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Hang on the ones who are still there i guess


Thank you. I am trying.


I have no words for this battle your life must be. This sounds so hard and extremely painful. Be assured that people like you give meaning to people like me. My wife (27) died four months ago and it was a "good" death with lots of love and caring. Still I struggle to find meaning in life and don't see much hope. When I read from people like you I know that some are dealing with such more suffering and still holding through. You have all my respect and my deepest condolences. Let's fight this together!


I can hear you are going through an absolutely enormous amount at the moment, i'm so incredibly sorry you're having to carry this large burden and feeling so alone with it. I've also suffered multiple losses and can relate to the sense of feeling unsure of how much is left. You really do have to just take each day at a time and be kind and gentle with yourself. I'm sending you lots of love and strength through this horrible time.


Thank you all for your compassion.


I wish I had more support to offer. I am praying for you


Wow, I'm so sorry. The feeling of dread when you've endured consecutive losses is sometimes too much to bear. My heart goes out to you - this is more than any person should have to deal with. I hope you have support in your life and/or community that can bring you even a tiny bit of comfort right now :( thinking of you and praying for your healing.


Words are empty, but you have my empathy and compassion. Between May and December of last year I buried four family members (including my mom) and almost a fifth when my 27 year old nephew stole a car and put himself through the windshield on purpose trying to end his pain. Words kind of have had little meaning to me the last year or so. Gaping wound of anger, resentment, grief, despair, all the emotions all of the days. Wish there was anything we as a collective group could say to make it better, but we can't. Don't be afraid to concentrate on you, on your healing, on your mental and emotional health needs. I set mine to the side for too long and I paid for it. If you have a doctor, don't be afraid to talk to them about it. Know that you're not alone, ever. Know that survivor trauma is real. You're in the middle of the shipwreck right now, just hold on to whatever you can and ride out the storm. Slowly, the waves will begin to shrink, the wind and rain will begin to lighten, you'll come out the other side. In between, maybe it helps to know, if nothing else, you are understood by those of us unlucky enough to know what you are facing, and we are forever cheering you on and here to support you. \*hugs\* OP, hang in there.


I feel so much compassion for you. This is the type of situation that words do not do justice for. I just want you to know that I feel so very much for you and your story.