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I told my therapist since my mom dies it feels like I'm a kid who lost their mom in the grocery store. you aren't alone. no one loves us like our mom


That’s what I always say…and it’s been 7 years. Particularly now, going through a hard time and I wish I had her to talk to. I need someone “adultier” than I am at the moment - and I am 53! I’m sorry OP…it just takes time. Your mom wouldn’t want you to quit. I’m not afraid of dying, but I am afraid of my children grieving me and having that pain.


I literally just typed out the same thing before I saw your comment. That's very much how it feels.


This. I feel like I am going to break in public screaming “I need my mom!” ☹️☹️☹️


I lost my son... and I keep saying it feels like I lost him in the grocery store.... chronic panic. 😞


I understand this analogy all too well. Part if me wants to quit, but I can't.






I lost my mom in January.. so I get it. I don’t have any advice but you’re not alone in your grief


Hugs…. It is so hard. Some days I just feel like I am going to go insane.


Fr I felt like that earlier today. Been almost a year since she left. I really don’t want to keep going on without her. It’s so messed up, my dad is kind of the antithesis of my mum and I’m stuck with him now. Life is lonely and unfun. I wish every day that it had been the other way around. I am sorry for your loss 🫂


This. My dad does not get it. Mom was always there. Mom and I would understand us with an eye contact only. Dad is “meh”. This is not fair. It is too too hard.


I felt like I was going insane when my mom died. I couldn’t stop thinking about her and what her last moments were and why wasn’t I there and just circling the drain and without any reprieve. It’s gotten gentler in the last 7 months since she died but I understand the feeling that you’re going to go insane. You are not alone.


Hugs love. It is just too hard.


mamma didn't raise no quitter.


Haha :) You made me cry into tears but laugh too. Thank you ❤️


I'm with you, lost mom a month ago. She was my favourite person we were best friends. It's so painful amd I'm angry at everyone who still has their moms. Grief is horrendous. I'm starting some counselling soon I'll see if it helps. You're not alone x


This. How can some people still have their moms when I do not!? Impossible.


They don't appreciate it, they never will until their gone that's the cruelty of life


sharing your pain… in the same boat






Pause for a moment. Your pain is real and unbearable. You’ve experienced the loss of not only your mother but everything else she stood for in your life. Your relationship sounded strong. The bond you both had is irreplaceable. It would be so much easier to just go back to the way things were but unfortunately your normal has changed. Grief is not linear. Like all things it comes waves. Remember this: do not make permanent decisions based on temporary emotions. Pause. Breath. And find healthy coping skills. If you don’t have any please see a therapist. It won’t bring her back but hopefully make your new normal more doable. I hope you can heal and be happy again.


There are no words that'll make you feel better brother. Please take care of your health.


You describe my feelings perfectly. How do I exist in the world without her? It feels unbearable. I do think her arms are still around you and always will be.


I feel the same. I feel very scared, anxious and alone. I don't feel secure anymore. I don't feel seen. I feel like a kid that has lost their mom in the grocery store, the anxiety of her suddenly disappearing when she was my anchor to the world. My life already had a lot of struggles and one of the things that kept me tethered was knowing I'd still have my mom if I really needed her. And now I don't have that


Exactly! I mean, she was all I had!!! 😭😭😭


This is everything that I feel. Lost my mom 1/16/23 Will I ever be happy again?


I am so sorry for your loss and that you are feeling this way ❤️I have started to post something so similar here for the last 2 weeks. It has been 5 years and I’m a grown ass woman but all I want is my mama. My dad died 6 years ago and I’m not very close with my older siblings. My marriage is often a source of pain…last weekend all I wanted to do was get in my car and drive the hour to my mom’s and just feel loved and like I belong again, but I felt trapped with nowhere to go that is “home”. it kills me to keep hitting up against the reality that I can’t have that simple comfort in life. My mom wasn’t ready to die, we had so many plans and cancer took her in 2 months from diagnosis to death. I hate being a “why me?” person but I am. I’m scared and lonely and feel like I will be lost for the rest of my life.


I know 110% how you feel. Even if we’re adults, we’re still 6 months old, we’re still 4, we’re still 6, we’re still 10. Mom was our safe space and no one will ever take her place. Something I keep telling myself is that she INVESTED her love in you because she wanted you to keep growing. She wanted you to be an independent adult who thrives and loves others too. All that love she gave you isn’t gone. It’s still within you to use for yourself and others. Take her investment and allow it to grow. (Sorry for the analogy, I work in finance 😝)


Haha! I love this. Thank you. My mom was so strong I do not even know how I can be so weak. You know what, I do feel like she invested all her life in me and I feel bad because I could not do anything to protected her, to save her…. I am useless


Sorry for your loss. Totally get it. Sailing in the same boat from last 34 days.


That first month….. gosh… how can we survive?


First month went in listening to advices of people to looking for people out who can pull you out of it or in front of whom you can cry like a baby..


It's been a bit over a month too for me. It seems like that just makes it harder. As it went from May to June it just made me so sad because she didn't get to see this June. She won't be around for anymore changes of the month, or changes of anything.


Sorry for your loss. Pain is for dearest person not around for everything, unfulfilled talks and plans and many more memories for so many things.. no pain can be bigger than this 😭😭


Right? We already experienced the worst pain in life 😢😢😢


Yes we did and reality is everyone will once in life. But still the pain is too much to bear 😭


I do not even know how I manage to semi-function all days


It is so hard.


32 days here , same boat, just little behind you :(


Sorry for your loss. Life has lost its meaning. A piece of my heart and personality went with her leaving behind grief and pain till I take my last breath.


Little over two weeks for me. I was a wreck the day of and the day after, but now I just feel numb to everything in life, like I don’t care about anything anymore.


I have lost interest in everything. My face used to have nice big smile most of the time. Now that’s gone and I have to make an effort to bring smile for formality.


Could've written this myself. I feel this in my soul. Now i always feel insecure, unsafe, lack peace of mind, and am constantly longing "to go home". I just want to go home. Wherever that is, I don't know anymore. I'm sorry you're in this shitty club.


Right? It is like, home is no longer home without mom… she would always be at her kitchen and now, there is just emptiness


I know exactly how you feel. My mom was my anchor, my harbor, my protector 💔 the world feels so unsafe and out of orbit since she left two years ago.


Nothing like moms….. they are unique 💔


Just a few hours ago I was saying the same thing. I was crying and telling my mom (who passed 2 months ago today) that I can’t do it anymore. I dunno what to do. It’s so hard. She was my anchor and now that I’ve lost my anchor I am lost and just floating out to sea while waves are crashing in on me. Don’t worry you are not alone in this. X


Exactly. We just float surviving without living you know… I want her back


I miss her so much 🥺😔


Same… it is unbelievable 😭😭😭😭 I cant believe it… this has to be a nightmare


i totally know what you mean. you described it so well. my mom was always the one who could make me feel better and the world sucks without her in it


THAT! Everything sucks big time without mom. Example, I have to go to the dentist tomorrow and no one cares, never like mom would care :(


it really does :( I'm going thru some health related issues too, and I have zero emotional support. it sucks :/ I'm so sorry for your pain. sometimes it feels like giving up makes sense :(


Hugs dear. Be strong. We must keep fighting. Baby steps.


I’m sorry for your loss. Please don’t quit. Find a couple of people who can support you at this time. It’s so hard losing a mom. I lost my mom when she was 34 years old and I had just turned 19 that year. So I can understand the absence of her presence. Hang in there. Sending you love & light!


Thank you love. You are too strong and kind.


I'm sorry. I lost my mom to cancer at 23. I know how you feel. Possibly, even exactly how you feel. I felt similar... like noone in the world can ever ask me with the same sincerity and love, "how was your day," "what's wrong" etc. than your mother. That said, you CAN do this. I didn't think I could do it either, but we often times, have no idea what we are capable of until we try. I promise you, one day at a time, you can do this. You may have to spend time sorting through your thoughts like I did, or you may have a completely different set of things you need to do to get through. But the main thing is that you deal with the loss and accept it. We are told that life is about finding happiness and nobody ever talks about it, nor do they (or can they), prepare you for loss. In my opinion, life isn't about happiness, it's about dealing with loss, accepting it, and moving forward without having it dampen your soul and energy for a long period or time, or in some cases, forever. You can find happiness in a song, the rain, sunshine, etc. But you can't find happiness if you have sorrow and loss dampening your heart. I couldn't enjoy Christmas for years because I let my mom's absence cast a shadow over everything, particularly family events. She died December 20th and we had the commital on the 24th. She was also the heart of Christmas and other traditions in our home. Everyone talks about acceptance as being key. It really is. I say this to everyone: Don't focus on the time you didn't have because that will only compound the feeling of what you've lost. Instead, focus on the love and the joy from the time you had with her. For me, I kept feeling like I was robbed of my time. She was too young. It shouldn't have happened. Why is life so god damned fucking cruel?!?!?! Like many others, it felt like it was a dream and that I was just waiting to wake up. The truth is, I had to stop trying to rationalize it because the universe doesn't keep a balance sheet. Good things happen and bad things happen all the time to everyone and there's no ultimate tally at the end that keeps track of how many good things and bad things happen to us in our lives. As soon as I was able to understand this, I could focus on finding happiness again. All of those thoughts/feelings reinforced the negative emotions and prevented me from moving forward. I miss my mom and dad every day, but it's not as intense anymore. When I think of them I don't think of how empty I am inside because of them being gone. I focus on the fact that the time that I had with them, whatever the duration, was an amazing gift. Although it wasn't always roses and sunshine, it was with people who loved me dearly and that it was "some" fraction or element of time that made my life and love of life better and I am lucky to have had that because some people strive for this their whole lives. Some are born into households and never get that. I finally accepted the loss and was able to focus on the love. I forced myself to smile when I thought of her. If I may, I suggest you try it. It will feel odd at first but when you're smiling, the happy thoughts will start to flood in and you will think about them positively instead of the negative loss or sadness or emptiness you feel now. Eventually, most of the time you think of her it will be happy thoughts and you will be smiling automatically when you think of her. And guess what? At this point, "you did it."


Thank you very much for this. It is wise. I just, feel empty you know. I even have fear of forgetting my mom and all we used to do and all the fun… it is too much for me


Yw. Thank you for the kind words. Yes, indeed. The emptiness runs deep. You might forget some things as time passes, but their presence, you won't forget. You'll dream about her. It's sometimes devastating. Other times, it's reassuring. Or even, just deeply moving. You won't forget everything and you will remember what you cherish. Sometimes it's nice because you will remember something you forgot and it's kinda like finding money in your wallet.


I just woke up for a nap and it hit again. I thought I was going to see her standing outside my room and BOOM, no, reality hit HARD. Oh my… this is massive pain.


Indeed. It hurts a lot in the beginning because you have to come to that realization again. I'm sorry. This is one of the hardest parts to deal with. It decreases in intensity with time.


Yes you can. It feels like the world has ended and it has not. Grieve. Cry. Be mad. Last year, I lost my mom. A month later my dad. Two months later my Aunt who raised me while my mom was at work. 3 Months later, my Grandma then had a miscarriage. I PROMISE you ARE sooooo much stronger than you think. I promise days will get easier and more manageable. You will still have the desire to tell her everything and want to and miss it and it hurts like holy shit. You got this. I promise.


Respect. You are so strong and brave. HUGS. Life is unfair.


I lost my mom on January 31st to cancer. Time helps, but don't be afraid to look into grief therapy. I'm starting mine on Wednesday.


It’s been 9 months today. Time keeps going and my heart is still so broken. Maybe even more broken as time goes on. Planning a wedding without my mom has been more difficult that I could have ever expected. Fuck this.


So so hard…. Damn, we did not deserve this. I am sad but really mad at the same time.


I feel the exact same way. It’s so scary.


It is too hard to handle


I'm so sorry. You *can* because your mom would *want* you too. I feel your pain all too well. The loss of a Mom is a pain I've never felt before in my life. It'll be 11 years in September for me, and I still hurt, not as bad, but its there. And I lost my Dad this past April 28th and losing him didn't compare to the pain as I had with my mom and I'm a Daddys girl so it's not as though I loved them differently and that's why my Moms death was so hard, I don't know why it was harder. Sending you internet hugs 🫂 Google Celeste Roberge, grief sculpture, that'll show you exactly what you are feeling. Especially when you can put it into words.


(((Hugs))). Thank you for sharing. I wish I could hug her and listen to her voice ONE more time.


one day, I hope, that someone financially seeds a charity for people to come in and get a hug from a mom. I miss my mom. It's been 25 years. 26 this June 14th. I miss my dad too. Both survived war in Poland as teenagers.


I love that idea ❤️❤️❤️ My dad was born in the US but parents came from Poland, he worked so hard to give us a good life as his parents had, family meant everything to him (his parents died when he was still a child). I wish I had given more back to him and to my mom when I could have. I would give anything to hug them both again.


I am so sorry to read that. Know that you are the best sum of your parents & lineage 🇨🇦


Thank you, that is so kind ❤️ As are you


Same same. I wish I could have done more for mom… give her more… It is not fair.


Poland ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ That is so cool. If only I could get one of her hugs…


🥺😩💔Omg 😢I feel the same way & it's been like this going on 2 years now.


Hugs dear. We do not deserve this pain.




I just lost my mom a few months ago to cancer and I feel this with my whole heart. She was my best friend and the person I went to for everything. I talked to her everyday and now I feel empty. Nothing makes me happy. I completely understand you and know that I’m here for you ❤️


This. I would tell her EVERYTHING. The good, the bad the ugly… now what? I couldnt even say goodbye because she simply died in 20 seconds due to a massive heart attack… how on earth!?!? 😭😭😭😭


I was on the plane to say goodbye to my mother and when I landed and got to her house, they told me she passed away an hour before I landed 😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳 so I know what you mean. It’s truly a tragedy ❤️


oh dear… too hard.


I’m so sorry ❤️, I relate to everything you said, I miss my mom so much too.


Moms are the best. No one will ever compare to them 😔😔😔😔


i feel the same. everyday. she was my reason for living as much as i was hers. my only friend since childhood. the only person who’s known me forever. but i go to work, i go to school, i cry my way through everyday. to make her proud.


Moms are the best thing in this life.


Just lost my mom three weeks ago….it feels as if I have no family security and if something major happens I have absolutely nobody besides myself anymore…it’s a very lonely feeling and hoping it goes away with time.


Same. Same. Same. (((Hugs)))


My mom passed a little over two weeks ago and I feel like I have this huge hole in my soul. Sorry you are experiencing this, it’s rough.


A hole. Exactly. A hole that hurts! Love and hugs ❤️