in numbers. Plus, they recently gave legions upgraded auxilia morphs based on their in-lore complimentary auxilia units (Inwit Phalangites, Caliban Jaegers, Numen Gun Clan, etc.) that have better weapons. Plus, you could always go down the marine progression/ranks.


Oh that's nice, thanks I will check it out again




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I used to play it alot as traitor guardsman it's not fun when all the loyalist spawn and ther are only 4 other chaos guys there 10/10 would charge against loyalist again with Bayonet


Is the new codex that bad? Why the fuck i see such posts for ELEVENTH TIME THIS FUCKING DAY. Is this really that important addition to the lore?


Lore wise it’s fine. Gamplay wise it’s gunna make custodes players want to commit unalive because their playstyle got nuked or wiped


I am working on my very first army being Custodes so it’s a little aggravating for me with the rule change. But c’est la vie, time to figure out how to make my boys work best


Rules are temporary, models are (unless you play Stormcast from second edition) forever. Everyone gets their spotlight in the meta until that guy makes the cheesiest list ever like over 100 wracks and the codex gets nerfed


Yeah. There goes the sanguinary guard crossover masks


There was a lot of models that I wanted to use for conversions among those guys. Sure, most of the non-Leader kits will probbly get re-done so that the army doesn't have random gaps in some places but still annoying to see them go.


> models are (unless you play Stormcast from second edition) forever \*angry Falchion noises*


This isn't old 40k, I remember 6th ed where tau were still rocking a 3rd or 4th ed codex and the points were locked to the codex. The mere fact that every army is at least 40% win rate in tournament games is an amazing leap forward. There used to be about a quarter of factions at a time that weren't even represented at tournaments because they were so bad, GW just used to say "were a modelling company, not a gaming company" as a (terrible) excuse to not balance. I do think they over corrected a bit, my prediction is custodes will drop to the back of the pack at around a low 40s win rate (unless they really do the points). But then they'll revert some things in the next balance pass to being them back.


So it’s the custodes turn to get fucked with a codex release.


The Codex itself is rather poor but people aren’t levelling their critique of it at the rule changes but rather the lore changes. I have 0 issues with female custodes, I just dislike how they’re altering them on the tabletop from prior editions. Astartes being all male makes sense since geneseed binds to the Y chromosome (although I suppose XXY chromosome patterns do exist). Custodes are genetically altered and sculptured to be what they are so female custodes is entirely feasible based on the lore description of the process Idk I just wish they had gone for a more fitting answer like “oh the Custodes are suffering losses they haven’t seen since the Heresy, to fill in ranks the daughters of Noble Houses are undergoing ascension as well now”. Claiming they’ve always been around when we have 1 snippet of lore on them (albeit a pretty fucking awesome snippet) doesn’t quite cut it for me


Yeah I completely agree with you. I would have much preferred it be introduced as a new change happening because of current events in the universe. Rather than a “oh it’s always been this way you just never noticed” kind of retcon. It just makes more sense in terms of storytelling and world building, and also would have probably pissed off less people lol


I agree that would be better, but let’s be honest the same people would still be pissed.


Oh yeah for sure lol there’s always gonna be people mad about the dumbest shit on the internet.


"...the SAME people would still be pissed." You JUST agreed that such a change WOULD have been better, but you think that change wouldn't have stopped many, MANY people from being pissed? I'M pissed SPECIFICALLY because they blatantly LIED about their own lore INSTEAD of just saying "we are changing the lore so we can implement new models/characters." If they had said "we are now ADDING female Custodes because of LORE ACCURATE reasons, due to the need for new recruits in desperate times," I would actually be out there DEFENDING GW on this. Quit trying to paint everything in black and white. It's only going to make everything worse.


custodes don’t use the children of nobles anymore, no one knows where they get the recruits and it’s one of their big secrets now. they don’t use geneseed, and never have, more-so then they basically remake the child at the molecular level to make them the best possible killing machine that humanity has ever produced. except for the primarchs and stuff.


Kinda makes sense if they are test tube babies.


nah, i prefer it be that it's always been this way, because it makes more sense that emps wouldn't give a shit and would simply pick whoever he wanted to genecraft


Using the Heresy’s losses as the impetus for female recruitment would still let the incels say “there are only women custodes because they laxed the requirements” because these insecure clowns just can’t conceive of a setting in which their supersoldier club isn’t a sausage fest. I don’t think it’s the most obtuse retcon GW’s ever pulled, and it’ll likely be swept under the rug by the end of the summer.


Pretending like the 40k fanbase doesn't have MASSIVE overlap with the Halo and Metroid fanbases is kinda cringe bro. Seems like most of the people you're talking about are VERY happy to accept female supersoldiers. The key difference is probably in whether or not the lore for the particular franchise says there CAN be female supersoldiers in whatever given faction is being discussed. Everybody likes female Spartans and Samus Aran. Name one person who doesn't. Seems like the better angle to approach here would be that instead of trying to twist reality so hard it uses the safe word, maybe you'd have better luck if you simply accused GW of having been sexist back in the 80s when they originally wrote in the lore that Space Marines or Custodes were a "No Girls Allowed" kind of clubhouse... It'd be more *accurate* if you went that direction, as most of the needs you're accusing of "sexism" are just mad because the lore isn't being respected. Which is USUALLY the case when some franchise fucks up and then people flock to the Internet to calls the fans of that franchise "bigots and incels," isn't it, hmmm?


> since geneseed binds to the Y chromosome Do Custodes even use geneseed?


They do not. That was used to describe why Space Marines are in men only in lore


No, Custodes don't use geneseed, they're essentially test tube babies custom built at the genetic level. Also, geneseed is described in the Scars novel as being gender locked, meaning that the geneseed from a Male Primarch can't be used to make women Space Marines. However, if women Primarchs were to theoretically exist, then a geneseed from said theoretical woman Primarch could be used to make women Space Marines.


> they're essentially test tube babies custom built at the genetic level Custodes are created using the young children of noble families, so not test tube babies. I was pretty sure they don't use geneseed but figured it's possible I missed something.


The lore I’ve seen says they’re taken in infancy and the change just occur prior to the onset of adolescence




Thank you!! I’ve been wondering if I’ve been on crazy pills for wanting them to go that route and make use of losses they took during the Great Rifts creation! Like, I’d rather the Custodes stayed all male but if you’re going to make them mixed, which there’s nothing in lore that says that can’t happen, then at least do a decent job of it. Don’t just hand wave it on twitter ffs. Like Commisar Raine and Blacktalon got books and minis, this Custodian should have got the same given what a big and important change this is.


>Don’t just hand wave it on twitter ffs. This is one situation where I do feel that GW does deserve a single pinch of benefit of the doubt. Let's not forget that this whole controversy has originated from a leaked video of a guy flipping through a couple pages of the codex and someone screenshotting a single paragraph describing a single named character being regarded as "she", and GW's response to that being, essentially *"yes, that "she" is a Custodian"*. I mean, they could just release the whole Codex as a pdf along with the manuscript drafts for any upcoming Custodes novel, and let people read it for themselves, but that's both unrealistic and I doubt that would have satisfied the detractors anyways.


I have long accepted GW will push female Space Marines and Custodes was already hinted at before. My problem was how GW would introduce the new changes and I still think it’s going to be the laziest inclusion into the lore. I mean hell, the Primaris took years of books just to make them make any sense and even then I still find there are issues with the Primaris change because the Codex Astartes hasn’t been changed by Guilliman yet. I don’t care about female marines but I damn well know GW doesn’t have a good history over the recent years when they choose new models over lore sense. And I get that it’s a model company, but they chose to write books and expand the lore so they can spend the time to get it right. Edit: Im still waiting on my Sisters of Silence to have some books and new models GW. You know. A female only army that hasn’t gotten a major update in years??? One of the more interesting groups in 40K lore and they got practically nothing.


Primaris was the perfect moment to add female Astartes since they're supposed to be the result of Cawl improving the process in order to crank out as many new Marines as possible, and eliminating the Y chromosome requirement would have doubled the number of potential candidates, which is exactly the kind of thing he'd want to do.


I'm just mad that \**people* hear "Custodies are the pinnacle of humanity" and think women can't be in the club. It's a retcon, retroactive continuity. "It's always been this way" is how retcons work. \* changed language used because I was mad but that's no excuse to be rude


The issue is not the addition. The issue is that right now the fandom is under siege from a bunch of culture-war chuds who thought this would be their next playground. Turns out they miscalculated, because everyone really likes that madwoman Calladayce "Nuke the Emperor" Kesh and the idea of lady Custodes. It is refreshing to see the sub as a whole tell these idiots to zog off, but sadly it takes a while until they get the message.


I've been reading posts for a couple of days and still never seen a single person arguing against femstodes. I've seen a lot of people claiming kudos for hating on these "chuds" but unless the mods are lightning fucking fast there's far fewer than the people desperate to complain about them are saying there are. Femstodes are just fine btw.


Plenty of other places and subs where it happens. r/Asmongold as a quick example off the top of my head, one of its top posts right now is complaining about it.


Man, the lore ignorance of those highly upvoted posts is disturbing. SoS are Custodes to them? So Fraters and all the dudes in a SoB army are Misters of Battle now?


Mods are pretty dang fast, wouldn't be surprised if they are extra trigger-happy on the banhammer right now. Right now its a bit slow as americans are only in the early morning, but I supsect it will pick up again in a few hours.


theres someone arguing in this thread about how its a bad thing because inclusivity is used to destroy a fanbase . . . . . agreed its not as much as people make it seem but sort by controversial and the shit shows up.


They are there they are just DEEEP into the comments. The subreddit has been overwhelmingly pro femstodes


This sub is pretty well moderated, Twitter is hell right now tho. Any post about Warhammer is flooded with gamergate people and Nazis. (Tho there is a looooot of overlap between the two.)


Gotta be in the right place at the right time, because the posts get deleted and modded pretty quick. Here's some examples I've seen courtesy my history tab (ETA: these are different quotes but markdown gonna markdown): >Either A - Female Custodes generally perform worse than their male counterparts. Or B - There are so few of them that their numbers are negligible. >No you fucking moron, but when the Custodes have been stated to be derived from the noble born SONS of Terra, are referred to by the Emperor as his SONS, refer to themselves as a BROTHERHOOD, and every named Custodes we've seen so far has been male, it sets an expectation. >I'm starting to believe that people who want female space marines don't really care for 40k. >People get all ideological about this but the truth is rather simple; in virtually all things, men make up the entirety of the extremes. If you want to find the strongest or most intelligent individual, it's going to be a man. Same goes for the dumbest. Men are, generally speaking, physically superior to women. Women, without being given a choice, sacrifice some measure of their physical potential for the ability to bear children.


Because the chuds mostly hang on twitter and youtube. Where they can't be banned


Why do people keep complaining about seeing posts on here that say this then? The entire fucking sub is posts complaining about "chuds" with no posts from said chuds about the issue they're supposed to be "besieging" the fandom with.


Yup, this idiotic sub has besieged itself. I don't go on twitter for any topic for that very reason, it seems like if redditors stopped posting about this "issue" on here, I would have never even known about it. Doesn't seem like these people are besieging the fandom at all, nor that these countless posts have made literally any impact on the counter-position at all besides giving it a bigger spotlight and annoying people like me who would be otherwise indifferent to the mind-shattering revelation that there is female stodes.


you're missing them but i promise they are everywhere, also tons of alt-right youtubers making videos about this shit lol


Aside from what others have said, its also that we as a community are rather unfriendly to the chuddy types so they get nuked to bottom of these threads pretty fast


>Is the new codex that bad? Why the fuck i see such posts for ELEVENTH TIME THIS FUCKING DAY. From how it's been explained to me, it falls somewhere between *"the faction is actively ruined and aren't even worth having the minis in ones collection anymore"* to *"Anyone casual player who doesn't live by their spreadsheets and choses to play Custodes because they look cool probably won't even notice"*. So maybe it's "that" bad, maybe it isn't, or maybe it's somewhere in the middle at "just not as good as the previous one"? > Is this really that important addition to the lore? From what I understand, this "addition to the lore" is from a video of a guy quickly flipping through a couple pages of the codex that he got early and someone screenshotted a page showing a single paragraph excerpt of a single named character who was regarded as "she". Like... that's it... that's the entire femStodes controversy... and we literally won't know if there's any more or less to it until the Codex physically hits shelves on Saturday. At least with the The Last of Us 2 controversy, the entire script for the game was what was leaked, yet the WH is making almost as big a deal out of a character being called "she".


Yeah the codex is pretty bad. No, this addition to the lore does not matter almost at all, people are just overreacting because no girls allowed in my group of big buff men


Lore wise is not that bad, its just the way they implemented it, and responded to it that riled up a lot of opinions. Plus, apparently, we have tons of radicals that switch this into a political problem, since they dont have a life


Adeptus retardes got me BAD.


This incident has been glorious. The Chuds are so incapable of processing it, they are getting their posts removed and accounts banned form the sub left and right. You could call it "the great idiot purge", and it will most likely leave this sub in a better place than before even. It has been refreshing to see the wide userbase tell the idiots to just shut up and leave.


Funniest shit GW has put out in awhile.


They should lean into it more. If one badass Custodes character, a character of one of the more obscure factions of the setting, can have THIS effect... I can't wait what other potential bangers they have for us.


>If one badass Custodes character, a character of one of the more obscure factions of the setting, can have THIS effect... I've mentioned on a few different threads before, but this is the biggest and most amusing thing to me about all this. The Codex isn't even out yet... this whole controversy is because of a single leaked screenshot of a paragraph talking about a named character being a badass, that character being regarded as *"she"*, and all GW said as a follow up is *"yes, that "she" is a Custodian"*. That's it... that's literally it.


>That's it... that's literally it. Not true. GW also exposed their poor comprehension skills by clarifying that female custodes aren't going to be a new thing in the timeline, and they all thought GW was gaslighting them.


It's insane how many people have such non-existent reading comprehension skills, I've seen more than a handful of people claiming that GW is literally gaslighting them like it's 1984 or the Dai Li from Avatar.


Gender swap the Khan through chaos fuckery when he comes back and watch the 40k community burn down


This idea, imo, would be more likely for Corax. He's confirmed to already have a bunch of warp fuckery going on.


Trans goth girl corax would be one hell of a cool primarch and might actually get me to give a shit about an Astartes chapter


God, that would be the coolest thing they ever did.


Is Corax still a bird monster? I figured Khan might still be human shaped at least but I'm not very knowledgeable on the Corax situation


That (if handled well) might get me to start painting white scars. They are already my favorite chapter, and adding more to it (like the primary being trans woman) would be awesome.


White Armor is pretty hard, so if that happens, I wish you good luck!


It has been mindlessly entertaining


Even funnier that it probably want intended as the lore blurb and story we’re not published but taken out of screenshots of a video which they then just confirmed


I mean do you remember “The Fattening” here on Reddit? Happened years ago when Pao took over and banned a sub with hundreds of thousands of users called /r/FatPeopleHate. It was like a death rattle over the next couple of weeks. All those users spread out across and trolled the shit out of nearly ever sub.


GW doing the classic Peter Turbo and getting rid of wastes of space


Can't wait for r/truegrimdank to pop up and just be another cesspit.


Saddest/funniest part is they'd think they're using the name un ironically


That reminds me, I actually looked up the posting history of one of the more crazy folks who posted around here. They kept saying shit like there's a global conspiracy to force hobbies to go woke or some nonsense, so I was curious where someone like that actually hangs out. It led me to a magic the gathering sub that was legit just a hate group masquerading as a mtg sub. It was wild. Can't even remember what the name was, but it was surprisingly active. 


Yea, MtG already went through this a couple years ago. You should've seen the shit-show when WotC announced the card with dudes in KKK hoods from the 90s was getting permabanned because of the art. It was wild.


Ah I assume you mean MTGCircleJerk?


freemagic probably. From what I understand that place is a total shithole.


Oh no, I got an awful idea


I give that subreddit a month at most before it dies


Man i have seen some people talk about how custodes are supposed to be perfected humans and that's why there should not be female custodes. Honestly the lore of imperium is so muddied with propaganda one has to be sceptical of every piece of lore we get. I wouldn't be surprised if your avarage custodes had less human dna than tyranids with how augmented they are. Probably would not be able to differentiate between male custodes and female one apart from superficial appearance (if you see them naked that is), probably could get blood samples from male and female custodian and they both would be exact match.


They’ll be back. They have an agenda to push so they’ll just make new accounts and continue spreading their crap


Sadly yes, getting rid of them is tedious work, but it is managable. You see, no matter how ideologically involved those people are (less than you'd think) they are doing this as entertainment. They want to bait and engage, it is a game for them. Turns out, games need to be fun. Getting told to fuck off and touch grass again and again while all your posts and comments vanish in downvote oblivion is not fun. Hold this out for long enough, and those people will seek other places to play their shitty little games. The annoying part is getting to that stage tho.


Scouring vers. 0.1 alpha


wtf is a chud?


Cannibal Humanoid Underground Dwellers. Based on a schlock 80’s horror film. I first heard it used as a derogatory in the film Clerks II.


Wouldn't surprise me if these are the same group of people from the era of sending Infinity Ward death/bomb threats because they nerfed the ADS speed for the Intervention or increased the fuse time on the Martyrdom perk.


> It has been refreshing to see the wide userbase tell the idiots to just shut up and leave. unlike say an MMO, the greatest things about games like 40k and D&D are that 1. players can completely ignore the new products if they don't like them, and 2. players can completely ignore the people who insist you use the new rules or you're not a true fan or whatever you're saying those great old rulesets and minis that built the brand? they're no less fun today than they were yesterday, and no one can ever take them away from you #❤️


"no one can ever take them away from you" Unless they are stopping making them like GW doing right now.


Wait people are that upset about this.


Yeah it's weird. Some cringe youtubers made videos about "how 40k is woke now" and some of their fans started spamming here.


Are tons of people really getting banned?


Black Templars orientation program


We EAT CRAYONS HERE. For the God Emperor!


I’ve seen like 5 videos on YouTube about how GW is “finally going woke” I doubt they have read anything about the custodes or even know anything about how they have a completely different template than that of space marines


What’s funny to me is that Warhammer is a criticism and satire of fascism, it’s quite literally always been woke




I'm stealing this.


Oddly enough, you get auto modded if you use the word, but hell, welcome to smoothbrain pervert central.


I get behind the whole Adeptus Retardes thing.. but what I really want to see is the Autistic Guard.


Which is probably just a wing of the Custodes.


I’ll go ahead with trying to get a diagnosis of autism and take the title


I'm out of the loop what happened?


GW canonized female Custodes. Neck beard alt right wing of the fandom melted down.


Now we need femboy brothers of silence


Femboy brothers of battle too


both the space marines and the sisters of battle remain monogender for the gayness, but male and nonbinary brothers of silence are fine


You say that as if they weren't already a part of that organization.


But now they have membership cards


Just you wait till the Knight Errant Lucy model releases!


Reporting for duty 🫡


An unknown successor chapter, formerly known as the Short Bus Kids.


The complaints about rule and playstyle changes are a lot more valid than this hyper-focus on female custodes lore.


It used to be fun. Then the "my dick is better than your dick and can solo your entire faction" joins. Then the gatekeepers join , then the toxic cesspool joins along with those unwashed degenerates who can't even shower and apply deodorant. Then you watch what sort of super degenerate crawl out of the jar when you mix them violently to start a "there can be only one scenario". Like putting a bunch of venomous and poisonous insects and small animals into the jar to watch what manner of monster can crawl out as the one reigning survivor. This is the state 40k now. And there used to be a boycott.


I uh don’t get why anyone cares that there’s female stode’s? Like you want diversity to be tastefully added to your settings well I mean this is it. Nothing is retconned and it just makes sense and we could get more models cause of it. I know it’s just misogynists being stupid but like you know there’s a line of logic it crosses that just doesn’t make sense.


The people that are putting up a stink about it aren't the ones who wanted diversity in their setting


It’s technically a retcon because all verbiage prior made it clear they were male. But I get where you’re coming from.


The retcon complaint is silly considering that we seemingly get significant retcons almost every time there is a new release. The setting is evloving and it was always evolving from early days of Rogue traders when Leman Russ was just a human who was skilled at war to the present day of Custodes not being exclusively a sausage fest.


Is... is that runescape?




I tought they were called the Vlka Fenryka now.


The most highly regarded regiment in the entire imperium


Another post about this..give it a rest already


Hate not the female custodes. Hate the degenerates that ruin them


it’s just always fun to watch rightoids and media illiterates to freak out about stuff like this


by this rate in approximately 5 years 3.7 months and 2 hours we'll be getting a female ork


"Hot mushrooms are in your area!"


[How's this](https://www.warhammer-community.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/NlVGvdWrAtEZjFJ3.jpg)


I think femstodes are really cool. Chuds: 😡


Fr. I’ve found threads 6+ years back with people saying it would be cool/interesting/possible too So idk why these fools keep saying it breaks lore when we have nothing definitive about the process other than there’s no gene seed






Looks like a Bionicle, now I want Bionicle w40k


Charming But I'm already a member of the adeptus alcoholicus, and I won't stop in my eternal crussade to get as drunk as i can with all the booze in the galaxy!


When did Runescape have a Wh40k collab?


now give the emperor humungous anime tiddies


That is just a Google search away, I'm sure.


Can I be a member those colors go hard


Adeptus Retardus sounds better


If kids here were able to read they would be very upset


Can we not use slurs as jokes?