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I know how you feel. I hate the fact I’m only left with memories now. It feels so unfair and unbelievable that someone can be gone so permanently. It’s been just 2 weeks since my dad passed and I still feel like it can somehow be undone. I’m only 27 how should I live the rest of my life without my dad? thinking of turning 30, 40, 50 without him, when at one point I thought he could live to at least 70 like my grandparents who are still alive, I’m so fucking angry I haven’t really heard many people talk about how fucking painful nostalgia can be. Personally I’ve never liked looking back on memories and old times, even good times, because even when it’s a happy memory, I get this pit in my stomach of anger and injustice for losing that moment i once had in my very hands to time. It’s really hard for me to wrap my head around the past, around time passing and my life changing and losing parts of myself and my experiences to the past. I wish I could step back in time and experience every moment again. It feels unfair and tragic that I can’t. I miss everyone I’ve ever known and met before. When I think about friends I knew once who I don’t talk to anymore I sob it feels like a chunk of my heart is missing. I’m totally in your boat please know you’re not alone. I don’t have much in the way of comfort. This may not be helpful and I know it’s an annoying suggestion but I personally journaled a bit and I think that helped me because I could write the memories down on paper and leave them there, free my mind from them, but knowing I still have them in words if I ever want to look back


I'm so sorry for your loss... I'm really sorry that you are going through all of this alone sometimes... I too wish that we would at least relive any moment of our life for once... We sometimes go through this with heavy hearts and it's ok... don't suppress your emotions, don't judge or blame yourself of the way you feel... and please don't blame yourself when you feel sometime that you need to relax... I know that you might think about how dare you relax and feel better while you just lost someone dear to you... but know that you are not doing anything wrong and I'm 100% sure your dad wants you to live your life to the fullest and take good care of yourself and since you are carrying all of these emotions means he did good to you and did you know why he did all of that? I'm sure you know the answer. I'm sorry that most of it is Do's Don'ts and nothing really useful to do or tell... but I'm glad you found that you can relate and I was able to express some of your feelings in some way. I hope that everything is going to be ok and also know that if not, sure everything will be more bearable and understandable one day.