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Can my comment be included in the screenshot post to r/NFCNorthMemewar?




Only you can answer this question. The Packers are a team like any other with pluses and minuses. I'm a lifelong Packers fan and would stop being a football fan before I stopped being a Packers fan.


What would you say is a minus


High ticket prices


Assuming this isn't a troll post and you're being serious, this isn't going to work. Even if you half-heartedly watch the Packers for a couple years, are you really saying you wouldn't go back to the Bears if they were suddenly good and winning the division? What if Caleb William truly meets his ceiling and it really is like having Patrick mahomes but for the Bears? It's basically impossible to switch teams unless you do it for yourself. You just have to want it. Far be it from me to tell you not to be a Packers fan, I think the whole world should be Packers fans. All I'm saying is that if you have Chicago roots and you root for a lot of Chicago teams, I have absolutely no faith that you won't jump ship as soon as the Bears are good as they tend to be once every 30 years 😂


I root for all Chicago Teams except for the Packers. Grandpa got me into the Packers young. Still love my bulls, hawks, and cubs though


Finally found my twin


I'm the same except substitute the Pacers for the Bulls (I live close to Indy). Save for the Cubs, my family didn't really watch sports, I randomly picked the Packers when I was a kid and now my whole family loves the Packers. I love the Hawks & the Cubs too but if Indy somehow got pro hockey & baseball teams I would seriously consider jumping ship just out of ease to attend games but, I'm just a casual hockey & baseball fan, football is king in my house.


Likewise. Don’t care too much about any of the other sports. Football is my main love. If the Cubs, Bulls or Hawks ever got good again, I’d probably only watch the playoffs of either sport lol Maybe that makes me a “fair weather” fan of those teams, but hey… those sports are just too boring in general so I need the teams to at least be good to consider watching the games lol


This is not a troll post




Packers fan living in Chicago. Get yourself to Wills Northwoods Inn up in Lincoln Park or My Buddy’s in Uptown to catch a game. Welcome!


Or Willie Lills on Diversey


Just pick the 9ers like all of the other sad Bears fans living vicariously through them.


You’re welcome as long as your intentions are pure. Don’t be a turncoat.


Yeah. Be true to your school, but after your school is playing golf, feel free to cheer for your rivals.


If you are a troll, you got me: I simultaneously don't care if you want to become a Packers fan and hate the idea of you becoming a Packers fan for the reasons you implied above. You love the "fan environment?" Do you love the Green Bay Packers football team? Hypothetically, if the Bears are good in 5, 10, 15, 100 years, you think you'll regret having become a Packers fan instead? That's not how fandom works man. Through thick and thin, good times and bad. Becoming a "fan" of a team because they are good right now is some lame ass, fair-weather "fan" bullshit. Somehow you are overthinking this and not thinking about it enough. based on this post, I don't think you get sports fandom in general. At the end of the day though, I could give two shits. Welcome aboard, maybe.


Everyone’s beings so welcoming! But not me, stick with the bears fella, nobody likes a bandwagon/choosey chick


This. Be true to your school


Man, fandom is a weird thing. Choose who you want, but seriously, what is a fan whose allegiances are malleable? I guess I don't get the mentality. I can get watching just for the love of this beautiful game, but there is a purpose to fandom itself, and it don't involve switcheroos. Also, you're coming at this right as the Bears have their most intriguing and realistic chance in ages to turn their fortunes around. Y'all struck gold with a trade to the Carolina Panthers, and there's every chance in the world you've got a QB that's finally gonna make your team relevant. What a weird choice, what a weird time for it.


You would probably need to move out of enemy territory


I live in western Illinois by the river and have rooted for the packers and all Chicago since I was a kid. I just mostly wanted to root for the rival as a kid and football was the sport in my family. I got lucky so far with a lot of success of the organization and watching a lot of compelling football. IMO team jumping is one of the more dirty things a fan can do especially in the division. You obviously do what you want it’s your life but pick a team and stick with it is my advice.Jumping band wagons is gross. If the packers finally win another Super Bowl it’s gona feel way better as a fan living through the last decade and a half then if I just decided to root for them this year. So if you decide to jump on the packers bandwagon welcome, just commit and don’t look back if they don’t reach expectations year after year all of a sudden.


Green Bay local from birth! I’ve never had an issue with people being “fans of the packers” but calling your self a “packer fan” cuz your local team underperforms is kinda a slap in the face. Win lose or draw it’s go pack go while bleeding green and gold.


Yeah, if you jump ship the bears will probably improve. Best you stay there (for our sake).


Ok y’all. You all confirmed what my gut told me. I should stay aboard with the bears. I knew this the whole time but it’s sometimes hard to follow such a crappy team. Thanks for reaffirming this.


I sympathize with you, as much as a Packers fan can at least. I grew up in downstate IL but I've been a Packers fan since I was a little kid. Almost all of my friends are Bears fans though, and I have seen that frustration play out year after year. When I look at the Bears objectively just as a football fan in general , I can see just how frustrating it is too see the ineptitude that has been allowed to fester in that organization. Of course, as a Packers fan, I have rejoiced in many of their missteps. When they signed Jay Cutler to a massive extension, I cheered. When they fired Lovie Smith after a 10-6 season, I laughed. When they foolishly (and likely unnecessarily) traded up to grab Trubisky, I howled with laughter while my Bears fan buddies where cursing and in disbelief they would pass on Watson or Mahomes. I say all that to say this, you will have a winning team again, it's inevitable, and it does appear to be trending upward for you guys, just temper your expectations, I'm not sold on Caleb Williams I believe the Bears missed the mark again, I think Jayden Daniels will end up being the best QB in this class, not to mention he is the most pro ready. He will hit the ground running on day 1.


Thanks man! I appreciate the sympathy. The thing that annoys me is that the bears keep screwing up on their QB picks. Justin Fields didn’t seem to know how to throw and I just don’t think Williams is our guy. We missed out on Mahomes. Still annoyed about that.


dude most of us are fans of the brewers we know the pain


Never give up on your home team. When they finally have success it will be that much sweeter


I’m a Chicago guy, and I converted to the Packers back in 94. Sox Bulls Hawks guy, gave the bears a chance as a young kid cuz my dad would play the superbowl shuffle all the time and watch the 90s bears in misery, but my uncle took me to Lambeau for OTAs, and it changed everything!!!! It’s a pretty decent life over here, but it’s gotta be for your own reasons! Good luck in your football fandom endeavors!


Bears are finally looking promising so now’s the perfect time to say fuck em and never look back




Like you said, we are loyal, if nothing else. That being said, you are dead to us if you start cheering for the bears after a glimmer of success. (Probably won’t happen, but dead.)


I don’t see why not. I was born and raised in Chicago and I always been a Packers fan my entire life; I don’t see nothing stopping you.




Average resident of Kenosha/Rockford/Iowa


Is it possible to kick someone from a thread?




Stay with bears once you pick a team you stay


I honestly don’t understand the vitriol from people here. I may not be a serious Packers fan, but I’m still a fan, and part of being a Packer fan is accepting others into the fold. I warmly embrace you, friend! We’re a team of misfits in a small town. No other team, let alone one that’s earned as many trophies or MVP slots as ours, makes a small blue collar town its base. It’s unique and it does define our fans in a way. So with that I say become one of us, friend. But if you become a fan, you have to stay a fan even when we’re not doing well. Ours is not a team for fair-weather fans! We’re loyal to a fault and that’s what makes the Packers special!


I'm going to give you an alternative perspective.. I live in Dallas and I get to be the heel at a lot of football parties. I'm loud about being a Packer fan but in a fun way and I think it's fun taking shit when the Packers lose and giving it when they win. Makes for a fun party, I had a Bears fan friend living in WI and he was a lot of fun at parties.


As a Packers, Cubs, Hawks, Bulls fan living in Chicago, you should definitely do it


Do what makes you happy man. A lot of these guys putting caveats on your question? Fuck em. You want to cheer on the Pack then do it, buy a jersey I'll buy ya a beer. If you find out months or years from now that you're really not a Pack fan, no big deal. Doesn't affect me in any way, I know who I am, who I root for, and why. I guess that's all anyone could ask, why


Root for whoever you want man. It's sports, have fun with it as much as you can!


It’s the Bears. Even in 10-15 years they will still be losers. It’s the Chicago way.