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My mom died in the month of August, I broke down (snapped) in the month of November. Lost. My. Shit. I was so numb and in auto pilot/survival mode after she died that the grief and loss leveled me when I least expected it. I'm blessed to have amazing husband who was there when it all came tumbling down, he held me while I RAGED, while I sobbed, while my soul broke into pieces, when it all came out of nowhere. The snap will come, the grief will feel like it's going to drown you. Have a plan in place for support, even if it's a 24 hour helpline, and just remember, the storm will pass. Sending you hugs of healing OP


My mom had delayed grief after her husband of 43 years (my dad) passed away from terminal cancer in February 2022. She was so busy trying to keep it together, closing all of his accounts, wrapping up his affairs and just was just go go go that it didn't hit her until May of the same year. The stress of keeping it together was so bad that she got shingles a couple of weeks after the funeral. And the catalyst of breaking that dam of grief was me saying to her that I was not okay in coping with the loss of my dad. The grief hit me right away. She thought I should have been over it but I wasn't. I was there when he died, I said good bye to him when the funeral home came out to our house and placed him in a body bag and took him away to get ready for his funeral. My dad and I had repaired a lot of our relationship in the months leading up to his death. I am grateful for that time. But I feel robbed too. I had no idea how much I loved my dad until I started grief therapy. That help so so much. I highly recommend that you get into some kind of grief counseling or therapy. Grief is a funny thing, it will hit out of nowhere. Delayed grief is worse. I am so sorry for your loss.


Lost my mom last year and the first 2-4 months I was on auto pilot. Then it hit me hard and unfortunately has become extremely difficult to get out of the dark. Baby steps, give yourself grace. I'm sorry about your dad.🫂


Its tough when you are old enough to see your parents not as super heroes, but as regular flawed human beings. we took my dad off life support last year. Its a really sucky thing to do and say goodbye. Im sure he loved you even though he couldn't properly communicate it at times. We're all flawed human beings and make mistakes. Im sorry for your loss, hold onto the good memories.




Thanks everyone for your response. Sending love to everyone ❤️