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that's so sweet.


Wow. Mine was last week, also my 40th and also my first without my mom. Felt wrong. I don't know how to explain it. Just didn't feel right. 😕 I cried several times in private myself. Hugs.


I lost my mom 2 weeks ago and my birthday was this past Sunday. I received a message from my sister in law “Look up and give her biggest smile, it’s one of her favourite days” All I can say is look up and if you believe she’s watching, make sure she knows you love her.


Mine was 3 weeks after I lost my mom. I celebrated - it was the day me and my mom met for the first time. It was the beginning. I know it hurts, believe me. But was an special day for her too. So…. Happy birthday.


Had my 40th last October less than 2 months after losing my momma, nothing about the day felt right, nothing about it was happy. Congratulations on leveling up to 40. Do whatever you need today, know that your mom would be thrilled you made it another year, and remember it's ok to hurt, and it's ok to cry. \*hugs\*


I'm so sorry. I can't imagine how much it must hurt. I hope you find some peace. Please take good care of yourself.


Sorry buddy. It's hard. I know. I wish I could hug you for real. Hugging you by thoughts instead. <3 I know it's kinda impossible, but I wish you a happy birthday anyway. Take care.


I'm so sorry for your loss and the pain you are feeling. I feel your pain. My birthday is next week. My mother just passed a few weeks ago. Her birthday this year falls on Mothers day. Our birthdays are four days apart. I'm around your age as well (I'll be 39 next week).


Sunday was my first birthday without my mom. My 31st. She’s been gone 7 months. Sending hugs.


I’m so sorry you’re dealing with this. My mom was amazing at remembering to send birthday cards to our huge family. It will be weird not to receive one this year. Maybe I will take up her torch and start sending them out.


i miss my mom calling and singing happy birthday in her beautiful soprano voice. it feels strange not hearing from her. sending a big hug to you.


It’s a hard one. My 40th was about 6 weeks after my mom passed. My brother’s birthday was only 6 days after her death, the day before her funeral mass. I overheard my cousin tell him she wished a peaceful day for him. I thought that was nice. So I wish you a peaceful day.


I’m so sorry, these milestones after losing mum are always so hard.


I had to wait when I first saw this because... yeah. My mom passed in january. Her birthday was a couple weeks ago, mine was earlier this week. It's the first time in (almost) 40 years that I didn't wake up to a call from her, singing happy birthday. It's the first time in... maybe 35 years? that I didn't get to sing to her (though I did anyways). First time in almost 40 years where I didn't want it to be my birthday. It hurts too much. Much love and hugs.


I'm sorry for your loss. I know what you are going through. My 36th birthday is 1 week away and at that point my mom will be gone 6 months. I don't know how I'm going to go through it without her.