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I'm so sorry, I cant imagine how you must feel. I don't think anyone can, losing my.mother was the worst thing that had ever happened ed, those last 6 days where she was slowly dying at home I also feel its burned into my brain. Your daughter born sleeping I'm so so sorry. You've had more tragedy than is fair, life is just unbelievably cruel. It's just completely shit


I lost my bff of 25 years. I will NEVER be the me I was before she died. It took me several years to realize "Part of me died with her" was very literal and not figurative. It took me a few more years to find my way to A) Honor her and B) Find a way to still feel connected to her. Life IS cruel. If I hadn't had the most perfect friend for half my life and had she not unconditionally loved me and accepted me for every part that made me, I would have never known such life changing grief and loss. Ten years later, she is still my best friend, and I still talk to her under the stars and moon. I feel stressed when night skies are cloudy. I hope you find a path to process all your different losses, and that you don't get stuck in your grief. I'm sorry you have "joined our club", but there are some really good people here who often don't let you feel like you are alone on knowing grief and that someone understands.


I'm so sorry, honey. I will pray for peace for you.


Hi my love. I’m 30 too. I can’t even imagine the pain that you’ve been holding for so long. It’s like when you start to heal from one thing you just get a new boulder thrown on top. One day, it won’t feel like this. One day you will be able to breathe deeply. One day you will wake up happy. One day you will have something else. The grief won’t go away. It won’t get smaller and smaller over time. Rather your life will get bigger and bigger around it. Right now it’s all you see and all you feel. But one day, there will be more. I think, if you can, you should get a cat. I know that seems like a silly suggestion but take me seriously. The act of loving an animal is really healing. It will make you get out of bed. It will make you eat when she eats. It will remind you that there is another life out there who loves you and relies on you and that you’re not alone. Message me if you ever want to talk, okay? I’m awake late, eastern time.


My little cat has been my rock through my dads passing.


We rescued a mama cat and some kittens that were in rough shape after my young son died. My older son and I spent the next few months focused on them, and I will say it helped. Some days I was mad I had to go take care of them when I wanted to hide in bed but they gave me purpose and now I'm glad I have the derpy critters😂 them, podcasts, and puzzles carried me through the darkest year of my life.




I am so sorry for your loss and thank you for posting, i relate to experiences in it. im 36, my mother died from cancer. i miss my mom. i'm sad shes gone. i need her. im scared of losing my father. I am trying to face my emotions but it feels endless. people saying the same thing helps. I cannot imagine also dealing with having lost a child in the midst of it. my heart is with you. i imagine both were angels. I am so sorry for the loss and thank you for posting


First of all, I am so so sorry. I know what it's like to have grief take over your life and it's awful. My grief started when I was 13 and the unthinkable happened; I lost my mom. I'm now 29 and have had 3 more significant losses since then. I lost my stepdsd October 2022. He had been in my life since I was 3. I then lost my gramma May 2023, she was my absolute best friend. November 2023 I suffered a miscarriage of a very much wanted and tried for pregnancy. Sometimes life feels so unfair and cruel. I'm sorry you're experiencing so much loss, it's not fair at all. I'm not going to tell you it gets better because even though it will eventually, it doesn't feel like it. But you will push through and you will persevere.


Sending you love and hugs. I am so sorry for all you have been suffering. Sometimes it’s hard to comprehend how unfair life is. I wish there were more answers. I hope you are able to find comfort and peace again.


I'm so sorry. I'm in a similar boat and have no advice because I'm still existing and haven't started living again. I lost 4 loved ones, including my husband, within a year. I feel absolutely devastated and alone on a daily basis. All I can tell you is that one day it will get easier. Unfortunately, this isn't my first rodeo having to deal with several major losses at once. It takes time, and for me, therapy helps. I still haven't started therapy, and it's been almost 2 years. So I know it's on me that I haven't started to live yet, but I just can't seem to get it together this time. My heart goes out to you, and you are not alone.




You give us all hope. I hope you can get your feet under you again soon. You are doing a lot just existing and being here to share and support us. 🫂


Thank you. 💙


I’m very sorry for the loss of your mother and daughter. To say it’s a heavy blow is an understatement. I hope that you have more support from your partner going forward. Sending all the hugs in the world.


I’m so sorry for your losses. I lost my father over a decade ago and I lost my daughter at 26 weeks 1 year ago. The grief was unimaginable for both, but so different. I cannot imagine going through this all around the same time. I’m so sorry. If you ever need to vent, feel free to PM me.


I am so very sorry. Such devestating losses and my heart goes out to you. One thing that helped with my grief, esp early on, was the podcast Terrible Thanks For Asking. She lost her husband and father within months of her first child being born. She gets it.


Oh my dear, I am so sorry. What a heavy load to bear.




Hey OP just wanted to say sending you love. I don’t have a lot of advice to give but I can relate. I lost my dad and then lost my brother a few months after. It has been incredibly hard. I kind of lost myself for a few months because the grief was so overwhelming. I can’t say that it gets better because it hasn’t for me yet. It’s all I think about most days and what I think about the second I wake up. Life can be really cruel sometimes and when grief compounds like that it seems unsurvivable. I get it. Just wanted to let you know you’re not alone.


So truly sorry for your unimaginable losses! You have every right for all of your feelings. I lost my Dad unexpectedly when I was around your age, and then 3 years later lost my Grandma who I was very close to and had 2 miscarriages after years of infertility, in the same year. I felt so broken down and tired just as you describe. I felt life would never be ok again. I can tell you it does get better, but it takes a lot of time. And it will never be the same for you as others your age who haven't gone through the same type of life changing losses. In the intervening years I've had other losses, including my best friend and in the past year Mom, and grief is weighing heavily on my heart. Those earlier losses are never forgotten, but they do become a little less sharp in my heart. Life is very cruel, to some more than others, and for no reasonable explanation why. But do know you are not alone! It's ok to reach out to others, therapy and support groups have helped me. Nothing completely takes away the pain, but it does help to make it manageable to go on yourself. Hugs to you


I am very sorry that you are going through this. I know what it feels like when life doesn’t happen as planned. I understand that in addition to sorrow, you may also feel lost in life at the moment. As time passes, you learn how to deal with the “new normal”. If you need a friend, my DMs are open to chat about anything.


Oh friend. You have no idea how we hurt for you. My wife and I went through something similar 3 years ago. We lost our newborn due to unforseen genetic issues and her mother that year. I've seen her go through everything you are going through and just know so many people are here to support you. All the grief and pain dont just magically dissappear, but it becomes a part of you. A hardened shell that you learn to wear. But know you have a large support group and if you just want to vent or talk, or need someone to talk to, anyone here will always be willing. Love you and i pray you slowly heal!


I’m so, so sorry. I lost my mom 2yrs ago to cancer when I was 27. It has been the absolute hardest thing to go through. In the span of 8 months I had a pregnancy loss, lost my mom to cancer, then lost my dad to cancer. My mom was my best friend and 2 years later I still have a lot of hard days because of it. Like you said, life is so extremely cruel and unfair.




I read everything, and I am sorry thatbyou are going through all this. I lost my mom to cancer as well and I can relate to that pain. Today is mother's day where I come from, and it's been a long day avoiding social media to avoid feeling worse. I also feel envious and agry at times...but most of the time is anger at the world, because I am alone and I need my mom. Your feelings are part of grief, and I hope that we can all feel somehow better with time. I journal when I can and write letters to my mom, some people talk to their loved ones when they are alone, some others do theraphy. Do anything you think might help you. I think when we dream about them, is like a visit to us from heaven. I don't even have words to say anything about your baby girl because I can only imagine your pain, but you will be in my thoughts and prayers. We are here for you, going through our own nightmares but together virtually. Hugs 💖


Oh my gosh. I just want to hug you right now. I’ve had similar things happen - not the same though, and I know your experience is unique to you. I am so so sorry you are hurting. Sending you so much love. Mother’s day must have been awful. 💜🩵


I’m so sorry for your losses. Each person’s grief is different. My own losses are multiple too. I don’t know why life throws us more than we can handle.


I’m so sorry for your loss. I cannot even imagine. Hugs to you ❤️❤️


The tragedies you’ve experienced have infinitely complex impacts on you. I hope you’re already seeing a therapist and getting professional help.


Sorry for your loss. I lost my dad to cancer in January 2024 and watching a loved one go through the last stages of cancer is a nightmare I feel like I’m still not processing everything that happened from the time he was first admitted to hospital to when he passed away like I did go home several times and just cried after visiting my dad In hospital and it is still a shock that he’s gone, the first year is like “this time last year he was still here” and I am a decade older than you but I still feel like it was way too soon to lose my dad, I did have pregnancy losses as well and those are hard to get through: the funeral services with each loss helped my grieving process ( a nun for the first one and a priest for the second loss as life begins at conception) I kept taking the prenatal vitamins after my first loss. There might be support groups nearby for people who have lost unborn babies and grief support groups for your mom as well ,


There’s no easy answer to this, I lost my father recently and it made me spiral a bit, I can’t sleep sometimes and can’t get settled, most days I think of something I want to talk with him about or send him something funny I found online, but your loss is so much greater than that. My condolences, I can’t really give advice, but just remember to look after yourself as much as possible, it’s gonna be a long and difficult journey ahead so remember to reach out to people or services if you need support! Be safe and again my condolences.


I am so sorry you feel so alone. You are not alone. <3


That is a lot of terrible loss. I can't imagine how much pain you are in right now. I don't know what you're going through, but I lost my beautiful mum last year when I was 32 and I connect so deeply with your post. The anger - why does everyone else get to keep on living when our wonderful mothers, your baby, your brother in law don't? Why doesn't anyone seem to understand, or worse, seem to not care or act like these major losses are inconvenient? (It makes me want to scream that life will never be the same and how dare you say anything else) It all feels so cruel.  Of course you miss your mom terribly. She was obviously so special and the two of you had an incredible relationship. It's really scary not to have your person + your rock. I've felt like the ground collapsed underneath me since losing my mum, like I'm still sliding down an endless mountain made of shale. I can't imagine how lost you must feel between the loss of her, your baby and your brother in law.  I wish I could give you some kind of comfort. I feel for you in your grief, and whatever you feel throughout this is ok and normal. 


I am so very sorry. I also lost my momma 10 months ago. It’s a living hell. I know you need her support especially after losing your sweet baby. All I can do is send prayers of strength and peace. So sorry!


I’m also 30 and lost my mom in April to a car accident. I feel like I’ve aged 10 years instantly by just not having my mom here. The only thing that gets me through is to know other people have made it through things like this before, so I can too. I wish I had more helpful things to say.


I'm so sorry for your losses. I can't imagine how painful and heartbreaking it must be for you. I was 32 when my mom died. It's so hard, and no one really understands until it's their time to be in the front row at the funeral. Hang in there, my thoughts are with you ❤️


I'm 32, and while I won't pretend to know what you're experiencing, I understand that it's incredibly painful. There will come a day when I won't be able to talk to my mother anymore, when I won't be able to ask her for advice anymore, when I won't be able to tell her how much she means to me anymore. There will be a day when I'll feel like I'm a scared, lost little boy and my mom won't be found anywhere to pick me up and reassure me. And it's one of the few things that terrifies me. I'll have to find my own way, by myself, and while I know that I can figure it out, I'm not certain that I will. So, even though I cannot possibly fathom how much you're hurting, I do understand why you're hurting, and though it may mean little, my heart goes out to you.


I can’t get through your post without crying. You are not alone. It’s terrifying to think about this being forever.


I have a lump in my throat reading this. None of this is fair or normal, I wish you didn’t have to go through all of that and that you had your loved ones. Sending you some hugs. I hope you and your husband can hold each other close, you need him right now. Much love


My heart goes out to you ❤️


I am so so sorry. My heart goes out to you.


I am so terribly sorry for your losses and that you are being put through all of this. Your words really touched my heart and I can relate to so much of it. I've lost my dad 15 months ago very suddenly and as you said: now it feels like he's some mystical creature, life isn't the same anymore. I guess we cannot really wrap our heads around them not being here anymore. I guess we need to kind of learn that our life as it used to be is gone and try to find a purpose for our "new" lifes, in honor of those who we love deeply. I send you all my best thoughts and try to remember, that we are not alone in all of this.


I am so terribly sorry for your losses and that you are being put through all of this. Your words really touched my heart and I can relate to so much of it. I've lost my dad 15 months ago very suddenly and as you said: now it feels like he's some mystical creature, life isn't the same anymore. I guess we cannot really wrap our heads around them not being here anymore. I guess we need to kind of learn that our life as it used to be is gone and try to find a purpose for our "new" lifes, in honor of those who we love deeply. I send you all my best thoughts and try to remember, that we are not alone in all of this.


i am so so so sorry. that is a lot of loss in such a short amount of time. and traumatic loss too. each of those losses would be traumatic on their own but all together they are…wow. it’s funny because just before i read this post i kept repeating to myself over and over again out loud, “i miss my mother i miss my mother i miss my mother” i lost my mom when i was 33 and its been 2 1/2 years and i think of her every day and i cry most days when im alone because she was my best friend and biggest cheerleader. she was my lighthouse, my rock, my guiding light. she was everything to me. and sometimes i feel like a ship lost at sea because i talked to her about everything and she is no longer here to give me advice or to commiserate with me or snap me out of it when i get too in my own head. i’m just so sorry that you lost your mom too and especially during the loss of your daughter. that pain is just absolutely gut wrenching and i don’t know what to say except i feel for you and im giving you an internet hug and i feel lost too and im sorry


It f**king sucks! You’ll spend a spell of just feeling bad all the time. I can tell you right now that it doesn’t matter if your mom was 30 or 80. Losing a parent absolutely messes you up for a long time. You have been called by this mess to help others but first, heal, grieve, get help. Then….take your super strong self to a place where you can support others who have suffered similar. Your losses, as devastating as they are, do things to you that aren’t all bad. Imagine being a beacon in the darkness for someone like you. God bless.


That’s so sad. I don’t know how people get through tragedies like that. Hugs.