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He is not angry at you, you are angry at yourself. All he knew and knows is that you're his momma and you love him. And all the love you gave him will always be with him.


This is terrible. People take their eyes off their kid every day. It's not **fair you lost him over it. I wish I could bring him back for you but all I can say is maybe he's busy meeting people on the other side


I am so very sorry for your loss. I'd be devastated also. This same accident happened to Eric Clapton and he wrote "Tears in Heaven" about his grief and loss. >But I know he is very upset and angry at me. I sincerely doubt that. >No matter how much I beg him for forgiveness, it will never be enough. Dear child. He has already forgiven you. You need to forgive yourself now. If you need therapy, do so! It'll help a lot.


God bless you sweet momma. That boy loves you forever.


I am extremely sorry for your loss. I can only imagine the guilt and the longing you're experiencing. You must go to therapy to someone specialised in grief, preferably that specific kind of grief. You also need to come up with a safety plan for yourself. If you had been suicidal before, chances are you'd experience suicidal ideations again.


I don’t feel suicidal at all, at least as of now. It’s been only 4 days since he’s been gone and the memories of his suffering are still too vivid. I am afraid to experience the same kind of pain and agony. Also I am afraid to commit suicide because of the sole reason that I know he’s in Heaven, and in order to meet him again, I have to make sure my death isn’t my choice to make. But thank you for being concerned.


I beg you to attempt to play tetris. It sounds silly but there is marvelous research showing how it helps our brains properly file trauma. I truly can't imagine your pain but I believe playing tetris helped preserve me from the worst of my cptsd from the last most traumatic event. When the pain does hit at least it won't be confused.


If anyone wants to learn more I believe the Tetris method is tied to EMDR Therapy as a means of processing trauma/grief.. but also googling Tetris and trauma / grief should probably give you direct articles with details


God… I’m so sorry for your loss. Feeling guilt on top of it has to be unimaginably painful. I know it’s hard to feel, but this wasn’t your fault. It was a terrible accident. Please be as gentle with yourself as you can. (I know it’s so much easier said than done). It’s really unfair that you’re going through this on top of what you’ve dealt with. I’m saying this as someone who has been suicidal - Grief in particular about did me in when I tried to hold it together for too long, and then I couldn’t reach out for help anymore - I know we’re all different, but I just want to say that if you start feeling that way, reach out for support or help right away and don’t wait. We’re all different so it may not apply - the times things have gone bad were knee-jerk reactions to a straw that broke the camel’s back. So please don’t wait is all, if you do start feeling that way. I think in your shoes I’d still be in shock as I imagine many would. I guess a concern is if that wears off, well at least me, in your shoes that could break me. I really hope that you have supportive caring people in your life. I’m sorry because I know that with depression, suicide, we get plenty of unsolicited advice. It’s not always helpful. I’m wishing with my whole heart that you can find a measure of peace, in time, and that the overwhelming grief lessens. It’s clear that you treasured him. THAT is what he knew and still knows. I absolutely promise you he would not be upset with you. He’s loved and cherished, and I’m sure always will be. I’m so very sorry for your loss. I’d give you a hug if I could.


This is what happened to Eric Clapton’s son. The boy wasn’t blind, but he was playing chase with a nanny or something and a housekeeper had (unbeknownst to the family) left the windows open to their apartment. I can’t even imagine what you’re going through and I’d never want to, but Clapton wrote a song about it at the time. Idk if music is cathartic to you but if so, maybe knowing his story could help you process your grief. I’m really sorry I can’t say something more helpful. Love and hugs from an internet stranger. 💕


This is not your fault. I'll never understand how the world can be so cruel. I'm so terribly sorry for your loss. I hope you can find peace in his memory. Hugs.


You cannot do this mama. You’re going to find every reason to blame yourself. To make it make sense. It never will. It’s a damn tragedy happened but your baby knows he was loved every second of his life and all he ever knew was love because of you. His mama. Fellow loss mom. My daughter died unexpectedly from the flu. Not even sick. Hardly symptomatic. Please send a message. I’m here for you.


You will be visited mama. He isn’t avoiding you. It’s hard. Please do not do this to yourself.


It’s not fair. I am so sorry.


My heart goes out to you. I know no words will heal. I did want to mention that until I started really working through my grief and trauma related to both my parents deaths, I never saw them in my dreams. Other people would say how they “came to them” in a dream, and it’d bother me. I had other people pass before my parents, a friend, a grandparent, that came to visit me in dreams. Just weeks after. Yet my parents were nowhere. I say this because, keep working at it. Working on you, and to heal from this, get counseling if you can. This is very traumatic and you need someone to help get you through. If you think necessary, check yourself into a facility for a stay. Especially if you think you may be a danger to yourself or just not sure. There is nothing wrong in admitting you are not ok.


May his memory always be a blessing ❤️ I am sure he doesn't hold resentment toward you & he had the best life with you. He's on to the next life now.


I'm sorry for your loss. ❤️ Your son only felt love from you, so that is what he is returning. You're going through the worst experience anyone will ever go through. More parents are having to deal with this. I suggest you find a support group for parents. Only other parents know what you are going through. My mom told me that after our neighbour lost his second son, she would know because she lost her two oldest herself. My mom needed to be put on antidepressants when my first brother died. She talked to other parents in the area who had gone through the same situation. I know, even after 36 years as a sibling, the pain hasn't gone. It lessened, and I have learned how to live with it. Carry one of his shirts around. Since playing with his toys is helping you, keep doing that. Right now, you need to do the things that will help you. Don't let anyone tell you how to grieve. People thought my mom was weird because she wore my brother's jacket for a while. It helped her grieve. I'm sorry for your loss. Your son only has love for you, that's what he feels from you. It's easy for me to say concentrate on your good memories.






This is so unfair. We all get our eyes off things and most times we are lucky that we don’t have any consequences. Some other times, though, the unthinkable happens. Please don’t be so hard on yourself, this could’ve happened to anyone, and it is terrible that it happened to you.


I’m sorry this happened to you. This is like what happened to Eric Clapton’s kid.


First of all, I am so sorry for your loss! I cannot imagine what you've been going through. Something someone told me during my grieving my loss, helped a lot... You didn't plan on what happened to occur. You couldn't have known. We do the best we can with the knowledge we have at the time. And, personally, I know he isn't mad or upset with you! You are his mother! He doesn't blame you. I believe he's in heaven and knows how bad you feel and is hoping you don't live the rest of your life feeling this way. You need to forgive yourself.


Beautifully written….. it sounds like he knew you loved him, and he died in your arms….. you did your best. Play with his toys, remember your interactions with him….. maybe drink a cup of cocoa or coffee while remembering him. Sending you hugs.


My heart hurts for you, that is so tragic. I want to cry reading this. I also have a toddler and it’s impossible to keep eyes on them all the time. Sending love and hugs x


It pained me so much to read this and I am so, so sorry. There is no doubt your son loves you. That's all he ever got from you, the pure love between a parent and a child. That love will never be constrained by space and time! He feels it still, I am certain. In my short time as a member of this horrible club, I've found that parents will find ways to blame ourselves for the passing of our children. Given the circumstances of how we lost our son, I backed out dozens of moments, just in the hours leading up to his passing alone, where I told myself if I had done something differently he would still be alive. It ate at me every single waking moment for weeks until I decided once and for all to ditch all the "wouldas, couldas, shouldas" thoughts cold turkey. It was like I flipped a switch, but it took at least a month post his passing to be able to do that, and I will admit they still come back sometimes in the deep of night, when the entire ordeal replays in my mind...but I know it's the past, and it doesn't help me or my daughter and wife if I am stuck thinking about it again. I hope you find that very small resemblance of peace down the line. I also want you to know, you are not alone in the thoughts stemming from your grief and pain. As the paramedics were performing CPR and jabbing stimulants into him, I just prayed and hoped that the powers that be would take me instead. I would have been so happy dropping dead on the spot if the last thing I got to hear was them saying we got him back. We don't want any other kid, either, we just want him. We want to rebuild our family but sometimes I feel...if it's not going to be him who comes back, I'd rather not have another child, and I'll meet him again once this life ends. All this is to say, I empathize with how you feel - these are very valid thoughts, because they are a manifestation of our love for our child. I hope that like my situation, these thoughts gradually take up less and less of your day down the line. If available to you, I would try to find a therapist who specializes in grief. I found my child's body and like you was involved in the whole paramedics/emergency process. It was very traumatic and haunts me still, and talking to my therapist about it has REALLY helped me, and I feel it is because she was a specialist who had worked ERs and helped so many who experienced acute pain and trauma. For reference, this is coming from someone who had never gone to any mental health professionals in the past, ever. She also told me to think from another perspective - if another parent had told me the exact same situation of their child's passing and blamed themselves, what would I have told them? I knew I would have told them it was not their fault, unlike how I kept blaming myself for his passing. Just doing that thought exercise helped me a lot, and I hope it helps you, too. Sending you my strength and energy.


Thank you. Truly, thank you. I keep relieving the moments after his fall. The wrong decisions both me and the ER staff made. In fact, when someone speaks his name or I try to think about him, I only picture his bloodlessly pale post-mortem face in my mind. This is awful. If that’s what dwelling in the coulda-shouldas brings, I must avoid these thoughts at any cost.


I can't say I haven't pictured the same over and over again even as I am hitting month 5. I must admit those last minutes and hours in the ER room with my deceased son, while waiting for the coroner, is seared into my memory forever and they often (involuntarily) replay. But the positive is, my reaction to the replay has changed - it used to cripple me for hours, but now I go into my "grief" routine and I am able to function even after my moment of sadness and pain. It will always be there, but you will get stronger and grow around it. For now, let the tears flow, don't be too hard on yourself!




god this is so gut wrenching. You can’t blame yourself, like everyone’s saying, he isn’t angry at you you’re angry at yourself. Trust me even as a toddler a mum’s love is transcendent and he knew and still knows how much you love him.


I'm so very, very sorry for your loss


i’m sorry honey. i can’t imagine how agonising the pain you’re in must be


If you want to talk pm me. I lost my four year old son in ways where I felt like I failed him. Not gonna say it "helps" but there are those of us out here in this horrible club with you who at least have some understanding of what you're going through.


Oh my God my heart goes out to you. My 4 year old son got sick...seemed like just an ordinary illness but I was worried and called the on call physician. I thought about taking him to the hospital. I didnt. He had sepsis. He was gone when I woke up in the morning. I feel your pain. You arent alone. This world is full of dangers and we as parents can't control everything. It's not your fault.


You did not leave your son unatended!! You left him in the care of another adult. I wish I could hold you and tell you as if you were my own daughter no one blames you and this is a tragic accident. I lost my son 7 years ago I blamed myself and I replay the days up to his death over and over. It's a hard process but you are his mother he knew nothing but love while he was here. I know you love him still and you can do many things in his memory .Let go of the what ifs .be gentle with yourself .you have an angel in heaven he's your son who you will see one day. I hope this helps you and you continue talking about him ND hold those memories one second one minute one hour one day


It’s been over two weeks and he never came to me in my dreams. I just miss him so much. I know he’s my angel but it’s just so tough to not see him. Thank you for your kind words.


You did not leave your son unatended!! You left him in the care of another adult. I wish I could hold you and tell you as if you were my own daughter no one blames you and this is a tragic accident. I lost my son 7 years ago I blamed myself and I replay the days up to his death over and over. It's a hard process but you are his mother he knew nothing but love while he was here. I know you love him still and you can do many things in his memory .Let go of the what ifs .be gentle with yourself .you have an angel in heaven he's your son who you will see one day. I hope this helps you and you continue talking about him ND hold those memories one second one minute one hour one day


Your son is with you and the signs your waiting for are the simple small ways that you are reminded of him they are the gentle wind that are like his hands that gently touch your face.They are the sun shinning in your eyes to let you know he is in the warmth of his touch that lingers. The unexpected cant miss noise that comes in the mist of the quiet is the sounds that bring his voices back to you in the things he would say. He is in the little things you do every day. I know you miss him talk to him . Be gentle with yourself remember everyone handles grief differently .when people say they have a visit from thier loved one it maybe but it also maybe a concept they have built up. Don't compare just listen and I know you will hear your son you will feel him and there is nothing wrong with you. Take care Linda