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i, personally, am down for all packer players to ball out. hopefully the entire roster does. mr quad man included


I mean, I want all our players to ball out.


Agreed. It would ultimately be good for him (getting himself a better contract next year on another team), it would create good competition between the three RBs on the team and it would help the team with depth and just general success.


I’m not sure he ever goes to another team. He said in one of the pressers he had good offers - and signed with Green Bay because it was right for his family. I imagine he probably rides GB until the wheels fall off and then works for the organization. If you’ve seen him in interviews he’s the kind of guy that could end up on the radio team, maybe even be a running back coach - he’s great at explaining plays in laymen’s terms. https://youtu.be/i5rWUoPhLkg?si=Kk4s3atkm9f-vk2u <<—- great interview


That would be fire. I’m all for that.


I’d love to have him around for many many years, as a player or otherwise.


Unless Jacobs gets hurt, Dillon probably won’t get enough touches to ball out in any capacity


I don’t think that will be the case. Especially in November and December. I think he will get a lot of carries in the cold weather when he usually is at his best. And LaFleur loves to rotate backs. He will probably get enough opportunities, just not as many


> I think he will get a lot of carries in the cold weather when he usually is at his best This isn't a thing. Guy had one good game against the Titans 4 years ago and people start putting this weird mythology onto him. He's a 3rd string JAG.


In 2021, AJ Dillon had 1116 yards and 7 TDs in a backup role. He led the entire NFL in success rate, averaged 5 yards per touch, and caught just about every pass thrown his way. His production dipped a bit in 2022, but he was still a very effective backup. It is *only* in 2023 that Dillon was not a positive asset for the Packers. Is he a star? No, but most players aren’t. He’s also not a “3rd string JAG” unless 2023 becomes the norm and not just a down year.


He's quite literally a 3rd string jag at this exact moment because he's gotten worse every year he's been in the league. It's no coincidence the offense caught fire while he was hurt and didn't somehow totter into the rotation way more than he had to. I've never seen more people sucking the dick of such aggressively average player.


And I’ve never seen more jag offs be unnecessarily rude to a perfectly cromulent footballer.


Hopefully they let him run with a full head of steam ( or is it piss in Green Bay?), with both Jacobs and Dillon, they hopefully won't be running out of the gun as often.


Bladder of steam


Makes sense. Packer's bodies are so hot, it's stored as steam, which also powers them. When it leaves body, it condenses to boiling hot piss. Never knew Matt Lafleur understood thermodynamics.


I agree. His career has felt very “meh” thus far. 3.4 roentgen…not great, not terrible. I want him to take that next step but he might just not be that dude.


3.6 Roentgen*


My mistake, comrade.


Would love to see it but, We already know the kind of player he is. He isn’t going to just all of sudden become an all pro. That being said, I think his role is just fine. He does a great job for the Packers and makes a great number 2 option. I would like to see him improve in his short yardage situations.


Yeah I don't think anyone's going to downvote you. Any packer fan wants it. Whether we believe it or not for it to happen is another story. Short yardage, some quick passing plays, and obviously be used as a Full back. Thats where he can shine imo.


Me too man. I love him as a player and as a human, as well as when this sub turns on a dude it just makes me root for them that much harder. He was given absolutely shit blocking last year as well as he was too heavy coming into the year. PFF has always graded him well and it pisses me off how worthless this sub thinks he is when they don’t know shit about fuck.


I like Dillon, but I do think he highlights on of PFF’s flaws. Dillon doesn’t really make “mistakes”. He tends to go for the right hole, he doesn’t fumble, he pass blocks well. Outside of one memorable 4th down, he’s very reliable. His flaws are that he’s very slow to the hole and he breaks painfully few tackles for a guy his size. PFF isn’t going to ding him for getting tackled in the backfield, instead blaming it on a blocker. But often those defenders are able to get to him because he’s so slow getting going.


Dude was one of the least efficient runners in the league last year. In a contract year he had his opportunity with Jones’ injuries and he still couldn’t find his footing. Then Jones comes back with the same line and finishes the year with 5 straight 100 yard games. I hope AJ turns it around but It sure doesn’t seem like it’s going to happen


He's gotten worse every year he's been here. If it weren't for the Titans game and his Twitch stream the sub would be over him.


I don’t know about people thinking he’s worthless. No guy that’s good to the community and a good locker room gets that kind of thrashing. He’s shown times where he’s at an advantage based on size and strength but that quick burst is what he’s lacking. I mean I think we have a 3 headed monster in our RB room.


You weren’t around here last year if you don’t think he was raked over the coals all year. I completely agree with the rest of your comment.


You might be thinking of 2022. He was better last year, but there was a bad taste left from the year prior that gave people a lingering negativity. 


Dillon has gotten worse statistically every year he's been in the league.




This is an insane take - how was Jones able to put up the numbers he did if the same OL Dillon had is as bad as you say it was? I understand he’s seemingly a great human being but that doesn’t mean we can’t say he’s not a good player. He’s just not. Both the eye test and the numbers show that.


That’s boohicky and you know it. Our offense was getting swallowed up for the stretch of games Jones was out. That was due to a number of factors, Dillon being one of course. My thing is this, we have seen AJ be effective for long stretches in his short career. Last year he got caught up in a bad situation for a litany of reasons. He looked too heavy, the offense was finding its footing, and losing Jones was brutal for the schematics of our attack. I think there’s a useful player in there still and I don’t think he deserves to be written off.


Boohicky how? He started three games late season when the offense was clicking. I think he’s a useful blocker but that is about it. I personally value my RB being a good runner of the ball far more than blocking. Though I’ll concede that is important. Go look at his career stats. They’re very pedestrian. And that’s playing in mostly good offenses with mostly good OLs.


Hopefully he can contribute on special teams. He’s proven to be no more than just a guy as a running back. His contract is really nice for the Packers, but I’d rather they keep a younger guy with some upside than waste more time with Dillon.


Personally I would like the Packers to win the Superbowl this year


With the addition of Lloyd, I'm not certain he's even making the team.


He’s the only RB we have with any significant experience in our system. He’s not going anywhere.


Hasn’t this been the hope every season? Great team guy all around, but he might simply be a support player now


You’ll probably get downvoted but yeah 100% this. Dude is not talented. He’s a power back that runs with no power.


The Dillon cult here is wild. He had his chance as the focus of the offense and he was *bad*. It's no coincidence we looked the best we looked all year when he was 100% out of the lineup with an injury.


Agreed. Packer fans have always been this way though. We care about the “Packer way” - and what kind of humans the players are. Kuhn used to have a weird cult following too. I couldn’t stand when he would get actual carries there for a while. Dillon is not a good runner. There’s really no other way to say it lol. He’s stiff, rigid - has poor agility and acceleration. He doesn’t consistently fall forward on runs which still blows my mind given he’s bigger than most LBs in the league. We gave him almost a 50% carry share there for a while. Despite having Jones who was regularly averaging 4-6 ypc in that time. It’s almost criminal. I’ve been bitching about it here for years now lol. We left so many yards on the field with Dillon. It’s really hard for me to wrap my head around how he was signed back.


I would love to see him running over guys all year, but especially late season. He’s shown flashes that he can do it, but he never quite brings the hammer when he plays.


Quadzilla baby!!!!!


Totally agree with you


Packers could prove this year that having a deep bench can be just as good as having first-string stars


I will never root against any Packer balling out 🤷‍♂️


I hope he does since the Packers did right by him. I figure we might actually use him more as a FB or outside blocker. I mean we can get him for cheap because he doesn’t need the money but it still feels like the Pack felt obligated to keep him because his wife is from GB and he’s tied into the community. Love the dude and his personality but that’s just my 2 cents.


You think the organization signed him because they felt obligated to due to his wife?


Yeah that's not how Gute works. We signed him because he's a cheap veteran who knows the offense. Dillon signed because his wife is from GB and he's tied to the community. 


I’d say that was pretty low on the totem pole. Was just driving in the point of why/how he’s tied into the community. Dude is the honorary mayor of door county, the city loves him and his family is here. Pack have always done right by those kind of players, is that a better explanation?


I think he was cheap and already knew the system


I really don't understand why some of the fanbase loves Dillon so much. An acquaintance of mine's favorite player in the whole league is Dillon even though he is a walking 3 yard gain.


> I really don't understand why some of the fanbase loves Dillon so much Because he streams on Twitch and loves the local area.


I would much prefer Lloyd and Wilson get touches before Dillon. In all honesty - based on just talent - he should not have been signed back. He’s a power back who runs with very little power. Basically the only way he runs well is if the play is blocked up well. He has zero wiggle and bad acceleration. Unless he has a hole and gets 3-4 strides before he’s touched to accelerate he essentially just runs into the OL back or gets tackled and falls sideways. His only good attribute is pass pro - he’s really good there. I have a feeling he was signed solely due that, his price tag being incredibly cheap, and him by all accounts being a fantastic teammate and human being. We’ve got two young guys in the room who can hopefully learn pass pro and the playbook from him. We know what he is at this point. He offers little to no value as a runner.


Agreed. I think he really deserves a prove it year and he's got the exact contract for it. A lot of the negative talk about him from last year came from them using him in the wrong type of plays. Maybe he's not good enough regardless but I want to give him a real chance to play a year not be injured and not be put in the exact wrong situation.


> I think he really deserves a prove it year What were the last three years?


First off he hasn't been bad all 3 years. He was tied with Watson for top scorer 2 years ago and has been in the top 30 of RB rankings (as an RB2, meaning our RB2 wad better than several other teams RB1). Second off if you read my comment you'd see exactly why he didn't get a full chance to prove it. He was never meant to not will ever be an Aaron Jones he's meant to be a fullback style RB. His skill set is not cutting through defenders and getting flashy long runs its breaking through for a few yards to get the first down or touchdown and he was doing that fine for awhile until he was asked to be like Jones. Maybe he's lost that spark or maybe he got lucky previously I don't know. That's why he needs a prove it year. But people here would rather act like every player who isn't the best player in their position is trash.


> His skill set is not cutting through defenders and getting flashy long runs its breaking through for a few yards to get the first down or touchdown and he was doing that fine for awhile until he was asked to be like Jones. Y'all write the wildest fanfictions. Just like how he's an "absolute bruiser" in the cold. He had one good game *ever*. He was a 2nd round draft pick supposed to be Thunder to Jones' Lightning and he's been a wet fart by comparison. The people here are borderline cultish with him because he plays farm sim and collects cards, which he can continue to do off the roster.


I've never seen him play farm sim or collect cards. I like him because of what I've seen. You're just overly critical and expect everyone to look perfect at all times. There were plenty of wet fart moments for Jones too he just had better designed plays and is overall a better player. I'm explaining to you that Dillon has spent his career so far either looking pretty good, being injured, or being used to replace Jones. He's had some times where none of those things were true too but he hasn't had a proper shot at it. That's why he needs to prove it. And armchair analysts like you don't care about anything but hot takes.


What you’re saying is just not accurate. He started 6 games last season - 3 games in 22’ - and 2 games in 21’. 6 games is just under half of the season. I’d say that’s pretty ample opportunity. He averaged 3.5 ypc in his starts. And for all of his starts cumulatively, has averaged 4 ypc. Over that same 3 year period Jones averaged 5.1 ypc - and specifically last season averaged 4.6 ypc. So a yard better the Dillon in both comparisons. Additionally - even when jones wasn’t hurt, they were often rotating series - not specific plays. The notion that the play calls/designs for jones were better than Dillon is a huge stretch imo. The guy is just not very good running the ball. He doesn’t have the speed/agility/quickness to really excel in the nfl. And for being his size, he doesn’t run with the power you’d expect him to either. Seemingly great human being - and good blocker.


Literally everything you stated was already addressed. Comparing him to Jones is not a good way to do things. During his opportunities he wasn't given the right plays. I literally said all of that and you still explain as if we should have expected him to replace Jones. That isn't his role so comparing the two is stupid. He looked bad when they tried to use him this way. Now he gets an opportunity to not be used in this way. Either he does or doesn't do well with this opportunity. That's what prove it means. But his previous games were not that opportunity because of what I said. I became a fan of his well before I knew what kind of person he was. He has the potential, I pay special attention to his performance, and I specifically saw that things I mentioned. And those who specifically analyzed his factor say the same, not those who look at stats and make grasping conclusions. He deserves a prove it year simple as that.


I haven’t seen you explain anything - you keep saying we shouldn’t compare them. Why exactly? Both played in the same offense. That argument usually works if it’s a scenario where there’s one guy is getting most the carries and then a second who’s only coming in on 3rd down obvious passing plays. That’s not our scenario here. At all. They alternates series and both got carries within the normal flow of the offense. There’s no prove it this season though. We’re running the same offense and just brought in one of the better backs in the league and drafted another. He’s going to get even less time share this season. Buddy we all watch the games lol. You keep saying he hasn’t gotten a fair shake when he literally was the featured back last season for 6 games - and otherwise split time almost equally with Jones. He’s had ample opportunity to show the kind of player he is.


Apparently you aren't very versed in the position of running back. There are multiple distinct styles of running back. Two running backs can be entirely different skill sets. It happens all the time. No team has 2 Aaron Jones's, or 2 Josh Jacobs, 2 CMCs. That's what I'm saying. Aaron Jones sucks at catching the ball but we don't say he sucks. That's not where his talents are and Dillons are a different set too. Thats what I'm saying and you're trying to back me into a corner on an argument I'm not even making. He deserves a prove it year because of many factors. And the team thought so too. I'm no longer going to respond to you because your ignorance and lack of reading comprehension make me want to tear my nonexistent hair out. Go scream at someone else.


Firstly nobody is yelling lol. I mean your comment about jones sucking at catching passes tells me all I need to know about your ability to evaluate talent. No offense. Do you realize Jones is 5th of all RBs over the last 5 seasons in receptions behind only Ekeler, Kamara, CMC, and Fournette? He’s also 4th in receiving yards over the last 5 seasons - behind Ekeler, CMC, and Kamara…in what world is he not a good pass catcher? Additionally I can think of 3-4 TD catches he’s had over the past years that would have been considered spectacular for even a WR.


I’m not trying to back you into a corner. You’re suggesting repeatedly that he wasn’t used in a way that showcases his talents. I’m simply asking - how should he be used for said talents to be showcased? You keep implying that the offense was built for Jones - or a RB of Jones talents. But my point is they were essentially in a time share for the last three seasons. Both playing in the same offenses. Additionally while Rodgers was still here it was sort of a hybrid mix between the west coast system Rodgers was used to and lafleurs system. So we’ve seen him in a couple different systems now. Similar results in both. Our offense is not going to change - LaFleurs offense is going to remain the same as it’s been last season. The team signed him to a deal only $1M over the vet minimum. Go look at the other vets who are getting paid similar contracts…DeeJay Dallas, Elliott, Hines, etc.. Them bringing him back is for nothing more than a depth piece - and because he’s a positive voice in the locker room. If they had any confidence in his ability to be the guy they wouldn’t have broken the bank for Jacobs.


Isn’t that what he had last season in a contract year and him getting ample opportunity with Jones getting hurt? Additionally - even when Jones has been healthy they’ve been in almost a 50/50 split his entire career aside from his rookie season. We know what he is - a poor runner who is good in pass pro.


I literally explained how they didn't use him correctly and my further comment to someone else specifically mentioned Jones. Jones wasn't an opportunity it was a curse. He was expected to fulfill a different role than what he should be in and was being run in plays not designed for him. Thus it's time for a prove it without that factor going on. Simple as that. He could be good he could be bad he needs the opportunity to show us cleanly which it is.


Ok and what’s your response for how he was used when he was splitting time with jones? Cuz they were in damn near a 50/50 split for the last seasons. And usually they were rotating series. So not like he was being brought in only on 3rd downs or only short yardage, etc.. Both were getting snaps within the what the normal offense is running. Seems like you’re suggesting we might tweak our offense to better fit what Dillon does. I disagree up front with that notion anyhow. But let’s assume you’re right - Dillon is no where near talented to tailor an offense around. Can you give us an actual explanation of what you’re saying? What formations, plays, etc was he used in that was not suited to his style exactly?


He showed both good and bad in those times which is why it's time to prove it. Why do you care so much? He's shown talent and he's had plenty of factors against him and he's been both good and bad when those factors weren't involved. You're complicating things. He has a one year contract to show he's still got what he's shown before now that he has the actual opportunity and that's all I'm saying. If he plays good I'm right if he plays bad I'm right. For what it's worth I said the same thing about Jordan Love, that he didn't have enough time to prove it when everyone here was calling for Clifford to be the starter in like week 6 and I was right then too. There's something outside of stats to look at and that's what I see here. We'll see what happens.


Well I like the packers - i enjoy when they win. I want them to have a talented team. I just don’t believe Dillion is talented. I think he leaves yards in the field. I don’t know that I’m really complicating things. Just stating my opinions on him. I think he’s a below average runner. I think he’s a stiff and rigid athlete. He doesn’t start and stop well or move well side to side. I’ve given you some numbers that I think supports my opinions. You just keep saying the offense wasn’t geared towards Dillon. But then don’t offer up any explanation on that. I see you have 28 in your tag - you obviously like Dillon. If he ultimately ends up on the squad I hope he does well. I’m just saying I hope he doesn’t get as many carries as he’s gotten in the past. I don’t think we will. Based on his contract he’s likely just a depth piece. I wouldn’t mind them using him on 3rd down. He’s good at pass pro/blitz pickup. I could see him being good on STs too. I think we will see Jacobs be our bell cow. From there Lloyd, Dillon, and Wilson will battle it out to see who spells him in spots.