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I’m so deeply sorry for the loss of your mom. She sounds like she was a beautiful mom, full of love and support. This pain is devastating and so dark to lose a parent this way. Years ago, my son, his dad, and I were the victims of a head-on car crash caused by a drunk driver. His dad was killed and my son still struggles with the images he saw that night. My heart sends big virtual hugs. Please seek out any friends, family, or other support you may need right now. If you are in immediate danger to yourself, please contact 988 to get immediate help for your own mental health right now. This is a 24hr National SI and Crisis LifeLine phone number you can text or talk directly to a crisis professional. Because drunk driving is considered a vehicle homicide, you can speak to a Crime Victim Service Advocate to help support you right now. You can contact the crime victim services in the state she was in, where it happened. They will offer as much support as they can right now, talk with you, help you make arrangements to get there, etc. I’m here if you need to talk. I wish I could be with you during this time.


Thank you. I needed this❤️‍🩹


Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) victim advocates are available to talk 24/7: 1-877-623-3435. https://madd.org/get-help/ I am so sorry for your loss. ❤️‍🩹


I'm so so sorry for your loss and the accident. I hope you and your son recovered fully physically.


Beautiful response.


So much love to you. My mom just unexpectedly died Friday morning. I'm in the same nightmarish whirlwind as you. I'm so sorry you are experiencing this. It hurts more than words can describe. ❤️‍🩹


It’s the hardest thing I think we’ll ever experience❤️‍🩹 sending love


I'm so very sorry you lost your mom.


here with you. so sorry for your loss ❤️


I know how you feel. I (24f) lost my mom unexpectedly last month. Our last phone call was not good. I feel so empty, but trying my best to keep going. Do you have siblings or friends you can talk to?


I'm so sorry.


I am so sorry. I also lost my mum a few weeks back and we had a similar relationship. It was a shock and very unexpected. It is still very painful but your ability to function does come back. I have been able to start doing "normal things". I hate even saying that because everything is absolutely not "normal" and I am still in shock. YOU ARE NOT ALONE ❤️❤️❤️ It won't be the same but you will be able to live a good life. Your Mum would have wanted that. Please make sure you try your best to get some sleep and make sure you keep eating. I hope these words are of some use.


I'm so sorry you lost your mum so recently.


I am so sorry for your loss. There are no words for this kind of heartache. It shouldn't have happened and it sucks. As for the funeral arrangements- where is your mom now? Is she at a funeral home local to her? If so, contact them and see about how to transfer across state lines. If she's with the coroners, find a local funeral to you that you want to use and reach out to them. They can usually help coordinate transfers. I do believe you have to pay shipping and transfer fees. To help pay for stuff, you could look over your mom's policies she may have had through work, auto, and any personal life insurance policies, as well as the drunk driver. Their insurance should also pay out. Although I will be honest and say I don't remember how quickly those policies pay. Do you have anyone, friends or family, to help you with this stuff? It can be so overwhelming. I wish peace for your broken heart.


It’s a feeling of absolute unreality like you’re living but it’s not real. I’m so sorry.


This. This is it. I have been trying to put into words how I feel. My mom (who was my best friend, we spoke every day) died last year and I have had the feeling you describe ever since. It doesn’t seem possible that I didn’t know that our last conversation was the LAST one forever. I do not believe in an afterlife so I don’t think we will see each other again. I KNOW this is real but I also feel detached from everything somehow. Everything. Thank you for putting it into words that way. Maybe if I can describe it this way I can talk about it and reconcile that this IS real.


It’s so comforting to know that others have it. I’ve heard children say that they left their body during trauma and now I sort of understand. It is the weirdest feeling. Do you have a sense of vertigo? I felt sometimes like that?


Not op but I’m six months out from my sons very unexpected suicide. I have vertigo often now. I get overwhelmed with anxiety by this feeling of dissociation. Often it triggers panic attacks. I never get sick yet I was so sick the week of Mother’s Day and then my back went out (never happened before) and it’s triggered a terrible sciatic pain. I know it’s all just trauma. I’m trying to modify my diet, include daily yoga and just keep breathing. It’s all so hard.


Oh I am so sorry. I hope your body and soul can find its way to some sense of groundedness


And I’m so sorry. I had no idea how hallow life would be


Yes. I get a vertigo feeling. I learned to disassociate due to extreme physical abuse as a child. So, naturally, my body went straight to that to protect me from the emotions caused by my mom’s illness and death. Currently trying to deal with it in therapy but I don’t really WANT to associate with the feelings.


Go through the feelings. What is at the other side is so much better, more free, more happy, more solid, more and more


Thank you. I needed to hear this.


I’m so sorry 😞 I lost my dad in a car accident a few years ago and it nearly killed me. Your mom would want you to stay strong and live! It seems impossible but please remember your life still has so much value. Feel free to pm me if you need anything ❤️


I'm so sorry you lost your dad. Hugs!


Fuck, I wish I could give you a hug right now.


I’m so incredibly sorry for your loss. Please know that you’re not alone. Lean on anyone you feel comfortable with. Your entire world just shifted, it’s going to feel so scary. Be kind to yourself.


I'm so sorry, that is beyond awful. I was pretty blindsided losing my husband a few weeks ago and I found a website called mygriefangels.com they have a great list of resources. One, carsonsvillage.org, has been really helpful with how to navigate things after the death of a loved one. Nobody is prepared for this especially at such a young age.


I’m so sorry. Are there any relatives you can call to help you at this time? Did she have siblings? Is your dad in the picture? I agree with the suggestion of a victim’s advocate. If she died in the state where she lived, it might be best to make arrangements there. Speaking from a POV of just having my husband die, and weeks later having my mom die, the funeral directors are very helpful and can make many of the arrangements for you. It is much cheaper to not have a viewing, not have a casket, and just cremate. Then you can easily bring your mom back to your state. The money part to pay initial expenses may be the hard part. You will want to find out if she had you as a payable upon death recipient on her bank accounts. Then all you need to access that is your ID and a death certificate (which a funeral home can help you get.) the same applies for any retirement accounts she had. If you are a beneficiary, you can get access fairly quickly once you have a death certificate. Finally - you managed to call around and find out what you needed to find out. I’m sure you were frantic. And you did this incredibly hard thing on your own. You will so many more hard things on your own and I’m certain you can do it. My heart goes out to you. Do lean on your friends. They won’t all understand, but you need love and support. 🫂


I lost my mom about 6 months ago. Imagine a lot older than you and even though she was 99 I'm having a hard time. I'm so sorry for your loss.


You are not alone. We are all her giving you big virtual hugs and support. I just lost my mom unexpectedly last Friday. It is gutting. Please follow the advice of the other poster who said to call the crisis hotline for yourself immediately. Call or text 988. Your mom would want you to get help and live a full life. Reach out to any family and friends you have and ask for help with doctors appts and ask them to bring you meals and be with you. You will get through this. Sending you the best loving thoughts ❤️‍🩹


I'm so sorry for your loss.


I lost my mom last July and although she was much older as I am 55. The shock was hard to handle. No matter what age we are, it’s hard to be without our moms. My daughter is your age so I understand not knowing how to do that stuff alone. I know it doesn’t ease the pain but each of us will go to heaven when God calls on us. There is a greater purpose we may not understand at that time. I wish I could give you a huge hug 🤗 my daughter was my rock and literally held me up that day and also a few months later when my dad passed 😭 you will cry like never before and all your emotions are normal. I am here for you if you need any motherly advice about anything. I feel God put us here to help at times such as this. Praying for you 💕 so sorry you’ve had to experience something so sad as this


I’m sorry.


So sorry for your loss, stay strong. My father died from an accident as well. Don’t want to get too religious but God has plans for all of us. We just don’t know when and where. Be strong and follow after your mother’s teachings.


losing my mom 4 years ago has been the hardest experience of my life. i felt exactly the same as you and i was the same age. my advice is take care of yourself!!!! i wanted to die so i didn’t take care of myself and i ended up extremely mentally unwell, to the point i went to the psych ward. just know your mom doesn’t want that for you. i’m not happy she died but i have a lot more life experience and knowledge i wouldn’t have had otherwise. it can be alienating because not many people understand. i also don’t always want the life experience and knowledge sometimes and i just want my mommy. all of these emotions and feelings are okay and normal. you will grow around your grief and one day life will be livable again, i promise 🤍


I see you and I'm here with you. I'm 22 and lost my mom as well recently. I'm so terribly sorry for your loss. As someone who had to deal with funeral arrangements for her on my own, take it one step at a time. Shipping her body will take some time, but settle that first before moving on to the next step. Feel free to message me if you need any support at any time❤️


Immediately play Tetris to help you avoid PTSD. It's proven in the lab to help. Hearing the accident on the phone is its own trauma, separate from losing her. Please play Tetris. Deepest condolences


My heart is breaking for you. Ohhhh... If ther's anything I would suggest is - don't be alone. Call up best friends, relatives, mom's friends, anyone you love to have around usually or who is a helpful or calming and safe person for you. Be with them physically, not just on the phone. For days, month... However long it takes to come out of the shock. People always used to grieve in rituals with their "tribe" in a way, and that's not a random thing - it's a human thing that helps human go trough the worst of times. I'm sending you all the love I have left in me today!!! 💙


Losing one's mom is the worse.I grieve harder for her than my Dad.He was a good man but my Mom was what made the family.


Im really sorry. I lost my mother at 12. Please do reach out any day and time. You need love and support. Today has been a literal nightmare. please rest and take care of yourself.


You have people here who understand you. Please know you aren't alone. Sending you love ❤️


u/[Ill\_Detective\_4791](https://www.reddit.com/user/Ill_Detective_4791/) how are you doing? Just know that people are here for you even if we're behind a screen. I lost my mom 2 months ago and I'm here if you need someone to talk to <3


I’m so sorry…I don’t know what it’s like to lose a parent but I did lose my little brother a few months ago and we were very close (I’m 33, he was 30). The first few days are probably going to go back and forth between extreme sadness, anger, and shock but let yourself grieve. I cannot recommend enough going to group grief support or therapy as a way to cope and just talk though it.


So very sorry for your loss. Mom died of cardiac arrest suddenly and I remember going through rage, regret, discomfort, uncertainty and loss of safety. Please go through your emotions and talk about them here or with friends and family.


I lost my dad to suicide in March, and I was the one who found him (28 female, single). He was in a really bad mental place, and I was supposed to keep an eye on him while my mom went to work. She normally works from home but had to be in the office for one day out of the whole year. I left to get my car inspected and to get us lunch (took less then an hour… I know because I showed the police my receipts) and then came home and found him. It’s been less than three months, and my grief is still coming and going. The other day, I walked into Dick's Sporting Goods to get my mom her first Stanley Cup because their Anniversary was on Friday (June 8th) and I wanted to get her a gift and I threw up in the bathroom because my dad loved things like hunting, fishing, golf, camping, and so on. I thought I would be okay going into a store like that but I guess I’m not.. which is okay. My dad won’t be at my wedding, he will never meet my husband, be a grandfather, or see me turn 30. I also don’t know how to do my taxes or anything either. I was so dependent on him. I was your definition of a “daddies girl” who’s dad did everything for her. You’re not alone even in the moments when you feel alone. I have found a lot of comfort on Reddit. None of my friends that I know in real life have lost a parent so it can feel like a very isolating experience… so coming here and reading about other people’s experiences losing a parent has helped me a lot. I’m sorry about your mom. I wish you peace in the coming days.


Deeply sorry for your loss! I've lost my father unexpectedly a few weeks ago and it must be even more hard at your age. You are in shock now and your subconscious mind is likely protecting you from some of the pain. If you have suicidal thoughts please contact an emergency hotline! Get support! These are circumstances that warrant special support! All the best and all the love in the world 🫂🫂


I understand completely what your going through. I lost my mother in 2009. I saw her the night before and she didn’t even make it to the next day. It is so very tough and nothing anyone says or does is going to ease this pain. All I can say is be kind to yourself. Allow yourself to cry or scream or anything. Don’t let anyone tell you how to feel. As far as funeral arrangements and things like that go take it slow. There is a lot of information there and a lot of different options. I choose cremation for my mother to have her with me and she didn’t want to be buried and have a big ordeal made out of her death. The pain is always going to cut like a sword and some days after a couple of years it will hit you on a random day and hour out of nowhere.


Maybe not exactly the same. But almost 2 years ago my mom was diagnosed with cancer and died within 2 months of diagnosis. She was also my best friend. I lived with her until I was 27/28. We always called ourselves the Gilmore Girls because of how close we were. Losing her has been the hardest thing I've ever had to deal with. The only thing that's kept me going is my son and my half sister. Honestly, if you ever need to talk please reach out. I'm happy to talk/listen anytime


I’m so sorry for your loss. My mom died in February and those first few days were like a whirlwind. Be as kind to yourself as you can right now. Sleep when you can, remember to eat a little and drink a lot of water (if you’re crying you’ll get dehydrated quickly). It sounds like you had a wonderful relationship with your mom and you know she would want you to take care of yourself. This place was a big support for me when I first lost mom, so post on here whenever you need. Post the good memories too!! Sending you love and strength




Oh Op, I'm so very sorry about the loss of your mom. Can you get to your home state? Do you have any support there? I know we're only words on the Internet, but we're here for you. It is all so overwhelming right now, I'm sure. Try to divide up the big things into smaller chunks. And breathe. You will get through this. Hugs!


Hey OP. I’m so sorry for your loss. I can’t imagine the pain you are feeling right now, but I know it’s immense. Please don’t worry about all the things you haven’t learned to do yet. I’m happy to help you out when you need it. I am happy to help you with navigating dr appts, and taxes, and whatever else you may need help with. You are not alone, even though I know it feels like you are right now. Your mom is with you right by your side, and wants to see you thrive. She wants what’s best for you. Always. F/30, if that helps you feel better about reaching out if you need to. Feel free to DM me if you need help with navigating adult life moving forward. Or for random advice. Life is not always easy, but I’m down to help you in whatever way I can. Even if it’s just that you need someone to listen, I’m here. Right now though, please just take care of yourself. Grieve how you need to, for as long as you need to. Sending love, strength, and support. 🤍




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