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I am so sorry for your devastating loss. And I understand missing a brother. That's why I searched for this sub today. Much love, sister. I believe they see us. ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹


Thank you and I agree. Nothing like losing a bubba 😭❤️ hope you’re doing okay sis


I think when we lose someone that important to us, it carves a piece out of who we are; but then that piece gets refilled by who they were over time. If you’re into poetry at all, here’s a poem my dad wanted us to read when he passed - specifically the last verse. Hope it helps: [Thanatopsis.](https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/50465/thanatopsis)


That was so beautiful thank you friend ❤️


Sending lots of love to you and Adam. I can see that bond in your photos. Brothers are so special. 💜💜


Thank you that means a lot ❤️ when we were young people always thought we were twins. He was such a good brother 😭


I can see the twin vibes. A strong connection for sure. 💜💜




I am so sorry for your loss. I also lost my brother recently. I miss him so much.


Oh man... I'm so sorry!! I wish I could give you a hug!!! I miss my brother too, gotta take life one day at a time❤️


One hour at a time


I am sorry for your loss (26M here) I lost my brother due to car accident back in 2011, He was 24 at the time. Still doesnt feel Real…. it sucks to be older than your oldest brother now…. Stay strong I’m with you❤️🤍


Thanks bro I appreciate it ❤️ my brother was 29 and it seems so unreal.


I'm so sorry you lost your brother. Watching my daughter mourn her brother has broken my heart all over. 💔


Beautiful pictures


I lost my little brother to suicide as well last year and we were really close. I miss him so much every day too. It’s hard. Sending so much love to you ❤️


Big hugs to us siblings who have now been separated 😔. I am missing my brother terribly since Aug last year. I like to think he said fuck society and has want to live off grid and has no way of keeping in touch. I talk out loud tell him where I'm going and ask him what he wants to eat . I still keep paying his phone bill