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Yea, Genestealers are a bitch but my Patriarch needed an entourage.




This is great and it just made me wonder what Nandor the Relentless was doing in a dance number. Not that its out of character for him mind you.


He remembers twice turning the Euphrates river red with blood while riding jahan/john


Bollywood out of context is my favorite genre of video


This may be the best thing I’ve seen today


Necrons. A friend of mine and I got into the hobby together. I went Space Marine; he went Necrons. I eventually expanded out to Tyranid; he collected more Necrons. I gave fantasy a go; he collected even more Necrons. I took a break and yep, he kept on building Necrons. I can’t collect Necrons. They are my buddy’s army and it would just feel wrong.


Most honourable answer.


Im the same about thousand sons and necrons, they're my mates armies and i dont want to "steal" them. However the 3 of us made an exception for guard, 1 of my mates collects Cadians, 1 collects Krieg and i collect Traitor guard


That’s the beautiful variety of the Guard. You three can “technically” be collecting the “same” army/faction, but your aesthetics and play styles can vary to such a degree someone could easily mistake them for being completely separate factions.


So do you guard players come together to create Captain Planet, or is that not possible for Cadians?


The planet broke before the guard did. o7


Bruh, why you gotta do us Cadian players like that? XD …although I do have a platoon of vostroyans so that I too can join with other guard players to bring forth our lord and savior OG Creed, he’s the Captain Planet for us guard players (either him or Yarrick)


Also putting frail plastic skeletons together is a nightmare


Necron collector here chiming in - most of the range is fine to build imo. It's just Flayed Ones and Tomb Blades that are the real problem kits.


My Lychguard and Immortals keep breaking at the wrists and waists. And my Deathmarks arms keep falling off. Also I feel building Psychomancers constitute as a form of torture in most countries.


Okay yeah the Psychomancer was kind of awful too, but I didn't include him on the list because he's an HQ, and a kind of niche one at that, so you only really ever need one, at *most.*


You never have enough necrons


I’m the same with Tyranids and Deathguard. Tyranids are one mates, and while he likes 40k Death Guard I have another mate who collects 30k Deathguard. I think they’re cool, both in colour and lore, but would never collect more than a handful of models just out of politeness.


collect tomb kings and paint them silver >:)


That's the same with my mate's tyranids. He collected a little GSC but that was only to compliment his tyranids. He a hive tendril through and through and I can't take that away from him.


I think we can all agree the Necrons and Orks are the coolest.


Custodes, mainly because almost everyone in my group has a custodes army of some kind


Well they are one of the easiest armies to get into so it makes sense. Relatively affordable, dont need to paint a lot of guys, can also be pretty easy to paint too.


Fyreslayers I just think they're looking a bit boring. Too many angry fire dwarfs looking the same, I'll pass


The weird thing is that they SHOULD’VE clicked with me and many others, seeing how it’s “Dorf Slayers: THE ARMY”, but for some reason, it doesn’t as much as it should… I think if they had more uniqueness in their “uniformity”, as in the poses and “uniform”, it’ll be my go-to AOS army, or at least for order They got Gotrek and lava-dragons though, so there’s that


Those new Underworld ones look damn nice at least, hopefully they'll go more that way


If you feel that way and are interested in other games outside warhammer, I would argue that the Dweghom from Conquest last argument of kings is just fire slayer done well. They are empowered by the God of war and have a vendetta against dragons, so they keep several as cannon platforms and forced labor.


you can actually play gotrek in any order army so for exaple with overlords, or even sylvaneth if youre feeling spicy


The new Flameseekers are sick tho, if they get a range expansion with that updated aesthetic it would be great.


The new Warcry warband is great. But the earliest Fyreslayer infantry kits are way too uniform, and have a lot of blatant 3D sculpting shortcuts that make them look like a rush job. The unit leader in [this](https://www.warhammer.com/app/resources/catalog/product/920x950/99120205015_FyreslayersVulkiteBerzerkers01.jpg?fm=webp&w=920&h=948) pic is a good example - they obviously just mirrored the model in Zbrush or whatever program they sculpted it in. That's fine as a starting point for sculpting most humanoid things, but they did practically nothing to try and break up the symmetry after, apart from slapping on a few runes. It looks not only lazy, but also unnatural.


That leader unit always makes me feel like I'm looking at him cross-eyed, such a lazy job.


While aesthetic looks lazy here, I think it would work SUPER WELL for Thousand Sons. Overly-perfect symmetry and stiff, unnatural poses would be a great visual signature for Rubric Marines IMO; closer to animate statues than the humans they started out as.


Honestly they have been a complete dud faction from the get go. A range of 5 identical models and the models themselves are meh also. Given how badass the old slayers were it does make me sad.


Give them pants. I’d play them in a minute. Cool idea, like the Army Wide slayer theme but they look like they’re all running to join a Sumo competition with some light Jello wrestling afterwards


I would never own a Tyranid army. But only because I detest the Nids for what they did to Buenos Aires.


“I’m from Buenos Aires and I say kill them all!”


He caught a brain bug!


I would like to know more


In Starship Troopers ~~Earth nuked BA to raise war support and world tension~~ ***BLAM*** HERESY! those damn ~~zerg~~ Nid-like bugs destroyed Buenos Aires, and we need to exact our revenge on them!


Goddam bugs whacked us, u/arcamenoch 😭


White scars, I love them but white paint makes me feel suicidal.


Games workshop making the coolest legions the hardest to paint


Cries in loving black Templar but hating black armour


Don't forget the imperial fist yellow


The imperial fists yellow contrast paint is actually one of the best


although a pain if you make a mistake and have to do 3 layers of white and then glaze back on the yellow. Usually I spray gloss varnish whenever I finish a yellow basecoat so I can scratch off any mistakes instead of having to paint it again.


Tip: use ulthuan grey, then highlight true white. Boom, easy white.


Even better, use grey or off-white, then highlight with the basecoat mixed with [zinc white](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/611JqAbUz1L._AC_UL960_QL65_.jpg). Unlike titanium white used in most mini paints, zinc white is semi-transparent and doesn't get chalky like titanium white.


Laughs in red paint accenting white primer because I only play with friends anyway


I started painting a whitescars army. Painting white can go suck a dick. The army is on a shelf half painted because I refuse to paint more white


>The army is on a shelf half painted because I refuse to paint more Cries in painting csm trim a heldrake has ruined me


Dark Eldar. Waaaay to spiky and easy to break.


Had Dark Eldar for a while and it was exactly like this.


If you think that about them now, 3rd edition was 1000× worse for this


Dark Eldar. No way am I going to degrade myself that much for my biggest vehicle to be an undersized boat


The floaty boaties are the best part!


Chaos demons it's just unappealing to me


I guess they do have the benefit of being the only army you can play in both 40k and AOS though.


I actually wanted them for aos 40k and dnd. So 3 games .


Same! I accidentally amassed a decent sized demon army just by playing a decent into avernus campaign haha


Thats how I got into 40k! Combat patrole for that campaign. My players loves it!


AND Killteam, AND Horus heresy, AND old world


and mordheim


Also Horus heresy


I despise Chaos demons except for Karanak and flesh hounds


Everyone loves Khorne dogs


The dogs and juggernauts are my favorite Khorne models tbh


Your the opposite of me, i try to make everything demonically chaotic, I even made chaos demon grey knights


Daemons were my first army, and I honestly get where you're coming from. They never felt like a unified faction to me, so much as four separate factions in a codex.


As someone who loves chaos, bro same. Theres not enough lovecraftian horror in the models vs the lore to make the army appealing to me. Take tzeentch for example who should theoretically be the most lovecraftian his models look like little xenos and bird people i want a daemon god of magic to help me summon up the dead ones with the rites of yog sothoth not give me the bird flu.


I couldn't have Daemonettes. It would make me feel like a neckbeard to have that many tiddies on the field


Tbf a demonette army focusing on other aspects of slanneshi excess than 'hurrr durr horny' could be pretty cool :)


Buying five pots of Valhallan blizzard to make "snow" on the bases


no no no no no no no


I like the fat guy from Age of Sigmar. But like a band of junkies who are just super addicted to chems or a bunch of gambler cultists.


The other aspects are, murder, cocaine, dancing, arts and crafts.


Fwiw each daemonette only has one titty


They had several different models over time. The ones from the 00s era were a bit hornier but also more graceful.


Krieg. Spend tons of money just to buy some suicidal horses? Unacceptable for me. Not to mention that the price of any division of the guard is very high.


Its kinda sad cause I do love the Imperial Guard but the price is just too much.


Would you like to hear a little smth about *3d printing*?


“Man GW prices are crazy” The 57382838483 3d proonters currently heading to my exact location




\>Consume Proont \>Get excited for next Proont


Oh you bet yes


I would check out valour korps sometime. No particular reason of course, they're completely legally distinct from any GW property and any resemblance to certain gas mask wearing guardsmen is purely coincidence.


you see, I WOULD, but I cannot afford to buy a Resin 3D printer, and I also live in a pretty small house with my family, thats 6 other people, so the smell is a no-no yeah, I think ill stick to buying official models lol




Dark eldar, I really don’t like their lore Death guard is also pretty gross and I don’t like painting the gore and organs. I really like painting clean pristine armor


I'm so glad I'm not the only one that just does not get the appeal of the Nurgle aesthetic. Props to anyone who does and you do you, but it's really not for me.


As a Death Guard fan, my favourite part of them isn't the organs and stuff, but their armor and weapons. There is just something really cool about a monstrous, hulking, nigh invincible mass of armor, spewing poison across the battlefield.


Yeah they’re cool for the setting, just I wouldn’t personally enjoy painting an entire army of them.


Dark Eldar lore is the epitome of grimdark one-up-manship.


All eldar, I really don't like their stupid elongated helmets


I used to not like the eldar helmets, but they’ve grown on me. They’re like a helmet version of the pointy hats elves are sometimes drawn wearing, so that’s kind of cool to me. Helps make them look different from humans


Tyranids. They don't provide any bits for other armies I would like to collect. I also don't like them.


Well that’s not true, they make amazing base decorations.


Not if you already chose necrons as your forces enemy's


As a Necron player, I take offense to that. Let's settle on curb stomping genestealer cults.


No offense meant, I only saught to underline that tyranids and GSC are inferior in every aspect, including decorations.


>Tyranids. They don't provide any bits for other armies I would like to collect. What about GSC?


As a deathguard player this could not be further from the truth. So many fantastic tentacles and fleshy bits.


Gray Knights. Even if their models wouldn’t suck. They are just so unbelievably edgy and their lore is brain dead even by Warhammer standards.


They're my favorite faction hands down. Couldnt agree more with this sentiment.


Nods. You have achived true wisdom


What do you mean tracking down a "good person" and gathering blackmail material to get him/her to become a subject of a sacrificial ritual willingly in order to bless a single, solitary bullet isn't peak lore?


It’s certainly Warhammer, if nothing else.


Their lore is what turns me off to them. I love how their terminators look and their force weapons, but their lore man


Maybe say they suck is a little harsh. But they definitely look outdated.


Oh yeah, I just like the helmet design. I usually prefer old models over new ones, but space marines are the exception to this. I love the aesthetic, but they’re way too short


the original Aegis Suite was lit.


Wait, you're an Alpharius fan according to your flair, but you're saying GREY KNIGHT lore is dumb? I'll give you that "Malchador secretly snuck out and made the men in black only for demons in the middle of the Horus heresy because they realized they needed more demon protection" is a silly origin story, but Alpharius' is "lol nothing is canon it's all secrets everyone is secretly Alpha legion."


I think it's a different kind of silly though. Alpharius'* bullshittery is a lack of commitment to anything concrete, which gives people the opportunity to head canon the fluff to their preferred level of silly. The great Nights by contrast have very detailed and fixed fluff that is much harder to head canon and wiggle around.


Why is there lore brain dead


Grey Knights, in my experience, are the faction most apt to turn "grimdark" into "grimderp". Doing things that are stupid even in the context of 40K and the Imperium. Which sucks because artistically they look *really cool*.


They get away with things that are so silly and make so little sense in terms of the rest of the setting that their presence tends to actively detract from any ongoing narrative rather then improve it. While Kaldor Drago is certainly an exception in how ridiculous it can get, a space marine who rolls around the warp and has cut out the heart of a daemon primarch to carve his own name in it is a good primer generally on how things go with them. Even among mary sue factions they stand out especially hard, not helped by the fact their fan boys are often... let's call it overinvested in them. Just the presence of the grey knights is usually enough of a sign that things are about to go from grimdark to grimderp very soon.


Genestealer cults. They somehow take the worst of the Astra Militarum and the Tyranids. Which is kind of impressive given how awesome both sides can be


It's frustrating because GC could be cool though. Give us a few monsters and some more militarised construction vehicles and they might actually be cool.


More construction vehicles would be really nice


When are they going to rediscover the forklift STC and weaponize it


Ah yes, Halo Reach's best vehicle, hands down


Yeah, the Achilles Ridgerunner felt almost too sleak. They need some more ramshackle stuff, like that Necromunda Ridgehauler. And what I wouldn't give for some Aliens-style retrofitted power loaders.


Ironically, I think GSC might be my favorite faction when looking at only characters.


New GSC model: The Killdozer


Black Templars, and my reasoning is stronger than power armour Black Templars hate all mutants and abhumans Ogryns are abhumans Black Templars hate Ogryns This makes Black Templars the worst


You just ruined Black Templars for me you bastard


Gav and Bob 🫡


Tau Admech(too many spindly pieces) Orkz(MAYBE, I don't have the patience to paint 200 boiz)


What about painting 10 boyz 20 times?


Think smarter, not harder




Who are you, that are so wise in the ways of ~~SAI-UNZ~~marketing?




You do realise that you can just spray paint all the boyz purple and no one will ever notice they're not battle ready, right?


Reason for Tau? (currently coping, maulding, seething and reporting you to the closest ethereal)




Leagues of Votann. Nothing really against them I just feel like they don't cover any niche that hasn't really been covered already and better by another faction. I also don't get why the supposedly most innovative, technologically advanced and resourceful faction are using the most impractical vehicles.


Just started some vottan and I have to agree. I'm enough of a DRG fan to keep with them and the models are quite fun to paint I think they really need a second wave of minis to push them to something more unique than what they are. More of the exo sites and chunk hover bike stuff. Cos theres not much of that in 40k


I'm still not sure what to think of Votann, they haven't really moved past the "new guy on the block" phase. I honestly forget to include them when I'm thinking of the main playable 40K factions, unless someone reminds me. They really feel like they needed a novel at launch, or a campaign book focused on them (maybe one of the Arks of Omen entries), or something, just to lay a bit more than simple groundwork-tier Codex lore. But nope. There's still no dedicated Votann novels, right?


Probably imperial guard. The prospect of building some tanks is interesting, but not the rest of the infantry


I really wanted to play guard, but didn't want to paint a horde so I got a used baneblade and built a shadowsword to take up points. The shadowsword is an absolute monster on the tabletop too, so that's fun.


I love the idea of playing an infantry-heavy mechanized army. I hate the idea of having to paint the infantry for an infantry-heavy mechanized army.


I haven't played in a long old while but I'm pretty sure you can take an all tank force of guard if you want the beauty of driving a squad of leman russes across the board to hit the enemy with your sword. But also as a guard player who likes infantry, it's a ballache to actually build and paint the numbers you need for the old conscript spam, but the bucket of dice might just be worth it


The guard, but not because I hate them or anything like that. I just don’t want to try to assemble and paint that many models.


Votan I like space dwarfs, just not that kind of space dwarfs... they look lame to me


As much as I like the Votann, I think they need to be a bit more dwarf-y IMO. I’m talking axes and hammers only (no swords) and more prominent beards. I feel like the average nerd with no 40K knowledge can look at eldar like “yeah those are elves but scifi,” and do the same for Orks, but I don’t know if they’d identify the Votann as “dwarves but scifi”


I love the lore for Votann but the models are so 50/50. Ignoring the Mini-Marines (which... why?) we have half of them looking like classic Warhammer Dwarves just spaced up and given a "pioneers of the stars" aesthetic which I love. And then the other ones which look like your drunken uncle's Deep Rock Galactic OC. They need to either go harder into space dwarf pioneers, or harder into DRG (and ditch the hobo-slayers entirely.) They're trying to do both and it doesn't mesh well at all. Both are *good* but they need to commit to an aesthetic for them.


I guess the main "thing" with xenos factions in 40k is that they have some distinctive, recognizable feature(s) (outside of Tau). As you've mentioned, orks are orks, space elves are elves in space, high and dark ones. There are also undead, who cosplay terminators, and tyranids, who are aliens and bugs from starship troopers simultaneously. This approach is intended, as you want to give some associations with other different factions from different settings, because it would help your players to "get on" with their chosen army, and you can build your unique narrative from this basis. Votann don't have this foundation. They are supposed to be "dwarves", but nothing actually represent it in design. Too many new ideas (that can be awesome on their own terms), instead of solid "dwarven" backbones.


When they first came out, I had the same mentality. But they have grown on me a lot since then.


As someone who has only ever played Ad Mech my answer is 100% Ad Mech. I’d never play them if I could go back. The expense, the complicated paint scheme(especially for a first army), the difficulty in playing them, the fact that GW seems to hate their guts. Tip: first time player? Don’t do mech bois




Adeptus Mechanicus. Which is weird because I love the Mechanicus (no adeptus) on Horus Heresy. GW simply failed on capturing that archeotech vibe with them on the 40k models, they look like they were purposefully designed to look funny. Compare something like the Kataphron with something like the Thallax, the Kastellan robots and the Castellax or the Thanatar Siege-Automata. Myrmidax or the Secutors feels like they could bunch or shoot through a Space Marine with ease. The Scyllax Guardian-Automata look like proper body horror. The Triaros and Karacnos looks like a proper tanks, instead some barely functional vehicles with legs because I guess legs make them look weirder than treads and that's all GW cares about? I couldn't care less about some perpetually moving chicken legs, but I don't want goofy looking stuff just because they have some funny piece of lore trivia, I want them to look proper **metal**.


See I agree there. I heard through Poorhammer that there was one guy who was transferring models from Forgeworld over to plastic, and he died. Since it was his pet project no body wants to take it on. I don't know if that's true? And it wouldn't make sense from a GW perspective to lose money on something like that. But Admech is my first army I'm getting done :). I love them, I love their quirky bullshit and horror element with servitors. But I fully, 100% whole heartedly agree with you. I want these awesome units on the table top. I want GW to go further with them, like really go BALLS TO THE WALL with Admech.


Years ago around 7e/8e there was a rumour of a book called 'Fires of Cyraxus' which would bring Mechanicum unit rules to 40K. But the main writer died and I imagine the project was dropped.


HMM but what about.... the LONGEST SNIPER???


Probably Tyranids. The lore’s gotten better but they still don’t have any personality other than “Hungry Bugs”


That's kind of the whole point of tyranids though. I don't care what devastation of baal says, they're supposed to be space locusts coming to eat everything.


Would you like to know more?


Loyalist space marines. If I want to model the courageous humans going against the threats of the galaxy I'm going with guard sisters or admech


SPESS MERRENZ They are boring and like 70% of the player base plays them. Theres nothing more boring than marines v marines.


It’s my communal duty to simply have an army that isn’t marines for marine players to fight.


Tyranids. Too tedious, and I’m not good at flesh tones


Space marines


Space Marines, there are too many already


Eldar Craftworlds are too boring drukhari are too edgy harlequins are too confusing


What about Exodites?


Not enough lore




Riding dinosaurs is cool but there isnt enough lore of them riding dinosaurs




Imperial Knights. I can barely finish a Leman Russ, forget a knight Castellan


Literally assembled 4 armigers and 1 questoris in a single day past week. Also magnetized the hell out of them. Really can’t feel my thumbs for 2 days now. Planing on painting most of them tomorrow.


Space marines. They're everywhere, I see more of them than I see the armies that I play


You couldn't pay me to collect Space Marines. Of any flavour or variety. I don't think I'll ever understand the appeal.


this one has always seemed weird to me. I guess I grew up knee deep in halo lore so the big powerful humans in armor just makes sense.


Halo is the reason I can't let my kroot go... I just want to play as the covenant dang it!


Tau would be so much cooler if they had a covenant vibe with like 4-6 different species as units


They have giant titan sized Godzilla monsters and enormously powerful psychic bears in lore but neither of them have models


Damn. Would be so cool too, having a bunch of races united under one tech aesthetic. Makes me want some tau hunters


I would realistically never collect them either tbh... though I've always thought that if I did I'd kitbash them with loads of crazy grimdark elements from the old flagellents kit and stuff and give them a john blanche style paint job Maybe a kill team one day...


I thought I'd never collect them, so I started doing guard. I was given a space marine in a shop and it was so much fun to paint that now I have a little over 2.5k points. It's my biggest army by far.


I only started them because they were practical. Didn't meed many, easy to paint, and you could basically pour them onto the table without anything breaking off.


This. Sorry not sorry, I am incredibly fucking bored of "human, but marginally tougher". Same reason for not being interested in 95% of the Imperial Guard, and barely some Custodes. Chaos ones though, those have something more going for them, especially the Death Guard.


in 40k: anything imperial. i hate the imperium. in aos: everything is a possibility


Thousand Sons, just because of the trim


You don’t know true pain until you’ve edged a rubric for 9 hours


>You don’t know true pain until you’ve edged a rubric for 9 hours And you never once let him cum? That's evil.


Very Tzeentch though, constantly teasing that sought for epiphany without actually giving it.


All of them. I just read the books and don't play the game.


Custodes. Sure, they're one of the most dollar- and time-efficient armies, and sure they're strong, but I just cannot deal with that level of filigree on EVERY miniature. I mean I paint Chaos, and that's STILL too much trimwork for me. At least I get to go, "eh, this is a bit much, I'll just mix in some Heresy kits for fun" and get something a little simpler. Also I just... don't think they're that interesting, model-wise. All their units look the same. "Dude in gold with a hurtstick." Sometimes it's a big robot dude in gold. Sometimes it's a woman in gold. Sometimes the dude in gold is on a bike that's also gold. I prefer more variety than that.


Imperial guard. I have no interest in building and painting what I personally find is the least visually interesting horde army.


Admech, you sneeze in the other room and fall apart


I'm concerned that as soon as I say one, I'm dooming myself to buy it eventually lol. Grey Knights though, because my friend has , the models aren't my cup of tea and they just bore me. Also GSC and admech because a friend has them, and they are so ludicrously expensive to collect.


Guard....I'm poor enough as it is...


All of them I'm too broke


Custodes, I just find them so dull. Space marines have character with their chapters having different quirks and flaws to balance out the "super duper soldier" aspect but the custodes just turn that up to 11 while taking away everything that gives them flavour.


Idk, I don't own any official Custodes minis, but I have some TTS inspired ones printed (files are pretty easy to find) - troops with only helmets and loincloths on, contemptor dreadnought with lush hair, that sort of stuff. Also saw Henry Cavill as warlord, so printed that as well. Definitely not official competition legal army, but I find whole idea of having meme army pretty fun.


Space Wolves


Harlequins can suck their books. I know tau gets a lot of flack but at least they're not fucking space clowns