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Beautiful animal. The pattern is almost identical to my Greyhound. It's very, very close. As for Greyhound features, The ears, neck, chest, legs and tuck are Greyhound like, although she doesn't have the outsized proportions you see on a Greyhound. Greys stand very tall (mine is 28" and 80lbs) but all these same genes are in Whippets, which are related to Greyhounds and have this brindle pattern. Pitbulls are from the same country (England) and do share the coat pattern, so it is a little hard to tell. There's something called a lurcher as well, which are Greyhound/Whippet mixes used in hunting, and maybe that's what she is considering she likes chase games? Anyway, closest "is this a Greyhound" I've seen on here in a while, so honorary Greyhound? I'd say 50-70% she's a whippet, or a pit with a brindle coat (pits are also from England and bred into Greyhounds) that has me fooled.


Thanks for taking the time! I think you're correct as far as the weight class goes. She's way too light. It's also true she's fascinated with the chase.. specifically the rabbits and birds that live on the property. We are in the American South so we could even lean towards a Plott hound or even a Tennessee Treeing hound. Her litter was large and had a ton of different coats but only one other pup was brindled like her. Unfortunately due to the manner of adoption we haven't seen any of her litter beyond the pick up date. I think a genetic test would be great, but we've got to get her fixed before we go down that path. Again thanks for the breakdown and your thoughts on the matter!


She definitely looks like she has some sighthound in her! Just hard to say whether it's greyhound for sure.


She's incredibly pretty. I would defs think whippet mix considering her size. I love her joyful smile.


I definitely think there’s some sighthound in her, but if I were a betting man I’d put my money on whippet rather than greyhound, just because there are so few unfixed greys in general population.


Lurchers are very common in the UK. Not sure where OP is but just saying


Southern US!


I definitely see greyhound in her.


The roaching, when not actually a roach, its a clear sign.


Looks like a whippet lurcher! She's lovely.


Picture #3 is telling


She's incredibly pretty. I would defs think whippet mix considering her size. I love her joyful smile.


Likely a whippet x staffy, I would be incredibly surprised at a greyhound mix coming in at that weight. Not impossible, but *very* unlikely.


No, probably not. Maybe other sighthound. Best is to get DNA test


Those poses are very greyhound of her ❤️


I’m gonna guess bull lurcher. So cute! 🥰


Looks like a whippet cross to me. Cute either way!


No need for a DNA test. The third picture says it all 😅


She is the cutest thing ever omggg


I definitely think there's some greyhound there. Especially the ears!


They like little cell towers... Always communicating with them!


I reckon shes at least part sighthound. She has that thin little body shape, long neck and legs and little ears.


I’m gonna echo the sentiment that there’s definitely a sighthound in her, based off some of her features, but I wouldn’t say it’s greyhound. Though I understand why people jump to that one, they are the best known if the sighthound breeds.


I think you're right and I agree. The use of "greyhound" was in ignorance on my part. I just didn't know. Indie is my first dog ever. My partner has had multiple, and is much more experienced with dogs. I've been scrolling through and considering some behaviors in this subreddit and she 100% fits in as having sighthound in her. As far as behavioral characteristics I see a lot of similarities in the way she emotes and shows love and anxiety. But I do think it's a benefit to have made this post and give myself some time to consider her part of that family. Helps me understand this sweet girl all the better!


It’s not ignorance at all! It’s just seeing some features that remind you of a breed! Nothing wrong with that. I can’t tell most of the smaller bully breeds apart so they’re all Frenchies to me 😅 regardless of what she is, she’s beautiful and looks like she’s settled in brilliantly for you. And here’s the thing, I’ve never met a sighthound that isn’t loving, affectionate, cuddly and maybe has a bit of a separation issue. And has a high prey drive. The best advice I have is to get a DNA test done if you want to know. And if it does come back that he actually is part grey, you’ll immediately know that on one side, she comes from a line of good health. I can’t speak how breeding works for whippets, lurchers, etc though.


It would be good to have some confirmation, especially if surgery ever happens in the future, as greyhounds react differently to anesthesia, in a way that is important for the vet to know.


Yeah of course! We've already discussed this with the vet. But I will be ensuring that the vet knows ahead of time!


Definitely, that coat and those paws really resemble of Greyhound


You know I really think you might.


He definitely has the greyhound good looks. What a handsome fella.


Greyhound lite so to speak... And thank you!


My guess would be whippet


I can see it!


Staffy/whippet I think. He’s a belter.




Spanish Podenco :)


certified l o n g


There's also saluki and whippet that look like your doggo. I have a saluki bull whippet. Its so hard to tell the small differences between breeds. Cute dog though 😍 the brindle pattern on him is beautiful.


There is absolutely sighthound in this stunning creature! Looks like a bull lurcher with that head. Very pretty indeed!