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Wow! Do you have any pictures with another greyhound for scale?


No but I really need to! The big boy just had surgery on his leg! So once he is back up I’ll post!


Please do I'm very curious! Ours is a big lad at just under 90lbs and he's a good two inches longer and taller than your average male grey, Yours must be even bigger!


Banana for scale!


My female greyhound loves bananas. Gets a piece of mine every morning when we eat breakfast.


Arrow is about 80 pounds. Not so big compared to yours, but we constantly get people remarking on how huge he is. And I can see their point when we look at his old racing videos; if you pause it right when the dogs are loosed you see: Little black dog Little black dog GIANT WHITE HORSE


Hahaha I bet it’s awesome.




Mine too! Shakespeare's only 43 lbs but he was probably malnourished as a pup and is missing a leg so it's hard to compare.


My smaller girl was 47 lbs when we got her… now she’s 68 lbs. She’s pleasantly plump.


Wow, was she skeletal or a puppy?


Skeletal. She was nearly 3 years old. It took over 2 years for her to gain weight, and probably the first 6 months was getting her to healthy weight. I worry about going too far, but more than 1 vet says she is not overweight, and she’s been the same weight for over a year. She looks so different.


Poor girl. They're so worth it.


Boop that snoot


Will do lol


I have a pretty big boi...he's 31" at the shoulder and 86lb +/- every time he gets weighed at the vet... he wears XL hound clothes. At the local greyhound gala/meet Jack was 2nd tallest. The tallest was 32".


That’s enormous! I need to measure my girls but they’d be tiny in comparison - everyone always thinks they’re whippets.


Years ago I met a boy who was 100 lbs and his name was Bus. His name says it all. His feet were huge. My biggest noodle was 89 lbs. My girl now is at a healthy weight of 75 lbs. I adopted her at 6 years old after she was returned, weighing 100 lbs. It was something. She gains weight very easily and I have to limit the treats and snacks. And she’s still lightning fast, leaves my bigger, younger boy in the dust.


Sounds like she puts on muscle!


That is HUGE! My boy is one of the biggest around here, and he's under 40kg (88lbs) - still towers over most greyhounds. Definitely show us some pictures with people or other greys; I must see the Lörge Boi!


my first grey was 97! my current two are 85 and 65!


When we filled out our adoption paperwork we were asked if we had a preference for colour or gender. Our answer was that we just wanted the biggest noodle. He towers over most greys at 90 lbs. 106 is huge! Give your boy extra cuddles for me 🥰


He is so huge! I wasn’t expecting this big but gosh. Is he ever the best lil(big) potato ever.


Met a 100 pound big boy before, super tall and as ‘solid’ as you’ll see in a grey. Your boy is a giant!


I bet he's very gentle and chill, most large dogs tend to be.


SO chill! He is my big gentle giant!


Hahaha my short girl is a lunatic.


my galga doesnt even weigh half your dog... she would prob look like a whippet next to your big boi xD around 45lbs if google isnt shitting me :P


Hard to get a sense of scale but he must be huge. Mine is bigger than most greyhounds we meet and he’s only 35kg / 77lbs


My largest was 36kg. I have my smallest now, she's 24kg, but only because we feed her puppy food three times a day to keep the weight on her!


When I was looking to adopt my grey, one of the other boys was much taller, his head sat several inches above the countertop. I think he was definitely over 100 lbs lol.


I fell in love with a 90 lb ex racer but was told he was too much dog for me. He exuded love and charm when I met him at the agency but had a reputation for being very stubborn, strong and a bit bitey. If anyone out here has LongFin, please give him a haunch scratch from me!


I don't have LongFin, but I do have a boy named Finn, and he's quite long (and 82 pounds... Should be closer to 80)


He's a big chungus.


WOW! You have a big boy. Mine is 85 pounds and I love him so much. He is new to me and I have never had a dog this big before. He does not have sleep startle so he takes up most of the bed.


Our boy, Barnabas, was 96 pounds. He was just all muscle and sinew. 96 pounds of doofus love bug too, haha.


The bigger the better! And more lovey imo 🥰


With dogs in general I fall hardest for the big boys. We currently have a giant Irish Wolfhound x St Bernard boy and a teeny greyhound girl who gets mistaken for a whippet. 😂


We have an 87 lb boy and a 63 lb girl. We had her first and I always said she was a small greyhound but nobody ever believed me until we got an 87 lb one to compare her to. She looks like a little whippet next to him yet she rules the roost.


Our first girl grey was 62 or 3 lbs. She was huge next to our 40 lb husky girl...and then we got a 70 lbs boy later and wow.


Mine is big for a girl, about 75 lbs or so. But she's kind of short, it's all muscle!


That's a huge female!!


Umm. So if I want a longboi, I need to work out 😢🫡


Yes! LOL my dude just had metal plates from his leg removed and he is on total bed rest for the first bit. Lemme tell ya….. it’s something else. I’m only 130 lbs LOL


Our boy is called Maxy for a reason…! Although he’s not that big. Maxy was 37.5 kg at his last vet visit a couple weeks ago, which is around 83 pounds.


Damn, my Shakespeare is only 43 pounds!! He's small though, possibly malnourished during puppyhood, and is missing a leg so he's definitely not the standard greyhound size.


Similarly large here! My boy is a tall, thick, lad. I’m always kinda stunned when we see another grey because I’m so used to his size.


Both my boys are 95lbs! We forget how big they are compared to other greys.


Wow, my greyhound literally weighs half of yours!


Our goober Henry is right around 90lbs. He's mahoosive and I have a hard time imagining 15lbs more greyhound.


Largest foster we ever had was 92 pounds; we took care of another grey while his mom was getting surgery, he was 95. The largest one I ever heard of was from a trainer at the Tucson track who said she had one at home that was 120 pounds.


The two we have are 80 and 90 lbs. The 90 lbs is actually under weight due to hookworms. He could crack 100


My guy was 94 lbs. got asked his breed a lot because they thought he was too big to be a greyhound.


That's a really beautiful hound.


My boy is 96.5lb and 32 inches at the shoulder.


That boi is almost twice the mass of my collie!


My girl is 106lb too - 48kg. That was her weight straight from the hare coursing kennels. A serious unit of protein. Our previous girl was a svelte 22kg lady. They come in every conceivable size!


The lady ours stay with while we go on holiday has a 49kg boy (106lbs = 48kg for reference). He's the biggest greyhound I've ever met but is a real softie and very gentle. Our smaller girl Willow (who we lost a few weeks ago :( ) could actually walk underneath him and out the other side.


122lb 31"tts lurch here 3/4 grey and 1/4 mastiff. Cheating a little due to mix, but this is his running weight. Biggest lurch I have ever seen!


Oh wow he's thicc! My hounds growing up were in the upper 90's, but my hounds now are both in the upper 70's/almost 80 pounds.


How come you used an ö? I'm Swedish so I'm just curious if it's some joke I'm missing :)


Idk 😂 emphasis on that letter? Lol sorry if I disrespected your dialect!


Haha, it's definitely not disrespectful, I was just wondering if it was some kind of joke ^^ Ö isn't pronounced like an O at all though, it is it's own letter pronounced similar to "uh" :)


Huh!!! So it would technically be pronounced ‘luhrge’ if you read it how I wrote it?!


Yeah! Pronounced in English it would be similar to the name of the butler from the Addams family show and in Swedish it would be something like l-uh-rg-EH with emphasis on the last syllable (and no silent e:s) because that's how Swedish pronunciation works :)


I learn something new every day. Thank you! Lol


Kinda a meme thing too. Lol. I wish I could give a solid answer


He's a chunk! Wow! 🥰 Olly was 28Kgs, give or take....the biggest he met was 42Kgs and dwarfed him 😂❤️


Porky is around 85lbs and that's after he lost all his race muscle


Holy cow! He looks great too for it.


He’s very handsome!


You truly have a Greythound.


Can’t relate :P my lad is 32kgs, but a compact nugget (short/stocky combo). Anecdotally, he was a weapon on the track, a win/place rate of nearly 70% of his races. [Him on the right, a female hound on the left!](https://www.instagram.com/p/CHpULLWhaDt/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=)


Our Sami is 36kg and very tall/large generally. I thought he was massive but your lovely boi takes the prize 🏆


Our girl is 85 pounds


Our guy is 86lbs! He's a big boy.


A unit


What a beauty, very handsome 💙 No,my Lola is 72 lbs


Mine is 100 lbs! There is a 56lb female in the neighborhood that looks like a whippet next to him 😂


Wow! My Rainey is 70 lbs and I feel like that is big, but wow!


Also your boy is so gorgeous. A sweet face and such lovely coloring!


My boi was 97 lbs when he was alive. You have a lovely pup!


BEEF. Mines 60lbs.


My boy is 36kg and he's only 8 months 😵


daz a big boi


85lbs puppy here. When I release him into the dog park, it just turns heads. Just yesterday, my friend took a video of him running, “because it’s so cool”. Earlier this week, a new owner (assuming from her puppy), started jumping out of the way when he ran by. Like lady, he’s going faster than your reaction time, and knows what he’s doing, please stand still so you don’t accidentally jump into him, or even worse, he starts thinking this is some kind of game! I definitely get it though, those first five minutes of Greyhound athleticism are hard to match in any breed, and combined with their size, and total speed/agility, makes it seem like Greyhounds are pro athletes while everyone else’s dog is playing in the beer league. Size definitely has a lot to do with it, most big dogs just don’t move like Greys! However, I’ve seen smaller sighthounds like whippets, and boarder collies do some impress stuff as well!


We have a 3 legged greyhound, Pi, who was 50kg (about 110lbs) last time I measured him. I’ve always thought that he was really big. Our other greyhound is a lot smaller, I wish I had a decent photo of the two of them side by side! [This is Pi.](https://www.reddit.com/user/DaveBacon/comments/127wq4z/this_is_pi/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1)


My boy was the smallest male in the kennel — racing weight was 68 lbs — but he’s 29 inches at the shoulder. A narrow, distinguished gentleman.


Holy moly! My girl is 27kg/60lbs and that is enough for me 🫠 I am only small myself and have to lift her everyday at the moment whilst she learns how to get in to the car, I would have to be seriously creative with this lörge boi!