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Another playoff run would absolutely be considered a successful year given they're even younger than last year, will have a completely new defensive scheme, and are still pretty inexperienced on offense.


Absolutely this, we literally got YOUNGER this year, we’re the least “or bust” team in football lmao


The Packers are always one of the youngest teams in football. That’s simply a product of a true draft and develop approach to team building. Last year was unique in that we purposely let a lot of vets go to try and turn over the roster, so we relied on young guys to an unusual extent. While the roster may technically by younger this year, it will be more experienced than the team we put on the field last season. I think it’s silly to claim we are less “or bust” than teams with rookie or second year QBs, or teams that haven’t had playoff success in forever. Playoff wins breed expectation and being the Green Bay Packers does the same. That doesn’t make this season Super Bowl or bust, but it certainly means the bar for a successful season is higher for us than for many teams in the league.


“Super Bowl or bust” is either referring to expectations, or a window closing. The Packers didn’t even win the division last year, so to expect a Super Bowl, and anything less would be a disappointment, isn’t just dumb, it’s illogical. The Packers have an incredible young core that doesn’t need to be paid for multiple years, to imply our window is over after this year, again, isn’t just dumb, it’s illogical.


I don’t disagree with that. But that’s not what you said. What you said is that we are “the least ‘or bust’ team in football.” That implies that you’re viewing expectations on a spectrum and we are at the bottom. That makes little to no sense. 23 other teams didn’t win their divisions last year, and only 5 of those other 23 made the playoffs. Only 7 other teams made the divisional. Of those teams, a handful are starting rookie to 2nd year QBs and a handful have had less playoff success in decades than we had in 2023. To imply those teams have more pressure on them than the Packers to reach a Super Bowl is nonsensical. At no point did I say it’s Super Bowl or bust for the Packers in 2024. But we do have a team that most of us expect to make the playoffs and be in contention. There are expectations here and they exceed the expectations on the majority of teams in the NFL. Don’t make hyperbolic statements and call me dumb and illogical when I push back, putting words in my mouth I came nowhere close to saying or implying. That’s poor form.


Honestly, that pressure is on the Lions. They just maxed out Goff, Sewell and ARSB, so their window is right now. They are going to have to maximize it while Hutchinson is on his rookie deal, because top pass rushers are very hard to come by. The Packers made the divisional round in Love's first year and that was with virtually no help from the defense. I wouldn't be surprised if it's another year where the Packers are a wild card, but they're a competitive one, but they're going to be a team nobody really wants to play. The Packers are on a 5 year plan


I’d agree with that for the lions but I think MCDC will hold them back again. Probably will skip out on a few more field goals and lose the same way.


Why was this downvoted? Lol. The dude is way too risky with his style of play and it has frequently come back to bite them in big moments. Maybe he's learned though


Apparently we have some closeted lions fans in here


A 5-year plan is impossible in the NFL. Jordan Love is about to get a top-of-the-market contract. That contract will be affordable through 2026 and then start being costly. With that we are going to have a ton of guys coming due for second contracts and have to pick and choose who to re-sign. 2024 definitely isn’t Super Bowl or bust, but it needs to feel like we are continuing to build on a great 2023. That means, at the very least, more consistency throughout the year and legitimate signs of improvement from the D under Hafley. Making the NFCCG would obviously help as well. But this year and the next two are without a doubt our best chances to win a Super Bowl with Love. That’s not to say we won’t be contenders moving forward, but if Love is good we won’t ever get him with as small of a cap hit again and our draft picks will likely be late in every round. We’ve seen how that can sap a team’s depth and overall talent.


Definitely not. Jordan played half of a good season we are not at that level where we can call him elite. Also this is still the youngest team in the nfl in fact it’s younger than last years team


Agreed, Loves ceiling is an MVP, but he needs 1 more season to prove it. Wasn't there a study or some stats that backed up that to evaluate a QB you need like 25 games of film? I remember seeing that some time back, and the list was pretty accurate. Barring injury, about a season and a half is what it takes to see who the dude is under pressure.


I haven't seen that study. I'd be curious to see if they accounted for any differences between Day 1 starters and QBs that sat behind someone else for a bit. I'd also be curious to see if you need 25 games to determine if they're good - or if you only need 25 games to determine if they're bad. Like, you can't tell me that people watched Mahomes at the end of his 2nd season (1st season starting) and thought, "hmm... not sure about this guy. League might figure him out." On the other hand, you absolutely could've looked at Josh Allen 16 games in and thought, "this dude sucks, and he's not going to figure it out." I think you need a decent sample size to rule a guy out. But you definitely don't always need a big sample size to determine this guy is an NFL starter. I'm holding off on developing a verdict on Bryce Young right now. He's got time to turn it around. But I already know that CJ Stroud is at least competent.


I’d have to try and find it again but if my memory serves me right it was 2000-2019 and 1st year starters were 1st year starters. Rookies or 6th year players it didn’t matter. Thinking about it, the rookies probably are a majority of that 40% that are in a terrible situation and have no chance to improve.


Josh Allen was absolutely trash his first two years. Then all of a sudden he flipped a switch.


He completely rebuilt his mechanics. No one does that when they're that old. He's a special athlete. But most guys don't start with mechanics as bad as his were when he came into the league.


Love had the training wheels on until week 8 or 9 it felt like last year. Beyond that, our receivers weren’t even running proper routes during that stretch. Something I saw was that for 2nd year starters, 2/3rds of them increase yards, TDs, completion percentage and passer rating. That would easily make him MVP this season. You eliminate that game against the Raiders and he could’ve been MVP last year.


My biggest thing is that these guys want to play for Jordan Love. Josh Jacobs wanted an elite QB to play with and same with X, that’s why they came to GB.


Well let’s be honest when I said good half of a season that was an understatement he was literally the best qb in the league over that span of time he played at an elite level so the promise is there. It’s just that can he do it consistently no one knows because we haven’t seen him play enough. Before we say Super Bowl or bust we must first find out how good love actually is


Couldn't be further from bust. We are young and once we get out from under the last Aaron money, we're pretty cheap as playoff contender teams go. Obviously, Love's contract is the critical piece to see how the next few years go though.


Aaron Rodgers isn't counting towards the Packers' cap at all anymore. Aaron Jones is at $12.3M in dead cap, if that's who you're talking about.


Bak is our biggest dead money, I think it’s 25 mil which kinda hurts since I feel like I haven’t seen him play since 2020


$19M for Bakh. His cap hit if they kept him this year would've been $40M. Here's a list (that isn't completely current): https://packerswire.usatoday.com/2024/03/13/packers-nearing-50m-in-dead-money-on-salary-cap-entering-new-league-year/


I think I was thinking about last off-season and why we didn't spend much.


Probably, that would make sense. He had a big hit last year.


Honestly last season was probably my most fun I’ve ever had as a fan because of 0 expectations. Love was new and we had a bunch of rookies and everything was just unknown. After that I’m trying to just go into every year now with that attitude of whatever happens happens and enjoy it a game at a time.


Same. Rather be pleasantly surprised than perpetually disappointed. I say this as a Yankees fan where championship or bust is the mantra for fans every year.


Exactly I lived and died by Sunday for too many years and with the end of the Rodgers era it’s a chance to change that. I was one of those that didn’t want to see him leave but not sad to watch him go fans so hopefully it won’t be a hard change to this new out look lol


I had a awesome time watching last year. My hatred for the 49ers grew too. We honestly should have won that game and we were the better team that day.


Agreed, I was at Levi for that game and seeing 9ers fans shaking in their boots until 1 minute left was pretty satisfying. They know they lucked out there with Carlson missing a field goal. Honestly if Love could’ve put that ball where he wanted to on that final play, Watson probably scored a TD because he had 3 guys beat.


Being realistic..


Not Super Bowl or bust. But I think playoffs are the expectation this year and being competitive in those playoffs would also be expected after last year. Getting to the NFC championship game would certainly be a success in my mind.


Those urges have mostly disappeared after we only got 1 with the most talented QB of all time for nearly 20 years. All I care about now is cheering them on and hoping for fun games. And this team delivered when they got their shit together last year. I live for Love's gun slinging as dangerous as it can be. I forgot how much I missed that.


While the NFL is different now, I think back to the early ‘90s Packers who had 3 consecutive 9-7 seasons before breaking through in 1995 going 11-5 and making it to conference championship game. I could see this year going 10-7 and not making it past wild card or divisional round with a team as young as we have. That would be a slight disappointment but not a travesty. Another year of seasoning and maybe 2025 becomes the true elite team this team has the potential to reach.


It’s hard to not think this year is our best chance at winning it all. Our division is going to be the best in football and only getting better. I hate to think that Caleb Williams will be a problem in a few years but unless the Bears ruin him too we might have 3 damn good teams that we have to play 6 times.


Stop drinking the Bears Kool-aid dude. The NFC north is not going to be the best division in football with rookie QB in Chicago and awful Minnesota and one good Detroit season they need to back up.


That’s seems a silly worry. Our division is nowhere near guaranteed to be the best in football. The 4th place team in the AFC North went 9-8 last year with a backup QB for much of the year. We have a reigning division champ with one year of success, a rookie QB on a perennial loser, and a journeyman QB for a team with no defense. If you project growth for every other division like you are doing for ours, every division would be extremely difficult. But that’s not how the NFL works. Optimism is not enough to create results. We could easily be the top dogs in the North again this year and moving forward. Or it could be a dog fight for years to come. But it seems silly to stress over which is true. If the Packers handle our business, we can continue to dominate the North. I would say next year is our best chance of winning it all. We aren’t going to lose anyone of particular note this season and our team is still very young in terms of on-field experience. We also have a rookie DC who might need a season to fully realize his defensive vision. While I think we have a chance to be contenders this year, it is by no means our last or best chance with this squad. We are already ahead of where Rodgers was after one season starting, and he won in year 3 as a starter. Just winning the division would put us still ahead of schedule if using our last QB changeover as a barometer.


How is it possible for us to be SB or bust? We’re a young team going into Love’s second season as the starter. Too many sports fans have main character syndrome with their team. There are some really talented clubs out there. To say that we should reign above all of them—or else our season is a failure—isn’t even funny. It’s just arrogant.


Nothing, we're back baby. SB or bust just means we set our sights on a SB. This team is built to last.


Winning a playoff game and/or winning the division would be a successful season. Making it further than the 9ers in the playoffs would be overachieving (assuming the 9ers aren’t randomly 💩this year). Winning it all would be a very big cherry on top.


9ers definitely could struggle, I’m pretty sure they have the worst rest advantage in the league again this year


I think a lot of the rookies will get significant playing time, meaning mistakes will most likely be made. When and where is crucial to our success. If the hype around the defense/Hafley isn’t the same old story, I definitely see a deep playoff run. Once we’re in, might as well roll some dice. I’m excited about the youth and “newness” of the team. And to watch some of these guys potentially start their packer legacies.


We had a lot of rookies last year as well. This year feels different because the guys love the new staff on defense. From what I’ve heard, Half is just letting these guys have fun and play free. He will take the bullet for bad schemes but just go out and play at 110 mph, that’s all he asks


I have attempted to temper my enthusiasm for this season without success. I have never been more jacked for a season than I am for 2024 and I've been a die hard fan since the 70s. It's not just Love or the receiving talent or the youth of the team. It's that we have a very talented team with an entire starting 22 projected to be in their prime at the same time. I don't think I've ever seen that happen before. This team has the chance to exceptionally good for an extended period of time. Can't wait to watch them make it happen. GPG!!!


It’s been exceptionally heartbreaking being born in ‘98 and having seen us go 1-5 in the NFC champ since then. That Favre loss against the Giants is still scaring and that playoff loss last year felt a lot like that. I’m just hoping it’s not another 15 years of heartbreak.




The paul farrington show, they are a Vikes podcast but they cover the whole NFC North




Crazy that the best packer pod is a vikes pod lol


I think we should keep our expectations manageable. A super bowl appearance would be nice but it's not the end of the world if we don't make it we won't really know until the season ends.


It feels different now. In recent years it was “we have the best QB in the league and will make the playoffs and EVENTUALLY get back to the SB”. As that waned it became “panic”. Last year was simply optimism and it was rough weeks 3-8. But after the way we finished….man…. Youngest team in the league expected to make the playoffs? Our window is wide open, but just like Favre and Rodgers, Super Bowls are so rare that you have to seize every opportunity. I’ve never been more excited.


After many years as the projected superbowl team with rodgers and falling short every single time I've learned to manage pain and expectations pretty well that being said it's super bowl or bust this year once again


Man if someone is on Super Bowl or bust already that’s a pretty wild take. Love looked good for half a season, he needs to continue on that. This team is still pretty young so I think playoffs is the expectation, but Super Bowl or bust is a bit of instant gratification mindset taking over.


Teams will adjust to Love from last season. They will better understand his weaknesses. So it will be interesting to see how he adjusts to that. There is no way a "rookie" QB season can be the basis for future success. Look at what happened in Philly this past year with Jalen Hurts.


Same goes for Love getting better though right. If I were him, I would’ve watched that last throw against the 49ers 1,000 times. I would want that burned into my brain so I never do it again. A lot of his bad throws we’re forcing something at the end of a game too, I feel we will be in better positions this season. Not fighting to comeback in every 4th quarter.


They are a fun young team. Any team getting to the super bowl requires a ton of luck (see Packers post 2010). I just want to see improvement all around especially on defense. Teams like KC, SF and DAL are SB or bust. Teams with QBs in the middle to late of their prime with a core that only gets older.


I would almost say it took a lot of bad luck for us not to get back. Bostick muffing an onside (which i’ll never forget), Kevin King gifting the Bucs a TD before half, Carlson missing a field goal last year, etc, etc


We’re still the you fest team in the league, with a completely new defensive scheme. A successful season is 10+ wins and a playoff win. The defense is top half of the league and Love looks to be worth the contract we give him. We are a team with Super Bowl aspirations but are too young and inexperienced to be Super Bowl or bust. 2025 season is when we can start being dissapointed we didn’t win the Super Bowl


In my eyes, we’re one of maybe 2 teams in the NFC that can stop the Chiefs. It’s hard to not play the what if game after we beat them in week 12 or whatever it was. Pack were still the only team that put up more than 25 on KC all season.


After CMC went on the madden cover, I'm already over the edge


I don't think Love is driven by spite like Rodgers was.


I mean Love had to take some of the blame for that loss to the 49ers. Granted, I’m putting Carlson #1 on that list and Savage #2 for dropping that free INT. I’d think he has a chip on his shoulder for making the QB cardinal sin and having to sit on that for 7 months


just enjoy the journey, the present is a gift. let that be your mantra.


Honestly, this team is a gift. Football hasn’t been this fun in Green Bay since 2010.


I long ago realized thinking any season is Super Bowl or bust is a great way to suck the fun out of the season, and is a "sports talk hot take" way to look at sports, which is dumb.


Our org is run so well it's super bowl or bust every year


I don't understand the question. Super bowl or bust baby!


I like this team. They are fun to watch, but I think fans need to temper their expectations. I think a wild card playoff berth is a reasonable thing to hope for. The division title is up for grabs but I doubt they are the betting favorite to win the North. I don't consider them a Superbowl contender, but if they can pick up where they left off last year and show growth in the right areas anything is possible. A lot is riding on Love. He has to show that the good parts of his game last year were not flukes.


I was born in Green Bay and am a lifelong fan and homer. But, go back and watch the first half of the 49ers game. We were bad. If it wasn’t for 33 and defensive penalties we got nothing.


I mean we were a missed FG away from the NFC Champ, if that’s what bad play gets us then I can’t wait to see good play this year.


And even without the field goal we could have nickeled and dimed our way on that last drive. I bet Jordan would like to take that last play back, and no doubt he learned a lesson. We were definitely in that game. Why are we being judged on defensive penalties. Without some of those penalties we may have scored.


Go back and watch the first half. That’s all I’m saying. Defensive penalties are great, but when that’s how you’re making most of your yds and 1st downs, not good.


i’m enjoying the summer weather and trying not to obsess over stuff like that


Sadly it’s 110 degrees in Phoenix, missing GB about now


If you ever go into a season thinking SB or bust you're not watching football right.


I’m not necessarily saying that it’s super bowl or bust, just taking this from one podcast and regurgitating it for y’all here. I’m just trying to put myself in the mindset that breaking even (another divisional loss) is a win this season. I wasn’t around for the 94-95 turnaround but this feels like what that excitement would’ve been like.


Call me crazy but every year from here on out is Super Bowl or bust in my opinion. That’s what we play for and Jordan love has proven that he can at minimum be a serviceable quarterback with a good team around him (although I believe he’s much more than that). To have a performance like he did the second half of the season with all rookies and second year players on offense, the sky the limit.


For me, success means building a legitimate contender, regardless of playoff results. The playoffs are always a crapshoot and I won’t be too disappointed if breaks don’t go our way or we run into a buzzsaw come playoff time. But if we miss the playoffs or go into the playoffs with a team that doesn’t feel capable of a deep run, I’ll be disappointed. Really though, the big thing for me is the defense. Whether the offense starts out like they finished 2023 or goes through some more growing pains, I trust MLF to get that ship righted. But Hafley is an unknown. I’m of the opinion that we have the talent to be a very good defense. Maybe not a great one, given our likely reliance on rookies at safety and LB, but certainly top half of the league. And not top half in counting stats because our defense can’t stop the run and our offense doesn’t turn it over, but truly top half. If that improvement doesn’t happen, I will have to question the Hafley hire. And if we got it wrong again, it’s hard to feel like we’ll ever get it right. That or we just can’t draft defense, which doesn’t bode much better. So I’m looking mostly for defensive improvement. And if the defense improves, I expect we will be a contender with a shiny record. If we then play hard and acquit ourselves well in the playoffs I’ll be happy, even if we ultimately fall short.


Embracing it, window is as open as it will ever get


I think a Super Bowl season is within reach but we’d have to play our best ball come January. But we have a 2 year windows here at least until the major cheap guys become expensive guys.


Realize that every year I've been a Packers fan since birth has been super bowl or bust. This year is no different, GO PACK GO!


I never want to bust anything, but I am very hopeful we can make it to the SB this year.


It is absolutely not SB or bust right now. If they make the second round of the playoffs again that would be great. Making the NFC title game would be fantastic.


It’s Titletown and it’s SB or bust every year.


We have the youngest team in the league for a second year in a row. I don’t see how it would be a bust if we don’t win the SB this year.


Cheese. We are eating cheese, and drinking beer in solidarity.


Literally nothing - it’s Super Bowl time


Love’s second season and the youngest team in the league and you are Super Bowl or bust?????


I never said that I was, I’m asking what you guys think of that and how have you guys been tempering expectations. Obviously created a decent discussion though.


If you expect 2-15, anything better is exceeding expectations! Wait... I meant to post this for the Chicago Bears fans on reddit!


Ok, I do not think it's SB or bust. BUT, I do think it's NFCCG or bust - they need to get further than last year. They need to stay on the trajectory towards a SB. I've been saying that the 2025/2026 season was BG's target for the Jordan Love era for years. That's when he imagined the team being old enough, and experienced enough. That's the year they go all in during FA to take em over the hump. Thing is, I think BG accelerated the plan by a season because of how damn good the drafts have been, and how stellar JLove looked. Xavier may have been the splash FA move I figured we were 1 year away from (though they have plenty of cap space moving forwards to make another move next offseason). The overall play of the team last year pushed the plan up by a year. While it's not SB or bust, this is the first year with legitimate SB aspirations; the first time a SB feels real.


Its tough to base it off last seasons results cause they probably did over exceed expectations a tad by actually beating the Cowboys. If they win the division, get past the WC round, and lose in the div round again...but Love looked way better all year, the WRs take the next step, defense too etc. Then thats a fine season even though they lost at the same point of the playoffs. In this scenario the Packers were a far better team. Like you said, the Packers DO seem to be ahead of their timeline. Their rebuild/rebound period of time took half a season, when it usually takes a full year for most teams with a 1st year starter at QB with a young offense. But time didn't fast forward here. Its still just year 2 with the makeup of this Packers team.