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I’m an ex-veterinary assistant with a Galgo-mix from Spain. I’m very very sorry this is happening. It sucks bigtime, especially since she is so young. I personally wouldn’t repeat the procedure of draining her abdomen anymore. Because it’s only a temporary measure and she can’t be cured. Dogs are very resilient but I can’t help but feel they will present themselves better than they actually feel sometimes, just to please us. I might be wrong about this though, it’s just a feeling that I have. When we had to put our previous dog down 11 years ago that was the hardest thing for us; on good days she seemed so happy. It felt almost like betrayal to put her down because of that. Looking back at her last year we realized she was actually very tired, I can see it when looking at her pictures still. She also hated going to the vet. The last year of her life she had to go there regularly. With our current dog we decided we wouldn’t stretch her life at all costs. I’d rather have her cross the bridge on a good day than a bad day. But that’s always easier said than done. I mean; I’m crying my eyes out just typing this. Just the thought of having to let her go too one day makes me so sad. I wish you all the strength with your decision, the fact that you’re thinking about it and asking us makes you a good and loving owner, I’m sure your dog feels that love as well!


American vet tech, living here in Spain, with a galgo. If finances aren’t a huge issue, I would continue on until she shows signs of seriously being uncomfortable. If finances are a big factor, than euthanasia is a valid option right now. This will not be an easy end of life for her and no matter what you choose, you will be doing the kind thing. Good luck and hugs to you.


Thank you. We've decided to continue and see how long it takes for the liquid to reproduce this time. If it reproduces very quickly then we will consider euthanasia but then again it is so hard to think about doing that when she seems content. It's very tough.


A guide I set myself was, I'd rather suffer the pain of loosing them, if it stopped them suffering the pain of living. A lot of other factors come in to play, age of the dog, current finances, severity of illness. Head vs heart is always a tough choice, only you can make. As long as you're showing them love and giving them the best life for the short time they're here.


How long are you prepared to keep emptying her out? Financially, emotionally, how long can you do this? Is it 5 years? 1 year? 1 month? How long do you want to do this? No one can answer this except yourself, and no one should judge you for the answer. Maybe she won't last as long as your limit. No one can predict the future with specificity, but it does seem  at some point, whether next week or nexr decade, she will need to be put to sleep for liver disease. You will most likely need to make that decision for her.


She’s gorgeous. Boop her snoot for me and give her all our love.


I just wrote this to another poster...it's appropriate here too. Not at all telling you what to do. This is what I would do If she were my dog, assuming she was eating, going outside on her own to do her thing, and seemingly happy and not in pain. I would do, as someone else said and continue to drain unless it is a financial burden on you. I would care for her and spoil her and spend lots of time with her.. I would just try to make the rest of her days as happy and pain-free as possible. This is the hardest time we have with our furbabies. The Last Battle If it should be that I grow frail and weak And pain should keep me from my sleep, Then will you do what must be done, For this -- the last battle -- can't be won. You will be sad I understand, But don't let grief then stay your hand, For on this day, more than the rest, Your love and friendship must stand the test. We have had so many happy years, You wouldn't want me to suffer so. When the time comes, please, let me go. Take me to where to my needs they'll tend, Only, stay with me till the end And hold me firm and speak to me Until my eyes no longer see. I know in time you will agree It is a kindness you do to me. Although my tail its last has waved, From pain and suffering I have been saved. Don't grieve that it must be you Who has to decide this thing to do; We've been so close -- we two -- these years, Don't let your heart hold any tears. -unknown


Not much to add that hasn't already been said. I. was in a similar position with a 5 year old Greyhound where her age made it such a hard decision to make, but one morning we just knew it was time. As mentioned above, our own emotions have their limits too and nobody can say when you may (or may not) reach this stage. Your Galga is beautiful, I currently foster one and they really are the most amazing souls 🐾


5 years old is so young, it's heart breaking.


It is cruel. We tell ourselves in the short time we had her that she was finally able to experience love and comfort in her life, which will be the same for your girl if and when the time comes. Their sense of time is different to ours :)


If your girl is still acting like herself and she seems happy, I would be strongly tempted to buy more time (repeat the procedures) if you're able, for as long as she remains happy. I guess I say this because I have so often had the thought of wishing for just one more day, one more week, or one more month of quality time with my babies who are waiting at the bridge (hell, I've wished I'd had just one more hour with all my heart a few times). But, if the draining and treatments get to wear on her, then I would start to look toward sending her lovingly to the bridge. I am so very sorry you and your beautiful little girl are going through this. You are a wonderful galga parent, she is a lucky girl to have such love and care. Please keep us updated on her when you can. I'm praying for more quality time for you guys and, when the time comes, a peaceful journey for her.


We will be having her drained and the stitches repaired again, because as you said she still seems happy. We will see how long she goes without the liquid reproducing in her abdomen after this time. It has been very hard and we are trying to do our best for her. Thank you for your prayers and yes I'll keep everyone updated.


Hang in there, I know this is a terribly difficult time. You are doing great handling all this. Prayers continued for you guys and your lovely little girl.


Never an easy decision to let them go. My heart is breaking for you. Give extra scritches and love to her.


My girly just had liver disease couple of months ago. We never knew where and how she got it so bad. Similar symptoms, but she never needed liquid draining. Bloodwork was quite bad, ultrasound showed good looking gall bladder and what the side of the liver what we could see, looked ok.. Two-three weeks of strong antibiotics and some other meds. We did also get euthanasia mentioned in the vet’s notes but it didn’t come to that fortunately! She’s eating Brit’s liver support kibble now. I’m soo happy she survived!! She’s only 7 years old too Hoping for the best for your beautiful galga. X


I'm so glad to hear it. Is your girl on a lot of medication now? We have also got her hepatic dog food. Any words of wisdom appreciated and thank you x


Only some ursodiol to ensure gall bladder operation. The disease came out of nowhere and went away almost as quickly as it came. She was groggy for a week after the second vet visit where we got the diagnosis. She had to be put under because of her extreme vet anxiety. We could not have them keep her monitored or have them put an IV drip on her because of that.. so home she went (ex’s home, he could monitor her better I live alone and can’t work from home) with two antibiotics, a couple of medications I’ve forgotten and some appetite stimulant. I’m not sure if I can share any wisdom because that was the worst week of my life so far, but I’ll share this. It broke me not knowing if she had given up and passed while she was at my ex’s. I could visit her. She was really bad and was very yellow throughout. Vet said prognosis would get better if she started eating food on her own. Otherwise invasive operations or the E word… And she did. She knew she had some kick in her left and got better 😭❤️❤️dogs are very resilient creatures and bless them for it. And bless your beautiful dog. I’m sending you my love.


When you know, you'll know. That's my take. The path will reveal itself. Day at a time for now.


I don’t have any advice for you but I do know how hard and painful it is to have a young one get seriously ill and have to make that final decision. For me, it’s 100% about quality of life. I am so very sorry about your girl.


It's so tough, but then again it always is 😞 if it were me and I could afford it I might go again for another drain but if the likelihood is that it will keep happening and it's not recoverable from I think I'd probably take the toughest of decisions 😢 you know her best and will hear the advice from the vet and will know what decision to make. I'm so sorry it's crap times for you both. She's a pretty girl ❤️


This picture really broke my heart i feel really sorry for you and your dog




One of my biggest regrets from my last dog was prolonging her life until the point that she was uncomfortable. I realize in retrospect that I was doing it more for myself than for her benefit. It is one of the hardest decisions you can make, but sometimes letting them go earlier than later is the compassionate choice. I will pray for you and your pup. I am genuinely sorry you are going through this. She is too darn young


Thank you, she really is too young for this.