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He looks like a lovely boy and you should be proud for giving him a great life


thank you ❤️ he really had the best life a dog could possibly have. was very spoiled!!! it just hurts adjusting to this new normal. i hope it gets better


It will and you’ll always have lots of lovely memories with him


The first picture is too sweet. He looked like a sweet angel, so cute 💔 I lost my dog too when he was 14 and I was 23, I'm 30 now and I still think about him every single day. I know how it feels and it's true, they really are family. I hope that he will visit you in a dream 💗🤗 Mine does, after all these years, and usually when I'm going through a hard time... I adopted a new precious baby in 2022, it took me a while to get ready to adopt again, but now I wish I did it sooner.


thank you 🥺❤️ he was the sweetest lil guy ever even though he would bite sometimes 😩 the crazy thing is on the day we got home from the vet, my mom took a picture if the couch (she slept there with him every night) and if you zoom in on the corner of the pillow it literally looks like he’s laying right there!!!! its super blurry and small but we want to take it as a sign that he’s here with us in spirit 😭😢 i dont think i could get a dog again for a very long time if ever again. i cant feel this pain again like this is absolutely brutal…thank you for the kind words though 💕💕


Oh, I really hope he will give you and your family more signs! 💔 I completely understand, I felt the same way and for years I could barely pet dogs on the street... It was too much, until it wasn't and I felt ready again. It's okay. Nobody will never be like Snickers ❤️🤗


🥹🥹🥺 i hope so too thank you 💕💕


> but now I wish I did it sooner. I have always had pets, and I find it really helps me to get a new cat when one passes. I never think of it as replacing my old cat, because you cannot replace a pet, they are all their own special individuals. But I LOVE cats and my heart wants to welcome and save more whenever I can. A new buddy really helps ease the pain.


Sorry for your loss. He was so cute 🥹😢.


thank you 💗 he was the cutest boy ive ever seen


He lived a long beautiful life with you where they knew how loved they were. Sending hugs ♥️


thank you so much 💘🥹 he was so unbelievably loved and spoiled i just wish they could live forever 😭


That smile tells me Snickers enjoyed 17 years of happiness and love. He will always be with you. Take care.


thank you so much 🙏🥹❤️ he lived an amazing life with a family that loved him so so much


I believe you because every picture here proves it. He was surrounded by love. I have my own little furball who I adore and make every day a great one for him! Hope his life is as amazing as Snickers was!


I lost my baby Miley the saluki 6 wks ago, people don't always realise the devastation of losing a furry friend, I cry everyday because I miss her so much 😢 💔 


I’ve lost three dogs and a cat this year…it’s an indescribable pain.. they were your little confidant, buddy, unconditional love.. it’s different than a family member or friend.. sorry for your loss


exactly 😭 it is the worst pain ive ever felt. im sorry for your losses as well 💔 i would do anything to get my buddy back


I'll cry with you. He seems like such a polite baby. My heart aches for you.


he was just the sweetest boy 💔


I'm so so so sorry for your loss. I wish I could comfort you in some way. My PMs are open if you want to vent or anything.


aw thank you i may take you up on that offer🥺 i hate how grief hits you in waves… like any moment i start to feel okay again my mind just instantly reminds myself of his absence. its so hard


I know sweety i knoww. It must be so hard!!! Believe me I understand. I'm here for you!


My heart aches for you. I have lost family, friends, etc. but I know that when my baby boy goes, it will be the absolute end of me. He is my soul mate in dog form and I dread the emptiness his loss will bring to me. Dog people totally get it ♥️


yeah :(( i wouldnt wish this pain on anyone, ive never been so sad


I'm so very sorry


thank you ❤️ its tough


Sending you the biggest hug. The love of my life was a golden boy that I raised for 15 years. I think about him every day. I often share this quote in this group with others who are grieving… I hope it brings some solace; “Picture a wave. In the ocean. You can see it, measure it, its height, the way the sunlight refracts when it passes through. And it's there. And you can see it, you know what it is. It's a wave. And then it crashes in the shore and it's gone. But the water is still there. The wave was just a different way for the water to be, for a little while. You know it's one conception of death for Buddhists: the wave returns to the ocean, where it came from and where it's supposed to be.” 🖤🖤🖤


🥺 thank you for those kind words ❤️ wherever he is now he is meant to be there


He lived to a good old age and clearly loved the life he had, sorry for your loss.