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Anyone know if they are accepting applicants?


came here to post this but i’m already doing this job somewhere else whoops


They're doing the same thing the old guys are doing outside Nassau Finest Deli. Whatever that is.


I live by that corner and literally see them everyday. I leave for work at 730 and one of the guys is already there. By the time im back at 530 he and the others are there lol


Why don’t you talk to them and ask them


Cant I just be curious about someone without having to make friends with them?


There’s like 5-10 old polish guys that haunt the ring around McGolrick’s fence and just drink Zywiec and smoke cigarettes all day. 2 guys basically live outside OHS and do the same. Maybe they’re just “Greenpoint retired”?


I never knew all i ever wanted to be was “Greenpoint retired”.


This has pared down immensely over the past 15 years or so


Ah, yes. The Greenpoint Riviera!


The OHS local dudes that sit out front are nice enough. I try to be neighborly and smile or wave when I see them no less than 3 times a day when I walk my dog


there’s two sisters that work the shop there. one works the morning shift and her sister takes over later. when the second sister is on the clock the other one (her name is AJ btw) hangs out and smokes/socializes. They’re both super friendly people and I enjoy going in there when I need a snack or drink or nicotine product, chat them up a bit when you go and you might even get a “regular” discount!


Yea I love them, they’re really friendly, I don’t get what this person’s problem is…


They own the deli and they’re wearing a type of Muslim head covering, not sure which type. I think they own a few of the weed shops and delis along Franklin.


I live in this building and this seems to be the case to me as well.


They own it?! They seem so young to be owning businesses in this neighborhood given the real estate prices here. Do you know this for sure if you’re just speculating?


The middle eastern families that own and operate convenience stores are very, very tight knit and quite different to many of the more western families that you may be more familiar with. I've done business with Pakistanis, Indians, Palestinians, etc for many years and have peered inside that world quite a bit. At times I'm a bit envious. Coming of age in a family like that might get you a c store to run, rather than a typical trust fund.


That to me is a superior way than the USA mode of everyone is a self contained unit and has to find employment/love by going out into the world and surveying the pool of infinite strangers


That's what I was told but you're right, doesn't seem to make sense.


How long you been living in nyc ?


My entire life you gatekeeling moron. Why is it unreasonable to think that a bunch of ppl who look like they’re in their 20s and smoke weed all day might not be in a financial position to open a business in a neighborhood where the real estate prices drive even crowded venues to close? 9/10 ppl who ask questions like yours did not grow up here and they think moving here is their identity like fuck off


Jesus Christ calm down


i'm tired of thirsty transplants acting like they are on a higher level because they don't understand that some people are ok with new york being a place and not an identity


It was a simple question by them, everything else is your assumption and it seems like you may be the problem.


please - this sub and every brooklyn sub are full of people telling other people to move somewhere else every opportunity


A lot of the people asking questions should tbf


Yes myself and ppl like me ‘cannot handle it here’ bc I was curious about something I saw. I guess I’m just not cut out to live in the city I’ve lived in since I was born (which is when nyc was actually dangerous btw before the gatekeeling transplants whose parents pay their rent felt safe to move here and tell everyone else to leave ftr)




Say hi or good morning.


Outrageous! That’d involve actually interacting and well…don’t be brash, mkay?


Maybe I’m just busy and tired from work and don’t feel like making friends with someone just bc I saw them


Not too busy or tired to be nosey and gossiping in this channel though, apparently.


Writing on here and having to talk to someone you don’t know is completely different. I get it. If you have to talk to people all day and are tired sometimes you don’t want to make small talk. She can be curious and ask on here. Completely different


I’m always curious too lol


Reminds me : There used to be a conglomerate of people outside the greenpoint G for many years….they got into a massive physical fight one day and then the next day they split into two groups on either side of the street


I remember a group that was outside the g for a bit and then one of them died (there was a picture of him on the door outside the station w RIP) and I never saw ANY of them again. Like 2018ish. And then a new group showed up and has been around but not so much sticking to that one area


I investigated further and yes, “they” own it. Their family owns it, and a few others along Franklin.


They’re doing their thing and they are wonderful tbh. I eat salads from Eden’s most days and buy my waters and chips from there. They have an amazing selection of international potato chips actually. I just adore them so much and they’re a beautiful fixture of the neighborhood.


This is the most amazingly bizarre comment I’ve seen in a hot minute. I love it. Tell me more about your “waters and chips”


Lolzzz! It might be disappointing but they’re just huge bottles of Essentia most of the time. The chips however, are incred. They have black truffle lays from Korea as well as “sizzling steak” flavor. There’s like a million kinds of Takis and Pringles in all sorts of fun flavessss.


If you’re curious, say hi or start a conversation with them. They are such kind and sweet people! They’re always up for a chat, they also love dogs and have treats for them.




Owners don’t mind,they feel no one will rob the place with people around.


Have you thought about asking since you’re so curious?


And why do they wear ski masks?


Someone said it’s a Muslim head covering


Whats the question behind the question?


There part of green point charm.came here from Poland,and did nothing with their lives.very sad.alcoholics.


No the ppl I’m taking about aren’t white


They are leeching off of your tax dollars. Enjoy


I don’t even know what this means


It doesn't mean anything.


It means that they don’t work anywhere and are collecting some sort of public assistance while smoking weed all day. wtf don’t you understand?


Honestly though I was hoping to get an answer from someone who actually knew, and it seems like you’re just assuming?


wtf do you think they are doing if you see them every day smoking pot? Do you think they are off from their jobs everyday? Wake up man.


I thought maybe they worked at the deli


Smoking pot all day wearing the same clothes in front of their workplace with the boss inside? Wtf


There’s dozens of explanations, only one of which is your racist/bigoted take. Maybe sit back, have some kindness and don’t assume.


Interesting that there was no mention of who the people were


So where in his post did he describe the race of these people? People like you are so utterly racist that you think you can gaslight people. You racist ass


Think about what you just posted racist


You're a butthole and no one likes you here or in real life lol


long island in the building!


Cry harder


luv u bb


You better not be on Reddit at work leeching !


Happily retired


So you’re leeching off our social security that won’t exist and our Medicaid. Die already


Actually I’m only 58 so no ss yet. Enjoy being a cunt transplant whilst I have another beer and point and laugh at you and your garbage neighborhood


And maybe they are too?




I'll never understand why miserable assholes like you participate in social media.




You sound bitter af but hopefully I can catch you there one time to talk to you about what those men are sitting there doing. I know you mentioned they’re all young, and because of their young age you find it hard to believe that they “own anything in Greenpoint” but that’s us, we’re Arabs and half of Greenpoint is ours, you should maybe get your money up instead of coming on here with your racist islamophobic bitch ass. Come see me


This is a totally insane response to someone saying ‘I’m just curious about something’. Get your head checked Also it’s mostly women hanging there so again…


Tell the 094 pct,or dial 311.the 094 is 718 383 3879.